Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Desperation ❯ Romance Blooms ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"WAKE-UP WAKE-UP WAKE-UP!!!!" Trunks 'gently' shook Serena awake. She opened her eyes slowly at the sudden outburst. "WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!!"

"Wha…" she asked groggily, trying to remember the past events…They had made their last wish at that house…then Kakou showed up and… "Where's Kakou?!" she bolted up suddenly, almost causing Trunks to fly back. Her eyes waited to adjust to the blackness of the night.

"That's what I'm trying to tell you!" he replied, annoyed, glancing hastily behind him when a loud explosion sounded in the distance. "My dad's fighting her right now! He told me to take you, Goten, and who ever that guy-" he pointed to Darien "- is to our house!! Now let's hurry! My dad can't hold her off forever you know!!" Trunks grabbed her by the arm and hoisted her to her feet. "Take him. I'll get Goten." Trunks turned to the sleeping baby with wild, jet-black hair also known as Goten. He grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him. When that didn't work, he tried slapping his face. "Goten YOU LAZY BUM, WAAKKKKEEEE UUUUPPPPPPP!!!!!!"

"Five more minutes mommy…" Goten mumbled tiredly. Trunks' eyes narrowed and he growled in frustration. "…I'm eating right now…" Trunks face lit up as an idea drifted into his head.

"Hey Goten. There's this guy giving away free ice cream for the opening of his new store," Trunks grinned expectantly, and Serena raised an eyebrow in confusion. Goten shot up at an unimaginable speed at the mention of his favorite food.

"Really Trunks? Where?! Where?! WHERE?!?!" Goten asked, fully awake and ready to go at the ice cream. Serena smiled at his enthusiasm.

"There's no ice cream Goten!" Trunks announced to his saddened friend, pointing to the fight in the distance. From where they stood, all they could see was flashes of light and two dots colliding together, though it was evident that Vegeta was losing.

Serena turned her attention from the fight and to the form lying next to her.

"Darien?" she asked, trying to stand back up, but realized that she must have landed on her right leg funny, as she fell back to the solid ground with a cry. She carefully slid her body towards him, disregarding the sting. "Darien? Wake up!" Serena pleaded silently to herself, fearing the worst. As far as she could tell, he wasn't breathing. "Oh Darien…please don't leave me, I need you." She admitted to herself the first time.

Serena laid her head onto his chest, and sighed in relief when her head rose up and down in sync with his chest. "Oh Darien…" she mumbled softly, hesitantly taking her head off his warm, bare chest, realizing for the first time, he was shirtless. She blushed slightly at the thought.

"Serena?" he called, awakening, his eyes opening and shutting. He blinked again when a loud bang and a large explosion went off. Serena turned her attention back to the fight, noticing that Kakou was headed this way, Vegeta close behind, trying to get in front of her. He wasn't about to let Frieza's sister get his son, Goten or Serena.

"FINAL FLASH!!" Vegeta screamed, putting most of his energy into that one attack. He sent it at Kakou, hoping that she wouldn't be able to dodge it in time. When she stopped and turned around, smirking, Vegeta apprehended that he made a grave mistake…and the only thing on his mind now was saving the girl who he first took pity on. "NO!!"

Kakou easily glided out of harms way, allowing his blast to pass her and proceed to Serena and Darien. Goten and Trunks sidestepped out of the way, but Serena and Darien weren't so lucky. They didn't have the strength or the speed to evade the attack with Darien lying on his back and Serena leaning over him, not willing to let him go. She knew that she could get out of the way in time even with her broken leg, but only if she left Darien, which wasn't an option to her.

Serena threw her body over Darien's, trying to shield him from the blast knowing full well that they both would die.

"Get out of here!" Darien cried, pushing her away, but she resisted, still defending him.

"Darien!!" Serena wept as the blast drew closer. "I won't leave you!" The second part fell on deaf ears, as everything else went quiet and everything went into slow motion. Serena screamed when the blast was inches from her. She faced the blast, and held her arms out in an attempt to save Darien, shutting her eyes tightly to lessen the pain that was sure to come…When it didn't, she opened them slowly.

"What…" Serena gasped when she set eyes on the falling heap in front of her. "Vegeta…oh no…VEGETA!!" she cried out catching his collapsed form in her arms as he fell backwards.

"Dad!" Trunks yelled, rushing to his side. He watched as Serena laid him onto the ground by Darien, who looked completely confused at the events. Trunks glared murderously at Kakou, glancing one last time at his father's fallen figure.

"KAKOU!!" He snarled, giving Goten a nod. Goten came about four feet to his left and he watched Trunks to give him the okay. Kakou's eyes widened when she recognized what they were doing. She immediately sent a couple of small ki blast at them, not wasting time to create bigger, more effective ones, but they harmlessly were destroyed by the blinding burst of light, where Gotenks now stood, a pissed expression on his face. He knew what he had to do. Kakou grinned, getting into a fighting stance, Gotenks doing the same. She tried to read his face, judging his next move, but Gotenks didn't allow that, keeping his face impassive. Right when Kakou was about to send a ki blast his way, he turned around, grabbing Vegeta under one arm, and Serena under the other. Serena grabbed Darien as they passed by him, feeling awkward wrapping her arms around his waist, though he wasn't about to complain.

Kakou's face changed from a superior one to a confused one. It took another moment for her to comprehend the last occurrence, changing her look to an enraged one. She thought she was going to get at least one worthwhile fight, but it appeared that the monkey had chosen a well-known battle tactic…retreat.

"Running away so soon? But we haven't even begun to play!" she derided, causing the warrior to wince, though he kept on going. She flew after him, which Gotenks responded by going SSJ3, speeding up. Kakou scowled, and matched his speed. She could see the desperation in his eyes. She grinned menacingly at the young boy. Serena gulped as she watched Kakou's every move, unconsciously clinging tighter to Darien. Her arms ached, but she wasn't going to let go anytime soon.

Gotenks, seeing no way out, landed into a large park. He set his friends down and walked a few yards in front of them, readying himself for an attack. Kakou set her feet lightly on the ground and walked calmly forward. She hadn't wanted the boys to fuse, but knew that even if they did, they wouldn't stand a chance against her. She laughed halfheartedly at Gotenks. She could see the determination to succeed as well as the fear of defeat in his turquoise eyes. He stood protectively in front of his friends, ready to give his own life for them.

Kakou laughed when Serena pulled herself to her feet with Darien's help, balancing onto her left leg, trying to put as little wait as possible on her right. The defiance in her eyes shone brightly as she glared at Kakou. When Kakou saw how Darien stood affectionately over her, she grinned. Even with the fusion technique they could never win against her, ever. She came to a decision as she thought further.

"Toying with them will be my greatest pleasure," her inner voice said. She turned her gaze to Serena and Darien. "I think I want to have a little fun before the kill." She laughed evilly and blasted off using her unrivaled speed.

Gotenks sighed in relief as he walked to Vegeta, his thirty minutes almost up, and picked him up. Vegeta looked torn, and his outfit was shredded and blood covered his body, a deep scar formed around his neck and blood dripped down from his busted lip. His body lay limp, and his breathing was shallow. His eyes were closed and it was obvious he was dying and didn't have much time left.

Gotenks figured that if they'd hurry, they could make it to Master Roshi's house where Krillin and 18 lived with their daughter, Marron. He knew that they had to have a sensu bean lying around somewhere. He didn't want to think about what would happen if they never made it in time.

Goten turned his eyes to Serena and Darien. He smirked at the sight the two made, and when they realized what he was looking at, they pulled apart and blushed, muttering a thousand apologies to each other, which none of them was heard by the other.

Serena could see the worry in his eyes. Understanding what Gotenks wanted, she nodded. Vegeta wouldn't last much longer even though he was tough, and he needed help right away. Serena figured that Gotenks knew where he could get help.

"Go," she assured him. "We'll be fine." She smiled, and he nodded appreciatively.

"Thanks," he mumbled, kicking off the ground and flying towards the perverted man's house. Serena and Darien watched until their forms disappeared, which wasn't long considering they were a fused SSJ3 going at full speed. They watched as the afterimage of Gotenks faded ever so slowly as an uncomfortable moment of silence settled between them. Darien snuck a couple of glances at Serena, which she seemed oblivious to, or just trying to evade his baffled, stormy blue eyes.

"Serena?" he finally asked when he found the courage. She avoided his watchful eyes, finding the ground more interesting than their limited conversation. "Serena? Tell me the truth…" he said seriously, grabbing her by the shoulders and lifting her chin up so their eyes could meet. He could see she was trying to hide something.

"Well…I don't really know where to begin…" she paused for a minute and looked around. "First, before I explain anything, let's get out of the open, in case she comes back." She replied, dragging him towards a bench. They sat down side by side and Serena looked into his waiting eyes again. She sighed, and decided to begin telling him that she's Sailor Moon, and how she became her. Darien never interrupted once, as if begging her to tell him everything.

"And when my parents were murdered, and I found out my brother was kidnapped by Kakou and the Negaverse, I…" the tears threatened to spill over. The sadness and heartbrokenness had bottled up inside her, something that she alone felt like she needed to deal with.

Serena didn't want Darien to see her cry, so she turned away. He reacted by resting his chin on her head, taking in the rose scent of her hair while pulling her into a comforting hug.

Serena pulled away hesitantly and looked into his eyes again, and saw the worry that was in them. Maybe she didn't have to go through this alone…and with that thought, and for the first time since this fateful morning, she felt happy.

He leaned closer to her and felt her warm breath on his soft lips…he couldn't resist anymore. He leaned in a little further, not wanting to scare her off and waited for a response from her. Serena closed her eyes. When she didn't pull away, he leaned closer.

"And then…"Serena's cry was muffled by Darien placing his sweet tasting lips onto hers. The kiss was long and tender, lasting about ninety seconds. Finally they broke apart gasping for air. When Darien had regained his breath, he glanced down at Serena, but when she wouldn't look back at him, he regretted what he had done immediately.

"Oh Serena, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have. I should have waited. You've lost so much already and-" a finger was placed gently on his lips, silencing him. Serena turned to him.

"And I don't want to lose you to…thank you," Darien smiled, as he pulled her onto his lap and watched her curl up against his bare chest. She gazed into his loving eyes and he bent down for another kiss, which was even sweeter than the first. They broke apart after awhile, and Serena swung her arm around his neck, nestling into the crock of his neck. Darien placed his arms around her waist and pulled her even closer and rocked her back and forth. After about a minute, she started continuing with her story.

"Sammy's favorite story…" she went into the Z gang and talked about the dragonballs, leaving nothing out. She revealed her training and who the other scouts were and who was training them. Darien calmed her when she finished, stroking her golden, soft hair. The sat on the bench and listen to two doves coo to each other, nuzzling the others neck. Darien shifted uncomfortably and Serena tilted her head slightly.

"What's wrong?" she asked, concerned. He reached behind his back and took out a red rose. Serena giggled when he brushed it against her nose.

"Now that I know you're the one and only Sailor Moon," he smiled playfully, "then I think it's safe to say I can trust you with my little secret…" he bent down and whispered in her ear. Her giggles grew as his breath tickled her ear and she pulled away, slapping him teasingly on the arm. Her eyes suddenly widened when she comprehended what he had said.

"You're Tuxedo Mask?!" she shouted. Her mouth hanged open and Darien closed it with another kiss. She shook her head back and forth. "Oh come on, you can't be Tuxedo Mask…" he frowned.

"Why not? It's more believable than you being Sailor Moon," he countered lightheartedly. She pouted and turned away from him. Thinking about what he just said, she turned back to him.

"Maybe when I fist became Sailor Moon, but not now," she said, a little hurt by his remark. Darien sensed this and instantly set to make it right before she decided to hold a grudge.

"You're right," he agreed, making amends. She smiled and hugged him. They stayed like that for a little while until she fell into a blissful sleep in his arms and Darien wondered how the little angel in his arms could have been through so much and still keep her innocence. He fell asleep with that thought on his mind.

"Serena!! Where are you?!" voices shouted from a distance.

"Where could she be? I guess we should have told her to meet us somewhere…" Trunks added as an afterthought.

"What if Kakou got her?" Goten asked worriedly. That had entered his head for a moment, but was gone as quickly as it came.

"I don't think so. She's smart enough to hide….at least I think," he replied, trying convincing himself as well as Goten. "Serena!!" he called again, joined by Goten. They peered down at the ground, searching in their regular forms for their friend.

"Trunks! Isn't that them down there?" Goten asked, hardly able to keep his excitement out of his voice. Trunks nodded.

"That's them," he squinted to see that Serena was lying in the guy's lap lightly, both fast asleep. Trunks smiled mischievously. "Picture time!" he cheered.

"But Trunks…we don't have a camera," Goten pointed out, but Trunks smile widened.

"Not yet," he said, directing his friend's attention to the store a little ways away. Goten beamed his family's traditional goofy grin. The boys quickly flew over to the store, landing in front of it.

"It's closed," Goten stated, trying to open the doors. Trunks read the sign aloud.

"Open six days a week from five am till nine pm." Trunks glanced at a clock inside the window. "It's four fifty now. We'll just have to wait." He sighed as he slumped against the doors, Goten right beside him. Soon the manager of the store came. He looked down at the sleeping boys and slightly shook them awake.

"Excuse me young sirs," he said. Trunks and Goten opened and rubbed their eyes. Trunks eyes widened.

"OH! We need to buy a camera right away!" he reached into his pockets and pulled out a ten dollar bill. He handed it to the gentlemen and raced into the store then out, grabbing a disposable camera. He raced back to Serena with Goten trailing behind him. "Man, I hope they hadn't moved!"

As they approached, they saw that they had moved…only to a better position. Now both of Serena's arms were wrapped around his neck, and Darien had his cheek on her forehead, hugging her closely. Serena's knees were curled up to her chest, with her feet resting on the bench.

"Aw, isn't that cute?" Trunks grinned. He brought the picture up and snapped a couple. The bright flash went of, and Goten and Trunks hoped that it wouldn't wake them. Goten watched happily and snickered.

"Take one of them waking up!" Goten suggested eagerly. Trunks nodded.

"Hey Serena! Wake up!!" he yelled, scaring to two sleeping doves away. Serena turned to them sleepy eyed, never changing her position. Darien yawned and waited for his eyes to focus on the picture. He saw the camera and looked at Serena. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was hanging open. He remembered them from earlier as he watched baffled by the two boys.

Goten and Trunks laughed contentedly as Trunks finished his roll of film, never pausing to take a small break. Soon he was out of film.

"Aw, we're out of film!" Trunks announced when the button would click anymore. He waved it in front of Serena's face, and her eyes narrowed.

"Why you little brats!" she screamed, making a move to grab them, but Darien held her tightly, which may have been a good thing. He laughed at the whole situation. Serena stared at him.

"They're just having fun, Sere," he said, smiling at the name her had given her. She nodded, sending a glare to them.

"Anyways," Trunks said nervously, trying to change the subject because he didn't want to anger Serena anymore than her already had, "We came back here to get you. There's this girl with long blonde hair, a little lighter than yours, and blue eyes. She said she needs to talk to you. There's this white cat with her too."

"Do you know her?" Goten said bluntly. Serena thought a moment, then shook her head.

"How would I know her? I just got tot his dimension," she asked, and the boys shrugged.

"She seemed to know you," Goten answered. Serena and Darien got up from the bench, and Trunks floated above Serena and took her by the waist. Goten grabbed Darien by the arms. Darien seemed a little uncomfortable. The boys flew slowly towards Master Roshi's house for Darien, who didn't appear to be liking the fact that he was trusting this little boy with his life. Serena saw this.

"Trust them," she said softly. Darien stared at her unsure. "…trust me…" she added, turning away from him. He smiled, nodding.