Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ The Anime Prom ❯ Chapter 8

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
The song seems to almost weave a spell around the room. Amrae glances at Ryouga out of the corner of her eye and slowly reaches over to take his hand. Her fingers tremble as they interlace with his and she blushes when he looks up at her.

There's...there's just something about this song. And being here with you...I

She trails off and looks down at their hands, suddenly too shy to say anything.

Ryouga feels Amrae's slender hand slip into his. He brings his eyes away from the singing and glances at her. No stranger to being nervous, he flashes her a smile. ((OOC: Fangy smile!)) Amrae starts to say something but starts to trail off. Wordlessly, he releases her hand and brings his arm to wrap around her slight shoulders.

"Yeah, there is something about the song."

Funny, earlier today Ryouga would have never dreamed he would be in a position like this. He's surprised that he hasn't fainted due to excessive nose-bleeds at this point.

His arm slides around her shoulders and Amrae looks up at him in amazement. Was this the same boy that could barely look her in the eye not two hours ago? She smiles back and leans her head against his shoulder, burying her forehead in the curve of his neck.

I never thought this would happen to me. I saw everyone around me falling in love, but I guess I thought no one could ever care about a mixed-up half-breed like me. I don't suppose you can plan these things...they just happen.

She chuckles softly at herself when she realizes that she's rambling. Relaxing, she turns back to Vincent and Yuffie still on the stage.

After looking around Jehosi see's Cloud standing by the punch table. Trying to forget the butterflys in her stomach, Jehosi let's out a shakey breath mumbling to herself.

Here goes nothing....

Twisting her hands around she starts to walk towards him..

Amrae's words rang clearly through the blaring music, reverberating through Ryouga's head. He could relate so well to what she just said. He's a half breed too, in a sense. And he didn't plan this at all. It's kind of hard to stick to a schedule when something like walking 10 feet is a 3 hour process. Spontaneity is such a strange thing. One's life can change in a matter of moments without you even considering it. Ryouga never planned to actually find someone other than Akane whom he could care about.. and she returned that affection to him. Not P-chan, but him. Ryouga. She had managed to find some way to care about him, a person who was so obsessed and delusional that his main source of power came from his own negativity. He turned his head, watching her as she rest against his body. A loose strand of hair fell across the side of her face. Ryouga reached out with a traveled hardened hand, tentatively and somewhat unsure. Gently, he brushed the stray strand away.

"Her face is so soft," he thought, making no move to break the touch.

approaching Cloud's turned back Jehosi tapped his shoulder. Cloud turned around to look at her with a smile. The words that Jehosi had planned on saying got stuck in her throat and her tongue turned into a pretzel


In utter emberassment Jehosi quickly turned away and disapeared into the crowd. She found where Ryouga and Amrea were sitting but discarded the thought of joining them. Instead, she retreated to the girls bathroom, locking herself in the stall for being such an idiot on emberassing herself

Amrae fells his touch linger on her cheek and a chill runs up her spine. Almost unconsciously she leans her face against his hand and her eyes close half-way. What was this strange sensation? Whatever it was, she didn't want it to end.

She finds herself gazing into Ryouga's eyes. She lets herself get lost in those deep pools of past despair. So much pain and loneliness...but there was something more there now. Something different that made his once harsh glare softer and warm.

Ryouga...what's happening here? Are we

She stops, searching for the words. But her mind is misty, her thoughts only focusing on the young man there with her.

Ryouga struggles to find the words to answer Amrae's plea. She seemed just as confused about what to feel as he was. Without another thought, he leaned in and kissed her.

Amrae breathes in sharply when his lips touch hers. So soft and gentle despite the obvious strength of the warrior behind it. This is what she had been waiting for...hoping for. Ryouga's actions answered her question better than any words could have.

With Yuffie and Vincents singing done the DJ takes over again. A slow song starts to play.

They can say anything they want to say
Try to bring me down, but I will not allow
Anyone to succeed hanging clouds over me
And they can try hard to make me feel
That I don't matter at all
But I refuse to falter in what I believe
Or lose faith in my dreams

'Cause there's a light in me
That shines brightly
They can try, but they can't
Take that away from me

They can do anything they want to you
If you let them in, but they won't ever win
If you cling to your pride and just push them aside
See I have learned there's an inner peace I own
Something in my soul that they cannot possess
So I won't be afraid and the darkness will fade

'Cause there's a light in me
That shines brightly
They can try, but they can't
Take that away from me

No they can't take this
Precious love I'll always have inside me
Certainly the Lord will guide me
Where I need to go

They can say anything they want to say to break me down, but I won't face the ground
I will rise steadily, sailing out of their reach

Oh Lord, they do try hard to make me feel
That I don't matter at all but I refuse to falter
In what I believe or lose faith in my dreams

'Cause there's a light in me
That shines brightlycan try, but they can't
Take that away from me

Ryouga clumsily keeps his lips pressed to Amrae's, savoring the contact. A warmth spread through him. Ryouga finally broke the contact, blinking in confusion as well as slight embarassment. Seeing the way that Amrae's eyes shone with affection caused Ryouga to once again break out in a grin.

"You know, we never got to dance."

Sitting in the stall with her head in her hands Jehosi mutters over and over to herself

I'm SO stupid..just had to choke up....ugh..

Amrae fells her face growing hot again when he breaks away. His grin makes her giggle slightly.

You're right, we never did. So...shall we? She stands up, still a bit shaky from her fall, and holds out her hand.

Taking her hand, Ryouga lets himself be lead to the dance floor. Noticing that Amrae is still shaky from her fall, he wraps an arm around her waist in order to offer support. Weaving their way through the couples, Ryouga and Amrae finally manage to clear a small space out for themselves. It was at this point that Ryouga realizes that he doesn't know how to dance.

Ryouga looks at her with a uneasy smile and Amrae nods.

You can't dance, can you? It's okay, there's nothing to it. I can show you.

She takes his hands and wraps them around her waist, then drapes her own around his neck.

Now all you have to do is sway with the music. See? It's easy.

Ryouga's back bristles as Amrae places his hands around her slender waist. He feels the blood start to rush to his head as she wraps her arms across his neck. He unsteadily starts to rock back and forth, clumsily trying to keep in time with the music. Realizing the proximity between he and the stunning half elf is almost nil, Ryouga feels his face start to once again flush. His palms start to grow sweaty, resting uncertainly above the curve of Amrae's hip.

::Wanders off stage with Vincent, trying her hardest not to fall off the stairs. She looks around, noticing the few people who aren't under the pretzel spell are dancing::

So Vinnie. You never _Did_ answer me about being able to dance

*looks at Yuffie, arms on her shoulders*

Oh.. I've never really tried... But I was taught.. long ago..

*Sticks the mic into his pocket and gets into a slow-dance position*

I think.. it goes like... this..

*Wobble a bit, but keeps straight, placing his hands at Yuffie's waist*


See... cuz I was never _that_ good...

I think you do something like this too

::Sways a little, in unison with Vincent::

*pulls her a little closer*

I think we've got it

*smiles, swaying with whatever music happens to be playing at the moment*

You look nice, you know that? I like the dress. ^_^

Thanks Vinnie

::Blushes a little::

You look nice too... I like your... cape.

As close as they are, Amrae can feel Ryouga's seemingly ever-present nervousness. She chews her lip for a moment.

Hey, it's okay. Just...relax.

*Vincent also blushes a bit*

Thanks... You... seem to be able to dance well, too.

*looks into her eyes, a bit of a smile on his face, the red tint showing up on his cheeks*

Really? I dunno

::Looks closer at Vincent and realizes that he's blushing a little. She smiles in amusement::

*Looks down to hide his blush*

You're a fine dancer...

*looks into her eyes*

Ah, pretty, too.

"There is nothing to be nervous about. There is nothing to be nervous about," Ryouga kept telling himself.

Naturally, he was nervous. He was rather enjoying himself though.

After finally getting over her embarrassment Jehosi finally comes out of the stall. She walks over to the mirrors and smooths down her dress for the umpteenth time that night. Running her finger through her red hair, she sighs turning to the door, but stopping to make sure she didn't have any toilet paper clinging anywhere. She shoves the door open and finally comes out.

I think I'll just hang out right here for awhile.

Leaning against the wall she crosses her arms across her chest her eyes watching the crowd. A faint smile plays at her lips as she watches Amrea and Ryouga dance together.

They are so nice together.

Amrae sees Jehosi over Ryouga's shoulder and gives her an encouraging smile with a wink.*After this song I've got to talk to her...make sure she's okay.*

Turning her attention back to her partner, Amrae finds Ryouga's uneasiness intensely amusing. She reaches one hand up to play with the loose strands of hair that lay on the back of his neck.

You'd be a lot better dancer if you'd just calm down. Her tone is teasing but kind.

For some reason, Amrae's touch upon Ryouga's hair seems to relax him. Holding her close, Ryouga loses himself in the music. He lets his mind detach from his surroundings as the dancing becomes more fluid, the only things he stays conscious of being their movements.

::Smiles and hugs Vincent::

Nobody's ever said that to me... It's always been 'brat' this, 'brat' that

*Holds Yuffie tight*

I hardly remember much from the past... nor if I had the luxury of a dancing partner so lovely as yourself.
his chin on her shoulder*

Glad I came

Amrae feels his body go lax as he pulls her closer. She wishes this song never ends, but she knows it almost over. *Spirits! Not only is the SONG almost over, so is the prom! It's got to be getting late...*

Godo made me come. Said it'd be good for me... I didn't want to.

I'm so happy I did, though. More than I've ever been

Thank you for coming, then... I feel just about the same.
his eyes and sways slowly to the music, or to his drunkness, or who knows... He smiles, holding Yuffie close.*

"Amrae..uh...I dunno how to say this...but...thanks for everything," Ryouga says quietly.

Ryouga, I should be thanking you...you've helped me more in one night than anyone ever has in my life.

The slow song ends, but Amrae doesn't move from Ryouga's embrace.

As the last song ends another begins. It's the last slow song of the night.

When I was younger never went to far
Held my feelings and never even wanted to start
so when i met you, i didnt know
what you were gonna do with my heart

When you talk (I cling on every word you say)
when you walk (Just like a breeze on a summer day)
when you smile (the sky turns from grey to blue, thats what you do)
And your the kind of girl I think of
and your the kind of girl I dream about
my heart is telling me that I need you in my world (in my world)
cause you my kind of lady (your my kind of girl)....

Still standing against the wall Jehosi shift's her weight from one foot to another sighing to herself.

Might as well get my things and get ready to go..

As she starts to walk away somebody grabs her hand. Turning around she sees Cloud.


::Hugs Vincent close, then pulls away from the hug, looking deep into his ruby red eyes. She smiles.::

Looks like it's almost Closing Time, Vincent.

*Vincent smiles back at her, looking into her pale silver eyes.*

Closing time

*He leans forward, kissing her softly on the forehead*

I know who I want to take me home

::Yuffie holds him close, leaning her head against his chest and hearing the last slow song beginning to end::

I know who I want to take me home.
me home.

*Vinnie smiles again, running a hand through Yuffie's short hair. As she says the last line, he sings it with her.*

Take.. me.. home..

*His voice goes quiet...*

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end

::Looks up and smiles slightly, then speak sings, barely above a whisper::

..And I know I've found a friend.

Vincent and Yuffie leave the auditorium, arm in arm and stumbling as the alcohol finally drains them.

Take.. me hoooome...

Vinnie smiles, the both of them leaning on each other and walking off into the night.

Hey... Yuffie... I got a place we can stay.

They stop in front of an apartment building, Vincent digging a key out of his coat.

We're here

They both step in and close the door, the small living room sparsely decorated with a good chunk of floorspace. After wobbling and looking at each other, they lean in close and kiss. Then everything that they had downed at that point takes them over completely and they fall over, sending them into a drunken sleep... the night ending on a rather lovely note.