Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A Warrior of Naivety ❯ Battles of Love and Friendship ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A Warrior of Naivety 8:
Battles of Love and Friendship
Author's Notes: It has been awhile since I have written anything about my favorite DBZ couple. So I was looking through my files on Story ideas and this A/U plot caught my attention I figured why not give it a try. So I am now in this one Goku is not naive he is in fact very wise in the ways of the world and everything else for that matter. Chichi on the other hand is a chick with all this imense power, yet is to naive to know how to use it or to want to. So Goku has been assigned to train her. But what happens when he starts getting feelings for her and she starts feeling the same.
Chichi was packing her bags she would train with the King's advisor until her powers were completely under control. That could be years from now and she began to wonder what would happened between her and Karrotto. The thought of now being with him everyday ledt a wierd feeling in her stomach. She didn't know what to make of it and she felt extremely confused by all this. There was a knock at the door and Chichi turned around to see that Celpia was standing there looking at her.
"Hi," said Chichi turning back to her bag, she would have to stay in the palace during the training mission.
"He loves you you know that," said Celpia seating on her bed.
"Who loves me?" asked Chichi softly though she could already guess who her caretaker had been talking about.
"Karrotto," said Celpia. "I think it would be good for you two to go out some when you get back."
"What if I don't come back?"
"You will come back," said Celpia firmly. "I know you will."
"How can you be so sure that I will return?" asked Chichi softly. "I'm not even sure that I will be able to ever control my powers."
"Don't think like that!" snapped Celpia. "Of course you will be able to."
"I guess."
"No you know! Say that you know you will and you will!"
"Alright," said Chichi softly. "I will be able to do this!"
"Good now Karrotto is downstairs he wants to talk to you do you want to talk to him?"
"I guess I should talk to him," said Chichi.
"I'll send him up then."
Celpia left the room and a few seconds later Karrotto appeared before her.
"So you're leaving?" he asked flatly.
"Yes the king has commanded it," said Chichi.
"And you didn't even question it?!"
"Why is this such a problem for you?" asked Chichi.
"You're going to go to that palace and forget about me!"
"What are you talking about? You're not making any sense. Why would I forget about you? Karrotto you are one of my best friends and my first trainer I could never forget about you."
Karrotto stared at her for several minutes before storming out of the room she watched him go completely shocked by what was happening. A second after he had left her room she heard the door slam shut and several frames fall from the walls in the front hall.
'What in the world was that about,' thought Chichi.
"Like she said," said Chichi's cat. "The tailed one loves you and it upset him to think that you only thought that their relationship was only based on friendship."
"Oh," said Chichi looking down at the tank top she had been folding when he had stormed out of the room. "What should I do about it?"
"Furless one I can not tell you what to do in matters of the heart," said the cat. "All I can tell you what to do is in matters of witchery and sorcer; like my mother did for your mother and so on and so forth. However I can offer you this piece of advice, I think that when you come back you should consider taking him for your mate. The boy is strong and can protect you from the ones that want to hurt you. Plus he is kind to you and he will treat you well. You should be happy with his love and not wait for something else. Your people are dead you are the last the old law of only mating with one of your kind is no longer valid if the race is to continue then you should mate and accept the thought of having a half breed."
"That is not what worries me," said Chichi.
"Then what is it that worries you furless one?"
"I don't know if I feel that way about him and if I do will I always love him while I am gone. Besides what if I find out I love him and he falls in love with someone else while I am away? Or what if I fall in love with someone else?"
"Furless one listen to me you can not look to the future on somethings. Somethings are best left to fate all you can do if take things has they are. But trust me he will love no other then you. Now finish packing you have a long way ahead of you for awhile."
"Alright," said Chichi.
'However,' thought her cat. 'He will play with other females to get back at her and not realize that it could possible destory everything including her.'
'Do I love Karrotto?' thought Chichi.
The fact that she mentioned him falling for someone else left a bad taste in her mouth. She didn't want to think of him with anyone but her. She didn't even like thinking of her with anyone but him. She closed her eyes and sat on the bed, she wished she understood what was going on inside her mind. However she had always been thought of has being naive in the ways of being in love. Perhaps she really was naive about it and now that she thought about she wished she would remain that way, because being in love sounded like it would only get you hurt.
Karrotto walked down the street fuming.
'She thinks of me has her friend!' he thought his anger building. 'Well then I guess the only thing for me to do is to make myself forget about her. After all if she doesn't love me then why should I love her?'
Karrotto spotted someone out of the corner of his eye, he turned his head and saw a girl that everyone knew wanted Karrotto. Everyone also knew that she slept with many of the guys their age. Her name was Saur and she would be the best way to get his mind off of Chichi while she was away at the palace. He walked over to her and smiled soft and lazily.
"Hello Saur it's good to see you may I take you to dinner?" he asked smoothly.
Author's Notes: The next chapter takes place a few years after this chapter when Chichi is done training.

Isle - Thanks but things are going to get more interesting before Freezia makes it to the scene
Lady Thundera - Okay thanks a bunch
Cheena Son - Well now you know the question now is going to be what is going to happen now?
chi-chi - I will try
chichi4goku - thanks a mill
Nisha - hello thanks
