Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kids Today, Adults Tomorrow ❯ *Thud* Went Everyone or.. IT WAS YOUR FAULT! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

WARNING- Big Out of characters DBZ people here in this fic.. VERY OOC!!

OK people, I had to split Chapter One in half because SapphireAngelOfNight (who has THE greatest B/V and B/G fanfics! Check 'em out!). She's a very dear friend of mine, and a very hard person to please but I somehow managed to make her laugh with this story! But she informed me that the relationship AND kiss was too rushed, and that I should slow it down so, I'm *ahem* qoute, slowing things down..unqoute. I cut the chapter in two parts because..

A:) No relationship like the one Vegeta and Bulma has can be rushed.. Er.. it is just not possible, as my friend Sapphire tells me.

B.) I had to write more detail in the 1st chapter because of what Sapphire said, and since the 1st chapter was so long, that it wouldn't let me put any new info in it, I had to brutally dissect my beautiful story. Ah well. The sacrifaces we make for a better art.

Secondly, the reason that Vegeta and Bulma act more their age here in this part and not in the first part is because of this.. ahem.. and this is qouted from my and Sapphire's convo over the IM when she talked to me about the stories..


'Sapphire: My opinion: this is a great idea and you put a lot of hilarious moments into this chap, but.. well it all seems very rushed to me and the relationship between Bulma and Vegeta develops kind of.. I don't know how to express it. I like the jealousy of Geta and the way he enjoys fighting with Bulma.I am not sure about the Gohan thing.. As I said, if he is 11, he might be a little too old for Bulma.. especially if she has the mind of her 5 year old self. Which reminds me: in some parts, Bulma didnt sound like her 5 year old self at all... after the shrinking I mean... these area few things I would work on a little more.'

Ok.. here's the reason for that.. it's all explained down here..

Ahem.. Barbara? *smart college student comes on the stage and waves "hi" to everyone*

Barbara: Well *takes out long stick and points to chalkboard where mathematical equations are scribbled* As it turns out, in the last chapter, it seems like Bulma and Vegeta hardly age at all except for their wild adolescent bickering. That is because the reversal age process didn't fully change 'Geta and Bulma into five-year olds. It goes like this. The longer their that age, the more their own mind will believe that they actually are five-years old.

The technical knowledge they both had, like building, mathematics, science, war techniques, things like that, are stored somewhere in the inner cerebal part of their brains. You see the remote control is more than a simple transporter to alternate dimensions and universes; it acts like a tug of war between itself and time with Vegeta and Bulma's ages. It has the capability of making them age and regress with no trouble at all, making them go from one age then to another.

Bunni: So basiacally she said was: All the smart-arty stuff is stored somewhere in their heads. If they stay in one age too long, the info they had when they were their starting age will disappear, and they will believe that they are actually that age (say for example, 17!), and all their memories, technical and nontechnical will revert to that age. Vegeta will be like he was when he was when he was that age, and Bulma will still be thinking she was dragonball hunting with Goku! Er.. don't ask but it's confusing. Just follow through it! :P

Rating: PG-13 for language.

Kids Today, Adults Tomorrow
Chapter One PART TWO
*Thud* Went Everyone or.. IT WAS YOUR FAULT!

"We have to call them, Chibi 'Geta." Bulma grabbed the phone and dialed in the number, grinning at the glare she received.

"Don't call me that.." Vegeta muttered under his breath. Louder he said, "I don't see why you have to call that baka third-class warrior. We can just wait for the old man and onna to revive themselves and everything will be taken care of."

"Vegeta we need help NOW! These clothes don't fit us, sooner or later you're going to get hungry, and I don't think my parents are going to revive anytime soon.." Bulma gave a frustrated cry as she tried to dial the phone number. "ARGH! MY FINGERS ARE TOO CHUBBY TO DIAL CHICHI'S SLAM DAMN SLAM PHONE SLAM NUMBER! WHAT SLAM MORE SLAM CAN HAPPEN???" She repeatedly slammed the phone against the wall, creating multiple dents, though she didn't seem to care. All she wanted to do was vent all her rage against this day. "This day is the worst! ..." She muttered and stifled a scream.

"Be glad that it can't get any worse, onna.." Vegeta muttered as he sat down in an oversized chair and put his head in his hands. Bulma looked at him horrified.

"You just jinxed it, you baka.." Bulma growled at Vegeta. Vegeta looked at her.


"You just made it worse, you bakayuro."

If it couldn't have gotten worse like our Veggie-head said it couldn't, it just did. Sorry Bulma.. sorry Vegeta.. It just HAD to happen. Hehe..

"Hey Bulma! Is Vegeta ready to spar because I-?" Goku suddenly popped out of nowhere and stopped talking and looked at Bulma. "Er.. Little girl, do you know where Bulma is?" Goku asked as he landed on the ground, afraid of scaring the little girl before him with his flying skills and sudden appearance.

Chibi Vegeta came up behind him and kicked him in the shin. Goku gave a howl of pain and looked down at the boy in surprise. "Fool, she is the onna."

"V-Vegeta?" Goku stuttered as he looked at Vegeta in shock. Chibi Vegeta gave a superior smirk, and that was all the confirmation that Goku needed. He looked at the lavender haired girl. She nodded and pointed to the oversized lab coat, and the card label that said, "Bulma Briefs".


Vegeta groaned and hit his head against the wall hardly, creating a big dent, three seconds after Goku decided to go unconcious. Bulma sighed and put her head into her hands.

"We're doomed. Simple as that. We're doomed to be children forever and ever and ever and ever.." Vegeta muttered as he continued to bang his head against the wall.

"Goku was our only hope.. sigh.. We'll have to go to Yamcha then." Bulma winced at the frustrated scream of the saiya-jin prince.

"NOO! ANYBODY BUT THAT WEAKLING!!! I. Refuse. To. Go." Vegeta growled through gritted teeth. "I will not go to that weakling no matter the circumstances. Child or not. I still have pride."

"Could of fooled me.." Bulma smirked and was amused with the anger of Vegeta. Vegeta just scowled at her and thought, "Baka woman..."

"Baka man..er boy.."

Goku groaned and woke up. He groggily opened one eye and looked at Bulma and then to Vegeta, then whispered, "So it wasn't a bad dream.."

"Goku, listen to me. I'm Bulma. Your friend. Remember me? Bulma Briefs?" Bulma smiled nervously as she got closer to Goku. This was a change. Instead of Bulma being older than Goku, Goku was now older than her. @_@ Yup, things were going great for Bulma. She was 3 ft. tall, a murderous saiya-jin prince was stuck in the same predicament as she was, and her best friend looked like he was going to faint again.

"Whatever you do don't run away or faint. We need some help."

"What happened to you guys?" Goku questioned as he hesitantly softly poked Bulma on the shoulder. Vegeta gave a short growl.

"The onna and I were.. er.. busy and then-" He was cut off by a snort from Bulma.

"You mean sucking on my face like your life depended on it. He strolled into my lab then practically seduced me with his eyes, Goku! It's HIS fault we're like this!" Bulma yelled as she glared at Vegeta, but to be safe she scrunched closer to Goku. Goku winced at her yelling.

"Not so loud Bulma. My ears hurt." Bulma gave an outraged cry and slapped her hand against Goku's arm, making her cry next from pain. She stumbled and held her hand in pain.

"Ow!! MY HAND!" Bulma started to cry, tears strolling down her cheeks. Before Goku could make it to her, Vegeta was there first, inspecting her wound, all the while growling at Goku.

Vegeta looked up from inspecting and continued to glower at Goku as if he were the bad guy, who widened his eyes in surprise than grinned secretly, remembering the boy from the future. "Baka Onna. It's only a slight sprain. It'll heal in a day or two. Stop whining." He practically tossed her hand aside and moved a good five feet from her.

"-sniffle-Thanks -sniffle- Chibi 'Geta.." Bulma sniffled as she held her hand in a nurturing way. Tears had stopped strolling down her cheeks, and left her eyes red and puffy.

"And don't call me that.." Vegeta mumbled as he crossed his arms and glared at Goku still.

Goku picked Bulma up and held her, not really hearing the growl of Vegeta or seeing his icy cold glare that said, 'I'm going to hurt you when I get the chance..'

"Come on. I'll take you to ChiChi. She'll know what to do." Goku said as he motioned for Vegeta to hold onto him tightly. Vegeta had probably the most disgusted face on him at the thought of touching his worst enemy in the universe, and Bulma giggled.

"I wish I had my camera to take Vegeta's expression on film. It's like what it says on the commercials, 'Priceless.'." Bulma began to laugh hysterically and point at Vegeta. Vegeta glared to her and held unto Goku's gi, as much as he hated to even touch the baka.

"Shut up.. baka woman. It's your fault we're like this." Vegeta provoked her once again with the arguement that unofficially ended in the lab.

"Was not."

"Was too."

"Was not!"

Goku sighed and blocked out the two children's bickering, putting two fingers to his forehead, he Instant Transmissioned out of there.


Kami snapped his head up and looked at the sky below him. Something wasn't right..

Popo looked at him feeling a little confused. What was wrong?

"Kami, what is wrong?" He asked.

"I don't know.. We must go to Chikyuu-sai to find out. and I have a feeling Korrin needs to come too." Kami said as he gripped his staff and went on to find Korrin.


Chi chi was just finishing dinner, when she decided to call Gohan in from training with Piccolo.

"GOHAN! DINNER!" She called out from the door. Gohan and Piccolo were there in three seconds flat.

"Where's your father?" ChiChi asked her son, ignoring the green guy next to him. Piccolo rolled his eyes, used to the cold shoulder given to him by his student's mother.

"I don't know. Mr. Piccolo?" Piccolo looked down at Gohan. "Do you know where Dad is?"

"No, Gohan, I don-" He was cut off by Goku materializing in front of him with two children bickering.

"WAS NOT!" Said the little girl with lavender hair, not very fazed by Instant Transmissioning to Goku's home to stop her arguement with the small boy with flame-like hair.

"WAS TOO!" The little boy of five argued back, eyes glittering with amusement. His flame-like hair stood proud and his black eyes had clear enjoyment of the fight in them. He looked so much like Vegeta, that it almost was like looking at Vegeta himself, if Vegeta were five that was.

"Sigh ... They're still at it?!" Goku sighed exasperated. He looked down at the children still bickering on who knows what subject. He flared his ki to a high level, and everyone waited a couple of minutes.

"Goku, who are these-?" ChiChi was cut off by the Z-Senshi arriving.

"Goku, what the heck ...? Who are they?" Krillian stared at the two STILL bickering

"WAS NOT INFINITY!" The lavender haired girl with an oversized lab coat and clothes yelled at the boy she was argueing with.

"WAS TOO INFINITY!" The boy with black flame-hair yelled back.

"Nuh-uh. Infinity only goes for me only."

"Does not, baka onna."

"Does so, Baka Chibi Vegetable Head."

"Stupid Onna. Does NOT!" The five-year old Vegeta yelled at Bulma.







Multiple thuds echoed around the small valley. Over 3/4th's of the Z-senshi were unconcious on the hard dirt ground.

"WHY DOES EVERYONE DO THAT??" Bulma yelled, flailing her arms, seeing more than a generous share of people she knew fall unconcious once they knew who she was.

"Oh, I don't know, Onna, probably because only this morning you were 5'5", your clothes fit you, and you were 30?!" Vegeta rolled his eyes and scowled at the fallen fighters.

"Oh, shut up, you bakayuro.." Bulma spat back, and folded her arms, still holding her injured hand tenderly. "Besides, I'm only 29..." She stuck her tongue childishly at Vegeta who only stuck his tongue back.

Goku sighed and looked down at his wife, who had of course fainted with the rest. Gohan was just staring at Bulma and Vegeta with shock written all his face. The only other one standing was .. Piccolo? He of course had the same expression as Gohan. Just staring at them.... woah.. It was unbelievable..

~3 Minutes Later~

"Okay, now I think they're overdoing it.." Bulma whispered to Vegeta, who was standing near her. Bulma was sitting down, while the others were either laying on the floor, which most of them did, while Piccolo and Gohan stared at them with dumb shock, and Goku still tending to ChiChi.

"No kidding, Onna.." Vegeta grumbled back. He was amazed at how the fighters were able to be unconcious for such a long time without even being knocked out.

"Unnnn....." Krillian groaned holding his head. "Goku.. you won't believe the weirdest dream I had. I dreamt that we flew here and that Vegeta and Bulma were both five-year olds... and.." Krillian stared at Bulma, who weakly smiled and waved at him, and Vegeta who just scowled and glared.

Yamcha opened his eyes and stared. So did Tien and Choutzu. As did all the other warriors.

"Didn't anyone tell you it's rude to stare!?" Bulma screeched at them, with a miffed look.

"Er..sorry Bulma." Krillian rubbed his head, circling her slightly.

"Bulma, I didn't know you had lavender hair when you were five." Tien finally snapped out of his daze to comment as he noticed her hair color. Vegeta looked up from his glaring at the Z-senshi who were circling Bulma, to Bulma's head, was kinda amazed.'I didn't know the onna had such pretty hair as a child..' He thought, as he got the unfamiliar urge to touch her hair. Then he scrunched his nose up in disgust. 'EEEEWWWW...' (As boy he had no fondness for girls..) Touching a girl seemed icky to him for some reason..

"That's because I dyed it after I met Goku. Remember Goku?" Bulma smiled. (AN: I have no clue when she dyed it blue, just go with me on this. I once heard that she had lavender hair in early DBZ, so I'm assuming that she dyed it after she met Goku.) Goku nodded as he circled her with the others. It was kinda intimidating to be surrounded by tall people for once, other than Gohan. He was only six inches taller than her.

"wow.." Gohan murmured as he touched Bulma, hesitantly. Vegeta gave off a low growl, but no one, like Goku, noticed. Bulma just rolled her eyes, and allowed her inspection by the Z-Senshi be done.

"You should see Chibi 'Geta. Hehe, he still has his hair like it was before..." Bulma giggled as she jerked her head into Vegeta's way. Vegeta only glared and 'humphed'.

"Woah..so how'd you get like this?" Yamcha asked as he sat down, a little overwhelmed. Who wouldn't be if your ex-girlfriend who was 30 *gets poked by Bulma* erm..29 when you last checked suddenly turned five-years old?

"Well it all started.." Bulma started, but was cut off by Vegeta putting his hand over her mouth. Bulma gave a yell through her covered mouth and glared at Vegeta.

Goku took this time to say what Bulma started, "Well Bulma said that Vegeta seduced her her and then sucked on her face.. I think that's what she said ... right Bulma?"

Everyone looked at Vegeta with a surprised look, and Vegeta had such a red face that he moved himself two feet away from Bulma. Bulma gave a smirk, and nodded.

"I HATE YOU, YOU BAKA THIRD CLASS!!" Vegeta yelled as he flew at an inhuman speed, and started strangling Goku.

"Ignore Vegeta.. Anyway I was just done fixing his stupid GR, then I went inside my Lab, and then Vegeta came in and seduced me.." She pretended to weep into a hankerchief she got out of nowhere. "Then..*sniffle*..then.." Yamcha rubbed her back in an encouraging/comforting way. Vegeta had stopped strangling Goku by now and was staring at Yamcha in a calm, sort of murderous I'm-thinking-of-killing-you look..

"And then..he started kissing me! I, of course didn't know what to do! Then I accidently pressed some buttons on a new invention of mine, and well when the kissing stopped *sniffle*..we both realized we were five-years old.." Bulma cried fake tears and leaned into Yamcha, hugging him tightly, giving off farse sobs.

"Aww ... Bulma ... it's ok ... Yamcha's here, babe..." Yamcha hugged the child Bulma and soothed her, turning around to glare at Vegeta, as everyone was.

"You wench! That's not how it went! YOU seduced ME!" Vegeta yelled, flailing his arms as he glared at the girl 'crying' into her ex-boyfriend's t-shirt, which pissed him off for reasons unknown to him. Everyone arched an eyebrow and looked at Bulma and him curiously.

"First she goes around crying over the weakling! *points at Yamcha* Then she parades around in slutsy outfits *Bulma glares at him* and tries to seduce me by tricking me into thinking that she actually likes me as a friend, therefore making me want her.

"Then when I finally say to her that I'll give what she wants, and kiss her, she thinks I'm trying to do something! Heh. AND she kissed me BACK. So it wasn't a total one-sided deal here, people.." Vegeta finished and stood proudly. Bulma wrenched herself from her ex-boyfriend. She walked over to him and pushed him to the ground. Vegeta, who had no idea, as the rest, she would resort to that kind of action, fell to the ground.

"Oh that's it, Onna. It's on.." Vegeta growled at the five-year old Bulma, who stuck her tongue at him.

"Bite me, monkey-boy.." Bulma stuck her tongue out and backed one step away.

Vegeta smirked. "I would, but you're too young.."

Bulma gave a clueless look, and a question mark was over her head. Vegeta snickered and smirked at her confused look.

"What do you me-?" She was cut off by Gohan suddenly hugging her. She quickly turned purple in the face. Vegeta's eye started to twitch violently.

"This is great, Bulma. Now we can play together, with me and Vegeta and you and.." He trailed off not really noticing the lack of oxygen in her face. Vegeta's condition wasn't improving. His eye was REALLY twitchin' here, people.. and energy started to crackle around him, causing mild alarm to the Z-senshi. I mean he was one powerful saiya-jin kid!

(AN: Ok...for starters Gohan's RRREEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAALLLLYYY lonely for kids even remotely near his age to talk to!! He'll even be friends with a girl, people.. a very weak one at that too *gets whacked by Bulma* er..did I say weak? I meant powerful..and er..very charismatic....*Bulma backs off*... and er .. VERY BEAUTIFUL for her presumable age..*gets whacked once more* Huh? Whad I DO?)

"Gohan ... can't .... breath.." Bulma managed to gasp out. Her hair matched her face perfectly. In fact you could say she a midgit Russian by all the blood rushing to her face..(Russians and purple/red faces..bwahaha..no offense to the Russian people..)

"Hmm? Oh! Sorry Bulma!" Gohan let go of her and smiled sheepishly. Bulma took several gasps of air before her skin turned back to the lovely creamy peach color. Vegeta's eye stopped twitching but the crackles of energy had yet to cease to stop.

"Thanks Gohan...*deep breath*" Bulma thanked Gohan as she leaned on him for support, which caused Gohan to blush a little (afterall he doesn't interact with girls..). Vegeta's eye AGAIN had begun to twitch.

'Oh, when I'm alone with the brat, I'll kill him in his sleep *cackles maniacally* Then There will be no competition for the Onna.. BWAHAHAHAHA!!' Vegeta chuckled a little as he thought of torturing poor little Gohan. (Gohan's eleven by the way.. I have no clue what real age he is now *Beginning of Three-Period Wait Of Androids* So I'm just gonna go with that age for now..)

"You ok, babe?" Yamcha asked, still a little shocked over the fact that Vegeta kissed her, she was five, and still managed to get the cute look.

"Yup. Just a little winded.." Bulma gasped, and smiled convincably at him. She looked at the guilty looking Gohan and patted his back, earning a small inaudible growl from our favorite eye-twitchin' saiya-jin. Gohan smiled back and put his arm around her waist to keep her from falling, which caused more frequent eye-twitching from Vegeta.

Chichi leaned in towards Goku's ear, "Goku .. er .. should we be worried by Vegeta's eye twitching like that?.." She whispered, not wanting anyone's enhanced hearing to eavesdrop on the question. Goku just shrugged, unsure and answered back to ChiChi. "I'm not sure .. if it keeps happening, we'll call a doctor about it.."

'Oh yes, I will enjoy torturing that brat...he will regret touching the Onna...' Again Vegeta laughed quietly and ever so maliciously as a vein popped out of his forehead causing ChiChi to gulp nervously and look at Goku who shrugged yet again, not really knowing what to do in this situation.

"Where's the invention that did this to you, Bulma?" Piccolo asked as he got closer. Goku also got closer and it was probably then that the Guiness World Of Records' record of invasion of personal space was broken. Bulma sighed and let them do it. She was pooped to say the least. SHE WAS FRICKEN' FIVE YEARS OLD!! Name one person who wouldn't be stressed out in this situation.. *hands raise up* Goku doesn't count as an answer, ok? *readers groan and take down their hands*

Bulma fiddled her hand into her lab pocket and pulled out a remote control with possibly more buttons than a Chinese typewriter.

"Ta-da! Introducing my invention that turned me into a five-year old...*loud grunt from the background* oh, and Vegeta too.." Bulma presented as a sort of mini-model for her ever-glorious invention. Vegeta 'wrhumped' and rolled his eyes.

"Hmm.." Piccolo looked as he observed it, careful not to touch any buttons. "Why did you make a machine to turn people into five-year olds?" Vegeta snorted and sent Bulma a "Yeah, stupid, why?" look. Bulma sent a 'be quiet otherwise I'll kick ya where the sun don't shine' look at him before turning back to Piccolo.

"Oh .. er..well I dunno.. actually it's supposed to be an alternate-dimension remote. Supposta send me from Point A, here, to Point B, another dimension, and so on and so forth. It wasn't really supposed to do this..*points to her form* Er.. ChiChi?" Bulma turned from Piccolo to ChiChi. ChiChi straightened up and looked down at Bulma. She let Piccolo investigate the remote further before he handed it back.

"Do you have any of Gohan's old clothes for me and Vegeta? Er.. these don't work well with our bodies.." Bulma pointed once again at her clothes. ChiChi only nodded quickly and looked at Vegeta uncertainly.

Bulma simply glowered at the small saiya-jin. "Vegeta. Come and dress in sensible clothes! *glares*" Vegeta grumbled and sent an icy death glare to Gohan and the others (perfably in this order..ahem: Gohan, Yamcha, Goku, Gohan again, Piccolo, Krillian, Gohan yet again, and Yamcha again.) He stomped heavily and past Bulma briskly, causing her to fume and narrow her eyes. He hid his smirk under his scowl. Oh, yes he did like making her mad in such little ways.


Sorry again for dissecting the chapter, but I had to add new parts to chapter one part one! :P Chapter Two coming soon!

Bunni: oh boy..
Chibi-Bra: What's gonna happen between Mama and Papa?
Trunks: Yeah, what?
Bunni: errrrr.......*runs away*
Chibi-Bra:*chases her with a small wrench* Come back here!
Trunks:*looks to reviewers* Maybe if you guys review, she'll come back with more chapters! *takes off after his sister and Bunni*
Bunni: AAAAHH!!!! *they all run into the sunset* (Can't I come up with anything more creative than that?...................no...)
Android T:*is clueless* uhhhh.. WAIT FOR ME!! *runs after Trunks*