Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Blue Eyes ❯ A Girlfriend's Diary ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Blue Eyes
Part Five
By Maria Cline

A son's love for his father can be eternal, but how long can a father be with his son?

Dear Diary,

Today, something happened. It was like any other day, I had my hair done again and bought some new clothes.

Then, I had a date with Goten. You know, that cute guy who's father just happened to be the archenemy of my father. Well... not really archenemy, but you get my drift.

Goten was acting off. He was quiet and he seem like his brain was on another planet. I kept on asking what was wrong. It wasn't like him to be so moody.

Finally, under the clear starlit night, he told me. His father was dying. Sort of.

It's hard to explain, but Goku (Goten's dad) is an alien who is supposed to live over two hundred years or even more. Unfortunately, Goku has only thirty years to live. While for most people, that's a long time but for Goku it's very short.

After that he ran off. I don't blame him that much; I mean, he has so much to think about.

Tomorrow I'm going to talk to him.


Princess Pilaf


Princess sighed as she sat in the car. She looked at her watch and then at the old clock that stood in the building across from herself. "Can never keep good time with that old clock." She muttered. Goten came out and sat beside her.

"Hey, Goten, how are you doing?"

"Okay..." Goten muttered as he hung his head. "Dad is going to announce to everyone that he's going to die tomorrow."

"He's not going to die that soon." Princess reminded him. "He has another thirty years to go. That's a long time."

"He would've lived another hundred." Goten sighed, "No matter how hard I think, I can't figure out why he wanted to give up so easily? Is it me? Is it the fact that there's nothing to fight now?"

"I don't know. I don't know Goku." Princess confessed, "Have you thought about getting him some help? Maybe the aging has already affected his mind."

"No... he refuses... besides, with the lives we lead people would think that we were crazy in the first place." Goten held the blue elf. "I don't know what to do. I can't support Dad's decision. He... wasn't there when I was growing up... he just came back. He can't leave again." Tears came down the teenager's eyes as Princess held him back.

"It's okay... it's natural. People grow old and die. That is normal."

"BUT MY FATHER'S NOT NORMAL!" Goten screamed as he turned Super Saiyan. Princess gasped as she felt the air around her grow warm and the very light Goten emanated was overwhelming to look at. "He died twice and came back! He can go to the farthest regions of the galaxy and come back in a blink of an eye. He can gather the life force of an entire planet into a bright ball of light. WHY CAN'T HE JUST STAY YOUNG?!"

"Because... your father is mortal." Princess said as she shook in fear.

Goten laughed bitterly as he shook and dropped out of Super Saiyan form. "Then why do I have such a hard time believing that?"

"Because we all believe that our parents will live forever." Princess said as she looked down. "I know how you feel. My father is very old; he's old enough to be my grandfather. Every night I pray that I won't wake up to see my father dead in his sleep. I want him to stay forever but that's not possible. Don't tell me that I don't know how you feel. I do."

Goten smiled as he held her again. "I'm sorry... I guess I'm just not used to the idea of someone dying forever."

"You have to. Someday the people you love will pass on... and there will be nothing you can do to stop it." Princess whispered in his ear. "You can't cling on to life forever."

"I can try." Goten said as he reached up and held Princess's head in his strong but gentle hands. "Thank you. I guess I need someone normal to talk to once in a while."

"I'm here to help you." Princess said as she went up and kissed the warrior. "Someone has to keep you grounded."

The two held each other and kissed. The old clock rang as the minute hand finally reached the top. Goten stopped and gazed at the clock. "We better go. We're going to be late."

"Yeah, we don't want to run out of time." Princess nodded as she drove the car away.

To Be Continued...