Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Desperation ❯ They're back ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


"Amy…" Serena began, but shut her mouth. She didn't want to worry her friend. "He's probably right," she said aloud, trying to convince herself of that.

Another streak of lightning lit up the sky, and thunder came two seconds later. The girls screamed again, and then the lights flickered and then completely went out. The classroom door creaked open as a dark figure slowly came through the door. It moaned, casing everyone but Serena, Amy, and a couple of the boys, to dive under a desk.

"Class? Are you alright? I heard the screaming all the way down the hall, not that you were the only ones screaming, but you were the loudest," Ms. Haruna chuckled softly, cringing when the thunder shook the building again. The class crawled out from under the desks, and crowded around the teacher. "I have an announcement to make. The principal wants us, including all the other classes, to go down to the cafeteria. Now get into a single file line and follow me." She turned and walked out, people quickly following.

Amy and Serena stayed behind, trailing a little behind Molly and Melvin. Amy flashed Serena a look, and Serena shook her head. It couldn't be the Negaverse, it couldn't. They had defeated them a long time ago. Well, they didn't technically defeat them because the Negaverse just disappeared. The gang had looked into it, but never really found anything. It was like they were never there at all.

"…soon…"the voice said in her head. She spun around, causing Amy to look quizzically at her.

"What's wrong, Serena?"

"I don't really know…I just thought I heard something, that's all." She smiled reassuringly, the voice forgotten, as she caught up to the group as they entered the cafeteria. It was crowded, but completely quiet. The only noise was the shuffling of feet, and the occasional whimper. Serena looked at the people who knelt on the floor. She noticed that half of the school wasn't there.

"Everyone settle down." A voice rang out, echoing a little off the walls. Everyone stared at him. He fake-coughed, realizing that everyone was already settled, and continued. "Yesterday, as you know, there have been some blackouts. The T.V. has been out since then, so the school couldn't call the T.V. station and tell them school was canceled. This morning, the staff and I have tried to call all you and tell you that school has been canceled. That is why not everyone is present right now. We didn't get a chance to call you, so we decided that we are going to drive each and everyone of you home, since the phone line is dead and we can't reach your parents."

A murmur arose from the students, and the principal waited for it to die down to a nonexistent level. Serena and Amy listened attentively when he continued.

"The sixth grade teachers and I will bring the sixth graders home. Ms. Smith's class will be with me since she isn't here. The rest of you will go will your respected teachers. The students nervously nodded.

"Mr. Roberts?" Danny, a seventh grader, asked. "What if our parents aren't home?" another murmur spread quickly throughout the cafeteria, and the principal thought for a moment before answering.

"Well, then I guess you'll have to stay with me, or your teacher." Danny nodded, obviously hating the idea.

He then dismissed the sixth grade with their teachers. Since the buses weren't here, they would have to take their cars, and luckily, most had vans that could fit up to seven other people along with the driver.

Suddenly, a crack of thunder ferociously shook the school, causing people to dive for cover behind their friends, and the people who were standing to drop to their hands and knees. The fire alarm sounded as everyone stood up at once, rushing with their teachers out of the building.

"Class, follow me again!" Ms. Haruna screamed over the alarm. They rushed out. When they raced past the main office, fire could bee seen flaring up around them.

"Oh no! The lightning must have stuck the school! Everyone out now!" One of the teachers yelled, motioning towards the door. The fire was spreading quickly. Every class was out now except for one, Serena's.

All of a sudden, piece of the roof fell to the ground, cutting Molly, Melvin, Serena, and Amy off from the rest of the group. Ms. H. saw and went to help them out. She pulled a fire extinguisher from the wall and pulled out the pin. She aimed it at the base of the fire. After about a minute, the fire had died down enough for them to leap over it. Molly and Melvin went first, followed closely by Amy. Serena was just about to jump, but the flames shot up again, blinding Serena momentarily. She screamed as the flames seemed to taunt at her, searing her soft skin.

"…soon…" the word rang in her head again.

"Serena!!!" Amy called, trying to get to her friend, but was being held back by Melvin and Molly. They brought her outside and Ms. H. stayed, once again aiming the extinguisher at the base of the fire.

"Don't worry Serena! I'll save you!" Ms. H. said, determined to keep her word. Serena brought her arm up to cover her eyes. She could see the determination in her teacher's eyes. Ever since Serena had been getting to school on time and has been getting better grades, Ms. H. actually started liking her.

"Ms. Haruna…" Serena whispered. "Ms, H.! Get out of here while you still can! Please, don't worry about me!"

"I'm not going to leave anyone!" Ms. H. yelled. Serena closed her eyes. She had finally made a decision. Her teacher would for sure get stuck with her if she didn't go.

"Watch out Ms. Haruna! I'm coming through!"

"What? Are you crazy?!"

"Ahhhhhh!!!" Serena yelled as she flew through the flames. The teacher caught her, swatting out the flames on Serena's clothing as she led her student through the flaming doors.

"Serena! Are you alright?!" Amy struggled free from Molly and Melvin's grip. She pulled Serena into a hug, but quickly released her from it when she realized that she was covered with burns. Serena suddenly fell to her knees and Amy caught her.

"Serena!" Molly and Melvin cried, coming to their fallen friend's side. "Is she alright? Is she going to live?"

Amy stared down at Serena, but nodded. Serena was burned pretty badly, her clothes charred and partly burned away, and her hair was singed, with it falling in her eyes.

Serena opened her eyes slowly, staring at the school. It definitely wasn't a dream. The middle school was on fire, and big chunks of it fell to the cold, solid ground. She slightly turned her head, but whimpered in pain. The burns were on her neck as well, but weren't as bad as the one on her stomach and right leg. Those were the only life threatening wounds. She turned it again, ignoring the ache, to look at the other students. Their faces all held different emotions, some scared, some who seemed like they couldn't comprehend what was happening, but they all held two things in common…panic and desperation. She turned back to the school, looking on as it finally collapsed.

Rain suddenly cascaded down to the earth, pelting at everyone. The students ran for cover, Amy, Molly, and Melvin carrying Serena, across the street. Most of the students couldn't fit in the shelter, so they stood out in the rain. Serena was one of the one's that couldn't fit. Her friends were trying to shield her, even at their own discomfort.

The rain was coming down really hard now, making people feel as if small rocks were being thrown at them, and it showed no signs of letting up. Serena took one last look at the school, feeling edgy and perturbed. The fire seemed to be barely affected by the rain, even at the intensity which the rain fell. Out of the corner of her eye, Serena managed to see a figure in the sky. It seemed to be laughing at her, as if this happened just for her. It disappeared in thin air a second later.

"Amy," Serena managed to squeak out. "…they're back…" and she blacked out. Amy's eyes widened. Thunder roared as the lightning flashed across the sky. Another shriek came from the kids.

"Serena? How could that be?!" Amy whispered so only she could hear, but she got no response. She shivered when she thought about it. They couldn't possibly be back, could they? The scouts had searched for any trace of them, but found nothing at all. Why would they come back now, and why did they leave before?