Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kids Today, Adults Tomorrow ❯ *squeaky voice* Onna, What Did You Do To US?? Or.. Well Will You Look At That.. ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author: Bunni

Summary: Bulma has just created a new invention but what for? And what happens when it backfires on her and a certain saiyan no ouji? The DBZ gang has just gotten more than they could ever chew on (counting Goku)..@_@;;

baka-jerk or idiot

< br> Rating: PG-13 for language.


Kids Today, Adults Tomorrow
Chapter One
*squeaky voice* Onna, What Did You Do To US?? Or.. Well Will You Look At That..

Bulma Briefs, the most beautiful and intelligent woman on Chikyuu, possibly in the whole blasted universe, stood smirking at her latest plan. Standing at 5'5", a proud stance, with beautiful short blue hair that reached down to her neck, she was a woman to be admired, to be lusted after, to be..

Her thoughts were interrupted as one voice took her out of her happy daze.

"ONNA!!!" Bulma Briefs, cringed at the horrid nickname that the saiyan no ouji had given her in substitute of her real name. She looked away from her project relunctantly and stared at the doorway, and wasn't at all surprised that it was kicked down, but was surprised that she didn't hear it slam down to the ground.

A man.. no, a Saiya-jin, with black hair standing upwards like an arrogant spitefire and furrowed eyebrows that knitted into his forehead, making his sable eyes glare at her more ferociously. He had his arms folded across his chest, with his mouth set into a deep frown. Bulma rolled her eyes, and prepared herself for yet another verbal spar.

"You bakayuro! You broke down my door! What do you have to say, big ape?!" True, she was furious that the monkey man had actually had the audacity to knock down her door to her lab, but in truth she knew it wasn't that why she decided to go on with the daily arguement. She was furious that he was still calling her that ridiculous name still. Well, some people can't respect.

The man simply glowered at her. He chose to ignore her earlier comments involving the words, 'big ape'.

"Onna, the GR is.." The Saiyajin with onyx eyes started but she just shushed him.

"Yeah, yeah.. It's broken down.. be there in a minute, baka ouji.." She yelled, thoroughly upset that he broke down her door to her sanctuary. The saiyan no ouji simply glared at her with more rage, and stormed out.

"Bakayuro Vegeta.." Was all he heard before leaving the house altogether.

'Bakamono. The onna doesn't see how it's important for me to train.' Vegeta growled loudly. The onna would never understand. All she ever saw to him was a cruel mass-murdering man. It was true, but Vegeta couldn't help but feel stung at her opinion of him. He growled even more and shoved it out of his head. 'Why should I care what that kuso onna thinks of me..?!'

Bulma was too, peeved at the Vegeta. More than peeved. She was downright pissed. 'Why can't that baka knock? Instead he just stomps to my lab, the sacred of most places to me, and knocks down the door like any other? Oh, that stupid baka of a- ... if he wasn't so strong, and I was so weak, I'd strangle him! Gah!' She mentally yelled, wanting to take out her anger on something. But she stifled the urge down. No.. this was her lab. She didn't want to destroy her hard work in just a couple of seconds for brief retalliation. It wasn't worth that. Stupid Vegeta. Almost made her lose her cool and destroy her precious inventions.

Grumbling to herself, she grabbed the toolbox and walked out. She didn't want the damned ouji to come in her lab and start bitching to her about his precious training. Honestly, what was she thinking when she invited him here to live? 'Clearly I think Goku's airheadness was rubbing off on me back then!' Bulma mentally snorted as she marched outside, her face looking dark and murderous. The unfortunate CC employees who crossed her paths were knocked unconcious due to her extremely short temper and heavy toolbox.

'That blasted Saiyan .. he's lucky I'm in such a good mood...' Bulma thought murderously as she stalked through the backyard, only a few yards from the GR. If Bulma's in a happy mood, you'd hate to be in a twenty-mile radius when she was angry. (AN:*whimpers* eep....*hides behind desk*)

Vegeta stood smirking as he watched her stalk over. Yes, he always managed to get under her skin.. one way or another. And by Kami, did he love when she would react that way to his words; her skin would get flushed, her eyes sparkling with anger.. even the small saiyan would admit to himself that she was probably to most breath-taking creature in the universe. Ha, if she heard that it would never be the end of it. She'd have TOTAL power over him.. *insert cheesy dramatic music*

"Finally, you got here! I think I aged about what, ten years? You have to really hussle it up, Onna." He smirked bigger when he saw her murderously glare his way. He chuckled and tsked her when she began to growl. He did something unexpected that even he was surprised.

He lowered his lips to her ear, brushing it slightly, "You sound so saiyan when you do that.. not to mention sexy.." Bulma's growling stopped short and he pulled away to see a red blush around her nose and cheeks. He smirked at the new reaction. He'd have to do that again sometime.

Bulma glared at him when he smirked. "Bakayuro."


"Ego-tripped Prince."

"Spoiled Rotten Princess."

"Inhuman monster."



".. .whore."

"I AM NOT A WHORE!" Bulma yelled causing Vegeta to wince and rub his ears a little.

"Shut up, bitch! You loud and inhuman harpy voice is causing both human and saiyan ears to bleed and children to cry." Vegeta laughed at her face. She was growling lowly, steam practically coming out of her ears.

"You.. you basturd of a prince! Gah! I hope you rot in the GR one day! With your guts pouring out just as you achieved Super Saiyajin!" Before Vegeta could retort she left to fix the gravity room. Vegeta sighed and waited, feeling a little bored. He enjoyed their little 'conversations' daily, and hated it when they were cut off so short. He smirked again, he would try again after she was done fixing the GR.

"Damn basturd.." Bulma muttered under her breath as she tweaked the wires. All the blasted "all Mighty Prince of The Saiya-jins" did was complain, insult, eat, train, insult, eat, train, occasionally complain, eat, train, insult some more, train, eat, insult, eat, insult, train, insult. Pretty much all he did, except sleep.

'He can't even appreciate that I'M here to fix HIS stupid GR.. gah. Didn't even thank me when I first built it for him.. But nooooooooo! It had to be too much for the saiyan no ouji. He just HAD to insult me, train, eat all the food in my house, insult me again, then sleep in the room I provided for HIM! It sometimes amazes me how saiyans are so.. so.. PIGHEADED!' Bulma fumed silently. She twisted a bolt a little, and accidently got some grease on her cheek. She didn't notice that at all.... or the Saiyan no Ouji staring at her, but kept working diligently.

'I hope that he gets what's coming to him one day.. Probably will!' Bulma snickered slightly. She twisted another bold and taped two wires together. 'There's nothing all that wrong with the GR.. hmm.. except for this wire. It seems Vegeta may have overloaded the system a bit. This'll only take a couple of seconds.....THERE! Finished..' With a satisfied smile, she came out of the small electrical opening of the Gravity room.

'Hn. I have to admit the woman does work rather hard and quick for someone of her stature. Oh no! She's working too fast. I've gotta keep her here.. wait since when do I want her here? I want to become stronger than Kakarott! Not to be with some silly Chikyuu-jin.. though she does have a nice shade of red when she yells at me.' Vegeta thought as he stared at her.

Vegeta meanwhile had been enjoying the veiw.. If you get the meaning. He leaned over to one side to get a better look at her bottom and had a stupid grin on his face that would have rivaled Goku's if he hadn't wiped it off his face at the last second when he saw her getting up. He almost blushed from embarassment of almost getting caught.

Almost being the key word.

"Finished, woman?"

"Yes, Vegeta.. It's finished. Nothing major. Some bolts became loose and a few wires accidently got cut off." Bulma sighed and looked at her watch.

Vegeta took this time to admire her body. Yes, she was a woman to be lusted after. He looked at her face and smirked softly. There was a smudge of grease across her beautiful pale cheek, marring it. It was too cute. Vegeta rolled his eyes and shuddered slightly. Cute.. what a.. an awful word.. As Saiya-jin No Ouji he would be caught dead before he ever used that word. And he didn't plan on dying anytime soon.

"Hn. Good. Now I can get back to training."

"Ok. Fine. I'm leaving then." Bulma rolled her eyes and made a move to leave.

"Hold on." Bulma froze.

"You've got a smudge on your cheek, Onna." Vegeta stopped her and pointed out her greasy black cheek. Bulma looked confused and raised a hand to her cheek and looked down at it. Gah.. The idiot is right.. Bulma thought a little annoyed and angered.

"VEGETA! You're so.. so..ARRRRGH!" Bulma yelled at the smirking saiya-jin who seemed to love nothing but torture and taunt her.

Bulma ran inside, forgetting her toolbox, burning red with embarassment. She was so.. so.. no words could describe how MORTIFYING that was.

Vegeta humphed as Bulma ran inside CC.

'Baka onna. Can't handle a little embarassment? Heh.. She did look very nice in that colored shade of hers. Stupid Onna! She forgot her toolbox.. grr.. stupid, idiotic, airheaded woman. Keeps delaying my training.' But secretly Vegeta was glad to have a reason to see Bulma again. He just looooooooved to make her flush that angry color.

Bulma screamed in her lab as she banged the wrench against the table without stopping. That MAN! HE MADE HER SO ANGRY!!! DAMN IT!!!! Bulma thought as she didn't take notice of the object of her thoughts stroll in the lab, looking amused at her anger and act of ventiliation.

She threw the wrench at the wall and gave a war cry, all the while running her hands through her blue hair, feeling angry, frustrated, and so, so embarassed.

"Quiet down, Onna. Your inhuman-like screeching is making my ears bleed again." An amused comment came from behind her. Bulma froze. No.. it couldn't be. It just couldn't be. But it was, wasn't it?

"Onna." His voice taunted her. Enraged she turned around, meeting Vegeta holding HER toolbox. "You left this."

Bulma stayed silent. How many times could you be embarassed in one day? And in front of the same person for goodness sakes! That. Wasn't. Fair!

She was too lost in her thoughts to even notice the Saiyan no Ouji put down her toolbox and come close to her. Well, let's say it was enough to invade her personal space by a huge degree. Bulma looked up and was surprised to see him so close, and tried to ignore how good it felt. Blushing at the thought of that, she looked again at him.

Vegeta looked at the confused and utterly mortified Chikyuu-jin female before him. How many times was his training interrupted by her? Her and those lips that haunted him (ok... I know that this is very OOC of Vegeta to think so I'll try to keep it In character..) while he was caught off-gaurd training, making him lose precious time against Kakarott, who had already achieved legendary. Maybe if he had just one taste of her lips, it would be enough to satisfy his hunger perhaps?

'It will answer my questions as to how they taste..' Vegeta thought. Would she taste bitter as how much she screamed at her, or sweeter than honey, even the great Vaneer, sweet drink of the mystic Vegetasai Gods? 'Only one way to find out..'

He smirked, looked devilishly at her, and leaned down towards her face. Bulma still blushing madly, backed into the table where her latest experiment she was just working on just an hour ago before Vegeta barged in. Her hands now groped everywhere, for something to use as an escape.

Vegeta's hands blocked sideway escapes, leaving her cornered. He growled playfully and leaned down towards her face, his eyes looking into hers. Bulma stopped breathing when he was merely just milimeters from her mouth, his eyes just boring into her.

His eyes.. Bulma mused. They were so bold.. so black.. not a heartless, inky black, or a cruel taunting black she often saw in his eyes. They held.. lust, wonder, and AFFECTION?? And.. some other emotion she couldn't catch. Before she could label it, Vegeta came down on her mouth with an alarming speed, pressing his lips against hers, using his tongue to slightly part her lips, asking for entrance. She gave a small 'eep', looking at him with horror, and feeling veeery nervous. Vegeta, was momentarily confused and impassioned at the kiss.

Confused for one, why the woman wasn't responding to him. And heated with passion at the feel of the touch of her lips against her own. Even her lips tasted sweet as he ran his tongue across the bottom part of her lip... mm.. like sugar... no..it's something much sweeter..., He mused as he continued to try to coax the blue-haired female to join him.

Bulma also was feeling confused, one why he was kissing her, two WHY WASN'T SHE KISSING BACK, three how did Vegeta become such a great kisser???

Bulma then chucked caution out the window heartily and kicked out all sensible thoughts that were still in her head with joy. She was now caught in the heat of the moment and finally responded to the Saiya-jin's advances, which made him veeerrry happy. How long had she been kissed like this? Yamcha and her broke-up only a week ago, and he had never, ever in all her life that she and he had been together, had kissed her like this. So much passion.. so much..love? No.. no love.. just lust. Bulma thought, even though she kissed with as much strength as she could muster.

The only thing running through her mind after that was, "He's the best kisser in the universe.. I wonder if he can do this all the time."

Neither noticed when Bulma's hand accidently reached out and pressed the buttons of her newest invention, or the bright light that engulfed them both.


Bulma opened her eyes to meet Vegeta's open eyes at the same time he opened them. He broke the kiss and looked at her, feeling a little bit amazed, and.. shocked? Bulma looked down and saw that she was FIVE YEARS OLD???!!!!

She looked at Vegeta and saw that he was also her age. He looked the same, only the spandexed outfit that once fit his muscled body was a little limp and hollow, due to his size, which had only decreased by two feet. His hair was the same as it was before, standing proudly and stately.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" They both screamed and pointed at each other.

"What the hell happened to you?!" Thye both stimulstaneously asked. Vegeta gave a low growl, as much as his five-year old body would allow it.

"Onna...." Bulma looked at him a little surprised. Even by his high and squeaky voice of a five-year old, he managed to intimidate her! Kami, he amazed her.

"Yes..?" Bulma also had a squeaky voice. She wasn't liking this. She was definitely not liking this!

"What did you do to us??" Vegeta flailed his arms around, ignoring the flapping of the spandex suit now that he shrunk to a smaller size. He kept his heated gaze on her. First he was kissing her, then he opened his eyes, to find out he was FIVE AGAIN!!! ...it couldn't have gotten any worse..

Famous last words people, remember.. famous last words.

"Er.." Bulma looked down at herself then to a mirror. By Kami, she really WAS five again. There she was, with the lab coat overdraping her, her clothes were like oversized t-shirts and baggy, way baggy jeans. Her shoes seemed to be three times her foot size, and her hair. Her hair it was so long and...! IT WAS LAVENDER AGAIN???!!!

She looked to the table which she couldn't reach, even if she used tippy-toes, where her invention was.

"It was my invention that did this." Bulma stated, as she tried to jump up and grab her invention. Vegeta grunted and mumbled, "Weakling.." under his breath and flew up the table to retreive the invention that made them both five again.

"Thanks." She ignored the 'weakling' comment, and made a mental note to torture him later for that..when they got back to normal size that is. She looked at her invention, just a small remote control, with ten buttons on it. Three buttons were glowing red, while the others a doormant light blue.

"How does this thing work again??!!" Bulma asked herself as she looked it over, twirling it in her hand.

"You mean you don't know?!" Vegeta half-growled, half-sneered, but inwardly he was slightly worried. If the onna didn't know how to fix the blasted invention of hers, they may be like this forever. He gulped mentally at the thought of being five forever.. well not forever but going through his childhood again.. He didn't want to kill Kakarott as a CHILD!!

"I mean.. I don't know.. I think being reverted back to a five-year old, the knowledge I had as an adult, is stored somewhere in the recesses of my mind, and I am unable to retrieve that information. I have the same knowledge I had when I was five-years old.." Bulma explained as she sighed softly at the end and looked at Vegeta.

"So in other words, you're saying, that when you changed into a five-year old, everything you knew is gone???" Vegeta yelled as he pulled on his tall hair and paced.

"Not gone, just stored somewhere." Bulma stated in an as-a-matter-fact voice, and she folded her arms, looking at him crossly.

"Why are you MAD at ME?" Vegeta glared at her and matched her position, giving eachother a good-glare down.

"If you hadn't decided to kiss me, maybe none of this wouldn't have happened." She sniffed, looking slightly perturbed as if this were all that Vegetable-brain's fault.

"ME?? Please.. you were practically begging to be kissed, strutting around in your slutty outfits, brushing against me in the halls. You wanted me. Simple as that. It's your fault we're like this." Vegeta smirked on his childish face. Even as a child he managed to piss Bulma off. It just wasn't possible!!

"Was not." Bulma argued feeling her fighting spirit spark up naturally.

"Was too." Vegeta answered, feeling the need to have a verbal spar at stressful times.

"Was not."

"WAS too!"







"Bulma, Vegeta could you keep it down in there? Mr. Briefs is a little tired and doesn't need you-" Mrs. Briefs poked her head in the doorway and for the first time in years she opened her eyes and stared long and hard at them, then screamed bloody murder and fainted.


"Dear, what's wrong? I thought you said that you would keep it quiet and then you-" He stopped as he looked down at his wife's unconcious body. Then he looked down and saw Vegeta and Bulma. "Well, will you look at that.. excuse me but I have to join your mother on the ground, Bulma."


Bulma winced as her father fell unconcious to the ground as well. Oh boy.. She rolled her eyes and ran up the stairs as best she could in oversized clothes and shoes.

Vegeta looked amused at what happened, and was smirking again.

'Is there a time when the man.. er.. boy.. doesn't smirk??' Bulma thought exasperately as she looked down at her parents. She was five again. This reminded her of the time she brought home that the killer dinosaur home that she named 'Fido' and her mother fainted. Though no matter what she did, her father NEVER fainted. He seemed to be fine with it that time, though this time was an exception. Scratch, the black cat that constantly on Dr. Brief's shoulder, mewed softly and looked at Dr. Briefs worriedly.

Bulma sighed and slapped her hand to her forehead. "Vegeta."

"Hn?" Came the squeaky grunt of a reply.

"We're gonna need some help.."

"Hn. Fine. But it better not be that baka Kakarott."

'He's sooooo going to hate me..' Bulma thought disdainly, then remembered it was Vegeta's fault that they were in this mess. 'Oh, screw it. I'll make him mad and call Goku.' Bulma sighed and walked over her father. Vegeta didn't bother to fly and stepped on Bulma's mother and father.

"Come on. Something tells me this isn't going to end today.."

"Well, hurry up woman, I have training to do." Vegeta grunted as he walked briskly beside her.

"Why do I get the smallest hint that you weren't a ray of sunshine when you were younger, either?" Bulma rolled her eyes and giggled.

"Woman..girl.." Vegeta said in a warning tone. Bulma just humped and had a small smile on her lips.

"What Chibi 'Geta?" Bulma treaded along dangerous waters with the a new nickname. Vegeta gave a deep scowl and glared at her.

"Don't call me that... and my childhood has nothing to do with you."

There was a silence as they walked. After a few minutes, Vegeta gave a frustrated yell.

"SCREW THIS SLOW WALKING!! WE'RE FLYING!" He yelled his five-year old voice. He grabbed Bulma and held her tightly to his chest and flew down the floors of CC. Patience was not a virture to the Saiya-jin no Ouji. Especially a chibi Saiya-jin no Ouji.


Chibi-Bra: Review please! ^_^ *sings* Or else!
Bunni:Unto Part Two! *leads the way*
Bunni:*sweatdrops and falls down* ok.. I'm willing to accept that.
Android T:*picks up Bunni* awww...
Bunni: *hugs him* Now As I said before! Unto Part Two! *runs into the sunset with the two running after her*
Trunks: huh? *comes out of the Capsule House and looks after them* AH! WAIT FOR ME! *runs after them*