Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Cronus' Daughters ❯ Dreams and Memories ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Cronus' Daughters 7:
Dreams and Memories
Author's Notes: Okay I do not own Veggie, Carrot, Goshin, or Gogeta they are owned by B-chan. Also I do not own Bra, Uub, Marron, Goten, Pan, Trunks, or any of the other DBZ characters whose names will be mentioned at various points throughout this story. I also do not own the Greek gods and goddesses they are owned by the Greeks you could say. However I do own the other characters and I am very protective of my characters. Anywho deals with some tough issues and I would suggest reading the Notes, Thanks, and Warnings part of the test before you read the story.
Dreams are mostly precieved as being good, light, and wonderful. Yet sometimes they take on a darker purpose. But sometimes dreams are memories from our subconcious, telling us something. Because sometimes that is the only way our subconcious, can reach us is through our dreams. Mostly the dreams of memories we have are dark and scarey. They can never leave us without support from those around us. Yes sometimes dreams and memories are one in the same and are lined with a hidden meaning. But the meaning of them remains to be seen.
Darkness surronded her and she fought against it. She felt scaley hands all over her body. His scaley hands and she fought against them but they tightened around her body. She heard his cruel laughter in the background and saw his cruel face hoovering over her. She felt the roughness and hardness of his skin on her body. She shivered and felt his hands at her thoart. Strangling her and forcing the air out of her thoart.
"Remeber," he whispered moving down to whisper in her ear. "You belong to me forever. You are mine for all eternity and that spoiled palace brat can never change that. I will return for you and take you back into my arms and bed. If anyone tries to stop me they will die for it and it will be on your hands."
Kitty stirred and shot up when the morning light hit her face. She blinked in an attempt to remove the sleep from her eyes. It was when she was half awake that she felt arms around her and something else. She began to feel the rising panic in her stomach. When she felt something press against her hair and nuzzle inside the sily strands. She felt the air move back against her neck. She looked down and noticed a brown furry tail simillar to a Nekoijin's but it wasn't. She allowed her the panic to slowly calm down when she heard the purring and felt the wonderfully famillar lips on her neck.
Carrot woke up when he felt Kitty stir in his arms and shot up. He blinked and breathed in her own scent. It was soft and sweet, almost the smell of innocence. The smell was so fitting for her it was a relief to him and too his soul. He loved her scent she smelled like honey suckles after a rain shower. It was then that he felt her began to panic. So he did the one thing that seemed to have calmed her down from last night, he purred. The purr came from his stomach and escaped from deep in his thoart. He placed a gentle kiss on her thoart.
"It's alright My Little Kitten," said Carrot purring gently. "You no longer have to be afraid of him. He will not bother you anymore I will gurantee that."
Kitty blinked at the pet name he had given her. The famillar voice laid her fears to rest and she allowed herself to remain in his arms for awhile longer, snuggling into his chest. His scent reminded her of better times before her stepfather came into the picture. Times when she, Cat, and their mother would make Ginger bread houses during the winter before Christmas. Times when her father would come in and help them decorate the houses and sometimes the gingerbread men. They were better times, when she was still innocent.
"You smell like gingerbread," she mummurred. After a moment of silence she looked up at him. "Carrot? What happened?"
Carrot blinked and smiled brushing at the hair in her eyes.
"Nothing to concern yourself about Litte Kitten," he replied placing a soft kiss on her lips.
The kiss depeened and after awhile Kitty pulled away from him. Carrot looked at her and blinked for several minutes wondering why she had stopped.
"We should get up," she said breathelessly.
With a sigh Carrot unwrapped his arms and his tail from around her waist and got up with her. Carrot walked out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen. He decided to call his sister while he waited for her to change. He took out his cell phone from his backpack and turned it on. He pressed the number of the place that they were staying in and waited for his sister to pick up the phone.
Veggie cursed has the ringing phone awakened her from her sleep. With a curse she picked up the phone.
"I swear this had better be good Carrot," she growled.
"Well good morning to you too sister," muttered Carrot.
"Where the hell have you been?!" she demanded.
"I've been at Kitty's place," replied Carrot cooly.
"Oh really?" questioned Veggie. "All night dear brother I thought you had better control of yourself then that. Though the full moon isn't until Friday and it is Wednesday so that might be the reason."
"You know very well I did not mate with her," growled Carrot testily.
"Yeah I know I can not picture Your Little Kitten sleeping with you without the scared vows."
Carrot growled in irration, she was right the moon was begining to make him irratable.
"Well," drolled Veggie into the phone. "I have got to go and get ready for school. So I will see you first period brother dear."
That said Veggie hung up the phone with a soft smirk on her face. Her brother was hooked on the little raven haired female. She began to wonder if they would mate. She found the girl interesting and intrueing in a way. She was calm and composed and never flirted like other females did around her brother. Which was refreshing to know that not all human females their age were scattered brained nitwits. She sighed and climbed out of bed and began to search for her school clothing.
Carrot sighed and hung up the cell phone. He pushed his hair out of his eyes.
"Something wrong?" asked Kitty from behind him.
Carrot turned around and smiled at her. If he hadn't seen her earlier he would have assumed that everything was fine here. That she hadn't been forced into a sexual relation by her stepfather. She wore the uniform skirt, the long sleeved blouse, dark pantyhose, and black boots. She had pulled her long hair back into a high ponytail (kinda like Tenshi's mother in 'Tenchi In Love' when they go back in time to save her). He watched has she smiled and moved further into the kitchen.
"No Nothing is wrong I just called my sister."
"Oh I see," said Kitty then after a few minutes of silence. "Do you want anything to eat?"
"Do you have cerel?"
"Yes of course what kind would you like?"
"Here ya go," said Kitty taking out the box and a bowl.
After Kitty gave the bowl and ceral box to him she started to make lunches. Pretty soon her sisters came down to join them. Kitty also made an extra one for Carrot since he wasn't at home to pack his own.
Veggie walked into the kitchen and poured some juice. She leaned against the counter and sipped at the juice, relaxing before school was to begin that day. She could hear the other two getting up and getting ready for school with her distinct Sayain hearing. While she waited for them to come out she allowed her thoughts to drift back to the other night. When she had worked on the project with Pat for Econamics. She opened her eyes has the memories came rushing back to her like a wave of heat.
"Hey look!" exclaimed Pat. "We both work and we have eight kids!"
"What?!" exclaimed Veggie spitting her drink out.
Veggie snatched the paper from his hands and exaimened.
"Wow," said Pat. "You most really work out because you do not look like you have had eight kids."
Veggie narrowed her eyes at him and slapped him in the back of the head. She only used a fraction of her power which was a good thing because she probably would have knocked his head off. Pat laughed and rubbed the back of his sore head.
"I didn't mean it like that," said Pat.
Veggie looked it over, before turning back to her partner.
"So what should we name the kids?"
"Well I figured we could have four girls and four boys," said Pat. "You can name two boys and two girls and I will name the others."
"That seems fair to me. Um two of the boys can be named Veggitta and Veggetto. Two of the girls can be named Carrota and Bulma."
"Those are interesting names," said Pat watching her write the names down. "Are they family names?"
"Yeah they are," said Veggie.
"Cool let me think if I can come up with a few. The other boys will be named Troy and Greg. The other girls will be named Nichol and Tanya."
Veggie turned to look at him surprised, "You named them after your friends why?"
"Well actually Greg is the name of both my friend and my grandfather."
"Why didn't you name them after your father?"
"My father abandoned my mother when she told him she was pregnant with me. At the time they had been married for two years. My grandfather took her in, and seven years after my birth she became sick and passed away. So my grandfather raised me."
"I am sorry," said Veggie.
"The only thing I am sorry about is my father being a dumb ass and my mother dieing."
"Your grandfather did a good job raising you," said Veggie looking up at him.
"I know," said Pat looking back at her.
The two of them looked into eachother's eyes. Veggie found it hard to breathe. His eyes were so light, and his personality was almost way to light hearted. Though something about the personality made her feel wonderful. He reached out and stroked her cheeck.
"I love the feel of your skin," he mummered softly. "I love your eyes. I have never seen any eyes like yours they are so dark. I want to kiss your lips."
"Why don't you?"
Pat moved his hand into her hair and pulled her face forward. Their lips meet briefly before they pulled away from eachother.
"Your lips taste good," whispered Pat.
"So do yours," muttered Veggie.
They moved to kiss eachother again. This time when they kissed it was with tongue and teeth. Veggie moaned and rolled over so that he was on top and pinning her to the floor. She ran her hands over his lightly muscles arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. Finally they pulled away and Veggie found herself out of breathe. She listened with a slow smirk has Pat was in the same condition.
End of Flashback**********************************************
Veggie looked down has to see Gogeta pulling at her pants.
"It is time to go to school now Veggie," she said.
"Right let's go," said Veggie.
The three of them left the room and hoped into the cars too head to school.
School Grounds First Period__________________________________
Cat and Goshin were sparing since they were close in power. During a stand still in which Goshin had managed to get Cat into a hold. He thought of something that might answer a question he had been pondering over last night.
"I have an idea that might make this little sparing match more interesting," he chirped.
"Oh yeah and what would that be?" asked Cat still struggling to get free.
"Whoever wins this match gets whatever they want from the loser," he chirped.
"Fine," said Cat.
With that Cat slammed her foot up and kicked Goshin's face. The impact caused in to stumble back a little but he quickly regained control. He ran at her and jumped over her when he was an inch away from her body. He grabbed a hold of her shirt and threw her gracefully over him. Cat flew through the air and landed with a thud at the other end of the mat. Goshin walked over to her and stood over her grinning.
"I win!" chirped Goshin happily.
Cat glared at him while she struggled to get up.
"Well," she snapped.
"Well what?" asked Goshin happily.
"What do you want?"
It was then that Cat had managed to stand up. Goshin grinned and darted his lips in for a brief kiss. But when their lips meet a shock went through them. The shock caused them to jerk apart. Cat stared at Goshin for several minutes before backing away when she heard the bell ring. Goshin stood there for several minutes thinking over what he had felt and what he had felt on her breathe. While walking into the boy's locker room he allowed his mind to wonder back to last night.
Flashback***************************************************** Cat and Goshin sat in the pizza booth while the girls played in the play place.
"Wow this was some good pizza," said Goshin sipping at his drink.
"Yeah it is," said Cat leaning back.
Goshin continued to sip his drink and watch the girl's play in the ball pit. But out of the corner of his eyes he watched Cat.
"Goshin can you watch the girls I need to go to the restroom?" asked Cat.
"Sure Cat," said Goshin.
While Cat walked into the bathroom Goshin left to join the girls in the play place. While he was playing with them a woman came up to him.
"Excuse me young man," said the woman. "Does your wife have short blonde hair?"
Goshin blinked and then blushed.
"Um yes my friend does have blonde hair and no she is not my wife," he said.
"Oh I am sorry then who are the girls?" asked the old woman.
"Well the girl with blue hair is you could say my couin, the other two are her younger sisters. What is it about Cat?"
"Oh I am sorry I think your friend is sick."
"Thank you for telling me."
"You are welcome young man," said the old woman. The old woman turned to leave but then turned back. "By the way young man you two would make a beautiful couple."
That said the old woman left them. When Cat returned she joined them and told them it was time to go to the movies. While they walked outside Goshin stopped Cat awhile back.
"Are you feeling alright?"
"Yeah I am fine why do you ask?"
"A woman came out and said something about you being sick."
"Oh um something must have disagreed with my stomach. Don't worry it has passed now."
"Are you sure......"
"Look I am fine," snapped Cat storming after the girls.
Goshin sighed and followed behind her, disappointed at what had happened. Also on the fact that he smelled the distinct scent of regrutated food. Later on thought Cat had apolgized for being so rude and kissed one of his checks. Goshin never forgot the feel of her lips on his skin, it was something he thought he could look forward too forever.
Carrot walked into the room with an arm swung around Kitty's shoulders. Severally people stopped talking when they saw the couple. It was unheard of the rich dating the poor. They could not believe this was coming to pass, everyone knew their place.
"GO KITTY!" shouted Pat from his spot near Veggie.
Veggie laughed and whistled at them inticing a blush coming from Kitty who tried to hide behind Carrot. Kitty never liked having all this intention on her. Carrot smiled and gently pulled her back from behind him and walked her to her seat.
"You will be fine," he muttered into her ear. "Come on let's get to our seats."
"Right," said Kitty.
The couple sat down and began to talk with Pat and Veggie till the bell rang. All that they did during the class was the parnters would get together and talk about their project. But Carrot and Kitty weren't talking about the project. They were talking about something else.
"You did something to him last night didn't you?" hissed Kitty.
"Did something to who?" asked Carrot framing innocence.
"Don't you dare try that on me," said Kitty. "I am not stupid you know very well who I am talking about!"
"Alright so what if I did the thing is he will not bother you anymore," said Carrot leaning back in his seat. "Don't worry he is out of the picture you are safe now."
Kitty said nothing but looked at the top of her desk. The next set of words out of her mouth surprised him.
"What do I owe you for your protection?"
Carrot blinked and stared at her, "You owe me nothing."
"I am not him, I will force nothing off of you. Though if you want to pay me back you can kiss me."
Kitty blushed and kissed him gentle then they drew back. They thought the kiss had gone unnoticed by the people in their class. But four people noticed the kiss Veggie, Pat, Erohw, and Ekans. Veggie and Pat looked at eachother smugly.
"Looks like the love bug is going around the school," muttered Veggie.
"Yeap indeed it is," grinned Pat.
However Ehorw and Ekans were not happy about this. They took one look at eachother and nodded their heads.
"We had better start working on this plan of yours soon," hissed Ekans.
"Trust me it will work we can start today," smirked Ehorw since we have almost all the same classes with them. This will be an easy job."
"It had better."
Emit, Taimu, and the mysterious man that had been watching Carrot earlier sat around the hospital room.
"That can not be!" snapped the mysterious man. "I saw the man be destroyed myself!"
"This man is not normal we all know that!" snapped Emit.
"Are you saying this man is not dead?!" asked Taimu.
Taimu was looking better since she had eaten the senzy bean. She was hoping to go home today. If the doctors and nurses would let her leave that is.
"Well he is and he isn't," said Emit.
"What is that supposed to mean?!" demanded the man.
"Look the man is part of a dark force he can not be totally killed unless we destory the force. We can not destory the force until The Power is released."
"And if the power is never released?!"
"The power has got to be released it wsa written in the ancient scrolls."
"Let's hope that these ancient scrolls of yours are right," growled the man.
"They are always right."
"Enough you two," said Taimu calmly. "Grandmother Emit are you sure that it was wise to do what we did to the girls?"
"It was the only way we could hide the stones from him," replied Emit.
"I hope so if the bastard gets a hold of those stones then the entire universe has we know is lost."
The room was filled with silence at the thought of this dark power that was brewing somewhere outside of even the eyes of the immortals.
"Are they coming?" asked Taimu suddenly.
"Of course the coming of age for a Nekoijin female is very important part of the soceity," said the man.
"Good," said Emit. "Now on to other things."
Later that night_____________________________________________
The darkness was around her, choking her, and surronding her. She couldn't breathe, nor could she see anything. She hated the darkness that surronded her. She struggled against the darkness that wrapped around her body and strangled her thoart.
"Let me go!" she cried out into the darkness.
She recieved no answer instead it began to tighten it's hold on her.
"Who are you?" she whimpered into the darkness. "What do you want with me? Leave me alone!"
"I will never leave you alone," whispered a dark voice. "You belong to me and I will never let you go! YOU! ARE! MINE!"
Kitty jerked awake her body in a cold sweat.
'CAT!' she screamed in her mind.