Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Hearts together worlds apart ❯ Chapter 20 ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN:- Well, it's time to leave. Jesse's having second thoughts. What's involved in changing worlds exactly? Will she be able to cope?
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ!
Hearts Together Worlds Apart
Chapter 20: Get ready for one hell of a trip
I had been stood in my garden for some time. We were waiting. Waiting for something. I'm not sure what exactly but for something. Goten and Trunks knew. But I didn't. Suddenly the cold wind became warm. The snow and frost seemed to melt and fly around in the sky as if it hadn't yet fallen. Then I saw it.
There was like a mirror line, a reflection of our world. Only very different. It was as if someone had got a cinema screen and played a massive brightly animated version of our world.
I was swimming in my own thoughts now. Then suddenly it hit me. All my life I had longed for a different one. A life of fantasy and magic. But now…the sudden reality hit me. I could die! I might never see my friends and family again. And what about travelling back again? Could I even do that? All these questions I should've asked…yet I hadn't. I had been too caught up in the excitement of living my dreams. I suddenly realised how young and irresponsible I was. I still had so much to learn.
Up until now my biggest worries had been getting my homework in on time and getting to school on time at that, or not falling up every set of stairs I used, or not getting too many detentions…or what was number one in the charts…or what to wear…all these things suddenly felt so trivial.
I was living so many other people's dreams but it wasn't until the last minute that I had realised how hard and dangerous it would be. And the others Trunks, Goten, Goku…everyone…could I bear to see them get hurt or even killed? Millions of people's lives depended on me. ME?! I was fifteen! WHAT THE HELL WAS I DOING?!!!
These thoughts had all come to me too late now. I had agreed and got myself in deeper than I had first thought. I was terrified. I was pale and trembling. I suddenly felt sick. I had been so stupid! What had I expected? Fun and games? Romance? Friends? But that was EXACTLY what I had been naively expecting. I felt Trunks grabbed my hand. He just smiled reassuringly. It was too late now.
Suddenly I felt a pull. It dragged me forwards and upwards. Unlike normal wind it now blew in al directions. Trunks' hand slipped from mine. I could see that they were experiencing the same thing.
My hair was picked up into the air too and tossed all around me. I was only a few feet from the ground but the force of which my body was under was painful. Then the force changed and I was driven towards the reflected world. It felt as if I had been smashed against a window of glass which did not break. It felt all tingly as I passed through the solid wall.
It felt a bit like it does when you're surrounded by water. But then something dragged at me from the inside as if it were gasping and taking my very soul from my body. Then I felt falling. The pull was gone.
I floated in the air and what I saw took my breath from my throat. An animated world! A whole animated world! This was it. This was the start of a brand new world.
AN:/ Only a short piece I know but this is just the link from one world to another. The next chapter will be longer. Review and find out how Jesse fits into her brand new world. And will she ever return or is she stuck in her fantasy world in dangerous peril with the one she loves?