Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome Brief ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I don't own DBZ or Inu-yasha!!! So dont' sue I'M BROKE!!!

MoonFlower2020: Hi peoples umm... Hi peoples... still don't know what to write here... so it stands at Hi Peoples.

MoonFlower2020: Many, many, many months later... sorry for the wait peoples T_T I'm so ashamed for not writing. I have had many annoying difficulties at school and being sick and all, in fact i'm sick now (very evil stomach virus) but I was inspired when someone who will remain nameless threatened to skin me like a fishie . (and to those wondering I have been informed I am a swordfish)

This chapter is dedicated to Cresent Moon22000 and Sporty gal because the are both very very persistent.

MoonFlower2020: T_T sorry... got side tracked again today is 5-27-04 and hopefully I'll have the chapter up by tomorrow I got an e-mail that helped me get back on track.

MysticSsj5Goku: a lot of people like Kagome Brief Story update man you have 3 solid pages of reveiws saying "UPDATE OMG ASAP PLEAAAAAAASE"

Moonflower2020: I DID IT AGAIN! Sorry sorry sorry!

Moonflower2020: The world doesn't want me to update I had finally finished writing the chapter all 4000 words and my windows died a horrible death! Today is 7-10-04 and I will get this chapter up tonight >.< I SWEAR!!! Although I'll probably go blind doing so.

P.S Don't mind spelling I'm writing on notepad right now

BEGAN: 01-18-04



Last Time

"Oh me, look what I've caught," a woman said suspended in the air before me. "Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Yura of the hair."


"You're Inu-yasha right? Well you have quite a reputation. Inu-yasha, a lap dog of some reincarnated shrine maiden," she whispered smirking.

"You bitch!" Inu-yasha shrieked clawing forward completely missing Yura; being sliced by Yura's sword in the process. I bow my head -- I can't watch this...

"Hmm... pathetic," Yura said wrapping hair around Inu-yasha's arms and legs holding him taut. "You don't even struggle," she murmured bringing her sword up and slashing Inu-yasha. "Bitch!" Inu-yasha screamed breaking free of his bonds, dragging his claws through the pool of blood on his chest. "Blades of blood," he yelled slashing the claws toward Yura taking off her hand, which quickly swung around and stabbed him through the shoulder.

"Oh me, oh my, what is that." she whispered looking me directly in the eye, shooting a thread of hair towards me gabbing the shikon shard. "Oh my! What have you done to my jewel," Yura exclaimed glaring at me. "You naughty naughty girl," she said making a quick downward motion causing her hair to spew flames.

I ducked quickly rapping Inu-yasha's large Haori tight around my body attempting to block out the flames with... surprising success. Why the hell do all these people try to kill me? I thought indignantly, as I began to glow a faint blue-white laced with purple.

"WOULD EVERYONE PLEASE STOP TRYING TO KILL ME!" I shrieked grabbing the closest object, which happened to be a small stone and hurled it toward Yura. The rock hurtled past Inu-yasha just grazing his shoulder, hitting the net of hair behind him.

"I thought that you had masters," Inu-yasha yelled The ball of hair flashed pink before slowly melting to the ground.

"Look what you've done to my beautiful hair," Yura screamed bring her hand back only to be intercepted by Inu-yasha. Damn, what to do? What can I do? Inu-yasha needs help I thought watching the battle. Inu-yasha lurched forward punching Yura through the chest only to have Yura surrounded by hair and miraculously healed... It's like Yura doesn't feel pain...

Slowly calming myself feeling a slight tug at the edge of my senses. Looking over at the fallen masses of hair I noticed a bright red skull. Well... that certainly looks important. Smirking slightly I prepared one of my fathers favorite attacks. "Big Bang Attack" I screamed releasing my energy watching the hair disintegrated than Yura herself.


"What the hell happened?" I muttered to myself. One second I was fighting Yura... there was a brilliant bright light and the next moment Yura had vanished. The air had settled and everything seemed calm, everything except me... Looking over at Kagome as she calmly walked forward picking up the Jewel shard and pouch.

"Kagome? What just happened?" I asked watching her closely. Kagome straitened quickly and fear infiltrated her scent, until she calmed.

"You must have destroyed her," she said a fake smile on her face. Then quickly walking over and patting me on the shoulder... which in turn caused me to fall over and moan in pain, all suspicions momentarily forgotten.

"You're weaker than you seem," she muttered bending over and helping me walk back to Kaede's hut ignoring my yells to leave me alone.


The world seems deceptively still today. I thought digging into the recesses of my monstrous yellow pack in search of a first aid kit. After the beating he took yesterday he'll need some new bandages.

Quickly leaving Kaede's empty hut in search of Inu-yasha. Where could he have gone off to? Wandering aimlessly through the village not bothering to call his name. My mind wandered to the night before... It's only going to be a matter of time before Inu-yasha figures out who and what I am. But... until that day happens I can do my best to hind myself and contain my powers, which seemed to be revived since the ring broke.

'grumble,' ;;; as well as my appetite. Reaching into a secret compartment of the first aid kit I grabbed a senzu bean and quickly devoured it. Much better . Now where's Inu-yasha? After a few minutes of search I found Inu-yasha sitting in a tree at the outskirts of town, deep in thought.

"Inu-yasha, get out of that tree and let me tend to your wounds."

"Don't need any," he said simply digging his claws slightly deeper into the tree bark, having a horrible premonition.

"Sit!" I yelled smirking. I love doing that.

"I thought the point of this was to help me heal!" he mumbled into the dirt, carefully pulling his face out of the dirt and into his characteristic pose. (No! ^_^ it's to see Inu-yasha topless!)

"Common take off your shirt," I said tugging at his Haori.

"No leave me alone!" he yelled fighting me causing me to fall on top of him.

"You need to heal!" I yelled back.

Finally Inu-yasha gave in an tugged his Haori to the side revealing perfectly smooth skin.

"What! How can you be healed already? You didn't even use a senzu bean-" I rambled than abruptly stopped hoping Inu-yasha wouldn't notice my little slip. If he did he didn't show it.

"I'm not as weak as you humans," he spat as if being completely human was a bad thing... all though I wouldn't know...

"Humans aren't-" I started but was cut of by Kaede saying shield your eyes. I began to blush a horrible bright red realizing the position Inu-yasha and I were still in. Laying on a topless Inu-yasha. Quickly jumping back and off Inu-yasha

"Kaede it's not what it looks like," I yelled which she just ignored quickly walking away --;;;

"Feh," Inu-yasha muttered blushing slightly as well and pulling his shirt back over his shoulder. "ow" he said slapping the side of his neck revealing a tiny flea.

"Lord Inu-yasha, I am so happy that I have found you," the little flea man said jumping up and down.



"So you know someone's going to violate father's tomb and you left anyway?" Inu-yasha muttered in a bored tone.

"I am too... anxious to be a grave-keeper."

"More like too cowardly," he murmured.

"That is not true!" Myouga yelled jumping up and down.

"So, Inu-yasha you're father was the great demon that prowled in the west?" Kaede asked.

"Yes, Inu-yasha's father was a most imposing Youkai lord," Myouga said starting to jump toward Inu-yasha but thought better of it and jumped to my neck beginning to suck. "Lady Kagome are you a Han-" Myouga started to say but I quickly stopped him by slapping him flat and letting him flutter to the ground.

"Damn parasite," I whispered to myself than quickly changed the subject. What else would Myouga say... he already figured out that I'm a Hanyou! and that was only with a taste of my blood. "What about Inu-yasha's mother?"

"Shut up will you," Inu-yasha yelled his face taking on an anger red hue. "She died a long time ago." He said then left the hut.


"What does she know? She doesn't know what its like to have you're entire family killed... (lol yes she does) Why does she have to nose into my business?" Inu-yasha whispered almost silently, apparently he didn't take into account saiyan ears.

"Inu-yasha..." Kagome said softly coming up behind me. " I'm sorry... I should have minded my own business."

"Feh," I muttered turning my face away taking a whiff of the air in the process. What! "Kagome get down quick!" I yelled but she just stared at me with a blank look on her face. Stupid dimwit! "Don't you feel that energy?" I screamed looking toward the tree line.


The rumble of the earth steadily grew and tree's began to fall. From the quaking forest emerged a gigantic ogre with a man standing on his shoulder.

"So sad Inu-yasha, still hanging around humans," the man said bitting out the word human in disgust. The man seemed aristocratic with a cold expression on his face, he had piercing gold eyes, silver flowing pin strait hair, purple slashes on his face, a blue crescent moon on his face and what seems to be a boa on his shoulder. Inu-yasha seemed to know this man judging by his growl of anger but he wasn't focused on him, but on the graceful woman above in a demon drawn carriage seemingly reaching out toward Inu-yasha.

"Mother," Inu-yasha whispered in a shocked and pained voice. Than turned quickly back to the man. "Sesshoumaru! What are you trying to pull my mother is long dead!

Mother? I thought his mother was dead?

"Oh, what a horrible day for you're poor mother. She has been brought back to life and her own son won't even acknowledge her," an extremely ugly and deformed toad screamed waving his staff back and forth.

How can that be... I thought the dragonballs don't exist yet. So how did Inu-yasha's mother come back to life?

Sesshoumaru smirked slightly and whipped the ogre; it brought its great fist down and began crushing the carriage that Inu-yasha's mother was in, as well as his mother. She slowly gasped for breath but still had a serene look on her face like everything would still be alright.

"Don't worry Inu-yasha," she said. " I have died before."

"Damn!" Inu-yasha screamed leaping forward cutting off the ogre's hand forcing it to drop Inu-yasha's mother. "Kagome take mother and run," he screamed. Ta... ya right like I'll leave him to fight by himself. He could barely hold off Yura and this guy seems a lot stronger, but I guess I should get his mother out of here... Grabbing her hand I begin to drag her away despite her slight resistance.

"Useless!" Sesshoumaru said whipping the ogre twice across the face causing it to slam his arm down preparing to crush us. Inu-yasha quickly sprung forward trying to protect us, but was too slow. Inu-yasha's mother brought her hands up and forward, and in her cupped hand appeared a tiny flower which grew unfurling petals and white light, the world going blank.


What... what happened? I thought looking around finding a open field near a stream and a sakura tree, and a few feet away was Inu-yasha and his mother. Okay, that I understand but how did we get here? I guess we were sent here by Inu-yasha's mother... but where is here?

"Mother, where are we?" Inu-yasha asked confused.

"We are at the border between this world and the next," Inu-yasha's mother said in a beautiful serene voice. Then cupped her hands together creating another flower putting it on the water. "Look into the water."

Wow! This is the border between worlds? I guess they didn't start building yet... I can't see a building for miles... then again in the future it's also a lot higher... I gazed into the water along with Inu-yasha noticing something that Inu-yasha apparently couldn't see.

'Inu-yasha, she doesn't have a face!' I tried to say... Why can't I talk? I can't move at all! 'Inu-yasha! She isn't your mother... Notice you moron!' I tried to say again but it was no use... What is he looking at? Gazing into the dark water I noticed a slight flickering pulse. What?


"Daddy, daddy!" a little Kagome screamed running toward her 'daddy' tackling him from behind holding on to his back. "Daddy!" Kagome screamed again crying.

"What is it Onnanoko?" Vegeta said letting his stiff and gruff exterior melt slightly.

Oh yeah, I remember this... Mom always said that I'm the only one that got Dad to stop being an ass

"Daddy, Trunks and Goten wont let me play with them," Kagome whispered sniffling slightly as she was adjusted from his shoulder to his chest so her head could rest in the crock of his neck.

"Onnanoko, you're a strong little girl and you are going to becoming a powerful saiyan princess. Now a strong sayian doesn't cry. So go up to them and force them to play with you." Vegeta said smirking putting Kagome back gently on the ground.

"Okay daddy," Kagome said giggling slightly running out side again images of torturing Goten and Trunks flitting through her mind.

I remember, daddy shouldn't have told me to force them to let me play... I remember I beat both Goten and Trunks to a bloody pulp... I guess Inu-yasha's right... I can't possibly imagine what it has been like for him... I have always had loving and accepting parents... Even though they might not seem that way to others


"Lady Kagome! Lady Kagome get up!" Myouga screamed jumping up and down as always. "It is I Myouga the flea" he yelled again (like you couldn't tell). "Poor girl paralyzed," he said shaking his head slightly. "Couldn't even swat a flea," he whispered looking at Kagome's throat greedily, before jumping up to her neck preparing to dine. "Don't worry Lady Kagome, I won't tell anyone that you're half demon." he said beginning his feast.


"Damn parasite! Who said I could be your dinner... and who ever said I was half 'demon'" I said getting up and stretching my body. Looking around I watched as the world began to flicker and the beautiful limbo faded into a desolate swamp.

"Un-mother, dig deeper!" the ugly toad screamed. "Lord Sesshoumaru needs to know the location of that tomb!" he screamed once again.

"Yes, Lord Jaken," the un-mother whispered pushing her arms deeper into Inu-yasha's body. (poor, poor, un-mother having to be subservient to JAKEN!)

What are they doing? I thought drawing closer to the toad, whatever it is it can't be good...

"Remember Inu-yasha, where is your fathers tomb?" the un-mother whispered

"Don't know," Inu-yasha muttered only half conscious.

"Inu-yasha, you must think harder..."

"Black pearl on the right," he whispered his head falling forward.

"What!? That makes no sense," Jaken screeched. "Dig deeper!"

"Lord Jaken, if i dig deeper it will break his soul..."

"Do it," he yelled slamming the un-mother across the face with his staff. --;; I can't watch this any longer. Jumping forward in front of Jaken I kicked him lightly sending him head first into the swamp water.

"Stupid toad!" I yelled. "You're even worse than that parasite, Myouga." Running over to the un-mother I slowly began pulling on her... I don't know what she's doing but I'm sure pulling at her violently will damage Inu-yasha. "Let go of Inu-yasha!" I said beginning to pull harder.

"I wont," she screamed bringing her arms deeper into Inu-yasha's body."

"Lady Kagome! You must awaken Inu-yasha's soul. This Youkai is known as the un-mother It was formed by gathered souls of grieved mothers who have been parted from their children by famine or war!" Myouga screamed from a relative safe distance.

"How do I wake him up?" I asked beginning to panic as the un-mother almost completely engulfed Inu-yasha. Looking around for something to help, I noticed the water... It gave me that vision of the past, and seemed to hypnotize me into a feeling of peace. Thats what it must be doing to Inu-yasha! Grabbing a branch destroying the image of Inu-yasha as a child in the arms of his mother. (everyone: AWWWWWWWWWWWW) The un-mother began shrieking pulling away from Inu-yasha, leaving him gasping for air.

"Crap!" he yelled... not very good with words is he? "Crap!!! I thought she was my mother!" he screamed indignantly.

"Inu-yasha, I have discovered where father's tomb is located," Sesshoumaru said in his normal cold voice stopping Inu-yasha mid-rant. Rushing forward Sesshoumaru gripped Inu-yasha's neck tightly raising him of his feet. "It was such an incredible place, and in plain sight." he muttered

"BASTARD! What are you talking about?" Inu-yasha yelled

"Is it possible that you don't know?" he said calmly. "In that case lets visit father's tomb," Sesshoumaru said bringing his arm back stabbing Inu-yasha through his eye pulling out a small black pearl, throwing Inu-yasha to the ground. "This is why I was never able to find father's tomb... A place you can see, but can't see... A place the "True Grave Keeper" can't ever see... In your right eye..."

So... thats the tomb everyone's been fighting over? How small was Inu-yasha's father (lol thats wut my little sister said when she saw that episode)

"You impersonated my mother for that?" he yelled sprinting forward swinging violently at Sesshoumaru.

"I have no time for this," Sesshoumaru murmured bring his arms back allowing his arms to take on a green glow of hissing acid and rushing forward to attack Inu-yasha, only to have Inu-yasha pushed out of the way by the Un-mother killing her... Sending bits of flesh flying through the air as if she had exploded.

"The Un-mother, protected Inu-yasha?"

"Yes, the Un-mother is made of the tender feelings for children... It's only natural to protect it's children..." Myouga said.

"Worthless thing," Sesshoumaru yelled stepping on the Un-mother's head. (its a Sesshoumaru yell... one you can't tell from anyone of his other emotions.)

"Stop!" I screamed ignoring Myouga's screams to stop. "Bastard!" I yelled beginning my own attacks, ones that had more finesse then Inu-yasha's random punches; which Sesshoumaru blocked. Damn still not strong enough!

"I have no time for this. Next time I'll kill both of you," he said bringing back his whip pushing me away, than retreating through the newly formed portal. Ha! He should run, after all I am Princess of all Saiyans... (some Vegeta influence).

Myouga shaking off the shock of seeing me take on Sesshoumaru quickly wore off... If only he'd shut up...

"Inu-yasha, we must hurry! Sesshoumaru will take your father's treasure!" Myouga screamed but Inu-yasha just stared at me suspiciously.

"Like I care," Inu-yasha said still staring at me expectantly. Like I'm gonna say anything... "I'll go just to take care of Sesshoumaru," he screamed then glared at me. "and you stay out of it! This is between me and my brother."

"Fine whatever... If you want to get yourself killed," I muttered jumping through the portal. "Are you coming or not?" I asked waiting for Inu-yasha to jump in the portal behind me.


Hi peoples T_T ONCE AGAIN I AM SO SO SORRY! Please review and I will be happy. Oh and if people want to talk to me and bug me to write go ahead and do so! My AIM is InuyashaKagome16