Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ I Feel So... ❯ chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I Feel So…

A/n- Hey guys! I just wanna say sorry for the late, well, kinda late up-date. My computer is screwing up and would not let me into Microsoft word. Well, I logged onto my brothers name and sure enough it works there so I get to write my fic! I also feel very ill so It'll take a while to write the up coming chappies. Anyway, here's chappy 8 for you guys!


Ding, Ding, Ding. The little alarm finally went off as both Bulma and Vegeta turned from their kiss to stare at the door. Bulma began to breath hard as she grew nervous of what her father would ask. She turned to Vegeta who placed a hand on her mouth and shushed her.

"Woman, stay calm. We just pretend to hate each other okay? I'll turn my back and cross my arms and you act all pissed off okay?" Bulma shook her head as his hand left her mouth. He turned his back and put an evil look on his face and crossed his arms. Bulma was pulled to his side and looked annoyed as the door opened. Dr. Briefs walked in to see the two sitting on the floor. He smiled seeing them in the PJ'S.

"I see you guys worked together last night." Bulma looked afraid after he said that, but Dr. Briefs did not seem to notice it. "So how was your sleep?"

"Well if you like someone who snores then it was okay dad." Bulma said. Vegeta turned to her and grunted. Dr. Briefs sighed and un chained the two. Bulma got up and grabbed her towel and ran out of the room before Vegeeta could. Vegeta got up and grabbed his towel from off of the floor and stared at Dr. Briefs. He blinked a few times and left. Dr. Briefs looked around to see that they found the window. He smiled thinking about the two working together and headed for the door. He was stopped by Yamcha's screeching car. He watched Yam,cha get out and walk towards him. He looked angered about something.

"Yes Yamcha?" Dr. Briefs asked in a concerned tone. Yamcha eye'd him and began to speak.

"I think you should ask your daughter what happened last night."

"Well I did Yamcha. She said that Vegeta snores and it was annoying."

"Did she tell you that she kissed Vegeta?" Dr. Briefs cocked an eyebrow.

"And what makes you think they kissed Yamcha?"

"Because I saw them." Yamcha said. He seemed annoyed at the fact of Bulma and Vegeta together, Dr. Briefs could see it in his eyes as they began to fill up with tears. Dr. Briefs nodded his head.

"Only time will tell Yamcha. But for now I just can't believe your story." Dr. Briefs said, pushing Yamcha to the side and walking towards the main house. Yamcha turned back to him and balled his hands into fists.

"YEAH DR. BRIEFS. ONLY TIME WILL TELL, BUT THE TIME WILL BE TO LATE WHEN YOU FIGURE OUT THAT I'M TELLING THE TRUTH!" Yamcha yelled to him. Dr. Briefs turned to him and stared. Yamcha took in deep breaths through his teeth as Dr. Briefs stared at him.

"Yes Mr. Briefs. It'll be too late when you find out that she's pregnant with his baby. It'll be too late when he kills her."

"Yamcha, there is no proof that Vegeta will kill my daughter. There is no proof that they slept together last night. There is no proof of anything yet." Yamcha blinked a few times and stormed off to his car and started the engine. He looked back at him and shot evil death glares in his direction. He pressed on the gas and drove off. Dr. Briefs sighed and walked into the house, shutting the door behind him. He pressed himself up against the door and blinked a few times. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath before making his way to his lab to work on new projects.


The shower started up as the cold water ran down onto Bulma's hand. She pulled it away and turned the knob to make it a little bit warmer. She ran her hand through a few minutes later to see that it was perfect. She pushed in the plug on the bottom of the tub and got up, walking towards the mirror. She stared at her reflection and sighed.

`Am I loosing my heat to Vegeta? I mean, he's a cold, heartless bastard and,' She sighed as she removed the button-up shirt and threw it onto the floor. She stared at her body and how it looked. She blinked a few times when she noticed a hickey on her breast. She shook a bit remembering fully about what happened the night before.

`I did have sex with Vegeta!' She yelled to herself. She covered her mouth with her hand as tears filled her eyes. She did not want to believe it, but really could not forget it. She wanted so hard for it to be all just a dream but the image of Vegeta kept entering her mind. She backed up until her back was on the wall. She slid down to the floor and removed her hand from her mouth. Tears began to run down her cheeks as she came to realize that she had lost most of her heart to Vegeta.

`Damn it! How come I had to like the evil guy?' She thought. She looked over to the tub to see the water filled up. She got up and turned off the water, placing her hand inside the tub to check the water. It seemed fine to her as she began to remove her pants and throwing them on the floor. She noticed the site of blood as the pants hit the floor. She stared at them for a while.

`I can't be on my period. I just ended. Damn he tore me up then.' She said to herself, once again feeling the urge to cry. She slipped into the tub and let her body relax in the warm water. She grabbed the soap and began to rubbed her hands against it, making her hands lathered up. She dropped the soap into the tub and began to rub her lathered hands around one of her legs. Once done, she washed her hands in the water and reached for the razor, which was sitting up on a small stand implanted in the wall. She placed the small blue razor into her hand and stared at it.

`Damn it. Now I'm comparing the razor to Vegeta.' She said to herself. She sighed and began to shave off any unwanted hair off of her leg. She tried her best not to think about Vegeta but he was just, There! He would not leave her head no matter how hard she tried. She thought about him so much that she really did not notice that she had cut herself until her leg entered the water and began to sting. She cringed from the slight sting and lifted her leg to check it out. She wiped the blood away and submerged it into the water again, remembering that she's in bigger pain than this. She lathered her hands up again and started on her other leg when she heard a knock on the door. She growled in frustration and turned quickly to the door.

"WHAT!" She yelled She heard a sock from the other side and noticed that it had to be her mother. She sighed and continued to shave.

"Bulma honey! I was wondering, how much longer are you going to be in there?" She asked. Bulma sighed, setting her razor into the water and looking at the door again.

"About another 10 minutes why?"

"Uh, because Vegeta is getting hungry." Bulma cocked an eyebrow.

"So? I thought you cooked for him."

"Well no Bulma. I thought someone told you that YOU will cook for him now." She said. Bulma grew angray at the closed door.


"Well, Vegeta did, well help a little. He said I was a terrible cook and that you could do better. So I suggest that you hurry up and feed him before he goes on a rampage."

"Err, okay mother. I will." Bulma said. She heard a clap from her mother and heard her walking away from the door. Bulma sighed and started to shave…again.

"Man what am I getting myself into." She asked her self out loud. She finished shaving and submerged her leg into the water and groaned from the warn water. It felt so relaxing to her sore muscles that she moaned in happiness. She heard a banging noise come to the door and got up. She sighed.

"What Vegeta?"

"Woman I want my food NOW!"

"Vegeta you can wait just two more minutes. I need to towel myself off and get dressed. You know what, you can actually wait 5-7 minutes okay?"

"No woman. I need fed NOW!"

"Vegeta stop acting like a child and hold on. I'm getting out now sheesh." Bulma got up from the water and unplugged the drain and stepped out, wrapping her towel around her body. She grabbed the hairbrush and began to brush her hair and hum a song. Vegeta tapped his foot impatiently on the ground in front of the door. He was very hungry from not eating any food since last night and wanted to eat really badly. He dropped his hands and pressed on the door until it opened. Bulma stared as the door swung open and Vegeta walked in. She looked up at him with the hairbrush in her hand and her towel wrapped loosely around her body. Vegeta placed on arm under her legs and one on her back and picked her up. Bulma looked at the position and then up at Vegeta.

"I want food now Bulma." He said with a smirk. Bulma smiled and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

"Okay Vegeta." She said. Vegeta pulled her close to him and kissed her softly on the lips, making sure that her parents did not hear or see any of it. He let go and set her down. He started his way back down the stairs, walking down and into the dining room. Bulma smiled and held her hand to her lips.

"Maybe I don't doubt liking him." She said. She walked into her room and grabbed a bra, a black tank-top, and jeans to wear for the day and started her way down stares as well.


a/n- Well, I thought it was kinda short, but oh well that's just me. I hope you like the chappy! Chappy 9 coming soon.