Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Love or Money? ❯ Weddings and Bail Hearings? ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"What is it Trunks." Bulma smiled.

Trunks sat down on the large oversized sofa, he knew there would be no easy way to tell his parents about Pan's pregnancy.

"Well you see…" Trunks could not find the right words; he needed just the right words to say.

Vegeta was getting frustrated. "Hurry up. Boy."

Trunks took a deep breath, and finally blurted out. "Pan's pregnant." He shut his eyes not knowing what would come next. He heard nothing; he opened his eyes and saw both of his parents shocked. He looked at his mother then to his father.

"Mother? Father?" He asked confused.

He then heard Bulma talk. "Trunks, did you just say Pan is pregnant."

"Yes." Trunks gulped.

"Tell me you are not the father?" Bulma looked pleadingly at her son. "Tell me Trunks, Please."

"I can't do that mom." He lowered his head. "I'm sorry."

Bulma was beside herself, she did not just her from he thirty one year old son, that his seventeen-year-old girlfriend was pregnant.

"Trunks, what in the hell possessed you to sleep with a seventeen year old girl."

"I love her."

"Trunks, tell me that was the only time you and her had sex."

Trunks was silent, the truth was the first time him and Pan had sex was when she had turned fifteen, he knew it was a stupid move on his part, still he couldn't help it, he needed her.

"Trunks when was the first time you had sex with her?" Bulma asked curiously.

Trunks closed his eyes. "She was fifteen."

Bulma sat down, she was completely beside her self not, she couldn't believe, that her son would get involved with a girl half his age, worse she couldn't believe he would have sex with a girl half his age.

"Trunks, she isn't even legal, what if someone finds out."

"Mother no one will find out, I haven't told a soul." Trunks said, forgetting he had told the school nurse he was her fiancé, and little did he know she had called the authorities not long after they had left.

"Trunks, what if someone had overheard you or something?" Just as Bulma was asking Trunks the question, she heard a knock on the door.

"We're not finished Trunks?" Bulma said as she opened the door to reveal two uniformed police officers, one male, and one female.

"Mr. Briefs."

"Excuse me?" Bulma asked.

"We have a warrant for Trunks Briefs Arrest." The female officer replied.

"On what grounds?"

"The rape of Pan Son." The male replied.

"Rape?" Trunks came out, "You think I raped her?"

The two officers turned towards the voice, "You must be Trunks, please come with us." Trunks obeyed the officers, not wanting to be drug down like a common criminal in handcuffs.

He quickly relayed a message to Pan. "Pan?"

Pan who had just woken up heard him. "Trunks? Where are you?"

"I'm in a squad car, heading to the police station, I've been arrested."

"Arrested? Why?"

"They think, I raped you."

"Rape? That's preposterous."

"Yeah, that's what I told them, but no one seems to be listening, will you meet me there?"

"Yeah, of course Trunks." Pan said getting up and leaving.

Trunks smiled, "I love you Pan."

Goten was busy getting ready for his date, when he got a call from Pan.

"Hello." He answered his phone.

"Uncle Goten, you have to help me, Trunks was arrested."

Goten did not think he heard right, "Pan did you just say he was arrested."


"Where is he?"

"He is at the station." Pan said

"I'm on my way."

Gohan and Pan had arrived at the station only moments before the police had arrived with Trunks.

Pan went to up to them. "I'm his fiancé, what is this all about?"

The female officer looked at her. `Wow she is young.'

"We got word, that Mr. Briefs here had raped you, we are just doing our job to make sure you are no longer hurt miss." She replied

"Excuse me?"

"Mr. Briefs is a pedophile, he will be charged with being one."

"The sex was consensual." Pan shouted

"Miss, you are only seventeen, he is thirty one, you may have thought the sex was consensual, however he must have been brainwashing you into thinking it was."

The officer turned to another, and said, "Book him."

Both Pan and Trunks mouthed the words "I love you." To each other as Trunks was taking into police custody.

"Call my lawyer Pan."

Pan nodded and got on her cell phone; she called the lawyer and set up a meeting.

Goten looked at his watch and remembered he had a date for tonight, "Pan I sort of have a date, do you need me for anything."

Pan smiled, "No uncle G."

Goten smiled, he went home to prepare for his date.

Goten and Tonya had agreed to meet at the restaurant called "CI Shenanigans." (I am not affiliated with CI shenanigans.")

"Hey." He greeted her.

"Hi, I'm glad you came."

"I almost forgot; see the reason being is Trunks was just arrested."

Tonya was shocked, "Oh my really."

"Yeah, my niece is distraught."

"I bet." Tonya said as the two sat down and ordered some food, after a few hours of talking and dining, Goten had paid for the meal.

"What do you want to do now?" Tonya asked, seeing, as the night was still young.

"I don't know, we can go to a club." Goten suggested, Tonya agreed and two went to a club.

Pan was trying to see Trunks, the guards made sure they never had any contact, and Trunks was not allowed around any child up to eighteen years of age. In addition, he was definitely not allowed around Pan under any circumstances.

"Let me see him." She would make a scene.

Two days had passed since; Trunks had been arrested, Pan being the stubborn Son woman she was, refused to leave. This surprised the police officers at the station. Apparently, they had never met a stubborn Son Woman, or truthfully a stubborn Son Saiyan Woman; they were determined and got what the want.

Soon everyone had heard of the arrest, Pan's Parents, Trunks' Parents, Marron, Bra, and the rest excluding Goten were present at Trunks. Bail hearing.

The judge heard both sides and agreed to set his bail at 345 million dollars. He hit his gavel on the bench and proceeded back to his chambers. "Court adjourned."

The patrons got up from their seat, as they did goten had come in. "Did I miss it."

"They set it 345 million dollars." Bra said.

"Bra, I'm glad you are here, I want you to meet my wife." Goten said as he pulled Tonya into view.

Bra looked at the red headed woman.

/Did Goten say Wife? Whoa, Trunks was arrested. Who is going to pay his bail?