Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Akki no Onna ❯ Gokou's Sleep ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]



"I love you too Goten-kun," She said, and Goten smiled like he was just given the biggest treat in the world. He pulled her against him harshly and the two lost all of their senses of time and place as Akki turned in his lap so that now she was straddling him and they had begun to kiss patiently, their mouths red and swelling from the passion between them.


"Why don't you two get a room?" Krillin said, only half serious. No one had quite accepted their relationship yet, but the duo simply grinned in response, deciding to take it as a joke, as they broke apart as harshly as their kisses. They responded to all of their family and friend's barbs as such no matter how what was intended, and although it had been a bit hard on them they stood firm on their decision to date.

"Would Krillin but there's none around," Akki grinned and disentangled herself from her significant other. Goten protested and tried to pull her back, but she grinned down at him and dodged his arms. "I'm gonna go talk to niisan- he's been so busy lately that I've practically forgotten he exists."

She sighed silently and when her back was turned to everyone she repaired her mask of cheerfulness, that had faltered by the disgust that overrode his amusement. She was tired of it- tired of her family and friends always looking at her as if she were some type of whore. Of course everyone thought that Goten was completely innocent in this whole situation, how could she blame them- he was adorably naive, and under such a line of thought she ended up bearing the blunt of everyone's uneasiness.

She hated it, but at the same time she refused to relinquish Goten again. After finally finding someone who fit her so perfectly and she loved so dearly…. She knew that the boy that had finally gotten them together was right- she shouldn't care what they thought or acted like. But she still couldn't help but want to curl up in a ball underneath her bed and let this whole situation pass over so that when she was ready to face the world again she would again be everyone's little angel- the little girl who could no wrong and everyone loved dearly. But that position had fallen to the two newest additions to the group- Pan and Bura.

Everyone had decided that she really was Pan from a different timeline a long time ago, which was why they had objected so strongly to the fact that she and Goten were dating. But she couldn't, no matter how much she thought over the matter, believe that she was really Son Gohan's daughter and not her papa's.

It was an alien idea to her that was rejected by every cell in her body. She wanted to be papa's daughter. She wanted to be the proud Saiyan Prince's flesh and blood. She wanted Trunks to always stay by her side protectively as an older brother should… She wanted things to remain like she had grown up knowing them, but she knew deep in her heart that what she had long since come to known as true probably wasn't.

Still she couldn't see what was wrong with dating Goten. Even if they were family. Didn't they know that the two had discussed such possibilities for hours? She frowned, realizing first that someone was watching her with a small little frown placed delicately across her face and second that sometime during her thoughts she had made it over to Trunks-kun and had plopped down next to him- her arms wrapped around his middle as his arms pulled her to his side, shielding her from the world.

"Akki…?" He asked questioningly, feeling her stiffen. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," She said grinning. "Thanks, Trunks-kun."

"For what?" He asked, a little confused.

She smiled innocently, "For always being here when I need you."

They were silent for a long moment, and then both spoke at the same time,

"So…what's been going on with you Niisan?"

"It must be hard for you," Trunks said in agreement to…something. She allowed him to overlook her question, though it wasn't like she had a choice, as he pressed on. "What made you guys decide to date?"

She sighed, "It seemed…the natural thing to do," she really didn't feel like explaining the whole mess at the moment, but she also knew he deserved an answer, "After you became too busy to spend any time with us things just…sorta happened. I didn't expect such a strong reaction from everyone, though."

"You do make a good couple," Trunks admitted, though he couldn't keep the bitterness from his voice. Akki shifted, so that she could see his face, her eyes wide in something close to fear and mania.

"Please Trunks…not you too," She whispered, and then buried her face in his shirt. She didn't cry, but Trunks knew that she was extremely close to doing so. He was beginning to realize how hard this whole situation had been on his little sister and he felt his arms tightening around her.

"No," He said. "I didn't mean it like that… I'm sorry. I should have been here for you."

She smiled into his shirt, relaxing under his reassurance, he smiled nervously down at her. She frowned, growing suddenly serious before demanding, "…Tell me what's wrong."

"Huh? Wrong? Nothing's wrong," Trunks said nervously. "Why would you say that?"

"Tell me!" She demanded, pouting when he didn't respond. "Why ARE you so bitter about me and Goten dating then, if it isn't that you think it's nasty `cause we might be uncle and niece!"

Trunks frowned.

"We haven't talked at all lately," Akki sighed, discontent with his reaction. "I know you've been in the office a lot `cause of Mama, but…still!"

"Well…actually…could I confess something?" Trunks asked nervously.

"Of course." She smiled.

"Do you…promise not to….say anything?"

"Sounds serious," Akki smiled. "But yeah, sure. I won't say anything."

Trunks smiled softly, "I'm not planning to act upon it or anything like that, and I know you're not going to like the idea…but…"

"But what?" Akki pressed when he trailed off.

"I think…I think I'm in love…with," Trunks sighed, his body stiff with fear. He had to say it. He had to just tell her what was wrong…she might be able to help him…maybe. He took a deep breath and then hissed loudly before he could lose his courage to, "With Goten!"

Akki blinked, the rest of her body frozen in shock. "With Goten…?" She repeated nervously, not really believing him. "But…you aren't gay…are you sure?"

"Unfortunately yes," Trunks sighed, burying his head in her hair. "Please…just tell me what to do… I don't want to be…"

"You know," An amused voice announced behind then, breaking the serious-charged conversation with a bright grin. "If I didn't know you two considered yourselves brother and sister then I'd be jealous."

He sat down easily, wrapping his arms around Akki and trying to pull her into his lap. Akki felt Trunks go stiff when Goten's hand brushed against his chest and she stared at him, her eyes wide in shock and amazement.

"You were right," She breathed. "No fucking way!"

"No fucking way what?" Goten asked, confused.

"Nothing!" Trunks croaked quickly and released Akki from his stony grip. He stumbled to his feet and was about to leave when Goten reached up a hand to pull him back to the ground and stopped him in his tracks.

"My dad left."

"What?" Akki said, stirring in his arms as she tried to turn to face him, but he only tightened his grip around her so that she couldn't move at all. Growling, she crossed her arms and sunk back into his lap.

"Why?" Trunks managed to choke out.

"I dunno," Goten laughed nervously, breaking the tension he himself had now created. "But he told everyone to wait here for him. Didn't you hear? No…I guess not, you were having such a serious conversation. Sorry for interrupting you guys by the way. I know you don't get to talk much nowadays. Forgive me?"

"As long as we go to the club you promised me earlier," Akki mumbled and Goten agreed with a laugh. Akki eyed Trunks dubiously. "Want to come with us? It'll do you some good to forget about he office for a while."

Silence and then after a moment Trunks shrugged his acceptance, "Sure why not?"


AN: Before you read the following section, I'd just like to say that I don't remember who collected the dragon balls in GT and wished Gokou to become a kid, but since they fit into the story, I'm just going to say that it was Emperor Pilaf, kays? But if anyone could tell me in a review who it really was then I might change it for you guys, `cuz this is the only time I'm actually following the GT story…sort of;;; Not really;;; oh well..;;


"Mwahahahahahahaha! Finally I will be able to rule the world!" The short bald man with blue skin announced evilly, his eyes opened wide in bliss when thinking about what he exactly was going to do now that he had FINALLY managed to collect all of the Dragon Balls.

"And think master, it's only took you about forty years!" Shao grinned, his canine teeth displayed in his earnest to compliment his master.

"That little brat has spoiled my wish too many times now!" Emperor Pilaf roared, his short arms waving around him in his anger. Abruptly he calmed down, an evil smile twisting across his face. "But not this time. This time I will finally get my wish!"

"Yes sire," Agent Mi said, placing the Dragon Balls out in front of him. "May I suggest that you make it soon?"

"Of course I will make it soon!" He yelled and the two agents fell back, cowering slightly behind him. He sighed. It was so hard to find good help these days. Especially when he had these two lackeys for forty years already…what would the point of trading them in now be?


When Gokou had first seen Uubu, he knew that the boy had a power within him that was waiting just beneath the surface to awaken and he had taken the boy to train without thinking. However, he had had no idea what the repercussions would be at the time.

He and Uubu had returned to a place where they had not only been closed off from almost completely, but had not welcomed Gokou back in its normally cheerful way. Goten, his son, had grown up without him and although he forgave his dad for not being around, the two were on different levels altogether.

Akki, the little girl who had smiled at him so brightly and trusted him without question, had given him a brief glance before turning to Uubu and asking to spar- wanting to test her strength. Gokou knew that she had been hoping he would have asked HER to train with him, but he knew that Vegeta had her taken care of so didn't- though she would never know that of course.

Trunks had become a distant thought in all minds- briefly seen for a few minutes here and there before being ushered back into the office by his mother. He could feel the young boys pain, but there was nothing he could do about it…especially after Bulma's reaction.

She had been cold to him, unforgiving for his most recent disappearance. And why shouldn't she be? At first he had been confused by her behavior, but then he had seen Chi Chi. His wife. The women he was practically forced into marrying, but loved completely and wholly anyway. She was frail, her hair beginning to really show the tint of age.

The Ox King had died while Gokou was gone, and she had lost the one man that could and would never desert her like her family so often did. Goten had taken up the full responsibility of taking care of her, while Gohan sent checks in the mail to cover their expenses and visited often. Gohan, perhaps surprising, had taken his father's reappearance in stride, welcoming him back and asking him how the training had gone.

Vegeta, however, had thrown a few punches, sending the duo into a fury of sweaty battle, until he had jumped back and grunted his approval of Gokou's newest level of strength before leaving, dragging Akki and his newest daughter- Bura- behind him. He acted like Gokou had never left after that, and the others who rarely met with each other anymore acted the same.

Only Pan welcomed him back with open arms, clinging to him when no one else would. And he was extremely grateful to her for the encouragement though he doubted she meant anything by her behavior. One of the reasons it was so precious to him is because it was completely natural.

But still, all in all, the consequences of his failed attempt at bringing out Uubu's power fully was greatly outweighed by the change in the world and lifestyle he had come back to. It hadn't been worth it to lose the precious years he had left with his friends and family.

Worse- somehow between worrying about fighting Buu and training Uubu afterwards he had forgotten two things he should never have forgot. The first was that Akki Briefs was his granddaughter and really Son Pan. And the second was the reason why she had come from the future- the enemy whom Bulma had never mentioned in either her note or their brief meeting in the Other World.

So it wasn't surprising that he was caught off his guard when the sky darkened, and a large dragon-like shape appeared in the horizon. Or when no one had recognized the signs or the small dot except for him. And it also wasn't surprising for him to find himself saying that he'd be back in a moment and teleporting to where the dragon was. Now here, however, he didn't know if he wanted to laugh at the danger he had been so worried about a few minutes ago, or fall over and twitch. Would these people ever give up?

"SIRE!!!" Both agents screamed and ran for cover. Emperor Pilaf turned to stare at the boy who had caused him so much trouble and was now an old man.

"I do not have all day," The Eternal Dragon said, his voice betraying his anger and annoyance. "Make your two wishes before I lose my patience!"

Two thoughts crossed the hopeful Emperor's mind at the moment- the first was that he really had to get better minions and the second was that he had to think up something fast so that this man would not ruin his chances of obtaining the throne yet again. Momentarily panicking these two unique thoughts molded themselves together in his head and he uttered, "I wish that Son Gokou was evil and does my bidding!"

The dragon's eyes shone red. Gokou, who had opened his mouth to stop Pilaf's wish and was too late, felt his mind suddenly shift and then fall into a deep sleep. He tried to fight his hopeless inability to control what was happening, but the voice in the back of his head urging him to give up and surrender his will, was so convincing and so lolling that he felt himself slipping. Only right before he lost consciousness did he realize something that the future Mirai Bulma had predicted was finally coming true, though not even this thought which would normally send him into panic could break him from the Dragon's control.

"Your wish has been granted," He finally said stonily. "What is your final wish?"

Pilaf thought for a moment, putting aside thinking about his newfound control over a powerful body for the brief instant and focusing on what he wanted. He didn't need to wish for being in control over the world- he could seize it the old fashion way. It would be more interesting anyway.

So he finally said, "I wish that no one can use these Dragon Balls ever again."
