Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel... Won't You Be Mine? ❯ Chapter 14: The Secret Is Out ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Fourteen- The Secret Is Out
Author's Note- Guess what? Wow, you are right! I don't own DBZ. How did you know? But I do own Alielle and her baby. So ummmm.... don't use them without my permission. I haven't got many reviews lately! I like reviews. I love reviews. REVIEWS ARE GOOD! Thanks for your time!

Piccolo's face is now bright red, "Um… er…"

"Piccolo…" Alielle wakes in his arms.

"Yes?" Piccolo looks intensely as everyone else waits for her to answer.

"I'm hungry." She says as everyone face-faults to the floor.

"Dammit, are you two lovers or not?" Vegeta asks gruffly.

Piccolo ignores the question and carries Alielle to the couch. He lies her down gently and brings her food. The entire group is shocked by Piccolo's tender care of Alielle. He watches her eat.

'What should I say? I can't just tell them.'

'Sometimes the wordless answer is best.' Alielle smiles at him.

Piccolo leans down and kisses her on her lips. A huge intake of air as everyone gasps. Not to mention all the eyes bug out.

"Piccolo and I are mates. We have been for awhile. We are bound by both our peoples' traditions. We just haven't… you humans call it getting married, right?"

A few silent nods with still shocked expressions.

"But Nameks are asexual beings!" Vegeta scoffs.

"I assure you, Piccolo is not." Alielle smiles seductively.

"How is that possible?" Gohan asks innocently.

"I evolved. That is all you need to know. I have told you enough." Piccolo says blushing, almost all his secrets out.

"You two should have a human wedding! It would be fun! I could help you plan!" Bulma's eyes get all glossy as she imagines the perfect wedding.

"Not until I am well!" Alielle snaps violently.

"Uh, sorry." Bulma says hiding behind Vegeta.

"Boy, she is grouchier than mom was when she was pregnant!" Gohan laughs as everyone stares at Alielle who is stuffing her face with food.

"Wha?" Alielle asks with a mouthful of food.

"Holy crap! You ARE pregnant!" Gohan shouts.

Alielle swallows, "Yep, Piccolo is going to be a father. And I am going to be a mother. Scary, huh?"

"WHAT?" Everyone shouts as Piccolo covers his poor ears.

"Just eat and shut up." Piccolo mumbles behind clenched teeth.

"Thank you for your support, Pici." Alielle throws an apple core at him which beans him in the side of the head at a high velocity.

"Grr… try that again!" Piccolo growls.

Alielle shrugs and throws the apple even faster and it hits him even harder. This time it is right between the eyes.

"That's it!" Piccolo grabs Alielle into his arms while she kicked and flailed. His grip is tight so she can't get lose.

"Piccolo, she's pregnant, you'll hurt the baby."

"Don't get involved!" Piccolo growls.

"Uncle Piccolo, why you hurting Auntie Elle?" Goten looks up, eyes full of innocence.

"I'm not hurting her. She is just pretending."

"Spoilsport." She stops flailing and relaxes in his arms.

"Next time, I will punish you."

"Yeah yeah." Alielle rolls her eyes as he sets her back down on the couch.

"Really, you two. How could this happen?"

"Well first I removed…" Alielle begins.

"I think they meant us getting involved." Piccolo covers her mouth.

"Yes, please do tell!" Everyone gets comfortable to hear this should-be-very-interesting story.

"We just fell in love. That's it. Even though I act… unusual…" Alielle begins to explain.

"That's an understatement!" Piccolo interjects.

"I'd kick your as…" Alielle begins but notices little Goten looking at her, "behind, if I wasn't pregnant."

"Sure, what an excuse!" Piccolo folds his arms.

"Let me finish, now! I fell in love with Piccolo when Goku showed me his past. What can I say? I do love GREEN!"

"What about you, Piccolo?" Goku asks as everyone looks up to the Namek.

"Like hell, I'm telling you all!" Piccolo says angrily but Alielle glares and he begins, "She intrigued me and I began having dreams about her. I find her little games, her snide remarks, her incessant laughter, all of it I find appealing. I… have never felt truly happy before I met her."

"Awww…" The girls coo, "That is so sweet."

Alielle gets misty-eyed, "Piccolo, I never knew."

"Not another mood-swing! Are you Alexians' always this moody when your pregnant?"

"Yes. I'm so sorry!" She bursts into tears.

"How much longer do I have to deal with this?"

"From the way the child has grown… it looks like only two more months. Funny, she is only two months pregnant. But she assures me, it is normal." Dr. Briefs announces.

"Well, I guess a congratulations is in order!" Goku says with a goofy grin, "Are you still mad at me for sending her to you?"

"I was only angry the first month, then she kinda grew on me." Piccolo says smiling at Alielle.

"That's good. Ummm, so I was still wondering why you and Vegeta were fighting?" Goku asks.

"I offended his woman. I shouldn't have done what I did. I… you know." Vegeta exits.

"Guess that's the best apology the prince will offer! Now, let's celebrate Piccolo and Alielle's union and their child!" Bulma raises a glass, "Next time, don't hide it so long! We all are happy for you both!"

"Two more months…" Piccolo sighs, "Then I will be a father."

"Don't worry, Piccolo! You'll be a great dad! You helped raise me and I am just great! You will be a perfect father!" Gohan smiles at his elder friend.

"A father… it will take some getting used to."

"You're not the one pregnant." Alielle hits him in the back of the head with another apple core.

Piccolo turns angered and everyone tries to coax Piccolo not to attack Alielle. Instead of attacking her, Piccolo just laughs.

****That's the end of Chapter Fourteen. Please R&R! Two Months can be a long time for one stressed out Namek, who is uncertain about his qualifications to be a father. Will Piccolo make it? Or will he get so stressed out, he explodes and kills someone? All in the next chapter!****