Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Walking of the Edge of Friendship ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: I'm back with our newest installment of my story. Right now I'm trying to figure out why no one has flamed me within my 40 something reviews. I want something to bitch about damn it! EERRGGHH. *calms down* I think I'll just shut the heck up now and let you read my story.

Disclaimer: I don't own digimon, but I have every right to think the characters would make excellent sex slaves (or toys, whichever).
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K en stood in front of the elevator in Takeru's apartment building, wondering if would be a good idea to go see Miyako this time of night. That and what her sisters would do if it was a bad time. He pushed the up the button on the elevator and stood in silence waiting for it to come down. When the doors opened, Ken found himself staring at one of Miyako's sisters.
"Hey Ken," She peered down at him curiously. "What brings you around?"
"I was at Takeru's," He shifted his eyes away from hers. "Is Miyako awake? I know it's late, but I really need to speak with her."
"She was when I left," She continued to stare at him oddly. "Go on up."
"Thanks," He bowed slightly and jumped into the elevator right as it was about to close. That was close. I guess I should know by now that Miyako is a creature of the night. Heh. I hope she doesn't get to weirder out when I tell everything that happened to me today. I think she'll understand, even if it isn't quite what she was expecting. Here goes. He knocked on the door twice, and waited. When the door opened, he saw Miyako in her PJs, and a toothbrush in her hand.
"Ok, spill. What did you do now?"
"Can we talk inside your apartment?"
"Oh," She stepped back to let him in. "Right."
"I don't intend on being here long," He stated as he walked past her. "I just need to talk. And to tell you something sort of important."
"How important?"
"Um..life-altering important, I guess."
"Oh," she nodded, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "I see."
"Your room," He hissed through his teeth.
"Ohhh," She lead him down the hallway to her room. "Yeah."
"I just want you to know," He began. "That I..made up my mind."
"About what?"
"It's nice to see you finally admitting it to yourself. I could tell way back."
"Really? I thought you.."
"Liked you? I guess. But not really more than a fangirl type of thing."
"I see."
"So, who's the lucky guy?"
"Ok, what did you do?"
"I...think I may have created a triangle between Daisuke, Takeru and myself."
"..Long story."
"I guess so."
"I don't know what to do."
"I don't get one thing," She took her glasses off and set them on her desk. "How did Takeru get involved?"
"Well," Ken faltered. Damn. I don't know how to explain this. At least I know she'll believe it. I've come to her with stranger before. But...I also never kissed Takeru before. Sometimes I really do think the world would be simpler without me. "He sorta asked me to be an unbiased ear."
"That sounds plausible."
"He's been battling his own..demons of sorts. I think I may have gone too far."
"I..went a little beyond comforting."
She fell out of the chair she was sitting in.
"I..kissed him. Twice. On the lips."
"I'm such a jackass, huh?"
"My three best guy buds would rather jump each other than me or Hikari...dear lord."
"Oh. Sorry about that."
"I need advice."
"I think that if you want to fix things, you're gonna hafta to talk to them yourself. I refuse to get caught up in this."
"I would never do that."
"I think that Hikari saw Takeru and myself...when we..well, had our moment."
"You're dead. I can't help you."
"Ken," She stood up and walked toward the door of her room, turning the knob and opening it. "I think you should go. I'll call you in the morning."
"..Ok," he sighed, dragging himself out. Damn it, that didn't help much. At least I don't have to worry about her being hurt. I probably should go home. But I don't want to. I want to see Daisuke. No, I need to. I don't know why, but I just need to see him. Ken looked up and found himself face to face with a lamp post. That was close. He blinked and walked around it, finding himself in a dark, empty looking lot. The carnival grounds? Why am I here? Daisuke left hours ago. He's probably at his house, and asleep too. Ken sighed, and trudged past it in silence. Then it hit him.
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Takeru fumbled with his keys, trying to unlock his door. He finally got the key in on the seventh try, and pushed the door open, revealing a dark and empty apartment. Mom's still gone on business, and I guess Yamato is at Taichi's. Predictable. That's Ok though, I'm not in the mood to deal with either of them. I just..want to be alone. And for once in my life, I actually have the opportunity to do so. He slumped down on the couch, and clicked the TV on. He draped himself all over the couch, and clutched the TV remote to his chest. He flipped through the channels for a few minutes, until he found something that wouldn't overload his mind. He found some late night Pocket monsters. He closed his eyes and replayed the second kiss he and Ken had shared at the carnival. He must have dozed off, because when he opened his eyes again, the clock read 2:59. He fell off the couch when he heard a knock at his door.
"What the hell-? Who would be here at this time of night?" He mumbled, trying to find the door. When he opened it, Daisuke tumbled into his arms. "What the-?"
Daisuke didn't say anything. He grabbed onto one sleeve of Takeru's shirt, and attempted to pull himself upright, but instead pulled them both down, Takeru on top. Takeru managed to close the door with his foot, before looking Daisuke in the face. He looks awful. And I don't think he's been home yet, either. Takeru pulled himself up, only to find himself in a very unlawful position on Daisuke. He sweatdropped, and tried to roll off. Daisuke wouldn't let go. He struggled with Daisuke for seven or eight minutes before deciding to bite his hand. It worked, and Takeru fund himself lying on the floor, and Daisuke whining in pain.
"OW! You didn't..didn't hafta..hafta..bite me."
"Yes I did."
"No you didn't." Before Takeru could say anything back, he felt a hand fly into his cheek, and then glide across his face. He blinked before raising a hand to touch his cheek. Daisuke turned his face away from Takeru's because he didn't want him to know that he was crying. He stood up, still not looking at Takeru, and leaned on the wall with one arm, and then letting his head fall onto the arm. Takeru looked up at him in confusion.
"Daisuke? Why..?"
"Like you don't know."
"Don't play innocent. I saw you. A-and K-ken.."
"Oh.." Takeru looked away. "It..wasn't exactly..as it looked.."
"How can a kiss be anything but a kiss?"
"That isn't what I meant."
"Then what the fuck did you mean?!"
"Ken..he was trying to help me sort something out."
"By kissing you?!"
Takeru nodded. "I don't think it helped though."
"What..was he trying to help you sort out?"
"..It's..a long story."
"I don't care."
"..I don't want to explain it here...like this.."
"What do you mean?"
"Can..can we go to your place?"
"My-? Why?"
"Because," Takeru stood up, hoping he wasn't several shades redder than was normal for him. "You obviously haven't been home yet. And because I'd rather not be alone tonight."
"I can stay here.."
"That's..not what I meant." Takeru bit down on his lip. "I'd rather not be alone with..you."
"I told you," Takeru shook his head. "I'll tell you later. At your place."
"..Fine, fine."
"Let me go pull some actual pants on."
"You-your not we-wearing any p-pants?!"
"Just my boxers."
"Don't scare me like that!!"
"Sorry," Takeru replied as he came back from his room in a sweater and jeans. "Let's go."
Daisuke nodded. They walked in silence until they were a block from Daisuke's building. Daisuke paused for a moment.
"My parents are gonna be so pissed.."
"I'll explain what happened." Daisuke's eyes bugged out when Takeru said this so Takeru added, "I'll omit certain..um..details."
They managed to get up to Daisuke's door without attempting to murder one another. Daisuke didn't want want go in though.
"Damn it," Takeru glared at Daisuke. "I'd open it, but it's your damn apartment."
"Don't '...' me!"
"Are you trying to piss me off?!"
Daisuke nodded, about to burst out laughing. Takeru just glared, and opened Daisuke's door. "Hey! It's MY apartment!!"
"You waited too long." Takeru stuck his tongue out at Daisuke, as he stepped through the threshold.
"Good," Daisuke breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the apartment was completely dark. "They're asleep."
"Not quite." Takeru pointed to a lamp which had just turned on. "Someone's awake."
"Oh Daisuke, where the hell have you been?!"
"Whatever. I'm just glad you're back," She smiled and put her arms around him. She looked behind Daisuke at Takeru. "Thank you for bringing him home...um..would you like to stay here tonight?"
"Yeah," Takeru nodded. "Thank you."
"Daisuke," She turned to attention to her brother again. "Go get an extra futon out for Takeru."
"..Yeah, yeah, I'm going."
"I'll..just go to his room and wait."
"Ok," she replied. "I need to go to bed. See you two in the morning."
Takeru nodded and found his way to Daisuke's room in the dark apartment.
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A/ N: Ok, I've definitely decided that Taichi and Yamato are gonna be put on hold. I might shove them into the next chapter (hey, I warned you this was gonna be long way back in..chapter 4 or 5 I think). That's about it. Byebye..bye.