Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Akki no Onna ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Title: Akki no Onna

Author: EC-Chan

Chapter: Prologue


Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ…kaykays? GOOD ^^



Don't like weird pairings then don't read. You've been warned ^^;

Spoilers are attached to the following chapters. You've been warned.

If you flame me then I'll thank you. You've been warned.

You may not know who the bad guy is for a million chapters. You've been warned.

I'm on chapter four, but I'm writing it in a notebook so I don't know when I'll type the chappies up. You've been warned.

Any other warnings that I've left out, I apologize for now.


"Aunty B?" The six-year-old warrior with large glittery black eyes tugged the blue-haired lady's white sullied white jacket. The woman impatiently batted the small chubby hands away, ignoring the hurt look that briefly crossed over the girls face, as she stared determinedly into the array of wires of the contraption she was building. The child couldn't help it; she sniffled. First her parents and now Aunty B. Would they all leave her like this? "Where's daddy aunty? Where's mommy?"

The woman sighed, wiping the sweat off her face with the back of her hand. She made one last adjustment to the machine and then straightened, her eyes roaming over the child's innocent yet already hard-edged face one last time. This world was too cruel for such innocence to survive long, she sighed- saddened by the thought. If she had been born in any other time then it wouldn't be too late to retain all of her childhood. Now she would only be left with a few stray pieces. But…it was better then nothing.

"Don't worry sweetums," She drew the tiny bundle into her arms and felt petit, but already too-strong hands clutch her back as if she, the woman, was the pillar of strength. Normally this shy little girl shied away from human contact when it didn't involve attempting to spar with the men- this saddened the woman for some reason, but she couldn't bear to let go.

Picking the child up, she carried the placate youngster to a table, staggering under the weight that only a Saiyan could possess at such a young age and still be in-between plump and stick thin. She set the girl down and readied a needle.

Only now did the layer of unconditional trust break and the girl to back as far away from the weapon in absolute horror. It was only the short training this woman's husband had given the child that kept her in her seat and not jumping from the counter and running, squealing, away in terror.

"Panny," the woman said, her voice stern with warning. She didn't have time for this right now…not with…but no. She couldn't. She wouldn't. Think about that right now. She had more important business to attend to first. She sighed, "Panny. What would Uncle Veggie say?"

"Ony the foo or Kakerot fears needles," She recited, her lips tangling and twisting her words around so even that sentence sounded innocent and childlike. But it was only the words. Her mind had already lost what innocence it had a long time ago.

Bulma nodded her agreement and waited for the child to hold her arm out obediently. Any mention of Vegeta and his teachings as a cause for suffering would be enough for the girl most of the time- for some reason he was the one person who meant most to her in the world at this time…but… No. She shook the thoughts from her head yet again as they tried to catch hold of her consciousness.

"Aunty B?" Pan asked, holding out her arm expectantly. Bulma smiled softly and administrated the drugs. With that done there was only one more thing left for her to do- wait and hurry at the same time.

Setting down the needle, she quickly sprawled a note that wouldn't give away the child's identity, but be adequate enough to get herself into the Brief's household and then for them to train her properly. She would be needed in this timelines future…at least in that one she would be ready. They would be ready.

Grabbing the girl's shoulders forcibly, she snapped impatiently, "When you see me, give her this note. Do you understand Akki?"

The girl blinked and Bulma shook her again, unrelenting, "Give Bulma this note! Remember that!"

Only after the girl nodded once and then went limp, did Bulma relax her grip and carry the slumbering child delicately back to the contraption she had just been working on.

Smiling tenderly down at the angel, she brushed a strand of raven black hair out of the child's face and whispered, "I'm sorry Panny, but this was the best I could come up with," before straightening once again, stepping back, and pressing a button on the side- and then watching it disappear into nothingness.

After that events muddled themselves together. She didn't know how long she sat there or when he had come for her. She didn't even hear him whisper, "Bulma…the last of my weaknesses," before blasting her into the next demension.

It even took her a while to realize that she was in the line for the Earth's checking in station and a moment later to realize he had killed her. He had actually killed her. And then what else was there left for her to do, but smile- relieved that the whole ordeal was over and now she would find out if she had done right or wrong by sending Son Pan back into the past?


AN: For those who may get confused over this- Pan will now be referred to as Akki (yes, I know the name means devil…don't ask. Seriously.)


So, did u like/hate??? Not care…think it was stupid? ANY COMMENTS WHATSOEVER ARE VERY WELCOME!! ^^;

Plus, I dunno if it's gonna be Gotenks/Pan or Pan/Trunks/Goten. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!!!!!
