Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Deep in the Heart ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Deep in the Heart.

Chapter 23

By: Kyra Briefs.



Goten fell like a rock.. and hit the water like one too. Videl's screams could be heard all over the forest as the water began to turn red.


Vegita stopped suddenly when he heard the scream, his eyes gazing over to where Gohan, Videl, Goten and Trunks were "swimming." His curiosity piqued, as well as his boredom, he flew down to the sound.


Gohan angrily plunged toward Goten's "body." With his heightened sense of hearing he could vaguely hear the tiny laughter of Trunks, and immediately put two and two together. He came up seconds later with a grinning Goten. "Goten!" Gohan scolded, "What did you think you were doing?"

Videl blinked, confusion in her eyes. However, she then saw the bucket of red paint Goten was holding and flared. "Hey kid! What's the matter with you?" she flared. "You scared the shit out of me and your brother! We thought you were dead!"

Goten gulped. "Uh.. well I.. I.."

"You what?" Gohan demanded in an angry tone.

Goten blinked. "Got your trunks."

Gohan blinked. "Huh?"

Too fast for Videl to calculate, Goten tore off Gohan's swimming trunks and swam fast, out of the pool, and into the forest. (thanks for the idea Ranting raving Jess!)

Gohan turned to Videl. "Uh.. uh.." He blushed.

Videl blushed too, and her eyes slowly wandered down at the water.. the very clear, easily seen-through water.

"Uh.. Videl?"

Videl's head shot up right away. "Uh.. yea.. Gohan?"

Gohan grinned nervously. "Could you do me a huge favor and.."

Videl moved closer to Gohan. "Yes?"

Gohan began to sweat. "Can you get my pants back from Goten for me?"

Videl's blush turned into a frown. "WHAT?" She smacked him in the face, causing him to plunge into the lake. "GET IT YOURSELF!" she hollered, then stormed out of the lake.

Gohan twitched. "What did I do?" he whined.


"Oh man am I bushed!" Bulma sighed deep, everything finally set up and ready to be enjoyed.

Hercule nodded and laid back also. "You know Bulma, you're quite a woman to work this hard for just a little outing. If you were MY wife, you wouldn't have to lift a finger!"

Bulma glared at him. "If I were YOUR wife?"

Hercule nodded. "I'm strong honey, no one can beat me! But other than that, I have a tender heart!" He snapped his fingers. "I know! How would you like to be honored with rubbing my feet?"

Bulma sweat-dropped. "What?"

"It's all right, don't be shy!" Hercule said with a grin. "Though I don't blame you. I'll bet it's not every day you get to touch a legend!"

Bulma grabbed the frying pan by her chair. (^_~ Aoi Hitomi)


"Oh man Goten, I can't believe you stole Gohan's swimming Trunks!" Trunks rolled on the floor laughing from the trick his best friend pulled off. Both were far from Gohan as well as everyone else in a small clearing of the forest, and neither could get enough of the deeds they had done and, more so, would do.

Goten smiled. "I did good then?"

Trunks smirked. "You did more than good Goten, you did great!" he held up the set shorts. "Now we only need to find a way to turn this into Gohan's worst nightmare." He chuckled evilly in a way one would think could only be done by the cruel Vegita himself.


Vegita flew down to the lake, a look of confusion set in his eyes. Gohan was in the lake alone, and he looked lost and helpless, almost pathetic. He had his arms wrapped around his body and was calling for help of any kind. Growling, Vegita flew down to the boy, noticing then what was wrong. He smirked. "Going for a little skinny dipping are we? Baka, you should know it's no fun alone. Where is that mate of yours?"

Gohan whipped around, looking more than embarrassed. "Vegita! What the Hell? That's nasty! Er.. sounds kind of fun though.. I mean-wait a minute! Videl is not my mate! ARGH!!!! Goten ran off with my swimming trunks!"

Vegita chuckled. "Right. Anyway brat, I didn't come to question you about your findings. I've come for a fight."

Gohan screamed, "NOW??"

"Baka, I have capsules on me." Vegita tossed one out, and a rack of clothing lied before Gohan.

Gohan sighed deep in relief.


To be continued...


Hey peeps, next chappy I'm gonna add 2 new characters. You vote for who they should be. I already have 1 vote for Goku by Natari Son!