Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Desperation ❯ Their Last Wish ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Vegeta, Serena, and Gotenks watched as Goku, Gohan, Videl, and the scouts landed by them. Goku quickly pulled out a bag and gave a sensu bean to Vegeta. He figured Gotenks was all right and didn't need one. Gotenks blasted the area where Kakou was last standing in frustration, and Serena watched curiously.

"Serena!" The girls cried, running to her side and giving her a quick hug. A small, furry black thing caught Serena's eyes as it jumped down from Videl's hands.

"Luna! You're alright!" Serena cried for joy, picking up her cat. She turned to the scouts and then to Goku. He sighed.

"I felt her ki coming towards you guys. It was enormous, and there's something familiar with it, but I can't place it. When I tried to use my instant transmission to get here faster, I couldn't…" Serena stared quizzically at Goku.

"Instant transmission is when you lock onto a person's ki and you transport to where they are," Raye elucidated. She felt a sense of pride for knowing one more thing than Serena. Serena dismissed the thought as she caressed Luna's soft fur, hearing her faint purring.

"Kakarot." Goku turned to Vegeta, who seemed to be a little shaken, making Goku wonder just how powerful this Kakou really is. He was about to say more, but Serena interrupted, getting an unseen glare in response from the proud prince.

"We need to talk. Let's go back to the temple. I noticed something about Kakou, and I think we can use it to our advantage," she told the group. Vegeta walked over to her and threw her over his shoulder.

"Let's hurry. I have a feeling it won't be long before we see her ugly mug again," he said, taking off with Goku right behind him, carrying Jupiter over one shoulder, and Raye over the other, hanging on tightly as he sped up. Gohan and Videl followed quickly, taking Jupiter with them. Gotenks waited a minute longer until his thirty minutes were up to change back into his counterparts, then caught up with the group.

They flew for awhile, each in his or her own thoughts, keeping them quietly to them selves. Serena looked at Gohan, watching his face change from serious to a little nervous. Goku looked at his son and he had the same look on his face.

"I think we should hurry back to the temple…it's getting dark and I have a bad feeling about something," Goku announced and all the Saiyans agreed to this, along with Raye. Lita sent a questioning look to Serena, who could only shrug.

"Is that smoke?" Amy asked, squinting to see what looked like black smoke coming from the direction of the temple.

"Oh no, we're too late," cried Gohan as they sped towards the burning temple. It was no longer raining, and a small breeze swept the area as the arrived. Even before Goku touched down, Raye had jumped off.

"Grandpa! Chad! Where are you guys?!" Raye cried out, hoping that they were already out. Vegeta, Goku, and Gohan were next to go in, pursued by Trunks and Goten.

"Mom!" The three boys yelled. Their heads whipped back and forth as their eyes searched for anything moving.

"Chichi! Bulma!" Goku called out, but got no response. He tried searching for their unique ki. Once he found them, both together, he tried the instant transmission again, but to no avail, so he hurriedly ran towards them, careful not to get scorched by the flames trying to nip at his heels. The boys saw this and grabbed Raye and went after him. Goku sensed Vegeta just a little bit ahead of him.

They soon caught up to Vegeta, who was stopped by a wall of flames from entering a room.

"Damn it!" he cursed, but no one cared. The heat was unbearable, and the flames were thick. They could hear whimpering from inside. "They're in there!"

"Stand back!" Sailor Mercury yelled out, running up to them and screaming, "Mercury… bubbles…blast!" She kept up her attack as Gohan and the others used their ki to help put out the fire. Even with their combined attacks, they were still having trouble putting it out. It was as if it refused to go out, like one of those trick candles the girls put on Serena's birthday cake last year.

"Ha!" the guys yelled, creating a wind-like blast. It took another five minutes of that for the flames to go out, and about halfway through, the whimpering had stopped, scaring Raye half to death because she knew that her grandpa and Chad were in that room to. She only hoped that they were still okay. She wanted to run through the flames, but she knew that wouldn't help anyone, only cause more problems.

"Almost there…" Sailor Mercury cried out, wanting the people inside to hear. Finally the had broken through, but gasps filled the room at what they saw, and what they smelled…

"No…We were too late…" Amy said shakily as a nasty stench filled their nostrils. This room looked untouched by the flames, but not untouched by Kakou. She turned to Raye who was holding Chad and her grandpa's heads in her lap. They were lying in a pool of blood, their chest ripped open, and a deep, blood-spattered scar on the neck.

Raye bent down and hugged them both, weeping silently. She brushed Chad's thick hair out of his eyes and bent down again to kiss him gently on the lips. She never told him how she felt about him, but now she wished she had.

"Raye?" Amy asked unsure of what to say, going back to her original state. She put her hand on her friends shoulder. Raye slowly turned to face her, tears welling up into her eyes, threatening to spill over. "Oh Raye…" Raye threw herself into Amy's arms and buried her face into her friend's shoulder to cry.

Vegeta paled when he saw Bulma. Her hair laid as perfect as ever, as if it hadn't been touched, but she was covered in fresh blood, courtesy of Kakou. Vegeta could only stare, letting his sorrow get the better of him. He may have not shown it, but he loved her. Only Goku really saw this though. He glanced down when he remembered Trunks was in the room. Trunks was trembling, and he tried to harden his heart so he wouldn't cry. He had swore to himself to never let his father see him cry since he had started training with him, and he wasn't about to break it.

"A true Saiyan wouldn't cry…" he tried to convince himself, but he couldn't help it. His mother was lying in her own blood, and he wasn't about to let Kakou get away with this. He refused to look at his mother again, knowing that if he did he would have to break his promise.

"Trunks…" Vegeta whispered to himself. He could see that his son was struggling not to cry. He smiled weakly at this. He knew that Trunks tries his best to please him, and he has, though Vegeta never says it. He walked over to his son and put his arm around him, bringing him into a tight hug. Trunks still refused to let his grief get the better of him and he bit down onto his bottom lip. "It's alright…go ahead." Trunks stared into his father's eyes, slightly confused.

Vegeta remembered his promise to Bulma as he looked into Trunks eyes. They have the same eyes…he promised that he would never let anything happen to their only child. This was more of a promise to himself than to Bulma, but she wanted to know that he'd be taken care of it anything was to happen to her. Finally, Trunks couldn't hold in anymore. He wept silently into his father's legs, clinging to him.

Vegeta gently patted him on the back, never letting his embrace lessen, and never taking his eyes off his mate. All during this, one thing crossed his mind and the thought never faded from existence. The one thing that he so desperately wanted now…was revenge.

Goku sank to the ground in front of Chichi. She laid sprawled out over the floor. Like the others, she had been killed and torn apart by Kakou's claws, something not easily forgiven by the Saiyans. He gently placed her head in his lap, stroking her black, silk hair.

Gohan stood behind him, trying to block Goten from this tragic sight. He didn't think he was old enough to handle it.

"Mamma? Mom!" Goten exclaimed when he saw the mess she was in. Her clothes were drenched with her own blood, and her hair was hiding her marked face until Goku had removed it. Gohan let his brother run to his mother's side, sitting down besides him, and enveloping him into a hug. They stayed like that for a moment longer before Goten pulled away. He stared teary-eyed at his deceased mother. Goku set her head carefully down on the cold, hardwood floor.

"Why?" was all he could say. Why would anyone want to do this to someone? He buried his head into his father and cried. Goku rubbed his back, trying to calm him. He glanced at his older son, and could tell that he was trying to stay strong for Goten. Goku reached up and pulled him down and into a hug.

"It's alright Gohan, you can cry," Goku whispered to him. Gohan's eyes widened, causing him to look like his younger self again. He nodded sadly at his father.

"Everything's going to be okay," Gohan murmured to his little brother. Goten threw himself into his brothers arms, and Gohan embraced him firmly. He led Goten away from the body of their mother, leaving Goku a moment to himself.

In the distance, they could here fire engines speeding towards them. Goku picked up Chichi's body and turned to Vegeta and Raye.

"We need to get out of here. Take Bulma and the other two's bodies and follow me," Goku instructed. Vegeta did, and would have even if Goku had not told him so. He gently picked up Bulma's body and walked after Goku, their sons not too far behind. Gohan turned back to the two girls. They had trained and their strength had increase greatly, enough so that they could easily pick them up and carry them. He could see they didn't need any help. Raye held Chad in her arms, and Amy had Grandpa. They nodded at Gohan.

The firemen were already there, they could tell because they could hear water being sprayed at the temple, pounding on the walls and roof. As they ran towards the back entrance they carefully avoided the flames. They didn't want to be seen by the police because they would take away the bodies for examination, and that was totally out of the question to Vegeta and Goku. When they finally reached the door, they pulled it open and stepped out of the smoke-filled temple.

"Someone h-help m-me!" Sailor Jupiter stuttered, gasping for air as a hand closed around her neck. Sailor Moon jumped at the youma, kicking it in the side causing it to release Sailor Jupiter from its clutches. Jupiter got to her feet, clasping her throat and coughing.

"Hold on guys!" Raye yelled, setting Chad down, and Amy doing the same with Grandpa. "Mars power!"

"Mercury Power!"

Goten and Trunks got into their stances and launched themselves at the threat, but was held back by Goku and Vegeta.

"No. Let Serena handle this," Vegeta cut in.

Sailor Moon gave an uppercut to the youma. The other scouts were about to join in, but this time Goku held them back. They watched dazed at their leader. She was three times as powerful as she was this morning, and twice as fast.

After a few more powerful kicks and punches, it was trying to escape, crawling because it was now unable to walk. Sailor Moon walked calmly, yet menacingly, up to the youma. It shook in fear, staring up into the eyes of its attacker. Her eyes were a dark blue, and they appeared emotionless.

"Who sent you?" Serena demanded, planning to get some information out of this youma before sending it to hell. When it didn't answer, Serena asked again after kicking it in its side, causing it to fly a few feet. "Who sent you!" she more stated it than asked.

"Que-queen B-Beryl-" it managed to say, grabbing its stomach. Serena's eyes narrowed into tiny slits.

"Why have you come back?! Why did the Negaverse leave?!" It shook its head. Serena was about to kick it again. "I don't know! Only the generals and the queen do!" Serena's eyes flashed dangerously. "Where is your base?!" It didn't say anything, looking away from her. "I'll let you live if you tell me where it is." Raye opened her mouth in protest, but Serena held up her hand.

"I'll never tell you!" it said. "My brothers and sisters will avenge me! They are far stronger than I, and my death will not be taken lightly by them!!" it knew it was going to die, so the youma felt no need to hold back any longer. "You will never beat Queen Beryl or Lord Kakou! Lord Kakou's far too strong! You're just a thorn in her side! She's going to be the one to get her hands on the crystal and when she does, she'll be granted immortality! Then she'll give us the power we deserve to crush you once and for all! Our master plan is already in play, and there's nothing you can do to stop it!" Sailor Moon picked the youma up and kneed it in the gut. It gasped for air.

"What master plan?" she said in a low, deadly tone. It didn't seem to want to speak anymore, seeing that it had already said too much. When Sailor Moon realized she wasn't going to get anymore out of the pathetic creature, she held up her palm, aiming it at its face. "This is for my friends!" She blasted the monster with a small ball of energy. It disintegrated for sight and Serena's eyes turned back to their original state as she faced her friends. The smile look on her face faded when she saw the four bodies lying on the ground and in Goku and Vegeta's arms. Their outfits were stained with the blood of their loved ones.

Sailor Moon looked at Sailor Mars when she saw Chad and Grandpa's forms, tears streaming down Mars's face.

"Raye…I…" Sailor Mars shook her head.

"I'm going to get that bitch if it's the last thing I do," Raye told her, not allowing her self-pity to take over her emotions. Serena nodded.

"Serena, how did you learn that last technique?" Sailor Mercury asked as she typed in her mercury mini computer. "From the training today?" Serena turned to Vegeta and the boys who could only stare quizzically back.

"I guess you could say that." Sailor Moon walked over to Vegeta and Goku.

"Who's there!" a voice called, lights coming from around the corner.

"The police are coming! Let's get out of here before the find us. If we don't, we'll be taken in for questioning," Goku stated. They ran for cover in the night, running footsteps and yelling heard from the distance. Finally, when they came about an abandoned house, they drew the moth-eaten curtains closed and locked the doors. Gohan and the boys gathered a bunch of old newspapers and lit a small fire with their ki in the fireplace. The group gathered into the living room, the scouts detransforming.

An uncomfortable silence passed between them as they thought about their losses. Vegeta was the first to speak.

"We can wish them back," he more of demanded than suggested. Goku looked like he agreed, his face lighting up momentarily. Trunks and Goten nodded happily at each other. The girls knew about the dragonballs, so they didn't need to ask what he meant by it.

"We can't…what if Kakou goes to our world. Krillin and the others won't be able to hold her off for a whole year. Believe me, I want them back just as much as you do, but we can wish them back later, once Kakou's gone," Gohan said rationally. Vegeta slammed his fist down on the decayed coffee table, breaking it in half.

"We WILL wish them back, NOW!" he declared, causing the girls to cringe.

"I agree with Vegeta," Raye proclaim standing up. "I think it would be best if we do. Kakou can't jump dimensions!" Serena sat there quietly, listening as Gohan argued with Vegeta and Raye, a fight she was sure he'd lose. Knowing both Raye and Vegeta and their attitudes, they would be getting their way sooner or later. It seemed Gohan knew this to, because he looked around for help. When no one offered any, he sighed dejectedly. He stared into Serena's eyes as she peered sadly into his.

"Will my parents come back?" she asked, hope in her eyes. Gohan waited a moment, hoping that his dad would tell her.

"I don't know," he said, pitying her.

"Please don't look at me like that. I don't want your pity," she whispered, her voice cracking a little as she turned away. The girls tried to comfort her by putting their hands on her shoulder, but she shook them away. "Please, don't."

"Then it's settled. We wish them back," Vegeta affirmed, never taking his eyes off his pupil.

"You're the one that contacted us, right? See if you can do it again," Goku asked. Raye nodded.

"I need something special of one of yours to do it. You won't get it back." Goku searched around, but didn't find anything that meant much to him. The others did the same thing, but found nothing. They sat for a moment until Serena spoke.

"You can use this. I want them to come back, so it'll work," she whispered as she handed her star locket to Raye. Raye refused it, shoving it back into her hand.

"Serena…I can't. You've already lost so much and I…" Raye began, but was interrupted.

"Are you sure?" Goku asked. He didn't want her to feel like she had to, but he really wanted Chichi and Bulma back. Serena opened the locket one last time to listen to its sweet music, then she shut it and tossed it to Raye.

"I'm sure. Do it now," she said confidently. "I want them back as much as you do." Raye nodded hesitantly, and then threw it into the fire. "This will take an hour for me to do." She said, starting right away.

After about an hour of doing nothing but sending glances to one another, Raye gave the signal to speak.

"Krillin! It's me, Goku. Do you still have the dragonballs ready to be used?" he waited for a response.

"Uh, yeah, Goku. They're right here. Are you coming back already?" The one called Krillin asked.

"No, we're staying here a little longer. This Kakou is a lot stronger than we had thought. We need you to wish back all the people Kakou had killed in this previous day. Can you do that?" He hoped that the dragon could, for Serena's sake.

"Sure. Give me a minute while I summon the dragon." Krillin did as he said, and asked Goku's wish.

"Your wish has been denied. Fate has forbidden that everyone be brought back," a loud, booming voice replied. Goku glanced at Serena. The Saiyans had confused looks on their faces.

"That's never happened before…I don't understand what he meant by that…Let's try a new approach. Krillin! Wish for the people at the Sailor Mars' temple to be brought back." Goku pleaded for this to work. Krillin asked.

"You wish shall be granted," the dragon said, his eyes flashing, but it was only seen by Krillin and his family.

"Thanks Krillin. I guess we'll be staying here for another year though. Take care."

"Goodbye Goku," Krillin said as the connection was cut off after the ten minutes.

The friends waited, staring down at the bodies of their friends and loved ones. The scars began healing and their body' temperature rose dramatically. The scouts watched in amazement as the began to rise from their fallen state.

"Mom!" Goten and Trunks yelled, hugging their mothers.

"Grandpa! Chad!" Raye smiled happily.

"Wha…what happened?" Bulma asked, laying her head against Vegeta's neck crevice. To her surprise, he didn't pull away. Trunks laughed at the sight they made.

A real family…that's what we are. Trunks sat on his mothers lap, and hugged her again.

"The last thing I remember was being cornered into a room by this demon. She set the temple on fire and built this wall of flames to keep us from getting out…" Chichi whispered. She paused. "Was that Kakou?" Gohan nodded, as he and his brother enveloped her into a big hug.

"Raye? Who are all these people? And where are we? The last thing I remember was…" Chad's face paled. "That monster crowding us into the fire room…"

"The only thing I remember was Chad jumping in front of me when that fiend has coming towards us and the two women. How did we escape?" Raye's grandpa asked, just as confused as Chad. Raye looked at her fellow scouts and they nodded their 'okay'.

"I guess I should start out by saying that I'm Sailor Mars…" She trailed off as the two fainted. The scouts sweat dropped. "Guess I'll have to tell them later."

Serena watched as the reunited families comforted each other and talk.

"I wish Darien was here," Serena's inner voice said, not really thinking about it.

Vegeta stared at Serena. I wonder why the dragon wouldn't bring everyone back…fate had forbidden it, he said. A loud bang from outside interrupted his thoughts.

"What was that?!" Serena yelled, unconsciously grabbing her brooch. Serena, Vegeta, and the boys were the first to see her.

"Kakou!" Serena hissed. Kakou laughed.

"You fell for it. I knew you would," she smirked. "You used your last wish to bring back these pathetic fools…

"I'm going to kill you!" Vegeta lunged at her, but missed greatly.

"I won't have to deal with you guys for another year, and when you get back, there would be nothing to go back to." She crowed. "Your wretched son was right, monkey." Kakou said, referring to Gohan as the son while talking to Goku.

"No! She's going to our dimension!!" Gohan cursed himself for being right. Vegeta scowled at his own stupidity.

"So that's your plan!!" Serena growled.

"Goodbye, Sailor brats and monkeys!"

"Icela!" Vegeta screamed, causing her to stop from entering the portal to their world. She turned to him and her eyes narrowed. Then she smirked.

"So that cat's out of the bag, or should I say monkey?" Kakou laughed.

"Who's that? Vegeta?" Goku asked.

"Kakou's Frieza's sister. I thought it was just a rumor started to scare the Saiyans into doing Frieza's dirty work. The only one Frieza ever admitted that was more powerful than him, was Icela. I didn't believe it because no one had ever seen her, or at least lived to tell about it," Vegeta explained, never taking his eyes off of Kakou. "She could control lightning and fire. That's how I knew it was her."

"Very clever, Vegeta," Kakou grinned, backing into the portal. "But there's nothing you can do about it!" She said, taking her final step into it. It started to close.

"NO!!" Serena ran into the gateway to her friend's dimension. Vegeta saw and did the same. She would surely die if she went up against Kakou now. He passed through it.

"Father!" Trunks went after him, Goten right behind him. Anything Trunks did, Goten was there to. They began falling, or at least it felt like it. As they past through in the quick second that all this happened, they heard someone else following them.

"Serena!!" a voice yelled.

"Darien?..." Serena called out, her eyes widening, before she passed out.