Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Walking of the Edge of Friendship ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: Sorry I've been gone so long. I'm not dead, yet though! I've just been busy. I had fun going to a concert on friday, and yesterday and today I've been helping out at my school's musical, ushering. It's great fun, musicals. On with the story, and don't forget to review (flame me for once will ya?!).

Disclaimer: I do NOT own digimon. All the big scary companies (Toei, Bandai and Timewarner) that do can NOT sue meh. I maintain the right to toy with sexual orientations, choose each characters mate as i do so choose, and kill them if it comes down to that.
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Dais uke stepped out the doorway of Takeru's building, while shoving his arms throws the sleeves of his jacket. He glanced back at Ken, who seemed to be somewhere other than the here and now. "Ken? Hello?"
"Huh? Oh, sorry, I'm just...not here today."
"I see."
"Thank you again for going to all this trouble."
"It's not trouble at all. Now where exactly are we going?"
"Doesn't really matter. The location doesn't matter as much as the words."
"Alright." They traveled away from Takeru's, and found themselves near Daisuke's old elementary school. Daisuke paused for a moment outside the front gate, looking in, at the front door of the school. "Brings back memories, huh?"
"Yeah, although it really hasn't been that long."
"Huh," Daisuke turned his head towards Ken, who was now standing next to him. "Hey, you want to go kick a ball around for awhile?"
"Not a bad idea."
"Great! Come on, the fields are around back."
"Where will we get a ball?"
"They never put them away right, there's always a couple left on the field."
"Um..if you say so," Ken shrugged and followed Daisuke around the school, and to the back. Of course Daisuke was right about there being balls left out by students after practice and P.E. classes. Ken stooped to pick one up, remembering the first time he and Daisuke had met. He gave himself a mental slap for being wistful and stood up with his infectious grin on his face. "How long has it been since we played each other?"
"Way too long," Daisuke gave him a peculiar smile, and kicked the ball he had found towards Ken. Ken caught it under his foot and whipped it back; Daisuke had to dodge to keep from being hit in the face. "Whoa!"
"Sorry about that. I guess I just don't know my own strength sometimes!"
"Yeah.." Daisuke picked the ball up and twirled it on his index finger. "C'mon, let's you and me have a one on one."
"With pleasure."
Daisuke dropped the ball onto the ground, and they began. Ken easily nabbed the kicked off, running towards his goal dribbling the ball in an amazingly even pattern for the rate of speed he was going. When he kicked it into the goal, Daisuke caught it, falling to the ground in the process. Daisuke then lunged across the field, ball in tow, scoring a goal easily. He paused to catch his breath, while Ken dribbled the ball around. "Hey Ken?"
"Yeah?" Daisuke grinned and kick his ball straight at Ken's chest. Ken caught it fairly easily. "Hey, don't abuse the ball or it might abuse you back!" Ken threw the ball back at Daisuke, who was felled by it.
"OW! What the heck!"
"Like I said, it might abuse you back."
"I get the point.." Daisuke started dribbling the ball down the field in his ever famous egotistical way. "Motomiya "The Fireball" Daisuke!"
"I'm sure," Ken laughed, running up the field to catch up with Daisuke. "Copycat!"
"Neh!" Daisuke stuck his tongue out at Ken, and ended up running smack into the goal he had been running towards. He fell over, causing Ken to trip over him. They ended up a few feet from the goal, Ken sprawled on top of Daisuke. When they got their bearings, they looked at each other in suprise, both with very pink cheeks.
"I-I'm sorry.." Ken looked away, attempting to get up.
"No, don't.." Daisuke pulled Ken back towards him. "Don't ask me what I'm doing either..I have absolutely no idea."
"I didn't think you did," Ken bit his lip. "Although, this isn't very comfortable."
"It feels pretty good to me."
"Um," Ken blinked a couple times before locking eyes with Daisuke. "I-" He was cut off by Daisuke's lips gently, and nervously pressing against his own. When Daisuke let go, Ken slumped off of him and fell to the grass beside him. " Daisuke..what..?"
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be."
"It's just I.."
"Don't. You'll give yourself a headache."
"But I-"
"Shh," Ken grabbed Daisuke's hand, and looked over at him, stands of indigo falling in his way. "Just..shh."
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T aichi whinced as he felt a gust of wind hit him. He looked up at the sky, which was a pale shade of blue-gray, with a little bit of bright blue showing through, in areas. He could feel rain hitting his cheeks, falling down them like tears, which was kind of a polar opposite to his present cheerful mood. He jogged up the 4 flights of stairs to landing his apartment was on, eager to call Yamato. There was only one thing he could think of that would ruin his present mood, and she was running right towards him.
"Great," he mumbled. "Hey Sora."
"Hey, is something bothering you?"
"No," Taichi shook his head. You're what's got me down, damn it. But I can't tell you that. I'm too nice. "What's up?"
"Um, not too much."
"Same here," Liar, liar, pants on fire. "Did you..want something?"
"Yeah," She hesitated and then went on. "Meet me under the bridge..around..4?"
"Um, sure. Why?"
"I..need to tell you something. Don't ask questions, just be there."
"Um, right." He replied absentmindedly.
"Well, um, See ya there," She called to him, as she ran to her own apartment, waving back to to him.
"Bye," He waved back to her without really thinking. "Damn."
He slowly walked the last few yards to his door, and glaring down the landing towards Sora's door. He kicked his shoes off and stumbled into his home.
"Tai-chan, that you?"
"Yeah mom."
"Koushirou called earlier, and I told him I'd have you call him."
"Gee, thanks."
"If I knew you felt that way, I would have told him never to call you again."
"Sorry. Hey where's Hika-chan?"
"She went over to Takeru's."
"Did she call first?"
"I don't think so. Does it matter?"
"It might."
"Oh? It never has before."
"Forget it. He'll probably to be glad to see a female face."
"Whatever you say, hon."
"I'm gonna go call Koushirou and Yamato, and then I'm gonna go meet Sora."
"Alright, dear."
He grabbed the cordless phone form its base and slid down the hallway with it to his room. He threw the door open and shut it without a pause in between each motion. He quickly dialed Koushirou's number. "Pick up, damn you," he mumbled while the other end rang.
"Took you long enough to pick up."
"I had to find the stupid receiver."
"How could you lose it in a house as clean as yours?"
"Well I did."
"What'd you want anyways?"
"Nothing special, really. Just making sure you're alive."
"Very funny. I'm actually sorta glad to have a reason to call you."
"Oh? Is something up? Or just weird?"
"Both. It's Sora."
"Now what is she doing?"
"I think she's going to say it."
"Say what?"
"Are you really that stupid Koushirou?"
"How am I supposed to tell her I don't like her?"
"You don't?"
"Hell no. I'm gay Koushirou. I don't like girls?"
"Oh. Right..man. She is gonna be hysterical."
"I know. I feel terrible."
"I wish I know what to tell you, but my mind is totally blank."
"Don't worry about it. I'll get out of it somehow; I always do."
"I need to go. I promised Yama-chan I'd call him when i got back."
"somehow I don't think I want or need to know. And I'm certainly not going to ask."
"Sayonara, Taichi."
"Bye, Koushirou."
Taichi pressed the off button and slumped into his desk chair. "Since when DO I call him 'Yama-chan'?" He shook his head, remembering that he had to call Yamato. Before he could turn the phone on, it started ringing. He pressed the button and answered.
"Yagami residence."
"Yamato?!" Tai-chan?
"You sounded so..old."
"You wouldn't happen to have any idea why your sister is here, would you?"
"How should I know? She left before I got home."
"Well, she and Takeru disappeared into his room about 15 minutes ago."
"Oh lord."
"How long have you been home?"
"About 20 minutes. Why?"
"Ow. Sorry. Koushirou called."
"Oh. That's different."
"I um, said something stupid."
"I..called you Yama-chan."
"You...baka...son of a..."
"At least he didn't ask."
"Good thing you were talking to him, and not Mimi."
"hey, I'm gonna go, if that's ok."
"Wait, not yet."
"Huh? Why?"
"Dear God, what did she do now."
"She hasn't done it yet..but I think she's gonna tell me well..you know."
"Oh..man. That's tough."
"I don't know what the hell I'm gonna do."
"How's she gonna do it, you think?"
"She's gonna tell me under the bridge..you know the one."
"Did she say to come alone?"
"Well, no..why?"
"Then you don't have to go alone, right?"
"I'll go with you."
"Really? God, sometimes I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Not a problem. What time should I get over there?"
"See ya there then."
Taichi Turned the phone off and slumped into his chair once again, wondering if this day would ever end.
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A/N: Dun dun dun, Sora makes her debut. The next chapter will have some sweet Taito-y goodness. And some Daikenkeru. Thats enough of a sneak preview. Toodles.