Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kids Today, Adults Tomorrow ❯ I've Had Enough! or It's One Of THOSE Days.. ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author: Bunni

Summary: Bulma has just invented a alternate dimension transporter device remote or (A.D.T) but what happens when if backfires and accidentally turns her and Vegeta into... FIVE YEAR OLDS? Beware..O.o Chaos ensues and can the Z-Senshi handle it?

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: Don't own DBZ, but do own plot idea.

Shout out to:

DarkSerapha: I love kawaii stories but I had no idea mine was kawaii! THANKIES! Oh and I changed chapter two so Yamcha is the village idiot, not Goku. *winks*

Tweetyboo: Aww.. here's a new chapter..er.. unfortunately it is short also*runs away* don't hurt me!! AAHH!

fuz: Yes look into Chibi-Bra's eyes.. be my slave!! BWAHAHA! *gets whacked by Chibi-Bra* owww..

Squirrel: Aw, here*gives her a lollipop* Don't worry.. Chibi-Bra's puppy dog eyes and pout combined is very deadly @_@ even I succumbed.

Bulma (animes2002@hotmail.com): 'Lo again, and thanks for the review!

KumikoVegeta: Yes Damn Kami! THEY WERE CUTE SLEEPING LIKE THAT! I totally agree with you, but as it goes, every story has to have a *THUD*. Everyone's in a bad mood 'cause wouldn't you be in a bad mood if two people you knew got turned into five-year olds? oh and I wouldn't say that around Bulma, otherwise she'll kick your @$$..*Bulma glares evilly at KumikoVegeta* Eeeep.. RUN!

Mushi-azn:*sniff* aren't they cute? ..I must write more kawaii love scenes..*sniffles again* where's my tissue, damn it?!

Kids Today, Adults Tomorrow
Chapter Three
I've Had Enough! or It's One Of THOSE Days..

"Uuuuuuuuhh..." Kami blinked his eyes open. He was unfocused for a while, not knowing where he was, until he saw the face in front of him.

"AAAHHH!" He screamed.

"AAAHHH!" The face screamed back and jumped three feet away from him. Kami breathed hard, clutching his chest. One of these days.... He looked at the face that startled him so, and it turned out to be none other than.. ta da! Goku!

Goku was also clutching his chest. He needed the pills. He was starting to feel the fatigue draw on him and the synthoms take place (AN: *sniff* NO! Evil Heart Virus! God bless Trunks for giving the cure! *hugs him* I don't want Goku to die!!). He kept his breathing in check as he looked at the green God before him. He made a mental note never to do that to Kami, EVER again.

"Goku, what happened?" Kami looked from Goku to Korrin, who was still out cold. Goku shrugged, almost unable to move. He had to get away and to his pills.

"Umm... ok, it went like this: You and Korrin went, *THUD*," Goku fell to the floor for emphasis (trust me he's just doing what Kami asked him), "Then Krillian sighed and came to us, and we picked you up and put you in bed, and you had weird dreams about rabid chipmunks and mallots, and Korrin kept twitching and stuff. Then you woke up and I was in your face, and then we screamed and then you asked me what happened then I said, 'Umm.. ok it went like this: you and Korrin..'"

"OK, GOKU. I GET IT!" Kami yelled as he glared at Goku. Goku shrugged and went upstairs to get his pills. Another synthom of the Heart virus (Curse it's name!) was eccentricness and hyper activity.

Korrin stirred and sat up. He looked around and took off the warm washcloth of his forehead. "What the Hell, I mean HFIL, happened?"

Kami sighed and rubbed his temples. "You don't want to know, Korrin. It's all too strange.." He looked around for his wooden walking stick.

"Hello Kami-sama, Korrin-sama. I hope you had a good nap." Said a small, yet squeaky voice of a girl that came from behind them. Kami and Korrin slowly turned on their bottoms and met a smiling lavender haired girl's face. Korrin looked like he wanted to faint again, and Kami blinked, not once, not twice, but THREE times.

"Uh..hello? Anyone home?" The lavender haired girl face contorted to confusion and worry as she knocked on Kami's head for more of accent on her words. Kami growled and held the small girl's wrist, which caused her to give out a small cry of pain. She hopped on one foot to the next. (Just to give a visual, she's wearing pink overalls with a white shirt and black shoes.)

"OWWW!!" She yelled as Kami let go of her wrist, gingerly rubbing where she 'knocked' on him, all the while glaring at her. Korrin of course was still staring at the five-year old girl.

"B-bulma?" Bulma's look of pain left her face as she looked at Korrin. She nodded at once.

"Yup.. Korrin? Are you ok..? You look a little pale, kitty.."

"Well that's a stupid question, noka.." Came a little boy, the same age as Bulma, from the kitchen. In one hand he held a drumstick nearly the same size himself, and in another a smaller PB&J sandwhich. Bulma scowled at him, and blew a raspberry at the small boy, shorter than her if it wasn't for the flame-like hair that stood up a foot taller than him.

"Shuddup, Chibi 'Geta. Gimme my sandwich." He reluctantly gave (more like tossed) her the PB&J sandwich and she sat down by Korrin, all the while petting him like he was a regular house-cat. The boy with the flame-like hair saw that and growled, giving the poor cat God a death glare as if saying, "Get Away From Her! She's MINE You flea-bitten cat!" Korrin simply ignored the glare, if that was possible, and calmed down, eventually purring after Bulma scratched behind one of his ears.

"Vegeta?.." Kami heard himself ask, as he stared at the five-year old boy. Vegeta snorted and glowered at Kami.

"What do you think? Honestly.. the nerve. Does no one recognize the great Saiya-jinn Prince anymore?" Vegeta grumbled as he dug into his drumstick. The ONLY reason why they're doing this and not in the kitchen, is because Chichi thought they needed to spend a little quality time together and so she could take a cute picture of them (she's a photo-holic and totally missed taking the picture of the two sleeping together thanks to Kami and Korrin! you can imagine how much she wants to kick their butts right about now..O.o) when they least expected it. In fact she was around the corner, spying, ahem looking at them without them knowing, with her camera posed, ready to strike. (eh.. ok, then...*pats Chichi on the back awkwardly while preparing to back away* you do that..)

Kami sweatdropped and shook his head. Eerie.. spooky.. Awe-inspiring.. That was what described the situation. It just kept getting weirder and weirder (Deja vu..O_O). Whatever he expected, he sure as he-, I mean, HFIL, didn't expect this.

"How..how did this-?" Kami started but Bulma finished for him. She was brushing Korrin's hair with a brush she got out of nowhere (same place where she got the handkerchief! Look in Part Two).

"Happen? well, of course it was Vegeta's fault that we got turned into five-year olds but hey!" Bulma growled as Vegeta kicked her gently in the bottom (enough to make it a lil' sore), glowering evilly at her.

"Shut the fuck up, noka, you know it was your fault."

"OOOHHH!!!! You said a bad word. I'm tellin', I'm tellin'!" Bulma sang as she got up and ran from Vegeta. Kami sweatdropped yet again and looked at the still purring Korrin, who was disappointed that Bulma stopped petting him.

"Where's that damn walking stick?" Kami asked himself as he looked around the living room for it. Korrin shrugged and helped the Namekian God look for it. It just happened to be one of those days, unfortunately. O.o;;

Goku came down the stairs, after a few minutes of resting as soon as he taken his pills. He felt a lot better now. He thought more on Bulma and Vegeta status. Well, they kissed that's progress. But this five-year old problem. That was a tough obstacle to overcome. Not to mention how his son had taken a liking to Bulma.

'That definitely IS a problem..' Goku thought solemnly. How the heck was Trunks gonna be born if his parents were five years old, Goku's son has a crush on Trunks' five year old mother, and Vegeta and Bulma hate eachother's guts?

'This is gonna be tougher than I originally thought...' Goku groaned as he floated outside and sat down to think.

(AN: That's right. Goku is officially not a ditz in my story. Reason One: I promised DarkSephara that I wouldn't make him one, since she asked me too. Reason Two: He is so much sillier as a semiserious matchmaker. Yup! You heard me.. Goku.. A matchmaker.. with cupid bow and arrows.. and a toga *drool*..)

Goku's thinking was abruptly cut off when he saw Bulma running away from Vegeta. He was yelling something at the top of his lungs and she was screaming something incoherent. He blinked as they ran his way, and Bulma jumped into Goku's lap.

"Goku! Goku! Vegeta said a baaaad word! He did! He said-" She was cut off by Vegeta saying at the same time.

"Shut up, stupid Onna! Saying so called bad words is normal for Saiya-jinn five-year olds, but your TINY FEMALE mind can't seem to grasp that fact." He sneered at her. Bulma jumped from Goku's lap and unto the ground, facing Vegeta.

"I am not stupid, you retarded excuse of a monkey!"

"Are too, you ugly ravenous female child!"

"Are not, you ape faced two-timing baka!"

"Are too, you fat blubbering wimp!"



"ENOUGH!" Goku yelled, causing them to stop arguing and look at him in shock/annoyance.

"You two will stop arguing and sit in the closet together until you get along!" Goku grabbed both of them and IT'd inside and promptly put them in the laundry room/closet, ignoring the curious looks he had.

"GOKU! LET US OUT!" Bulma yelled.

"YOU THIRD CLASS BAKA! THIS IS YOUR PRINCE! I REFUSE TO BE LOCKED UP WITH.. WITH THIS.. THING!!" Vegeta banged on the door he couldn't break for some reason.

"Welllll excuse me, Your Highness, for breathing.." Bulma gave him a sarcastic remark as she sat down on the floor.

"You should.." He said back, totally missing the sarcasm loaded in her voice.

"Why you arrogant piece of-" Sounds of crashing and thumping and loud "OW"'s were heard afterward.

Goku sighed as he trudged off to talk to Chichi. She would help in his mission to matchmake and pair up.


Bunni: WAHOO! I finally finished! After days of writer's block, I finished!
Chibi-Bra:...*hits her with her mega-wrench*
Bunni:*has big lump on head* Why did you do that??
Chibi-Bra: 'Cause you stopped there! *hits her again*
Bunni: X.x *knocked out*
Trunks:*curses under breath* now look what you did, brat!
Chibi-Bra: Whoops..*looks down at Bunni* Maybe'll she'll wake up..*watches her* any minute now..*an hour passes* yup.. any minute now..
Trunks:*sweatdrop* You're too optimistic for your own good, sis..
Android t:*comes in with a black eye and torn clothes* Damn your father..
Trunks and Chibi-Bra:*snigger* Well that's what you get for throwing a knife into his hair..
Androit:Shuddup..*looks down at Bunni* WHAT THE HELL?? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER, TRUNKS??
Trunks:*sputters* ME?! It was BRA!
Bra:*shakes head and points at Trunks*..
Android T:*takes out 6 foot long axe* DIE!!
Trunks:*runs* AHHH!
Chibi-Bra:*grins and looks at the reviewers* That was revenge for him putting my pictures of Brad Pitt down the toilet.. mwehehehe.. and you! *points to reviewers* I loved your reviews from last time, and plllllllease could you review again?*blinks watery big eyes and bottom lip trembles* Please? For me?*sniffles*

*Reviewers once more submit to the powers of Chibi-Bra's cute face and pouty frown*

Please review! ^_~