Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ No More Quizzes ❯ Chibi Trunks' Quiz ( Chapter 5 )

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Title: No More Quizzes

Author: J'dee

Rating: NC-13

Genre: humour

Author's note: I have a Gohan and 17 quiz on my computer but guess what I don't have it here!!! Grrrr's so I'm doing a Chibi Trunks quiz! I know it's not the best quiz but oh well... I tried...

Disclaimer: I don't own Dragonball Z

ChibiTrunks Briefs' Quiz

Name: Trunks Briefs

What sex you are: I'm a boy

Age: 8

Where you live: Capsule Corp.

Hair color, length and texture: It's lavander… and it's not long! Goten's hair is long not mine. Er… what's a texture?

Eye color: Blue

Nationality?: Um Japanese???

Race: Half Saiyan!!! I know that one my dad's the prince of saiyans *beams proudly*

Where you work: I'm to young to work, mom says it's illegal.

Where you go to school: I'm home schooled cause my mom is really really really smart!

Siblings' names and ages: I don't have any *pouts*

Parents' names and ages: Bulma and Vegeta… I'm not allowed to mention mom's age she get mad. And dad just doesn't tell anyone.

Who you live with: My parents.

Which do you live in (an apartment/flat, house, condo, etc)?: A really really really big house and it's great cause when I know I'm in trouble I have no problem hiding.

How many piercings do you have and where are they?: Why would I want to do that? It's for girls…

How many tattoos do you have, where are they, and what are they of?: Is that a bird?

What is your sexual preference?: *tilts head to the side* Dad what's my sexual preference? What's a preference?

Vegeta: It's female brat and if you put otherwise I'll blast you.

Okay dad says it female…

Your Morals/Philosophy: Uhhh eat and play pranks?

What is your opinion of the death penalty?: So long as they're not eaten and turned in to candy cause that's just overly harsh… I'll never eat candy again.

What is your opinion on abortion? are you pro-life or pro-choice?: Abort what? Are we going on a mission somewhere, this is a silly question is sounds like we weren't allowed to go in to outer space.

How do you feel about the legalization of drugs?: I'm just eight why are you asking me? I'm not even old enough to buy alcohol

How do you feel about censorship?: It's EVIL! If me and Goten could we'd hurt it… they left out our peeing competition scene…

What is your opinion on pre-marital sex?: MOM what's my opinion on pre-marital… sex?


Vegeta: The brat will have needs onna… besides… what about us?

Bulma: Oh shut up.

What is your opinion of RU-486 and the morning-after pill?: Oooh I want a RU-486 I heard it's a really cool plane… But I'm not allowed medication after the morning… it has to be in the morning and that's only if I'm really sick.

How do you feel about cloning? Do you think it's a good or a bad idea?: I want a clone then I could sneak out all the time and the clone can stay behind while I go play.

What is your opinion on stem-cell research?: But Cell was an android not a stem.

How concerned were you about Y2K back when it was a serious issue to many people?: Is that a video game I think I have it but it's not very good.

Do you identify more strongly as a pacifist or as an "eye for an eye" person?: Eye for eye that's for sure if someone hurts my dad he's gunna get it!

Do you feel that Bush is a good president?: A bush a president? At least my mom does a better job, she's not a piece of shrubbery.

Do you feel Tony Blair is a good prime minister?: *blinks* The Tiny bear? No I gave that to Goten.

If you're American, did you vote in the last presidential election? Who did you vote for?: I'm Japanese silly.

Do you think that Martha Stewart should go to prison for her involvement in insider trading?: Steward? Isn't that the people who give out food on planes?

What is your opinion of Howard Stern? How often do you listen to his radio show, if at all?: I watch TV it's got pictures that move on it.

Are you democrat/labour/liberal OR republican/tory/conservative?: I'm eight am I suppose to know these?

Are you a feminist?: No, I'm a boy I already answered that.

How do you feel about Homosexuality? Are you homophobic, gung-ho queer rights or somewhere in between?: My parents don't want me answering this one, they won't even explain it to me…