Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Blinded Love ❯ Life Is FULL Of Surprises ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: I am so sorry for the very late chapter but I've had a hell of a long Vacation and I wasn't home a lot, hope you guys can forgive me. Well I just wanted to say I'm posting my first chapter again but its edited cuz I made some mistakes on it so if you guys don't mind reading it over then please do, Thanks. Then on my other story Sweet Cherry Lips I'm editing it COMPLETELY because I noticed I made Vegeta to soft and too nice so if you read it before then please read it again in about 2 or 3 days ok, Thanks. And Thank you to all the reviewers, without you guys I'm nothing *Wipes tears from eyes * So Thanks again guys!!!!!

Disclaimer: If I owned DBZ I would probably be in the Bahamas or something but NO!! I'm stuck here in an 2 bedroom apartment with one bathroom in NYC, big WOW. SO now you clearly understand I can't possibly own DBZ so don't SUE!!!

Life is FULL of Surprises

Bulma at the sound of her name been called recognized it immediately, Bulma quickly dropped her car keys and turned to see none other than her High School Best friend Danessa. Bulma jumped happily as she gave friend a tight hug.

" I take that as a Hi to you to Danessa " Danessa joked and smiled happy that her friend still remembered her.

" Oh my god long time no seen, where have you been hiding all these years I called your house like 100 times but your parents told me you were out in the world " Bulma said as she motioned for Danessa to follow her inside.

" Well I have been traveling around the world first I stayed in South America for 3 Years then I went to Europe for 2 years and well coming home to Japan was my next destination, I just stopped by to tell you Hi because It really has been a long time seen I've seen you" Danessa Said as she sat down in one of the living room couches while Bulma sat across from her.

" Yea it has, so did you enjoy it you know have fun meet cuties " Bulma asked as she knew Danessa all too well could get any guy she wanted, it wasn't only her beauty that attracted other guys but her way of being.

" Well want the truth truth, Nope I haven't " Danessa said sadly.

" You mean to tell me there aren't ANY cute guys at all in where you have stayed " Bulma asked as she cocked an eyebrow suspiciously

" Yea, there are a lot of cute guys but there all too soft or there very ugh, you know what I mean " Danessa said unsure Bulma had understood her the way she wanted her to understand.

" Ummmm I don't know Danessa, exactly what type of guy are you looking for " Bulma asked

" Well I like my man to have A Bad Boy Attitude, very well built and very Sexy and well I haven't found that guy yet " Danessa said a little depressed.

" Oh I understand " Bulma said " Oh My I'm so rude, Do you want some soda or water " Bulma asked a little embarrassed she had been so rude.

Danessa chuckled as she noticed Bulma hadn't changed a bit, she was still the same. " Umm sure, Coke please "

" Alright, a coke coming right up " Bulma said waitress like, earning a laugh from Danessa.

" So what about you Bulma, any Boyfriends, admires " Danessa asked Bulma as she saw her come back with her soda.

Bulma froze at her comment what was she going to say, yea she had an Ex who sleep with every woman wearing a short skirt, Bulma was pretty sure Danessa would tell her I told you so, because she had warned her about Yamcha before. Bulma sighed and saw it was best if she did tell her.

" Well you know Yamcha and I were going out, right?" Bulma said as she sat once again back down.

"Uh-hu, yea I knew Kenny told me before you started dating him over one year and a half ago "

" Yea we were dating for a year and a half, but I broke up with him two days ago " Bulma said sadly as she looked down a her cup telling her self not to cry.

" Oh sorry B, what happened " Danessa said noticing Bulma's change of mood.

" Well the same thing you told me that would happen, he cheated on me, who knows how many times " Bulma said just at the edge of bursting into tears.

" Oh B don't get down, he was a bastard and you know I mean he had that ugly scar in his face that looked like he was some kind of magician like Harry Potter " Danessa said as she tried to cheer Bulma up.

Bulma let out a laugh as she though that Danessa was probably right and that he was some troll who looked like Harry. That last thought made Bulma laugh.

" Danessa how bout you stay here for a couple of days we can go shopping and stuff " Bulma said once again getting cheery.

" I don't know Bulma are you sure you're parents think is ok for me to stay here, I really don't want to be a bother " Danessa said unsure.

" Of course they don't mind my mom totally likes you remember on our Senior year in High School we went shopping with her and we bought that really cool dress for you, after that day my mom considered you as part of the family " Bulma said as trying to assure her it was more than ok for her to stay.

" Well ok then I'll love to stay " Danessa said happily.

" OK cool I'm going to prepare din- " Bulma said as she mentally slapped herself for forgetting she had nothing in the refrigerator.

" Umm Danessa I have to go to the market, I'll be back in 45 minutes " Bulma said as she started to get back up.

" Actually I got to go get some stuff myself so how bout I go with you " Danessa said grabbing her purse.

" Sure sounds cool to me " Bulma said as they started walking out the door and picking up the car keys from the grass.

" Hey B, what's that " Danessa asked referring to the Gravity Chamber

" Oh that's like a training machine for a monkey beast who lives with us " Bulma said casually

" Oh a monkey, I have never seen a monkey beast before " Danessa said dumfounded

Bulma chuckled " I'll explain in the car"


" Lets see who's next " Vegeta said as he motioned for the next robot to come and fight him. Robot#198 ( A/N: Sorry, that's what I'm going to do call them by number, because I really don't know what there called ) Vegeta in one swift movement came behind the robot sending a blast making the robot to explode in pieces.

Vegeta grunted in annoyance as he finished the Robot without actually trying. ' Damnit, if I keep like this I'm never going to achieve Super Sai-jin ' Vegeta thought as he flew back down to increase the Gravity Level. Vegeta felt the change and smirked. ' Now this is going to be fun ' Vegeta thought as he lunged at Robot# 199.


" Ok tomatoes check, potatoes check, lettuce check, rice check, chocolates, gummy, worms and chettos check, ok so that's about it " Bulma said as she put her list down.

" Ok I'm ready too I just had to get something I cant live without " Danessa said as she placed two bags of Bom Bom's in the register. This made Bulma chuckle.

Bulma and Danessa took the bags to the car and arrived at C.C in less than 10 minutes, Bulma went straight to cooking while Danessa went to get settle in a room next to Bulma's parents room which was like four doors away from her own room. In about half an hour the food was ready making enough for Danessa, her parents, Vegeta and her. Bulma looked at the time and gasped. ' Damn its already five Vegeta must be starving ' Bulma thought as she left to tell Vegeta the food was ready. Bulma knocked a couple of times before she practically had to shut down the Gravity Machine because Vegeta wasn't answering.

" What the hell do you want Onna " Vegeta yelled angrily

" Well Veggie-Head your food is ready, now before coming to the kitchen if it wouldn't to much to ask TAKE A DAMN SHOWER because you stink " Bulma said as she smirked while holding her nose.

" Onna do not address me as Veggie-head unless your in desperate need of been send flying to the next dimension and you cant tell a Pri-"

" Yea yea yea Prince Of all Sai-jin Bla Bla Bla Bla because I'm superior then you la la la yea I know the speech now come on Vegeta hurry up because we have company " Bulma said as she turned and headed back inside.

" Baka " Vegeta mumbled as he headed back inside to take a quick shower, who was The company Bulma was referring to. ' Heh, It's probably the Baka Yamcha ' Vegeta thought quickly dismissing the thought out of his head.

The table was set for three and Danessa and Bulma were waiting patiently for Vegeta to come, Danessa's eyes widened as she saw the amount of food Bulma had prepared.

" Damn Bulma I'm not that hungry " Danessa said in between laughs

Bulma chuckled as she had forgotten to tell Danessa how much Sai-jin's ate. " Oh no its not all for us It's for the arrogant prick " Bulma said loudly knowing Vegeta was entering. Danessa couldn't actually see Vegeta with all the amount of food piled on the table but she felt a shiver run down her spine when she heard his voice.

" Onna that's not very lady like " Vegeta said smirking as he saw Bulma get angry.

Bulma growled and smiled trying to avoid there sparring matches since they had company. " Vegeta I'll like you to meet Danessa " Bulma said politely, Danessa politely got up and stretch her hand. Vegeta just stared at her and looked her up and down, smirking he said " Nice ass " Danessa's cheek suddenly got pink and she sat once again back down blushing furiously. Bulma secretly pinched Vegeta in the leg earning a " Was that supposed to hurt " from Vegeta.

Danessa's eyes sparkled as she sat once again back down she was in love, he was the guy she was waiting for. He was perfect he was sexy which by the way wearing only fighting spandex shorts and a simple towel around his neck left practically nothing to the imagination. She had to get him and she had to figure out a way how.

Vegeta in the other hand, thought Danessa was ok, but nothing out of the usual. He looked over at Bulma who was pissed as hell, he smirked he loved seeing her like that, that only led them to their little fights they usually had. Vegeta quickly finished his meal and the same way he came in he left. Danessa eyed his every move, and Bulma noticed this. Bulma felt weird she had a feeling Danessa was starting to like vegeta and it didn't make her feel good on the contrary it made her feel sick.

" Bulma is he.... with you " Danessa asked

" What do you mean " Bulma asked as she got up nervously to wash the dishes.

" Well are you two together "

" NO!!!!! " Bulma said a little shocked " Why?, oh no Danessa don't tell me you..."

"Yea I'm afraid so, Bulma I really think he's the one. He's very sexy " Danessa said as her eyes sparkled with exciment.

" Yea right " Bulma mumbled

" What was that B " Danessa asked

"Oh I said That's right " Bulma lied trying to hide her anger. ' Damn Bulma calm down it's not like Vegeta likes her bac....wait-wait-wait what am I thinking she's my best friend, Ughh I'm so confused ' Bulma thought as she peeked thru the window seeing Vegeta meditating.

" Hey Nessa I have a better Idea " Bulma said as she turned around to look at her friend. " How about I help you get him, I mean it's not everyday I play as a Matchmaker "

" Great idea, I think this is going to be a hard one to catch B, but I have faith " Danessa said as she to got up and started helping Bulma with the dishes.

" That's good, cause you're going to need a lot of it " Bulma said casually ignoring the fact that she didn't actually felt like she was doing the right thing.

" Oh yea, and why is that " Danessa said suspiciously

" Because to seduce Vegeta you're going to need a lot of courage, and I mean A LOT "

" Oh, I see "


It was 2am and Bulma still couldn't sleep, all the tossing and turning wasn't helping either. After her parents had come back from their trip Bulma had left their food ready and went straight to bed hoping she would clear out her mind. Bulma got up silently knowing everyone was already asleep, well except for Vegeta. Bulma went out to her balcony and climbed to the roof hoping at least that would kill some time.

' I need to go out, urgently. I've become pathetic Yamcha is not the only guy in here, I should start dating maybe that'll get Vegeta of my mind, Ugh damn here we go again thinking about Vegeta. Dam Bulma you really need to go out ' Bulma thought as she sat on the roof looking at the sky. " Not even the Dragon Balls helped me find my perfect boyfriend " Bulma wined.

" Shut your wining woman " Vegeta said angrily seeing Bulma had interrupted his privacy.

Bulma groaned in annoyance, damn what was he doing there not only did he had to invade her mind but also her roof. " Vegeta shut up I'm trying to have some peace here "

Vegeta smirked " Well Onna I wouldn't be talking, you were the one who started wining about Dragon Balls helping you get your mate "

Bulma blushed furiously and turned the other side " Oh well everyone had there own wishes, so back off " Bulma said aggravated.

" Pathetic "

" Excuse me " Bulma asked as her anger started to rise.

" You heard me, your pathetic " Vegeta said as he got up and started towards his room.

" Why you little PRICK, how dare you call me pathetic. Your the pathetic one not me " Bulma hissed as she advanced towards Vegeta. Bulma was so busy shooting death glares at Vegeta she hadn't even noticed a bump in the floor. Bulma screamed as she slowly began tilting back " Vegeta help "

" Well Onna that's what happens when to Bitches like you " Vegeta said coldly as he made no attempt to save Bulma.

Bulma's heart began to beat faster, Vegeta wouldn't let her slip would he?. By the time she was able to say something else Bulma started to fall back Bulma looked down to see if Vegeta was there. Seeing he wasn't Bulma let out a small cry and thought ' This is the end '

A/N: Well I'm still debating whether Vegeta rescues her or she plainly falls and breaks her head, hmmm hard decision, J/K. Well I don't want to say anything else except that I've decided to be a nice person and made an update list so if you want to receive an update on when my next chapters are going to be out just leave your Name and Email in you review, ok. That goes for both my stories. Anyways please R/R!!! And just a quick PS. ROAD RULE, RULES!!!