Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Here Without You ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'm here without you baby but your still on my lonely mind

As I hung up with my private investigator, I decide to do some more searching myself, I need to find her, I have to find her so I can tell her my feelings. Why did I lie to her, why did I have to tell her I did not feel the way she did. I should have run after her the second she left, I should have admitted my feelings then. Instead, I acted foolishly, and for what? Pride? Fear? Fear of what though? People finding out that the president of Capsule Corp. is in love with a girl who is thirteen years his junior.

I go over and look out the window of my hotel room, for a cheap room it sure does have a nice view of the bay. I stare out into the night, as I watched how the moon danced over the water. "Pan where are you?" I ask the night air, wondering if she is somewhere thinking of me.

I decide sitting in the hotel room, is not helping much, so I decide to go and use some of my connections in Osaka, to see if anyone has seen or heard from her.

I grab my jacket, and head out. The first place I go is to a local hangout, it is where all the young men and women hang out. I enter the establishment. I look around to see if I can find someone I can talk to, I go up to a server.

"Excuse me?" I ask.

"Hello, handsome." She tries to flirt with me, it however is not working.

"Yeah, well, Uhm have you seen this girl anywhere." I pull out a picture of Pan from my wallet.

The server looked at and studied it. "Uhm, I don't think so, you might want to check with Akina, she's usually on nights, and your friend might have come in then." She had suggested.

"Thanks." I tell her, as I go over to where this Akina person was. I quietly approach her. "Excuse me." The girl was startled as she turned around.

"Can I help you?" She asked as she looked at me, she put down a tray she was carrying, and picked up another full of drinks.

"You Akina?"

"Depends, Who's asking." Akina asked.

I decided to use my name I used at the hotel. "The names Jay Markesan, I think you may have seen someone I'm looking for." I show her a picture of Pan.

Akina studied it. "No…wait, yes I think I seen her in her a few nights ago." She replied. Then looked at the picture again. "Yeah she was in here, with some friends…" She hesitated to answer.

"What?" I ask as I raise an eyebrow.

"She wasn't with just any friend, she was with another man." Akina replied as if it were a state secret.

My energy rose a bit, as she said that. "Who? Can you tell me what he looks like?"

Akina sat the tray of drinks down at a near by table. "Look Mr. Markesan, I'm busy, I can't help you."

"No just tell me what he looked like, do you know his name?" I ask, I have to know who the other man that Pan was with. I feel a surge of jealousy go through me.

"Look, I'm not suppose to be socializing with the customers, I have to work." Akina told me as she walked over to the bar to get a tray of more drinks.

"Just tell me his name." I beg.

Akina looks towards me, "Look I go on break in half and hour, I'll talk to you then."

I nod my head to agree. "Yeah, that's fine. Can you bring me water?"

"Of course." She leaves for a few minutes and returns with a bottle of Perrier drinking water.

"Thank you." I tell her, and wait for her break; hopefully she can give some clues on who this mystery man in Pan's life is.

Thirty minutes pass buy quickly. "Alright, I have fifteen minutes; I'll tell you all I know."

"Thank you! Please sit down." I tell her to take a seat.

"I don't know the name of the other man, I can tell you the lady, and him are more then just friends if you know what I mean."

" She was with him?"

"They looked awfully close."

My Energy started to flare again. "Can you give a description of the man?"

She ponders a bit, "He had long black hair, and his eyes…I'll never forget those eyes, they looked like the eyes of a cold blooded killer."

"Juunanagou." I said, my voice pouring with hatred.

"Excuse me." Akina looked at me confused.

I shook my head, "Uh, nothing…thank you for your time." I get up and hand her a hundred dollar bill. "You have helped immensely thank you."

"No problem." She smiled as I left the establishment.

I think about you baby and I dream about you all the time

I could not believe it. Pan was with Juunanagou, he is the last person I had ever expected her to be with. I wonder if she intentionally sought him out, or if they just met up by pure coincident. I do not care who Juunanagou is, or what he can do, I am going to get Pan back, and I do not care whether he likes or not. That is if Pan still wants me.

I try to search for Juunanagou's Energy, however I cannot pin point it. Pan must have told him how to block it. "You want to play Pan, I'll Play." I laugh as I dial the investigator.

"Hello, PI Stephenson speaking." Stephenson replied into the phone.

"Stephenson, it's Trunks again, I have a lead on Pan."

"Sir, I'm the one who is supposed to come up with the leads, that is why you hired me."

"Look, she's with another man, his name is Juunanagou, he has long black hair and cold blue eyes, that look like death."

"Sounds creepy." Stephenson said as I heard a moment of fear shoot through him.

"Just find them." I say exasperated.

"I'll do my best, Mr. Briefs." He says as he hangs up the phone.

I amhere without you baby but your still with me in my dreams

I walk the streets dazed; I am at a complete loss. I do not even know where to continue, I had searched other hangouts, coffee shops, and other establishments. If Pan was in the city, she is not anymore.

I decided to go back to the hotel, maybe Stephenson will have better luck then me, I close my eyes and pray. "Please Dende, let him find her." I reach the hotel, and enter it.

I head to my room and full asleep. It had been a long day, being tired and confused is not going to help me in my search for Pan. I need to be awake and alert, a little nap will do me good, and as always, I dream of her again.

Dream Sequence.

"Daddy." A small girl with soft lavender hair, and darkest blue eyes, one may mistake for black ran up to me.

"Hana, how is my girl doing?" I ask as I bring her up into a hug, I put her on my shoulders.

"Mama and I are making a birthday cake for Grandpa Vegeta; Mama said it would be nice to show some nice gesture to him."

I laugh, that sounds like Pan. She would bake a cake for the devil himself to soften him up. "Pan."

Pan turned around, her whole front covered in flour and other baking ingredients. "Trunks your home." She came over to me and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

"I'm making a cake, for your father; do you think he likes chocolate?" She asked wondering what my father's favorite flavor of cake was.

"Oh Panny you are one funny girl, he's my father, and a saiyan he'll eat anything, but to tell you the truth and don't tell no one this, but yeah it's chocolate cake with butter creamed frosting." I smile.

Pan kissed me. "Thanks Trunks." She goes back into the kitchen. Hana follows her.

I smile at the family I had, I could not be happier.

End of Dream

And tonight girl it's only you and me

All I need to do is find Pan, so I can make that come true. I like how my dreamed played out, now I want that in real life.

Authors Notes: Will Trunks get his dream, will he be able to get Pan. Is Pan now with Juunanagou or was he just a passing fling?