Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Akki no Onna ❯ more randomness ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


"People should know when they're conquered." - Quintus, from Gladiator


Trunks didn't understand why his father insisted that they leave Akki by herself and go to the tower. It made no sense whatsoever, and the fact that the man refused to share exactly WHY he had ordered this to them even after they got there was…infuriating.

And it wasn't just him. Goten was shifting uneasily beside him as well, probably worrying about Akki, who had for some reason stayed. Who could blame him? Who could blame, Trunks, for worrying about not only that but what was going on with Gokou?

Why had he threatened to kill Pan? His granddaughter? What had happened when he had gone to see…whatever he had went to see? It didn't make any sense. How could someone change so much in a span of less then a half hour? And what did Vegeta- his father- have in mind right now?

"Let's go brat what are you waiting for?" Vegeta asked, turning to Pan. She had been standing by the edge of the Lookout, staring down onto the Earth. When Vegeta called her, her head snapped up, her eyes focusing on his form before following him obediently.

Trunks and Goten were left in utter speechless bafflement, taken momentarily aback with the fact that Vegeta simply meant to leave them on this Lookout with no explanation and expected to dutifully wait for the duo to finish…whatever they planned on doing. They only snapped out of their mutual stupor when two furious Nameks cut Pan and Vegeta short.

"Akki tried to stop you," Dende started, waving his arms around madly to emphasis his anger just as well as his point. "Why didn't you listen! Why-!"

"Get out of the way brat," Vegeta grunted, holding up a single hand warningly.

"Enough Vegeta," Piccolo took a step forward. "I understand what you're doing. And I'll let you if Trunks and Goten go in first."

Vegeta blinked, opened his mouth to say something, but then closed in firmly in decision. He stepped back, as did Pan. Dende also submitted to Piccolo in his own way- he might not know what was going on either, but it seemed that Piccolo had a plan.

"Goten. Trunks," Piccolo said, his words commanded immediate respect, but only because both were too far beyond confusion at this point. He took them to the Time Chamber.


Pan refused to believe it. It couldn't be true! Hadn't she convinced herself time and time again that Akki could not possibly be her? How could she be wrong? She had it all worked out. The woman………she was supposed to be Pan's sister at the very most. Not her! Never her. It wasn't fair. They were different people. They HAD to be different people!

But…as much as she hated to admit it…they were one in the same and this day only proved it completely two times over. Akki was Pan and Pan Akki. And there was nothing she could do about it. How did she know? That answer was simple- Akki had told her. More or less.

For some time now Pan had been perfecting a technique that allowed her to seep into other people's minds, a silent observer of other's thoughts. It had started innocently enough- an accident that she hadn't intended and she had, of course, been thrilled by this newfound talent. So she learned to control it…it wasn't her fault Akki was thinking so loudly.

So she understood perfectly what was going on………what was going to happen. Hell- she had witnessed her own parent's death. She didn't want any of what she had seen to happen………but it had. It did. To Akki.

"Pan," Piccolo had returned. She turned to face him, her face turning up to stare in his face. "It is time to begin your training."

"Training?" She asked, her mind stirring finally to the reality at hand.

He nodded. "Training. You're father refused to allow this, but circumstances have changed. I believe you've already have gotten a taste of it." [1]


Why did he ever let himself get sucked into this mess? Not only did he seriously NOT want to fight (he never trained nowadays and when he USED to it was always because Akki forced him to) Gokou, but he didn't want to train with Goten. Obviously if they were here then Piccolo and Vegeta wanted them to fuse and train as a fusion. They always had little or no use for Goten and Trunks separately- one of the many reasons why we gave up fighting in the first place.

But………he couldn't fuse. At least not until he figured out how he could ever possibly hide something from Goten if they fused. This wasn't the ideal way Trunks wanted Goten to find out about Trunk's………crush. Though if it were up to the older boy the younger would never find out.

If Gotenks was needed, however, then would he be able to perform? Piccolo had hurriedly explained that when they got out of the chamber they would take over the position Akki held now- to protect Earth from Gokou until Pan was ready to stop him. How Pan would stop him they weren't told and had found the story more then a little hard to believe.

"Geesh, it's been years since we've trained together," Goten made a face at Trunks. "Do you think we should really bring Gotenks back?"

Trunks chuckled at the memory of how much they had bugged Piccolo during that time. "He seemed to want us to…but…I've got an idea."

"Really…" Goten raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Well, since Gotenks is simply us fused then it'd probably be better training separately at first," Trunks suggested, trying to buy himself time. After a moment Goten shrugged.

"I guess that makes sense."

"So…you ready?"

"I guess," Goten shrugged again and then walked over to the refrigerator, smiling when he saw that someone had indeed restocked it. "Not like last time…"

"Always the same Goten," Trunks rolled his eyes at his friend, before heading over to the edge of the podium, his eyes fixing on the vast emptiness around him. He had never really let it bother him when he was young- he had never really taken the time to THINK about it.

"It's more disconcerting then I'd remembered," Goten said. Sometime during Trunks thoughts he had come to stand beside him, and they were silent for a long moment both aware of the other's presence and finding comforting. Neither new exactly what was going on or what would be waiting for them when it was time to leave this place.

"Some things never change."

Trunks wasn't sure whether the boy beside him was commenting on Trunks' last statement or talking about the last time they were here together. It was true- it seemed that they were always that ones stuck in here, a `future' hope, while Akki and the others were on the outside doing what it took to save the world. But for some reason Trunks had the feeling that Goten was thinking more along the lines of latter, thinking of the girlfriend whom was protecting him at the moment when it should be the other way around.

"No they don't," Trunks agreed easily. "But then…that's only the first layer- it protects us. The others underneath have changed more then enough."

He had the feeling that Goten was looking at him funny, but he didn't mind. His comment wasn't meant for him to understand- it was more of a personal analysis of the situation. "I knew you had changed a lot Trunks, but………office life couldn't change THAT much."

Trunks refrained from commenting. So what if Goten had taken his comment the completely wrong way- he was a much better fighter then thinker and that was something Trunks liked about him. So simple. So innocent.

He shook his head, clearing his thoughts. It wouldn't be a good thing if he lost himself in his emotions right now. THAT was something he knew for sure. One of the only things right now which he knew for sure.

"Let's get started."


Akki Briefs stood facing her sensei, or rather grandfather. She was confused………about everything. For the last eleven years of her life she had come to terms with being the sister of Trunks Briefs, girlfriend of Goten, and daughter of the genius Bulma Briefs and famous Prince of the Saiyans. A few minutes ago all of that was changed, shifting into a new confusion of relationships.

She could see everything from two viewpoints now- one from her six year old innocence, wanting to cling onto her mom and dad (her REAL mom and dad) and complain about how she thought that she would never see them again. But that girl was gone, replaced by another.

"Are you going to fight or should I give you a little incentive in doing so?" Gokou blinked at her. She shuddered, unable to look into his eyes. They were too cold………too lifeless. She had never seen him so empty- so devoid of spirit and all other emotions besides evil pleasures.

"I said I'd fight," She murmured, crouching low in ready position. And then paused. When she was six he was unable to hurt her- unable to even touch her. Something kept on stopping him. At the time everyone had thought that she had some special type of powers that negated evil or some other odd deformity of being one-fourth Saiyan………but if he could fight her now. Then………what did that mean?

He smirked, and then motioned her to come forward and attempt to deliver the first blow. She did so easily enough, swinging her right hand at him with practically no force behind it at all. He was her sensei and so she had to obey him to an extent when fighting- it was too natural for her. He grunted in disgust, bringing his knee up to connect with her abdomen. The girl fell back, clutching her stomach and snarling.

"I could have killed you then and there, but you're lucky I'm in the mood for a good fight," He informed her in derision. Still growling madly at him, she bent back low into ready position- this time ready to fight. Before he could motion for her to move again, she attacked, her left foot kicking out and connecting with the side of his head.

Gokou did a back flip, landing only enough so that he could push back off the ground, using it as an advantage to gain not only more speed but more power behind his first blow. Akki, seeing this, met him in the middle, catching his head with her two arms and literally stopping him in midair.

While she was panting with the effort to keep him from moving any further forward, he drew his energy to his hands and sent several ki blasts into her stomach and chest. They both fell back, crouched in ready position and smirking at the other.

"Ready to turn up the heat?" Gokou asked, grinning ecstatically. Akki, finding his comment amusing, couldn't hide her smirk as she agreed readily and they both powered up to Super Saiyan Three.

"Kameameah!" Gokou sent a quick ki blast at the younger girl, and then charged, using the fact that she had to dodge the ki blast first before taking him into account. He pummeled into her, gaining speed as they flew through the air and down, sending her crashing into the ground and leaving a giant crater.

She flew out of the hole, drawing more energy from herself as she formed the glowing orbs in her hand and sending numerous small lights towards her mentor. He simply stood there, smirking in triumph as she wasted her energy. But, surprisingly enough, Akki too was also smirking at the end of this exchange.

"I have something to show you," She grinned, her voice filled with laughter. He stared at her, having a feeling that he wouldn't like this turn of events in the least.


[1]- I've stolen an idea from my other story- Shenlong's Vacation and Piccolo's Conspiracy theory, since I won't be writing any more to that O.,o…*cough* cuz it was awful. And I don't have time ^^;;; And it works really well in this, though it won't be the full idea. Just random info that u didn't need or even want to know ^^;;;

For the next couple chapters I'm going to be focusing on the semi-slash part of the story… O.,o… So…hopefully you'll be looking forward to that;;; Maybe? Haha…they have such a weird relationship ;p…


Did anyone notice on toonami the other day, how when Piccolo blushes, his ears turn pink too? It's sooo funny ^^;;; and adorable…(O.,o…people at school are corrupting my mind by putting weird vocabulary in it)…;;;
