Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Return To Me ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

--Chapter Three--

Hotaru wrote down notes in a notebook as she watched the chemicals she was testing react to each other. Within a year, she had become one of the youngest scientists, following in her father’s footsteps. She now worked at Capsule Corp., working to develop alternates to the senzu bean.

“Come on and work.” Hotaru mumbled as she added another chemical to her mixture. She watched as the mixture bubbled and became a pale blue color. Hotaru sighed in frustration.

“It’s supposed to turn green. What have I done wrong now?” Hotaru asked herself, writing her observations in the notebook. She picked it up and began to read it over.

“Hey Hotaru.” Bulma greeted as she entered the room causing Hotaru to jump in surprise.

“Don’t do that.” Hotaru scolded. Bulma smiled at her.

“Sorry. How are things going?”

“They’re not.” Hotaru dropped the notebook on the desk.

“Keep working. I’m sure you’ll figure it out.” Bulma encouraged, patting Hotaru’s shoulders. Hotaru gave Bulma a half smile before the room shook and the sound of crashing was heard.

“What was that?” Hotaru and Bulma went to the window and looked out. There was a space ship in the ground.

“He’s back.” Bulma said, running out of the room before Hotaru could ask who she was talking about. Hotaru look toward the door and noticed some of her beakers had fallen and bust all over the floor. She groaned slightly and bent down to clean it up with a hand broom and pan.

“Is everything alright in here?” Hotaru looked up and saw Yamcha standing in the doorway.

“Everything is fine. Just a few broken beakers.” Hotaru answered, emptying the full dustpan into the trash.

“Did you get hurt?” Yamcha asked. Hotaru shook her head.

“No, I’m fine.” The phone rang on Hotaru’s desk. She went to pick it up. “Tomoe. Oh, its here. Thank you.” Hotaru hung up. “Hey Yamcha, do you mind going to a package for me at the front desk. I know I can’t lift it.”

“Sure no problem. Be right back.”

“Thank you.” Yamcha gave her a smile and left. Hotaru returned to cleaning up the glass that remained on the floor. Hotaru soon heard loud footsteps, more like stomps coming toward the lab. She lifted her head in time to see Bulma come in, yelling at no particular person.

“Get this, get that. I want it now woman. Oh that man is insufferable.” Bulma looked down seeing Hotaru on the floor. “Oh Hotaru what happened?” Bulma rushed to Hotaru’s side.

“Nothing. A few broken beakers from the crash.” Hotaru replied, throwing away the last of the glass. Hotaru stood up and brushed off her pants as Yamcha came in carrying a large box.

“Uh Hotaru? A little help please.” Hotaru chuckled and walked up to Yamcha.

“Okay, follow the sound of my voice.” She said, placing her hands over his on the box. Hotaru lead him to an empty counter where he sat it down.

“There you go. Delivered safe and sound.” Yamcha patted the box.

“Thank you Yamcha.” Hotaru’s words of thanks were cut short by yelling in the hall outside the lab. Yamcha moved to stand in front of Hotaru, blocking her with his body.

“Are you trying to wake the dead?” Bulma shouted, stomping out of the lab. Yamcha turned to face Hotaru.

“Hotaru I want you to stay here.” He told her.

“What’s going on? Who is that?” Hotaru asked, slightly worried.

“Just a loud mouthed, uninvited guest.” Yamcha replied. “Don’t worry about it.” He walked out of the room after Bulma. Hotaru watched the door until she decided that they didn’t need her help. She went to her newly delivered box and opened it.

“They said it would be heavy, they didn’t mention it would be in a million pieces.” Hotaru mumbled to herself. She began pulling out the many pieces to her new microscope from the box. Once Hotaru got all the pieces out, she leaned on the counter to read the instructions on how to put it together and trying it out with the materials. She was so engrossed in her microscope that she never heard Bulma’s shouting end and footsteps heading toward her lab. She did however hear the unmistakable voice say her name.


Hotaru dropped her instruction booklet in surprise. She slowly turned to see the man she had fallen in love with over a thousand years ago.

“Vegeta?” Hotaru took a small step forward. “Vegeta, is that really you?” Her eyes never left the man in front of her.

Vegeta made the slightest nod before Hotaru ran up and jumped into his arms.

“I thought I lost you. I thought you were killed when Vegeta-sei was destroyed.” Hotaru said, her words muffled when she buried her face in Vegeta’s neck.

“It takes more than that to kill me.” Vegeta replied, arranging his arms so he wouldn’t drop her. Hotaru felt tears leave her eyes as she tightened her arms around his neck. They stayed like that for a moment, reveling in their reunion before Hotaru pulled back and Vegeta set her back on her feet.

Dark ebony met with amethyst as Vegeta and Hotaru stared into each other’s eyes before their lips met in a long awaited kiss. Hotaru became oblivious to the world as she tangled her fingers in his hair.

“Hey Hotaru, do you want… Oh my.”

Hotaru squeaked slightly and quickly separated from Vegeta. Blushing, she looked to the door where Bulma and Yamcha stood. Bulma had a look of utter surprise while Yamcha had a glare of anger directed at Vegeta.

“You couldn’t get enough attacking is so now you assault an innocent girl.” Yamcha seethed, advancing on Vegeta. Hotaru stepped in front of Yamcha, stopping him.

“No Yamcha don’t.” Hotaru said with her hands on his shoulders. “He didn’t assault me.” She moved her hands. “If anything, I assaulted him.” She mumbled, looking at the ground.

“Hotaru?” Bulma questioned, still shocked. Hotaru glanced up at her.

“Remember the man I told you about? The one from my past?” Bulma nodded. “This is him.” Hotaru gestured to Vegeta. Yamcha’s and Bulma’s jaws hit the floor, both thinking how their innocent friend could have any connection with such a horrible man. Bulma was the first to recover.

“Um Hotaru, can I see you in the hall.” Bulma grabbed Hotaru’s arm and literally dragged her from the room. Yamcha threw Vegeta one last glare and followed the two women. When they were a good ways from the lab, Bulma let go of Hotaru’s arm and turned to face her.

“Hotaru have you lost your mind? Why would you even consider a man like Vegeta?” Bulma questioned, nearly shouting.

“Vegeta may not be the exact same as I once knew but I’m sure he’s not that bad once you get to know him.” Hotaru replied timidly.

“Hotaru,” Yamcha started, turning her toward him and looking her straight in the eye, “There is no getting to know this guy. He is evil. He killed his own partner because he had lost.”

“That doesn’t mean I should give up on him.” Hotaru shouted suddenly in frustration. “I was evil once and if Serena had given up on me, the world would cease to exist.” Before either Yamcha or Bulma could reply, Vegeta came running out of the lab.

“He’s coming.” They heard him mutter.

“Who’s coming?” Bulma asked. Vegeta turned towards them.


“But Goku defeated him.” Yamcha said.

“Apparently he didn’t.” Vegeta remarked. “Frieza is alive and he’s on his way.”

“How do you know?” Yamcha questioned watching Vegeta with a critical eye.

“I know. I make it my business to know.” Vegeta yelled back. He glanced slightly at Hotaru. “I’m going to head him off.” Vegeta took off down the hall.

“I’m going too.” Yamcha announced following Vegeta’s path.

“Hey!” Bulma shouted after them but they were already gone. “How dare they leave without us.”

“Do you think they’ll be alright?” Hotaru asked worriedly. “I mean, if Goku couldn’t beat him…”

“Well I’m not going to sit here and wonder.” Bulma said, grabbing Hotaru by the arm and dragging her down the hall. “Come on Hotaru, we’re going to meet Frieza too.” Hotaru stared at her with wide eyes.

“Have you lost your mind Bulma?” Hotaru said as Bulma produced a plane from a capsule. “Frieza could kill us.”

“Maybe but I don’t want to be sitting around when he decides to blow up the planet.” She replied, pulling Hotaru in the plane and taking off.

“Why me?” Hotaru mumbled quietly to herself before the communicator on her wrist went off. She flipped it open. “Hotaru here.” Michelle’s face came on the screen.

“Hotaru, the seas are roaring. Something awful is coming.” Michelle warned.

“I know. That thing, Frieza, is coming to Earth.” Hotaru explained. “Everyone is heading to where he is suppose to land.”

“Watch your back Hotaru.” Michelle said.

“I will. Don’t worry about me.” Hotaru closed the screen.

“Look, I see them.” Bulma said pointing at the ground. The first giveaway was the pink of Vegeta’s shirt.

“I can’t believe you gave him a pink shirt.” Hotaru muttered.

“That’s what he gets for treating me like a servant.” Bulma leaned out the window, waving. “Yamcha! Vegeta!” She yelled while landing.

“What are the two of you doing here?” Yamcha demanded as Hotaru and Bulma got out of the plane.

“I wanted to see Frieza. Even if he does kill us.” Bulma answered. Vegeta scoffed and looked ahead, muttering. Everyone turned when Tien and Chaiotzu arrived. Hotaru noticed the sudden look of disgust on Tien’s face when he noticed Vegeta.

“I didn’t realize you would be here.” Tien hissed.

“Is that a problem?” Vegeta said sarcastically innocent.

“Actually it is.” Tien began to advance on Vegeta. When Vegeta began to advance, Hotaru stepped in between them.

“Guys don’t.” She said holding out her hands as if to ward them off. “We have enough on our hands without a fight.” Both men backed off. Yamcha went to talk to Tien.

“Quiet,” Vegeta demanded, “You’re scaring the Namek.” Everyone looked and saw Piccolo standing on the cliff near them. Not long after, Gohan and Krillin landed.

“Krillin, Gohan you made it.” Bulma said happily waving.

“Hey is there any word from Goku yet?” Yamcha asked quickly. Gohan shook his head. Bulma’s happy waving ceased. She looked crestfallen.

“HE’S HERE!” Piccolo suddenly shouted. Everyone looked up and could clearly see Frieza’s spaceship coming toward them. All stood still as the ship passed directly over their heads and landed on the other side of the ridge. Bulma and Hotaru had fallen to their knees, clutching each other in fright. Hotaru was shaking from the rush of power she had felt as Frieza passed over her.

“Listen up.” Vegeta said suddenly. “There’s no room for mistakes. Keep power level low so Frieza can’t pick us up on his scouters.”

“You’re not seriously going to rush him are you?” Hotaru stood up shakily. “That would be suicide.” She said looking Vegeta in the eye.

“But it’s something we have to do.” Hotaru looked over to Piccolo. “If we don’t stop Frieza, the earth would be gone.” Hotaru just looked at the ground and nodded her head.

“I know.” She muttered very quietly. Vegeta lead the way as they all climbed over the many ridges to Frieza’s ship. It wasn’t long before Hotaru began to get tired. They reached a tall ridge that required a long climb. As tired as she was, Hotaru began to climb. Her breath was becoming labored as she weakly lifted herself up.

As she reached up for the next rock, she lost her footing and began to fall. She was caught quickly by Yamcha who had been lagging behind her. He pulled her up far enough so she could hold on to his back as he climbed.

“Hang on. I’ve got you.” He said. Hotaru held on tightly and missed the narrowing of Vegeta’s eyes when he looked down from his spot at the top. Yamcha however did see it and replied with a glare of his own. When they reached the top, Hotaru got off of Yamcha’s back and walked on her own.

At the top, they saw a large energy ball that reminded Hotaru of the sun.

“What’s that?” Bulma asked.

“That’s what Frieza destroyed Namek with.”

“Frieza’s destroying the earth?” Hotaru came up to the edge of the cliff they were on. Hotaru could see the spaceship and the faraway figures of Frieza and his father. She watched the energy ball descend into the earth before it stopped and began to come up again. Frieza threw a blast into it, causing it to explode.

“Get down.” Piccolo shouted. Everyone fell to the ground as the aftershocks of the blast went over their heads. Hotaru felt someone cover her head and looked up slightly to see Vegeta covering her with his body.

As the blast ended, everyone looked up and saw Frieza, before he got cut into pieces and blasted to dust by a stranger. They stood up and watched the same stranger defeat Frieza’s father without effort. They all tensed when the stranger turned his sights on them.

--I can’t believe how long its been since I updated. But its my junior year in high school and its proving to be the toughest year like everyone says. I’ll try to be quicker next time. Review!--