Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Akki no Onna ❯ And BS stands for.... ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Note: Just to make this clear, this is DEFINITELY going to be Chibi-Pan/Vegeta (Not Akki/Vegeta) unless someone can convince me otherwise.^^;;; (Always open to suggestions)


"My dad! He's always so full of surprises." -Gohan, DBZ


The two boys stood facing each other, their gazes locked, and their energy synchronized by reflex forged by too much time spent learning to align themselves to each other perfectly……… They bowed in union, straightened, and charged- even their breaths came at the same pace.

"Goten?" The purple haired boy gasped after a few minutes of their work-out.


"We're best friends right?"

"Duh!" Goten said, taking the chance to knock Trunks solidly in the head, sending him flying to the ground. He landed in a crouched position, but instead of charging back up into the air he waited for Goten to come to him- which didn't take very long. "Why?"

"I………You………." Trunks paused for a moment, at a loss for words. He wanted to tell Goten so many things but he couldn't say………anything. Goten landed a few feet away from him, waiting for Trunks to gather his thoughts. "Best friends………they tell each other everything right?"

"This is about Akki isn't it?" Goten asked suspiciously.

Trunks shook his head, "No. Not really."

"What were you guys talking about earlier?" Goten asked, crossing his arms. "Something you might want to share with me?"

"It's not like you don't hide things from me too!" Trunks yelled, panicking. He couldn't tell Goten………he couldn't! But………he had to? Or else he'd find out when they fused………which would probably be worse.

"I don't," Goten blinked, trying to hide his hurt from his face. "I tell you everything………well, did. You're the one who screwed our friendship up by spending so much time at the office. I know your mom-."

"Look………Goten," Trunks said, racking a hand through his hair. "I don't know how to say this………but you'll find out eventually and I figure that it'd be better if it were from me………so it wouldn't be a shock when we fused."

"Let me guess- you're in love with Akki," Goten broke into Trunks carefully devised speech.

"NO!" He gaped at his friend. "That's gross! Why would you even…?" Though it wasn't like his real secret was any less, come to think of it.

"Then what?" Goten eyed his friend suspiciously.

"Just………promise me first that this won't make you think," Trunks paused shaking his head furiously. "The hell with it- you'll think of me weirdly no matter what I make you promise. Just…keep in mind that we have to cooperate to fight your dad and this is the only reason I'm telling you. Otherwise I would have kept it a secret until I died!"

Goten frowned at his friend, not really understanding, "You are in love with Akki?"

"NO! Not Akki," Trunks said, growling slightly. "I'm in love with you!"


"No! That's not it!" Piccolo thundered at the child. "That's all wrong! Try again and get it right this time!"

Pan nearly snarled at him, but stopped herself. When he had talked about training she had thought that he meant the normal………not something like this. She didn't want to be the next guardian of the lookout or some other dribble like that! That would be so………boring! It was better to be free and obligated to only look out after yourself then to be tied down by ANYONE, much less a whole world. A lot easier. Simpler.

"What?" Piccolo asked, eyeing the small girl's frown a bit uneasily. "Look Pan- don't worry about being Protectress of Earth in the future- that won't be for a long time to come. Right now you have to focus on the task at hand- if you don't learn this technique before the boys come out then the fate of the WORLD will be doomed."

"Why is it so important that I learn this?" Pan said, still frowning. "It's not like reading his mind will be useful when we fight!"

"You won't be fighting," Piccolo said.

Pan's jaw dropped. "I won't be fighting?! Then what will I be doing? Standing there shaking my butt and telling him to hit me if he can? Should I paint a target on it for good measure?"

Vegeta snorted from across the room. Pan glared at him, annoyed. At least HE was enjoying this. She snarled at him and turned her stare back on Piccolo.

"No," Piccolo said, his voice measured. "You're going to wake up his sleeping half- his GOOD half."

She blinked, "His what-um?"

"His sleeping half," Piccolo rolled his eyes, annoyed by the fact that she hadn't understood him the first time. "I was watching when Pilaf made the spell. Gokou was trying to resist it, but then his eyes went blank as if he had given in. Then presto he's evil!"

Pan winced, still not understanding what Piccolo was saying. "Let me get this straight," She drawled, "Grandpa's been put to sleep? Like in `Sleeping Beauty?!'"

Both men blinked at her, not understanding what `Sleeping Beauty' exactly was/is or how it had to relate to this situation in particular. But Pan's mind was working in overtime, thinking of all of the implications and jumping to conclusions a bit too quickly, "EWWWWWWWWW!!!!! That's gross! I don't want to kiss my GRANDPA!!!!"

"How………?" Piccolo blinked at the younger girl.

"I'd hardly call Kakkarott beautiful brat," Vegeta snorted from across the room. "And I don't blame you for not wanting to kiss him. I'll just kill him instead. It will save us all the trouble."

"That's not possible!" Piccolo snapped, glaring at Vegeta. "Even if you kill him now then he'll only make more of a mess of things. Gokou knows how to control space and time, and it's easier to control dimensions then the prior. Killing him will only give him immortality and make him ten times stronger! We need to beat him now on our own grounds."

"I'm not kissing my grandfather," Pan said, crossing her arms.

"I NEVER SAID YOU HAD TO KISS HIM!!!" Piccolo shouted angrily, causing both Saiyans' to wince and cover their ears. "Are you ready to learn how to save the world now or will I have to pound your willingness into you?!"

"Um…now's fine."


Akki Briefs smirked at her mentor, quite aware of the fact that at this moment in time, in this form, he was stronger, faster, and overall way more powerful then her by far. But that would change…right now in fact. He was watching her slightly impatient, itching to fight and angry that she was able to buy time like this- with him unable to do anything about it.

"I'll show you my secret as you showed me yours many years ago- right about when I first came," She smiled at him, her long blonde returning to its original black. "Remember?"

Gokou snorted. "I may be evil but that doesn't mean I've lost my memories. You were such an annoying little brat. Following me around- in death and all. My little stalker. But now look at you- all grown and attached to my son. Bonded?"

"Not yet," Akki blushed.

"Well? What are you waiting for?"

"Um………" She did not want to get into this conversation with her boyfriends father, so she changed tactics, remembering her original intent, smirking, "You'll love this- I know you will."

He lifted an eyebrow.

"This is a Super Saiyan," Her hair turned golden, "This is the level beyond that- a Super Saiyan Level 2," Her hair grew straighter- stiffer, "This is the level beyond that- a Super Saiyan Level 3," Her smirk broadened in anticipation as her hair grew longer, "And THIS," Now she had to power up, "Is a level beyond even that!" Her hair grew back to black, but it was different- longer. Her forehead was still oddly shaped, but now the ridges of her black eyes were red. Her clothes had also changed into a red jumpsuit and her tail wrapped protectively around her middle, "Super Saiyan Level 4."

"What was the point of going through all of those steps?" He growled, eyeing her angrily, "Just to return back to normal with different clothes?"

She frowned at him, "But this IS Level 4."

"I know- there's this thing called BS. Chi Chi explained it to me…once," Gokou said, nodding. "And I KNOW you're doing it right now. You're trying to scare me!"

"Do you know what BS stands for?" Akki asked, suddenly curious.

"………No," Gokou admitted.

"Bull shit."

"No- I'm telling the truth. I don't know."

"No. Bull shit."

"I swear- I don't know."

"NO! Bull shit is what BS stands for!" Akki said, frowning in annoyance. "And no. I'm not bull shitting you. This is Super Saiyan Level 4 and I'll prove it! I can beat you with one arm!"

"I doubt that."

"My right arm," She said, smirking, and placed it behind her back so that she wouldn't forget. He raised an eyebrow in amusement probably thinking that this wouldn't last long. She knew differently though. Her smirk widened. Yes. This would be interesting. And since he was supposedly the strongest in the universe, she knew that this would be the best chance she would get at testing her new strength. She would use it wisely.


Forgive the suckiness of this chapter… it's why it's taking so long for me to post O.,o;; It's so…weird;;; But I've given up on trying to make it any better then it already is…so hopefully you people won't get too scared by it ^^;;

The next chappy's going to be a lot like this one and then we go back to being serious…and then the end ^^;;; Yay! ^^;;; I'm so proud of myself…I actually see the end of this coming ^^;;; After 8 chappies;; (I'm still at the beginning in Kami's House at chappy 11;;;)
