Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Danger in the horizon ❯ Unexpected Encounter ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Five - Unexpected encounter

" I don't bite…much" smirked the figure in front of Bulma.

"What the fuck!!" Exclaimed Bulma. After regaining control of her senses she calmed herself. One of the new arrivals stood in front of her in all his 7 foot glory. "You're Radditz, right? What the hell are you doing here? How in hell did you get in here?"

Radditz was taken slightly aback by Bulma's outburst. Then he smiled. "Firstly, yes that is my name. Secondly, I couldn't sleep. This place is… strange.it will take me a while to adjust. Thirdly, I noticed you come in and slipped in while the door was still closing"

Bulma looked up at the Saiyan frowning. What the hell did her think her was doing? Scaring ten colours of crap out of her and following her?

"Look, you should not be on this level of the station. It is restricted to tech staff only. How bloody stupid are you? You three have only been here for a matter of hours and already you make trouble for yourselves."

She pinched the bridge of her nose for a moment. "Look. I'll lead you back to your quarters, but if you try to get into this area again, I'll made sure the security detail fries your arse. Got that?"

Radditz looked down at the little female. She was attractive indeed. He desperately wanted to sample her, but the plan Vegeta had in place had to take precedence for the time being. He gave her a quick smile. "Alright, but don't mention this to the Prince. He'll try and rip my arms off and beat me to death with them."

Bulma looked up at the huge man again. How could such a big guy be so wary of his prince? When he smiled, he looked amazingly like Goku. Although she had a very strong feeling this guy was not as sweet.

"Agreed. Let's go."

Radditz and Bulma made their way to the nearest elevator and proceeded to descend to the 14th floor, which housed many of the recent arrivals on the station. Once again she was struck by the sheer size of the man next to her. He had not yet changed his clothing and the brown furry belt around his waist intrigued her. Radditz noticed this.

"It's not what you think"

"Sorry, what do you mean?" she replied.

"This belt around my waist. It's actually a tail." As if to demonstrate that he was not pulling Bulma's leg, Radditz unfurled his tail to hang down behind him.

"Whoa. That is really something." Stammered Bulma. "Can I touch it?"

"I don't think that is a good idea. It is a weakness in many ways. If you pull on it hard, it will cause me great pain. If you hold my tail and stroke it, there will be no pain, but I will become sexually aroused." Radditz had no idea why he was telling her this but figured it couldn't hurt. After all, he had been without a mate for some years and his body was telling him it was time to take another.

Bulma felt her face burn brightly in embarrassment. "I'm sorry" she mumbled, mortified beyond belief.

"Think nothing of it. Truth be told, I want you to touch It.," he whispered back softly.

Bulma felt a sudden surge of fear run through her and stepped backwards trying to press hard against the wall of the elevator. As she did so the elevator stopped.

"Level 14. Refugee quarters" the elevator voice intoned as the doors opened.

Radditz stepped out, holding the elevator doors open. "I apologise woman. I have not been with a…companion for some time and I have forgotten myself. It was not my intention to scare you." His face showed his regret but did not hide the obvious glimmer of lust in his eyes.

Bulma took a deep restorative breath. "That's alright, Radditz. But never forget this. I am not here to help either you or your friends with their sexual frustrations, ever! Try it and you and your friends will be without a very important part of your anatomy. You need to learn some basic Earthling customs if you are going to be accepted as permanent residents of this station or the Earth." She growled at him. "Now if you don't mind, I have somewhere else to be. Goodnight Radditz"

"Until tomorrow, Ms Briefs." He gave a low bow towards her and released the elevator doors.

They closed with a hiss and Bulma sagged back against the wall again. God what a close run thing that was! With his sheer size he could have taken her willing or unwilling at any time in the last 5 minutes. Thank God he did not!

She ran her hands over her brow in obvious relief and made her way back to her own quarters to get cleaned up and get into bed, ready for tomorrow.

Radditz didn't make it very far after leaving Bulma in the elevator. A very annoyed Prince Vegeta waylaid him.

"Your Highness, I was just," Radditz stammered trying to think of an adequate excuse as to why he was not in his own quarters. Vegeta was fully aware of why he was not in his quarters. He had been tracking the little blue haired female like a dog in heat.

"Just what, Radditz? Trying to find an easy lay? It doesn't surprise me coming from a third class nothing like you!" Snarled Vegeta surprising Radditz with a sudden quick blow to his gut. "Another mistake from you and I will vaporise your arse! Got that?

"Y, yes your Highness." Choked out Radditz " I just could not help it."

"Shut up you piece of filth! Get out of my sight! I will spar with you tomorrow and as I said before, I will have your blood on my hands to demonstrate your complete loyalty to me."

Vegeta then spun violently on his heels leaving Radditz to haul his bulk up from the floor. As Vegeta stalked away, he mumbled to himself as he went. "Fools, all fools! If I didn't have a need for them I would have killed both of them years ago! I am great prince reduced to the state of a lowly soldier. I must kill Freeza, regain my throne, become what I was destined to be - ruler of the universe."

Meanwhile, Bulma reached the safety of her own quarters and she breathed a sigh of relief. Looking after those guys was going to be more difficult than she first thought.

"Alright" she said to herself as she washed of her make up. "Only 11 months. I think someone as smart as me can handle that. I hope." She groaned to herself. Once Bulma had finished washing she threw off her clothes and grabbed a large t-shirt to sleep in. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she was asleep.