Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Dragon Ball F ❯ Episode 20: Goku's Luck- Friezell's Irony ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Namekians built many spaceships so that in crisis, they could leave the planet. They scattered and hidden the spaceships around the planet. Right now, a bunch of Namekians, sensing that they and the planet itself were all in danger, located a few ships and left the planet.
The giant insects from Arlia banished King Moai from their kind, who headed south-east. The new king, Atla, ordered his best soldiers to go and explore the planet on which they were on. Garlic's henchmen and Number 19, however, decided not to involve in the fight against Goku and his friends, so they headed south-west to find a way off the planet. The Kanassians also wanted to leave the planet as soon as possible knowing they were all in danger, so they headed east, avoiding ki energies.
Goku was still wondering if Friezell was the one who punched him so fast in the face, so he decided to attack him to find out. He flew directly at Friezell, and it seemed he punched his face, but he only punched thin air, even though, Friezell was just standing there, and he didn't even move.
-That's impossible!-Goku thought-How did he do that? I punched him but in the end, I punched nothing. Man he's fast, and he isn't even using Instant Transmision. He's SUPER fast.
-What's the matter, Goku?-Friezel started-Don't tell me I'm too fast for you? Want me to slow down a bit so you could see how easily I'm dodging you?
-No way. I can be much faster than this.-Goku responded, and then he transformed into a Super Saiyan 3-Now let's see how fast you are!-then he attacked Friezell again trying to punch him, but this time, he could actually see Friezell easily dodging his punch.
-Are you sure you don't want me to slow down?-Friezell asked again.
-So he didn't slow down at all.-Goku thought-Which means I can't even touch him in this form, which means I can't defeat him without Vegeta's help. This is not good; King Kai was right: this guy is a lot stronger than I imagined. That means the others are much stronger too so Gohan, and the others are in danger.-This is so exciting.-he said out loud-Finally, we can all have an awesome fight after all these years. Yes!
-Well, I'm glad you're happy because you're about to die!-Friezell said and in that second, he hit Goku so hard that Goku spilled his guts out.
Elsewhere on New Namek, Vegeta met Qui in midair, who got frightened...
-Vegeta...-Qui started-I'm glad you're here. There's something I need to tell you. Frieza did that Fusion thing with an android, and they've become super strong. They're planning to kill you and the other Saiyans as well and just that you should know, I'm on your side, I'm here to help you to destroy him. You know, I've been training really hard to become a strong warrior, and I could be a great help.
-Really? Then I guess we should get going to meet him then.
-Lead the way, Prince Vegeta!
Vegeta headed south-east with Qui right behind him, but Qui made a large ki blast and threw it at Vegeta. It connected and made a big explosion.
-You were always so naive, Vegeta! No wonder Lord Frieza destroyed your race so easily.-the smoke hasn't cleared yet but Qui suddenly heard Vegeta's voice, which made him tremble in fear.
-Actually, you're the naive one, Qui! Did you actually think that this trick, which didn't work the last time, would work the second time? I think Frieza should think twice before choosing his henchmen!
-No wait, I can explain! It's not what you think! Frieza made me do this, I had no choice! Please spare my life, I'm not a threat for you guys. Why waste your energy?
-I hardly doubt it's necessary for me to use a big amount of energy to destroy the likes of you.-and before Qui even realizing it, Vegeta sent him to the other dimension; then he felt Friezell's huge ki-I think Kakarot really needs my help this time...good.-he said out loud with a smirk, and he continued flying south-east.
Goku was on his knees, and blood was coming out of his mouth:
-This guy is insanely strong...-he thought-I don't stand a chance.
-I hope you're ready to die, Saiyan...-Friezell started-I learned from experience that the more I prolong your death, you either somehow become stronger or something else happens that saves your life so get ready to die!-so Friezell made a huge black ki blast and was preparing to shoot, but something made him stop. Luckily, for Goku and ironically for Friezell, the Fusion wore off and Cell and Frieza became themselves again.
Goku luckily survived the battle against Friezell but will he manage to last until help arrives? Find out on the next exciting episode of Dragon Ball F!