Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Story ❯ Tournament ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Great Super Saiyan 5: I'm about to enter into a tournament here! Goody, I get to kick butt! Oops, got a bit ahead of myself there.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the DB series. Want to, but... that ain't happenin'!

TGSS5: There, NOW I get to kick butt. Oh, fair warning: When my story gets to the part where Hercule would be, there will be severe Herc bashing! Don't know anyone who would like him, but those of you that do or at least like fair portrayal, DO NOT READ! Hercule will NEVER be champion as long as I'm around! It's gonna stay with us Saiyans for the whole deal!


"___": Speech (duh) and quotes
*___*: Thoughts
CAPS: Signs and Geta's shirts
'___': Other writing and quotes in speech
italics : Flashbacks

Chapter 1

"And now, the first match: Geta versus Ma Junior!" the announcer called out.

Geta and Piccolo looked up from their meditation. Geta stood quickly, and Piccolo followed suit, only more slowly. Piccolo was wearing a purple gi and orange shoes. Geta was wearing white socks, white sneakers, black pants, a black shirt that advised NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF STUPID PEOPLE IN LARGE GROUPS, and knuckle wrappings. He had his tail curled around his waist and tucked under his shirt.

"Come on out, you guys!" the announcer continued. Geta and Piccolo paused to glare at each other before walking out of the competitor's room toward the arena. Piccolo climbed up the stairs, and Geta jumped over them. They walked toward the center of the ring, then stood about eight steps away from each other. The announcer, a blonde man wearing sunglasses and a tuxedo, said, "Fighters ready... BEGIN!"

Geta started simply: he double-axehandled Piccolo facefirst into the ground when he tried to charge. Everyone watching winced as Piccolo bounced from the force, but before he even landed again, Geta kicked him in the stomach, sending him into the sky. Then he cupped his hands near his right hip. "KAMEHAME-" he shouted, each syllable louder than the last, before finishing by screaming, "HAAAAAAAAA!" and firing his attack at the green man.

"Wow! It looks like this young man is a master of the famous Kamehameha wave! What other surprises are in store for us?!" the announcer shouted as the energy engulfed Piccolo.

Geta watched after the smoke started clearing from his attack, fully expecting Piccolo to still be intact and in fighting condition. When it cleared, Piccolo was floating there, some of his purple blood flowing from his nose and the corner of his mouth, and the right side of his tunic and the left leg of his pants missing, but otherwise no apparent damage. It was obvious he was absolutely furious. Geta didn't give him time to consider a counterattack, though, instead using his excessive speed to fly up to Piccolo and hit him with an inverted flip kick, knocking him into the audience. Then he landed back in the ring.

"Looks like Ma Junior landed somewhere in the audience. Geta wins the match!" the announcer announced (what else would he do?).

Kami, disguised as (possessing) a human called Shin, thought, *Looks like I'm not needed here. I might as well stay in this tournament to find out who this boy is and where he came from, though.*

Goku, staring in shock, wondered, *How did he get so fast?!*

The second match, Yamcha vs. Shin (Kami), resulted in Shin getting a bloody lip from Yamcha's Spirit Ball but winning the match. The third match, Tien vs. Krillen, resulted in a win for Tien. The fourth match, Goku vs. an anonymous opponent, Goku won by a ridiculous margin. Geta meditated through all this, only listening for his name.

"And now for the first match of the semifinals- Geta versus Shin!" the announcer called. When both fighters were in place he said, "You may begin!"

Shin smiled and said, "Just answer me two questions after the match: Who are you and where are you from?"

Geta frowned, saying, "I can answer both now: I really am Geta, and I can't say where I'm from, it would only cause problems."

Shin frowned and sighed. "I guess I have no choice... I'll have to win and make you answer." So saying, he rushed Geta, intending to hurt him until he stayed down.

Geta didn't give him the chance, however. He simply grabbed an arm and threw him out of the ring. The announcer called out, "Ring-out! Geta wins the match!"

As he expected, Geta got quite a bit of booing for how quick his matches were. *Fools... They don't know how powerful I truly am. Well, if they want a show from me, they'll get one soon enough.*

Goku beat Tien after humiliating him rather thoroughly, including beating him in quadruplicate and stealing his belt. Then the announcer called out the long-awaited final matchup: "Now, for the final round of this tournament, we have the apparently unbeatable Geta versus Goku! Now come on out, guys!" Geta had been punching and kicking as fast as he could at his current percentage of power ever since the Shin match had ended, looking for an excuse to slow down. Now he stopped and walked calmly to the ring, trying to give the impression of being tired and even lowering his ki a fraction of a margin.

While Geta and Goku were facing off immediately after the match was started, Geta thought, *I think I'd better go slow, at first, until I determine his specialty in combat.* A short time after that, the two finalists began clashing, again and again. Geta was having trouble keeping up at his current speed, and he got the feeling that Goku was only assessing his abilities at the moment. When the two paused a moment, Geta said, "I know you're holding back on me. My advice is, don't. If you don't do your best, you may not win." He paused, then, smiling, said, "Tell you what, let's both get serious."

Goku recoiled a bit in surprise. "How'd you know I was holding back?" After a few seconds, the last sentence penetrated. "Are you holding back, too? Then this could be fun!" At that, he started doing his best to bring Geta down.

Geta raised his ki to match Goku's and began making this fight as spectacular as he could with his current power. *He doesn't know how much I'm holding back... I could kill him in an instant without even trying,* he thought as he fought.

Goku barely blocked a punch to the face, but didn't see a gut shot immediately following it until it had already connected. He fell to his knees for a few seconds, then forced the pain back and stood to continue fighting only to get punched in the face. Several punches and kicks followed, but eventually Goku dodged a punch and countered with a knee to the gut, catching Geta off-guard.

Geta kept it secret that he had let Goku through his guard on purpose. He took sixteen each of punches and kicks before throwing Goku off of himself. Then he took the cupped-hands stance again, waiting until Goku did the same. Then, they simultaneously said, "Ka... me... ha... me... HAAA!" and fired at each other. They dueled for a while until Geta decided to let Goku get the upper hand. The remaining blast knocked Geta out of the ring.

*That should be spectacular enough,* Geta thought as the announcer proclaimed Goku the champion. He stayed down for a while, then pushed himself up, trying to look like he was in a good deal of pain.

Goku walked up to Geta. "That was a great match! I think I could get to like you. Wanna go out to eat?"

Geta smiled a strained-looking smile. "Sure, sounds good." He stood up and followed Goku to a local restaurant, where Goku ate almost half of the food and Geta matched him bite for bite. Everyone stared with shock mixed with disgust written on their faces.

When everyone started going their separate ways, Geta looked around and spotted a beautiful young woman about Goku's age with spiky black hair and wearing Saiyan battle armor, a sleeveless Saiyan body suit, and a scouter. She was glaring around, trying to find something. Geta quickly noticed the tail wrapped around her waist. He walked fearlessly to her, tapped her on the shoulder, and jerked his head to indicate that she should follow him when she turned to glare at him.

Geta led the mystery girl into the now-abandoned arena, turned, and asked, "Who are you?"

The young woman glared at him and said, "My name is Tolone. Tell me who you are so I know who I'm killing."
grinned infuriatingly as he said, "Name's Geta. And I kinda doubt you can kill me."

Tolone started. "V-Vegeta? Where did you get that name?"

Geta shook his head. "No, no, no, not VEgeta, just Geta. Now, what's a Saiyan girl like you doing here?"

Tolone continued glaring as she said, "I'm here to destroy everything on Earth. How did you know about the Saiyans, human?"

Geta unwrapped his tail as he said, "Who said I was human?" Then he let the tip of his tail drop to the ground behind him, twitching.

Tolone stared in surprise at the tail, then smirked and said, "I see what you mean. Join me in destroying this world and I'll let you live."

Geta finally lost his smile, cloaked his ki, and raised his current level to twice hers. Then he said, "I refuse. You can't make me join you, either."

Tolone reacted in a predictable manner: she ran up to him and tried to punch him. Geta easily caught her fist, then punched her in the stomach, then her face, then finally released her fist and hit her with an elbow to the back of her neck, sending her to the ground. She got up furiously, snarling, "Impossible! I am Princess of the Saiyans and sister to Vegeta! How can a no-class like you hurt me?"

"Apparently you scanned me while we were walking here. I suppose you should know that you shouldn't bother using your scouter while you're on this planet. It's unreliable- the 'weakling' you're trying to pick on could be stronger than Frieza and his entire army combined," Geta informed her. Then he lowered his head to take on a more menacing look as he said, "You can't win."

Tolone growled and lunged, repeatedly trying to punch Geta in the face. Geta dodged them all easily, of course. "HOLD STILL!" she screamed.

Unknown to Tolone but sensed by Geta, Goku and his friends had come to investigate the place Geta's ki had disappeared. They stared at him dodging the mysterious woman's attacks, then pulled back to have a whispered conference.

"He's good!" Goku informed the others.

"Yeah, we saw," Krillen, a short man with six orange spots on his forehead and no hair, said.

The elder Namek Kami, now out of the human body he had borrowed for the tournament, said, "He's adept at masking his ki. Even I can't sense him."

"He has to be really strong and fast to compete with her, though," Tien stated. "I've never felt so much ki in one place in my life! To think it's all coming from one person..."

"Has anyone noticed that they both have tails?" Chiaotzu asked.

"Oh, no..." Bulma groaned.

"HUH-HUH HA!" Geta grunted as he used a double jumping knee-flip kick combo. Then, while Tolone was still in midair, he hit her with two roundhouses and an inverse flip kick as he snarled, "HR HR YAAA!" The last kick knocked her sliding across the ring floor and almost out of it. Then he lowered his power to match hers and cupped his hands. "KamehameHAAA!" he whispered, shouting on the last syllable. Tolone managed to get up in time to block enough to save her life, but barely enough to stay conscious.

"Da-damn... you..." she whispered, all she could manage at the moment.

Geta lowered his ki to match Goku's and let up on his ki hiding. Then he called out, "You guys can come out now." Goku and his friends jumped, then began guiltily filing out. When they were all in sight Geta said, "I'm taking her with me to try to convince her to live a life on Earth without killing anyone. You guys go where you want to." With that, he started to pick Tolone up.

"Wait!" Goku said. At Geta's questioning look he said, "Why not give her a Senzu bean?"

The others, except Geta, looked at Goku like he was crazy. Geta, however, said, "Sure, give me one and I'll give it to her."

Goku dug in a pouch and pulled out a bean, then threw it to Geta. Geta picked Tolone up and flew away with her. When they were safely out of town Geta put her down and fed her the Senzu that Goku gave him. When she tried to spit it out, he simply forced it down her throat. When she opened her eyes and sat up he asked, "Are you okay?"

She stared at her now-healed body for a few seconds before punching Geta in the face; he barely had enough time to hide and raise his power enough to survive. Then she stood and flew off, presumably to find her ship. Geta got up, rubbing his nose, and followed, raising his ki while still hiding it until he was at his maximum.

When they reached Tolone's ship, Geta paused, waiting until he was sure she was trying to get away. As she was standing by her ship, she turned and yelled at him, "I'm going now, but just you wait- I'll come back twice as strong as you!" She knew that he had followed her! But as she turned to climb in her ship, Geta flew in, picked it up, flew back to his previous position, and blasted it from below. Then he lowered his ki to 50% stronger than hers. Then Tolone finally completed her turn and saw no ship. "Huh? What the...?"

"No, you're not leaving, Princess Tolone," Geta said. *I'm getting tired of holding back... I think I'll go out into space and give Frieza's army a disaster or two to vent. Yeah, that's what I'll do,* he thought when he didn't have speech to distract him.

"Damn! Now I can't afford to destroy the planet!" Tolone muttered. She shouted, "We'll meet again someday!" and flew off.

"That sounds like we're friends!" Geta called after her. He waited until she was out of sight, raised his ki to Super Saiyan levels, then placed two fingers of one hand to his forehead. *Let's see, Frieza's army is... THERE!* A moment later, he disappeared.


TGSS5: Yes, I had a martial arts rival by age 18. Got a problem with that?

Vegeta: *reading prologue* So your real name is Geta? Hmph... dangerously close to a royal name.


Vegeta: Eep! (imagine how funny that would sound!)

Goku: *rolling on the floor laughing so hard he can hardly breathe*

Kaerlos: *gets bored and starts doing backflips*

TGSS5: Impulsive, aren't you?

Kaerlos: *nods without pausing in his backflips*

TGSS5: Yeah, well, next chapter: Raditz and Tolone! And yes, that is the title. Oh, by the way, I've already introduced both of Kaerlos's parents.