Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Brake The Chains of Heartache ❯ The Desire ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2- The Desire

By Burning Diamondstar

Thanks for the review, Maria S. I took it into consideration and decided you are absolutely right! I edited some things so it's better! Thank you again for taking the time to review!

The Previous Night:

Jennifer LaMie sighed as she entered her dorm room. Her roommate and best friend, Toei Vulcan was asleep in the midst of her sketches, but she was like that. The artist had been her best friend since freshman year in high school. Even though they weren't lifelong buddies they were closer than sisters. Jennifer looked at the clock 3:42 am, by this time even the partiers on the bottom floor would be in a drunken slumber. The only one up not drinking coffee for a late night cramming session was Jennifer. Ah, the curse of the insomniac. She took her laptop and sat by the window typing away at her rough draft for a fictional story in English class. It wouldn't be due for two weeks but she was already almost done. She glanced out the window and gasped, not one light in the east side of the city was on. Of course. On the East side was where all the `Young Families' lived. Everyone on the East side had their lights out by at least midnight.

She looked into the sky and felt a sob coming up from her chest. "Oh no," she whispered and tried to blockade the depressing thoughts that were rushing towards her. But it was no use. Jennifer felt the memories of dinner with her Father flood in. He was depressed at the time, her father had very complex emotions. Sometimes when he cried to her she would just feel an helpless feeling. She'd feel the need to embrace him until he would stop. But it never happened like that, the sadness would stay in his eyes when she would tell him she didn't have advice. Why did he have to ask her, the `twenty-six year old who's never even been on a date' for marriage relationship advice?

She sniffled and looked into the starry morning sky. Through her blurred vision she saw a sparkly blue shooting star and so she sobbed, "I just wish someone would just care about me and understand me like no one on earth can." She let her tears fall and fell into a dreamless sleep and exhaustion from her emotional outburst caught up with her.

Meanwhile In The Otherworld:

"It is done." The Grand Kai said to the large group of Kais. Kais from each quadrant of the Milky Way, Kaioshin, and Kais from other galaxies. "We vowed at the origin of Earth we'd send Earth a wish once a century. The star was picked now we are obliged to grant the wish of this human."

"What did the human wish?" King Kai, the only dead Kai of the whole bunch except for Old Kai, asked.

A tape was put into a movie projector and the Grand Kai pressed play. A youngish looking female with dark chocolate, light tawny and flaxen highlighted hair with dark bluish-green eyes sat by a window crying her heart out and wished upon the star, "I just wish someone would just care about me and understand me like no one on earth can."

The tape stopped and Kaioshin said, "Get a profile on that girl. I want to find her Spirit Double, now."

The ogres ran around and finally someone found the file, Kaioshin read it out loud "Her name is Jennifer LaMie she's twenty six years in Earth years, she's Human, her ancestry is Irish-German but she was born in America. As for her personality, she is shy to outgoing people and outgoing to shy people. She isn't afraid to tell people what she thinks. She is mostly a listener and for it people she knows are always coming to her for advice and support. She loves animals, especially felines, and is a born storyteller. She has a pretty hectic life. Sometimes she will get sickeningly depressed and stressed. Her family is prone to mental problems, but since she's the advice giver she never really asks for help. She has to take anti-depressants and is an insomniac. Sometimes she is prone to violence and will occasionally attack inanimate objects. Poor girl. No wonder she needs a companion. Did you find her Spirit Double?"

The ogre looked nervous, then answered, "Yes. But you're not gonna like it." He held up a piece of paper, and Shin snatched it away.

"Brolly, eh? Who would've guessed he could have a Spirit Double. Well bring him up, we have to send him to her."

The other Kais stared at him with the now normal look for this story, `You're crazy'. The Grand Kai swallowed and said, "Sir? Do we have to?"

"Yes. It's part of our contractual obligations to grant one wish to one earthling once a century, no matter what the circumstance is. She wants her Spirit Double, she gets it. We have to do it."

"But he's just going to destroy Earth. Or end up get destroyed and where will that leave us?" King Kai demanded sending up a chorus of Ya's.

"Fine, I'll erase his memory of Goku and Earth and of being evil. He gets a clean slate. He can keep his intelligence and whatever personality he has in there."

Normal Brolly was brought before the Kais. He was chained up with ki restraints from his shoulders to his feet. He glared at the group and snarled, "What do you want!?"

All the Kais lifted their arms towards him and began to chant as one. Brolly raised an eyebrow to his hairline while he watched the strange group. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain right between his eyes. It hurt a lot, even for a Saiyan. He grabbed his head as he felt the memories of his life began to drain away. Bad ones, ones of his father and of Kakkarot, and good ones too, like the first time he blew up an astral system. But suddenly he felt something. All the hatred that fueled his insanity emptied out of him. He could feel his mind clear up of the images that pushed him into insanity. There was still lots of mental anguish there, but the rage and madness was gone.

He opened his eyes, shocked. The Kais were still chanting and had their eyes shut, and Brolly smirked, he had no memory of evil deeds he had done, and no memory of practically his entire life. But he was a full blooded Saiyan. And unlike the ones that sustain head injuries, he felt an instinct to destroy things and wreck havoc on unsuspecting people. He saw the structure of the ki chains and grinned, he was so blind not to have seen an escape before this. He twisted his wrists around and got them loose from the cuff shackles. He untied the rest of the bonds so quickly, silently, and subtly he was standing there with only the chains around his shoulders before the Kais saw what was going on. Brolly stood there blasting ki balls at the Kai's feet, net really wanting to hit them, but still having fun with it.

While the other Kais ran around in panic Kaioshin's eyes glowed blue and he raised his hand over his head. A sword and a shield appeared and they fell into his hand. "What are those for? You're not going to fight him are you?" King Kai asked.

"This sword and shield are made from the Universe's strongest metal. I'm just going to go David and Goliath on him."

He lifted his hand and spun it around in the air. The shield hovered spinning faster and faster, soon it only looked like there was a gleaming black metal ring above him. He let go and Brolly turned just in time to see a spinning metal disk smack him on the corner of his forehead. He toppled to the ground with a swirlly look on his face (@_@) then faded into unconsciousness. The Kais were beginning to take him back down into H.F.I.L. but Kaioshin stopped them saying, "You know what will happen if we don't give that human her wish." The Kais looked uneasy and handed him over, sighing in the process, with their combined power they transported him to Earth and gave him new life.

The Next Day:

Jennifer winced at the sound of the car horn that honked at her to move. Some people were certainly rude today. It hadn't been her day. Someone had tried to get her to sign a petition to ban the meat industry, she refused and the girl holding the paper called her an evil supporter of animal slaughter. That got her into an hour long debate she would have now gladly avoided. After she went to her Astronomy class and got into another intense debate. This time about the placement of the stars and if it was possible to have even microbes living out in space on other planets. After class she went to the park to write a little bit. She happened to look up and saw two little boys flying very quickly overhead, and she shook her head. Hallucinations were a bad sign that she'd been working to hard. With a sigh she went on to finish her day.