Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ I've Got A Crush On You. ❯ One-Shot

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I do not own Dragon Ball , Dragon Ball Z or Dragon Ball GT. I do not own I have a crush on you, By Frank Sinatra.

How glad the many millions of Annabelle's and Lillian's
Would be to capture me
But you had such persistence, you wore down my resistance
I fell and it was swell

Trunks Briefs had it all. The power, the money, the good looks, the many women falling at his feet. In fact, any woman would be glad to capture him as her own.

However none were as persistent as one girl, this girl had such persistence that Trunks found himself finding it harder and harder to resist her.

He found this girl to be exactly what he wanted in a life long mate, he found this girl to be the one who would fight for him no matter what.

Her name Pan Son. Pan was Trunks best friend. Even though they had a thirteen-year age difference between them. Trunks being forty while Pan being twenty-seven.

They have had known of each other for years. However, they did not really know each other. Trunks had only known Pan as his best friend's niece the feisty little saiyan that had everyone wrapped around her finger. Including himself and his father who pretended he didn't care.

Years back when Pan had been a child Trunks viewed her as nothing but his sister's best friend or his best friend's niece nothing more and nothing less. She was just Panny Chan. Then she grew up. Trunks suddenly found it harder and harder to resist the much younger woman.

As years went by. Trunks kept his feelings for his sister's friend inside. He never once let anyone know of his true feelings, not even his best friend Goten who he had before told everything to.. As years went by Trunks had replaced his sister as Pan's best friend. Pan had in return replaced her uncle as Trunks' best friend.

However, he found himself still trying to resist her. Soon Pan became persistent at winning Trunks she would not let him resist her any longer.

I'm your big and brave and handsome Romeo
How I won you I shall never never know
it's not that you're attractive
but, oh, my heart grew active
when you came into view

Trunks never knew how he became Pan's savior. Pan's Romeo as which she called him. He really did not even know what caught his eye. Why of all the girls he knew? Why did he choose Pan? It was not as if she was a knockout bomb-shelled beauty queen. Oh but she was attractive in her own way.

Trunks had found his heart had a mind of its own. As he realized every time Pan would speak or come into the room, his heart would beat faster.

He never knew the truth of his relationship with Pan. All he knew was he had the hugest crush on the younger woman, and that because of her persistence he had won her heart.

All of his life Trunks had been shy around the ladies, the only girls he ever knew were his sister Bra Briefs, his Mother Bulma Briefs, his best friends Goten's sister-in-law Videl whom he viewed as an older sister. Chi-Chi Son whom he viewed as a Godmother, Juuhachigou Chestnut and Marron Chestnut who he really only seen as a sister seeing as they did grow up together.

He even tried to date Marron because at the time she seemed to be the perfect choice for a wife of the president of capsule corp. However once he began to date her, he realized she was least likely candidate.

As time went by Trunks, found him looking at girl who was in the public view the wrong type for his image. The sassy tomboy, the rambunctious teenager. He knew he was taking a risk by having a crush on a much younger woman, a woman the public would view as a gold digger.

I've got a crush on you, sweetie pie
All the day and night-time give me sigh
I never had the least notion that
I could fall with so much emotion

He found himself wanting her. Dreaming of her each night. Every time she was not near him. He would hurt, hurt because he never thought the emotions he had for Pan were very strong.

Trunks found him falling deeper and deeper in love with the younger woman. He found himself wanting, almost needing her. He did not want to believe a man his age would fall for a woman so much younger then himself.

However he did fall. He fell with so much emotion that it ate at him. It ate as his heartstrings. The love he had for her ate away at his very soul. His being.

He wanted nothing more then to fall in love with her. To be her one and only Romeo. He did not know how she felt, he knew of her persistence. However did she love him the way he loved her, or was it all a game to her. Was she cruel to play his heart?

Trunks did not think so. That was one of the reasons he loved her so much. She never took his feelings lightly, she always held them at the highest esteem, and even though he had never shown her what he truly felt, he knew that she knew what he did feel.

Could you coo, could you care
for a cunning cottage we could share
the world will pardon my mush
'cause I have got a crush on you

Trunks had gotten his crush. He had married the one woman who held so tightly to his heart, and refused to let go. He loved this woman so much the mere thought of her leaving him would kill him.

They had lived in a cunning cottage together on his family's vast estate. They had been married when Pan had turned twenty-four and Trunks was thirty-seven, they now were married for three years. Trunks still showed Pan how much he cared and were actually mushy about it, but in his own way, because after all these years he still had a crush on Pan.

Could you coo, could you care
for a cunning cottage
that we could share
the world will pardon my mush
'cause I have got a crush, my baby, on you