Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Deep in the Heart ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Deep in the Heart.

Chapter 2.

By: Kyra Briefs.



"Come on big brother, hurry up! I want to go swimming!" Goten chirped, bouncing up and down like a hyper jackrabbit.

Bulma had in fact forgotten one thing to bring along on the trip, which infuriated her to the max. She had checked her list over and over, and yet they did not bring the capsulated outhouses, and therefore had to change into their swimming suits behind a tree. Gohan was nervous enough changing out in the opening, though he was more nervous to just prance out there with nothing but his underwear. Needless to say, he hand forgotten to pack swimming Trunks.

Gohan fumbled nervously as he tried to take his pants off without ripping them. How was he going to keep up his reputation as the "school geek" if he had all those muscles? That would make Videl even more suspicious..

"Come on Gohan, I reaaaaaally want to go swimming!" Goten chirped again, this time with even more impatience.

"Coming Goten, just a sec!" Gohan called out, his voice nervous.

Videl came out from behind a large tree wearing a white bathing suit. "Gohan, aren't you done yet?" she hollered. "What's taking you so long? It doesn't take THAT long to take off your pants and shirt!"

"Just.. a minute!" Gohan called with a gulp.

Videl rolled her eyes as she approached the tree Gohan was changing behind. "Don't tell me your shy Gohan. I mean, I already know you're not going to look like some masculine weight-lifter!"

Gohan became even more nervous. "Uh.. uh.. my zipper's stuck!" He slapped himself in the face. `My zipper's stuck?'

Videl sweat-dropped. "Here, let me give you a hand." She walked to the backside of the tree where Gohan was. Startling Gohan, the boy immediately fell over, his feet in the air. "N-no I'm fine, really, just need a few more minutes-"

"Yea right!" Videl hissed. "I'm not going to wait forever!" With that she grabbed at his shirt. She meant to pull him to his feet, but instead.. RIP! The shirt came off. Videl looked at Gohan with shock. He did have muscles.. big muscles. Not only that, but he was hot.

Gohan blushed wildly. "Uh.. uh.. I uh.." He had forgotten completely about how he looked. He now had more important things on his mind, aka how VIDEL looked. He slowly began to drool.

Suddenly Goten came prancing around the other side. "Gohan come ON!" he whined, still hopping up and down as though his pants were on fire. "I want to go swimming!"

Gohan shook his head. "Oh yea, uh swimming! Right!" Immediately he got to his feet.. and dripped over his now dropping pants.

Goten sweat-dropped.

Videl blushed.


Trunks rubbed his soar rear, a pained look on his face as he and Vegita emerged from the forest. "I'm sorry Dad.. can I go swimming with Goten and Gohan and that weird lady now?"

Vegita grunted and nodded.

His red face now turning into excitement, the little boy cried out in delight and, tossing his shirt to the side, ran off after his buddies.

Vegita turned to Bulma who was currently trying her best not to hit Hercule upside the head with a frying pan and smirked. "Are you done yet woman?"

Bulma turned to Vegita, her face turning into grave delight. "Vegita!" Immediately she raced to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him deep.

Hercule frowned as he saw this. They were getting along pretty well until HE came. He would just have to devise a way for the two of them to be alone for a long while, uninterrupted.. unsupervised by wandering eyes. He began to drool a bit as the sick thoughts played in his head.

Vegita pushed Bulma away a bit, a smirk planted on his face. "Miss me woman? Or are you finally going to acknowledge my superiority and call me `Your Hinness' instead?"

Bulma backed up a bit and slapped him in the face. "I didn't miss you THAT much, Your Almighty Pain in the Ass."

Vegita smirked. "That didn't even hurt." He glanced at Hercule. No wonder she was so happy to see him. The weakling was probably driving her insane! He grinned inwardly and, turning to Bulma said, "Well I have better things to do around here than sit and `chat' all day, so, so long woman."

"Wait Vegita-" but it was too late, he was already out of sight. "DAMN YOU!!" she hollered, her fists waving menacingly in the air.

Hercule's eyes went wide with shock. Did that guy just.. fly.. out of here?


"Hey Gohan, watch this! Watch this! Watch me!" Goten stood up on a tree, which stood about 80 feet in the air, his body perched at the very end of the branch. He had a big goofy grin on his face and was more than ready to show off to his older brother whom he admired.

Gohan looked up. "Ok Goten, I'm watching!"

Goten grinned. "Right!"

Videl looked up.. and her face went wide with shock. "WHAT? Gohan, what are you doing? Don't just stand there, Goten has to be about 70 feet in the air! (actually, 80 ^_~) He'll get killed!"

Gohan face-vaulted. "Uh.. r-right." Up to Goten he called, "HEY GOTEN, WHY DON'T YOU COME DOWN FROM THERE ALL RIGHT? IT'S PRETTY DANGEROUS!!"

"Hey Goten, wanna have some fun?"

Goten turned to the voice to see Trunks in the tree along with him, hiding behind a branch, a big grin on his face.

Goten smiled. "Sure, what do you have in mind?"

Trunks chuckled and brought out a can of red paint.

Gohan began to grow nervous when Goten didn't reply. "Goten, I mean it! It's really dangerous! Come down, ok?"

Finally, Goten turned around. "Ok, I'm coming big brother! Watch this!" And with that, he jumped off the tree.

To be continued...