Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Battle Clash ❯ Battlelines ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Battle Clash

By Mari and -anime_angel123 and now Shadow Megatron.

Disclaimer: DB/Z/GT is the © property of Akira Toriyama. Ranma ½ is the © property of Rumiko Takahashi. Fat Bastard is the © property of the creators of Austin Powers. Brian is the © property of Brian (Shadow Megatron)

A/N: This whole chapter was made by my co-author, Brian. So let's give him a big hand everybody!

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Chapter 5 Battlelines

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Nerima, ward of Tokyo Japan, within this chaotic hub of insanity a phone rang within one of the seedier parts of this city.

A tall slender redhead sauntered to his phone; the six foot one inch man flicked his shoulder-length hair from his neck in irritation, dressed in biker gear the semi handsome man growled at the people near 'his' phone

The young street couple backed away from the scarred man, upon the man's face from left eye to his lips a scar he earned in a street brawl was evidenced, he thrust out his slender arm as his thin fingers grasped the Payphone handle, a rather sarcastic half smile graced his face, his glasses glinted in the artificial light of the place he resided in, he cradled the handle against his shoulder and ear

"It's your dime, start squawking"

The rough voice uttered into the phone. It was then the Announcer from the Budokai tournaments replied, "Hey Brian I was approached by Goku and a few others, how would you feel about holding the Budokai in Nerima, well it would be great, wouldn't it?"

The enthusiastic pumped tone retorted within Brian's ear

Brian's brows furrowed together, "Budokai here, are you kidding me, did you hit your head on the shower or something, even if I was amendable to the idea, what the hell is in it for me!"

Brian grunted into the receiver harshly, as he retorted to the Announcer, unlike his brother the Announcer, Brian had grown up the hard way where the street rules of life were paramount, look out for #1 and fuck everyone else, he learned his lessons the hard way, whilst his brother was in the proverbial lap of luxury Brian was a street kid being adopted out to the Announcer guy's family

"Un, well can you do it out of the goodness of your heart, for me bro?" The unsure reply stated within the street thug's ear

Brian's lips formed a grimace of disdain as if he ate something sour. "Of all the half assed things to say, you know damn well how I live you idiot, I suppose I can let this slide, but mark my words 'Brother' you owe me, I want in on this thing, and I ain't taking NO for an answer, you got me, and no I don't want Zenny or Yen, all I am doin this for is the fact that maybe you'll stop freaking bugging me again, I am no damn goodie good, capeech!"

Brian slammed the phone back on the hook, his murky blue eyes narrowed under his glasses as they glinted in the light. *Damn goodie two shoes of an adopted older brother, where the hell does he get off sniffing around me again. * "Gimmie a beer!" He growled lowly at the bartender

The bartender placed a VB bottle beside the scowling redhead. "You are going to pay for this right?"

Brian embedded a dagger in the counter and shot the bartender a dirty look. "Maybe, maybe not, depends if this really is VB or not, for your sake, it had better be, or I will kick your ass on principal"

The brooding man stated tersely to the heavyset barman

The barman stood back and waved his hands warningly. "Calm down Drake I didn't mean nothing by that." The barman stated worriedly

Drake was notorious for taking unusual pleasure of beating the shit out of those that thought they could get one over on him, usually the rough as guts thug kept to himself rather than get into any group

However what happened to the bigger bruiser that messed with him was part of Brian's reputation, he sent the seven foot behemoth gunlord to the hospital in a coma, gunlord died hours later due to the fact he was mangled beyond belief, Drake was in a sad state too but he recovered and became more meaner and dangerous, word got out to Nerima never mess in Drake's business or Drake himself, the repercussions were far from pleasant

Drake opened the bottle with his teeth and took an experimental swallow of the beer, grunting his satisfaction he paid the man, retrieved his dagger and sauntered out of the bar scowling at anyone that dared to meet his gaze...

The barman breathed a sigh of relief as everyone went about there own business again. *That was close, I damn near shit myself. * The barman thought warilly as he gave his thanks to whatever Kami was watching over him.

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The Announcer guy beamed to Goku a smile. "Yep it's all set up, or is going to be, if there's one thing I know, Brian is thorough and a perfectionist to detail." The sandy haired sunglasses wearing announcer related to the Saiyan

Goku blinked naively, "You have a brother, that's so cool!"

The announcer sweatdropped nervously, "Yeah...Right...Cool." He laughed nervously as he retold to the Saiyan and the Z crew how he had a brother and the extenuating circumstances

Vegeta showed a rather small smile. "Now this Brian sounds like MY kind of people, even though he is a weak human, a complete walking badass motherfucker on human standpoints."

Vegeta winced slightly as Bulma whapped him upside the head with her purse. "Vegeta, Language, there are children around!" She said with a twitching brow as she noted a couple of children barely 14 years old

Vegeta glared, "Bite me, their parents should be looking after them, not letting them run around like vermin!" Vegeta scowled darkly as he glared at the children whom scattered to the four winds under the irritated prince's glare

Ranma blinked, "Hey that guy sounds like Drake, he is a real piece of work, nowhere in my league although, I am the best, but he can really be a vindictive SOB, I mean he sent some Bacterium dude to hospital for farting on him, heard later Bacterium died in a coma due to being totally FUBAR (Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition), Drake was badly wounded indeed, and when he recovered he became more meaner than a nest full of African honey bees protecting their hive"

Ranma said quietly to the gathered Z crew, Krillin blinked and whistled. "Was this before or after Bacterium had the 'M' upon his forehead?"

Ranma blinked and shrugged, "Bacterium had this 'M' upon his forehead, from what I heard the fight was the most horrifying indeed Drake and Bacterium went toe to toe, and you now know how that ended." Ranma shrugged not noticing the significance he stated

Vegeta sweatdropped, "Shimmatta, he is positively feral, wait Drake hmm, named after a Dragon how interesting...."

Goku blinked, "Oh how's that?"

Vegeta gave Goku a sidelong glare, "There was a legendary Black Dragon in china called Sheng Dai, whomever this Brian is, it's obvious he has Black Dragon blood in him somewhere along the lines "

Ranma blinked, "And that's a good thing right?"

Tureles sweatdropped, "No son, the 'Black Dragon' is a mythical creature of pure chaotic evil, those amongst it's bloodline share the inherent trait of said bond, Genghis Khan whose real name I cannot recall at the moment, another such descendant is the infamous Adolph Hitler as far as I know." He said surprising the gathered people at his knowledge on the subject at hand

The announcer guy sweatdropped, "Well I better get a plane ticket to Nerima, see you all there, it's going to be an underground fight area, Brian was known as a Pit fighter (Similar to anyone whom has played that video game, ANYTHING and Everything goes), as such the arena will be in an abandoned warehouse."

Chi-Chi looked at the Announcer quietly. "Well I am coming along too, nothing will stop Pan from getting good grades, if I have my way!" She said mulishly

Tureles whispered to his son, "See it's as I told you"

Ranma sweatdropped then winced as he was splashed. "Ok who's the wise guy!" Ranko stated cracking her knuckles as she spied the shape-changer holding an empty glass. "Oh you are so getting pounded into pork buns!"

Oolong decided to head for the hills as the Aquatransexual chased him her eyes flaming righteous anger

Everyone sweatdropped. "Well that went well." Tureles smirked silently envisioning a Char broiled pervert pig as he stated that

Bra and Trunks facefaulted at their impromptu first glance of a Jusenkyo curse in action

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Genma was sweating as he had been cornered by a gaijin male. "Urk, I wasn't trying anything believe me!" The fat martial artist stated wary lying through his teeth at the Redhead

There was a dark chuckle emanating from his pursuer. "Now why do I find that hard to believe eh?" The redhead came into the light the sun reflecting from his glasses, he caressed his daggers as he kept a hawk like gaze on the Saotome patriarch, a neutral expression upon his scarred face

Genma backstepped nervously as his danger senses were screaming blue murder. "Who are you, and what do you want!" He stuttered out

Brian favored the fat fool with a dark smile, "Who me, nothing save the fact that you threw a stale bun in my path and made me fall on my face, you'll pay for humiliating me like that you fat bastard!"

It was a huge fat redhead that ambled in. "Oi I resent that, that's MY name, you want to make something of it?" It was then Fat Bastard saw a beautiful Japanese girl. "Hey baby I know ya think I'm sexy, come'ere and give us a kiss sweetheart, oh yeah I am to sexy, mah sexy body all ready for ya" Fat Bastard inadvertently provided the best distraction for Genma indeed as Genma escaped via Seikan and faded from sight and escaped

Brian grabbed the girl and shoved her out the alley non-to harshly. "Get outta here sweetcheeks, nice tits." With a whap to her posterior Brian sent the okonmiayi chef on her way, then glared at the Fat git. "You know, I always did want a pinnate." Brian said darkly as he fingered his daggers

Fat Bastard grinned, "You're just jealous that I am soooooo hot!" With that the fat git vanished down the alleyway, leaving a fuming Drake in his wake

"Damn for a fat bastard he is quick on his feet!"

Ukyo looked at the slender redhead's backside and flushed slightly. *Now that's one hot ass! * "Not so bad yourself...Sugar!" With that Ukyo went about her business although she was touched by the rough chivalry the redhead displayed as she smiled slightly *He certainly has a firm touch indeed, and sure of himself, true he ain't Ranma-honey, but that's not necessarily a bad thing* She massaged her backside and narrowed her eyes speculatively *I really should be upset that he treated me like a piece of meat, but when he patted my butt like that, I just don't honestly know what to think! *

Brian for his part smirked darkly, *Wonder if she is anyone's bitch. * Shrugging to himself Brian sauntered into the alleyway where the abandoned warehouse was; he nodded to the warehouse officials and paid a shitload of yen "Gunna hold a Budokai here my 'Brother' has the details, gunna meet him, there the details and his pic in the wad I gave ya, laters "

Orion a large bruiser black fighter looked at Brian. "You in the fights, this is your damn life savings, I don't like this not one bit." Orion was Brian's friend, and if there was one thing he didn't tolerate was Brian being taken advantage of, "I still owe ya for saving my ass that day "

Brian looked at the black man and shrugged. "Ya owe me nuthin, forget about it already." With that Brian walked on by, Orion narrowed his black eyes and scowled. *I still don't like this, if this was anyone else I wouldn't give two fucks, but Drake.. nope I don't like this one bit!*

Orion looked to his underlings. "So what's the word?"

The Italian youth looked to his boss and nodded. "He was tailing Genma Saotome for humiliating him, then some fat arse Scot came up, Genma got away and Drake saved a hot looking brunette from that fat scott, damn he made her his Bitch technically whapping her ass like that, damndest thing I ever saw!"

Orion rubbed his jaw thoughtfully. *Things are getting interesting around here again. * He smirked slightly. "Bout time Drake found a mate heh, things are getting interesting round here"

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Neko Haten

Mousse was sweeping the floor, he was lost in thought, and for once it was not shampoo that was consuming his mind, oddly enough it was Ranma's cursed side. *What am I doing, I should be thinking of my Beloved Shampoo, not Ranma in cursed form, argh what is with me, her eyes such serene emotional bluer, her smile so endearingly confident, her hair such a passionate red! * Mousse's eyes widened to dinner plates as he paled. "I must be out of my mind!" He whispered lowly in quiet speculation, although his heart beat slightly faster when he thought of 'Ranko', he shook his long raven hair. "Never in a million years." He whispered slightly forlorn, he continued to sweep the floor his mind in turmoil

Shampoo looked at her great grandmother. "What wrong with stupid mousse this time?"

For her part Cologne smiled sinisterly, "Maybe Mousse have an accident with some passion spice as well as it being mixed with truth serum in his morning meal?" Cologne stated slightly dark.

It was cologne that did those terrible things to Mousse in retribution to Mousse foiling her and shampoo's plans to 'Get Ranma' into Jokesenkyo.

Shampoo shot a veiled irritated glance at the white robed hidden weapons master. "I be glad to see the back of stupid duck, soon we get Aireen yes?" She looked to her great grandmother hopefully

Cologne smiled sharkishly, "Yes soon child, soon Son in law will see he cannot evade three thousand years of Amazon knowledge." She said in a whisper.

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Happosai was roof hopping, "What a haul, what a haul!" The ancient pervert tittered to himself swag heavy upon his back. *Things are sweet now that the little ingrate is gone, I can restock my collection without it being burned, damned little pest BURNING my silky darlings, off when I get my hands on him, he will wish he never heard of Anything goes! * Happosai thought pettishly as a sneer graced his withered prune of a face, however a hentaish smile graced his lips as he spied Ukyo coming out of the alleyway

"SWEETO!!" With that lusty cry the diminutive pervert latched upon Ukyo and glomped the busty Okonimiayaki chef and divested her of her underwear smirking he bounded away. "Thanks for the gift sweetie MWAHAHAHA!"

Ukyo felt repulsed and drafty, her temper soared whilst she usually was the levelheaded of all of Ranma's fiancée's being glomped by Happosai and having her underwear stolen was enough to make her see red. "Get back here you little bastard!" She exclaimed hotly throwing mini-spatulas like shruiken to try and wing the little letch in order top reclaim her underwear

Happosai laughed mockingly. "No way sweets, missed me missed me now ya gotta kiss me!" With that the little pervert vanished behind a building as Ukyo tried to catch her breath.

"One of these days Happosai I will make you sorry you were born, hell I would be the bitch of the man that teaches you a right lesson and makes you give back my underwear you sick fuck!" She said in a dark whisper.


Brian for no rhyme or reason sneezed violently, and thought nothing of it, but just his Allergies and not due to Ukyo's rash promise


Th e announcer looked to the Z crew as he gave them the fighting list

Bra vs. Kodachi

Trunks vs. Tatewaki

Vegeta vs. Principal Kuno

Piccolo vs. Soun

Baba vs. Cologne

Roshi vs. Happosai

Gohan vs. Ryoga

Goten vs. Mousse

18 vs. Shampoo

Videl vs. Ukyo

Pan vs. Akane

Goku vs. Genma

And Chichi vs. Nodoka

"I take it this is ok with all of you?" He said quietly hopefully, "And remember it's the same rules as the normal Budokai, NO killing you're opponent, and win via ring out." "Oh yeah, and Brian will probably have placed a spell on the area so no magical cheating can occur, he really HATES cheaters in a fight"

Ranma sweatdropped then laughed his ass off, "The shit will really hit the fan then, Akane uses a battle doji magical in origin, and cologne uses cheating stuff when hard pressed, this will indeed be a fight to remember indeed, Kodachi will be in knots when she realizes her powders are non effective and, boy oh boy, I hope they sell popcorn?" Ranma wiped a tear away from his eye grateful that he had easy access to hot water as he had splashed himself with it, still looking death glared at the cowering Oolong

The announcer swallowed nervously, "He kills whomever cheats afterwards, he does have a rather dark sense of justice and well some people say he is not all together in the head." He said nervously

With no further ado the Z crew boarded Bulma's private plane to Nerima as the battlelines were drawn, all that was left was to promote the sponsored event and televise it

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Oh boy things are getting to the nitty gritty indeed

I wonder if Ukyo realizes the position she put herself in with that pronouncement

And is Mousse thinking THOSE sorts of lovey dovey feelings for RANMA of all people?