Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Retaliation; the Trouble Inside ❯ Laid Bare ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Dragon Ball Z or GT. The anime/manga was created by Akira Toriyama, and is owned by Shonen Jump and Toei Animation Co. Ltd. This is a work of fan fiction and means no harm to the anime or manga it pays tribute to. I'm not making money for this.
By Trynia Merin
Beta'd by Sarah Slutz, whom I owe a bit thank you to!
Once the papers had been shuffled and Videl signed her name by the x's, Pan came home. Goku's idea to use his Instant Transmission was well received, for no one wanted to face a long car ride back to the Son family home complex. When they were assured it was alright to depart, Goku stood with everyone's hands on his shoulders, Pan balanced in his strong arms. The quick snatching sensation scrambled their brains momentarily but a second later, they were in Goku and Chichi's living room.
"There you are! I should have supposed you'd bring them back like that, Goku-sa," Chichi said, holding a wooden spoon in one hand and a not so surprised expression on her face. "I guess you couldn't get this young lady to lie still in the hospital eh?"
"She twisted my arm," Videl whispered. "Goku and Uub said she'd be safer here."
"I missed your cooking, Grandma!" Pan announced. This brought a smile to Chichi's slightly wrinkled face, and she turned to Goku.
"Well don't just stand there, take our granddaughter to her room, and I'll bring her some tea! I already changed the sheets and brought her some fresh clothing! And you, young man, I suppose you'll be staying too, since Goku's back?" Chichi asked.
"Yes, if that's all right, Mrs. Son?" Uub wondered. "I wanted to learn Instant Transmission, and I wanted to do it here, where I could help protect Pan."
"Sounds like a very responsible thing to do," Chichi said, reaching up to ruffle his comb of black hair playfully. She came to think of him like another son often, and enjoyed the times Uub would stay and Goku could train him from home, and not in his own village. Worried about separating Goku from his family, Uub often urged his teacher to spend half their lessons at his own place. Chichi was pleased at this, and soon saw that Goku's 'mission' to train his strong disciple was not so disruptive after all.
Since he was staying for a while, this meant spending the night in the bedroom that had served as Gohan and Goten's old room. Chichi had turned it into a study for her own use, but it still had a foldout futon he often utilized. Goten's room was extensive and was a more recent addition since he had become a young teenager. After they married, Gohan and Videl had a house built right across from theirs, connecting the two dwellings by a corridor and an adjoining yard. Pan's bedroom was in Gohan's home, only less then one hundred yards away on the second floor.
Once settled on her bed, Pan breathed easier. Sipping on some tea she sensed the strong ki of her father and of her uncle Goten rapidly approaching and smiled. She hoped that they would have an explanation to the recent events that would quell her fear about Trunks' condition. If she strained her hearing she could discern their voices downstairs, along with the occasional 'what on earth' from her mother and grandmother.
"You mean he was possessed and now he's acting like himself again?" Chichi asked.
"That's right mom," said her father. "Bulma says he's stable now, but she's taking over his duties as Capsule's President."
"Well do they know WHAT happened?" Videl asked.
"That's what I'm getting at," Gohan said. "Trunks is talking to his father Vegeta now. And he sent the two of us home to look after Pan. He says it's a private matter that…"
"A third class shouldn't get mixed up in?" Goku finished for him with a laugh. "That's Vegeta all right. But you say Trunks was speaking to him?"
"He shoed us out," said Goten resentfully. "Bra's staying with Marron at Juhachi-gou and Krillin's home. Trunks and her made up."
"That's a relief!" sighed Videl.
"Yeah, but for how long? I wanted to stay but…"
"If you want to go back and spend the night at Capsule, go right ahead after you've eaten some dinner young man," Chichi suggested.
"I'm going up to see Pan now, honey, Mom," Gohan said. "I'll take her dinner."
"She'll be glad to see you, dear," Videl nodded. "She didn't want to stay there."
"I would have made them discharge her anyhow. I want Pan as far away from Trunks as possible," Gohan said darkly.
"But…" Goten started.
"I mean it Goten. She's going to have some emotional scars from this. And I think some distance will do them BOTH good," Gohan insisted.
"I don't want to see him, not like that," Pan whispered to herself. She did not know if she could trust Trunks again. Not anytime soon. Just the thought of that eerie look in his eyes haunted her, causing her to shiver.
Tears came to her eyes, and she tried to hide them when she saw her door open and saw her father carrying a tray. Seeing his eyes blurred by the thick framed glasses, along with his blue suit jacket sent a calming effect through her ravaged senses. "Hi sweetheart, you doing okay?" he asked.
"Daddy, what's with Trunks?" Pan asked.
"Don't worry. Vegeta's watching him. He won't bother you here," Gohan reassured her, quickly moving to her side as he set the tray on her lap.
"I'm worried," She admitted.
"Don't even think of him. He wasn't himself, but I still wont forget what he tried to do. And don't think you have to make excuses for him because you blame yourself. I won't have it," Gohan scolded her. He pulled up a chair alongside her bed, grasping her hand.
"I'm not a baby…" Pan started to protest, but Gohan cut her off.
"I know, honey. You're a young woman, who's had a nasty scare with someone she thought she could trust. And you're going to feel things that are going to hurt you emotionally in ways you don't realize. I already signed you up to see someone to talk to," said Gohan.
"I don't need to TALK, I need people to stop fussing over me!" Pan snapped.
"When you want to be alone is the time you most need people around you," Gohan interrupted. "And someone IS going to be with you. So you can feel what you NEED to feel and get through this."
"I'm not hurt THAT bad! Jeez Dad, you're making a big deal out of…"
"Sorry Princess, I'm not buying it," Gohan stubbornly insisted. "I'm your father, and I'm insisting you do this. For yourself. Because Trunks hurt you in ways that are going to stay with you the rest of your life. And you can't push it aside or minimize it. You're not being FAIR to yourself."
"What's FAIR, dad? Tell me!" Pan raised her voice. Gohan's sorrowful look stopped her cold, and she bit off her next words.
"What Trunks did to you wasn't fair. And you need to let yourself get angry Pan. That's why you should be here with your family, not in a hospital. Let Vegeta deal with Trunks. And we'll help you do what you need to do," Gohan said.
"But he… he…" Pan found herself stammering. Why was it so important to excuse what Trunks had done? "He was possessed… he didn't mean to…"
"He did it, though. And every time you see him you'll remember it. It's going to eat away at you inside Pan. You can't escape it. You have to fight it. Like any other enemy in battle," Gohan softly told her, rubbing her hand. Hot tears again burst forth, spilling down her trembling cheeks.
"He didn't ask for it! I didn't ask for it! Don't you see, Dad? He was a victim too!"
"Yes he was. But that doesn't make it any less of a battle for you. Things are going to be awkward for you. And I know that because I've been there," he sternly but gently confessed.
"How can you possibly get what happened, Dad?"
"Because I've had people I thought I could trust betray me, Pan. I've had my whole world torn apart. Remember?"
"When you went to Namek… and when you fought all those times… when Grandpa died and you had to train with Mr. Piccolo all by yourself," she nodded. "Dad I already know that! But you didn't have someone try to… try to…"
"Maybe not, Pan. But what happened to me was a violation of trust. It's not the same, but that doesn't mean you can't talk to ME," Gohan whispered, putting his arms around her. Pan wanted to push away, yet the little girl in her won out. She sat there trembling, sobbing without making any noise as Gohan hugged her tightly. Who else BUT her father could relate to her, because he had also faced horrible times and all alone too.
"When your grandpa died after fighting Cell, I was angry at him. I felt like he was abandoning me. Yet I realized what I was really angry at was myself. That I hadn't trained hard enough. Especially when Majin Buu came later on, when I first met your Mom. I've seen best friends act like bitter enemies, and people tell me things that were torn apart in seconds. I've seen Piccolo beat me when he was taken over by Dr. Wheelo. I was a wreck because I thought Piccolo couldn't be taken over. People you love sometimes have to make choices that seem cruel but something else forces them. But there was always one thing that I knew kept me together. IT was the fact that there was always someone there for me. When Dad couldn't, there was Piccolo. And there was also Krillin and Bulma. I had to be there for Goten all those years your grandma wasn't around. And now even though Trunks has violated that trust… even if not by his own choice, I'm here for you. Your mom, Grandpa, everyone. You don't have to be alone."
"I know it that in my head, Dad. But I feel so angry. Like I want to rip his face off, and then I get angry at myself for being angry at Trunks," Pan whispered.
"If you don't feel like telling me what he did, you don't have to. But I'm here for you, sweetheart," Gohan whispered back, kissing her forehead. "I've been there. It's a dark place, but you're not alone."
"How can I face him, Dad? How can I know he won't…"
"Do it again, whatever he did? He hurt you, Pan. Don't forget it. Even though it wasn't him, you'll always wonder."
"I want to trust him again but…"
"It will take time, Pan. But you should worry about yourself right now, not him. He'll have people to help him, just like you have here," Gohan said.
"But it might not be over Dad! What if… what if YOU get possessed?"
"Honey…" Gohan looked at her helplessly.
Suddenly they saw Uub standing there on the doorstep, looking confused, and carrying a glass of lemonade. "I'm sorry to interrupt you… but Chichi-san said you forgot to take Pan something to drink…"
"Thank you," said Gohan, taking the glass. He looked annoyed that Uub had such bad timing.
"No, stay," Pan said as he turned to leave.
"Honey?" Gohan asked Pan, frowning. Then he turned his attention to Goku's disciple. "How much did you overhear?"
"I'm sorry I know I shouldn't have been eavesdropping. But you asked how you could tell, Pan… if someone was trying to posses someone you… um cared about and I… just wanted to say there IS a way to tell." he blurted out, cringing at Gohan's irritated glare.
"Are you referring to that… thing you saw around Trunks?" Gohan realized. "Is that what you mean?"
"Yes. I told Goku about it… but I didn't have a chance to tell you all of what I saw. Goku thought I should describe everything in detail because you would be speaking to Vegeta… and well… I interrupted something private and I know I shouldn't have. I'm sorry. I'll leave now," he said, whirling around.
"No, this is important," Gohan suddenly said, seizing Uub's arm as he rose off his chair. "Pan, this is the answer. You asked how you'd know if whatever it was that tried to take over Trunks… tried to do that to one of us…"
"You mean Uub can see it, right?" Pan brightened up. "That's right!"
"Er… Yes… I guess," he nervously laughed. "I can. I mean I'm not sure. It's not like just sensing ki. I can actually SEE that… spirit that possessed Trunks… and it wasn't just any spirit."
"Tell him what you told Grandpa," Pan nodded.
"IT looked Saiyan," said Uub.
"SAIYAN?" Gohan gasped, pushing up his glasses in disbelief. "Are you serious?"
"Yes. But not like Goku, Vegeta, you, Goten, Trunks or Pan, or even Bra. It looked Saiyan because of the spiky hair and skin and the bloodthirsty look of a warrior in their eyes," said Uub. "It looked hungry. I only saw it for a second as it left Trunks' Body, and a few times when he first appeared."
"Can you describe what he looked like?" asked Gohan.
"You can draw it," Pan said pointing to her writing desk. Gohan grabbed a pencil and one of the drawing pads that Pan had there, and thrust them at the young warrior. Nervously, Uub sat down and started to sketch in dark pencil lines what he had seen. Not only a warrior, he also had some reasonable skills with paints and art. Soon he had drawn quite an interesting and semi realistic sketch of the unknown spirit.
He flipped the tablet and turned it to Gohan. The bottom fell out of his soul, and he blinked hard several times. "Are you sure?"
"It resembled Vegeta. But didn't look EXACTLY like Vegeta. He was crueler. With a beard," stammered Uub. "And much taller. And he wore armor and a long cape. With this particular symbol."
"I've seen this before," Gohan said.
"Trunks has that on his bathrobe… and his workout clothes," Pan nervously confessed. "He says it's the Vegeta-sei symbol. Just like Capsule Corps is for his mom's company…"
"Damn it," whispered Gohan, sitting back down in defeat. "But it can't be Vegeta… or a member his family. Are you sure?"
"I don't know. I'm sure Vegeta won't like it when he finds out," Uub said. "You see why I didn't' want to say anything till I spoke to you first?"
"I don't know what this means. Vegeta hardly talks about anything from his past. Except to Dad very once in a while and usually while insulting him. You should show this to him when we talk. And Pan, you need to tell me everything that happened. For your own safety."
"But it's embarrassing!"
"You can talk with someone else you trust, like Mom or Grandma," Gohan suggested. "Or uncle Goten."
"They wouldn't get it," Pan whispered. "Because they're involved."
"You're still mad that I didn't believe you, aren't you?" Gohan nodded. "I understand. Maybe you should have Grandpa in here when you tell me. Because you feel safest around him."
"And Uub," Pan confessed. "If he doesn't mind. Since he saw the ghost."
"If that's what you want," Uub said shyly. He wondered why she was so quick to blurt out a reason why she should tell him, or suggest he remain.
Pan's bedroom held more people in that next span of time than it had in years. Pan's grandfather sat next to her on the side of the bed facing the wall, holding her hand. Uub dragged up the chair near Pan's desk, pulling it to sit near her hip, while Gohan sat to the right of the head of the bed. Reassured by the presence of Son Goku, the young Saiyan haltingly related her ordeal of the past week.
At times the words became far too difficult to say, resulting in tears instead. The further into the tale she progressed, the more Gohan's frown deepened. Not able to look him directly in the eye any longer, Pan stared at her comforter with glassy eyes. Gradually her shoulders slumped more and more, but it was not from the weight of her grandfather's arm around them. Son Goku's own face darkened at hearing Pan's halting voice, as did Uub.
"Pan it's not your fault," Gohan insisted. Videl had wanted to enter, but Pan vehemently refused, ashamed to admit to anyone but these three men what had transpired. Just why she would not trust a female relative baffled them, yet they were dealing with emotions and psychological trauma which often involved irrational outcomes. Though he was no psychologist, Gohan's scientific career prepared him to analyze her account from every angle. Still it did not stop the protective father in him from wanting to punish whoever and whatever had put his daughter through this hell.
"We were sparring in Capsule's yard. He pinned me down on the lawn under him. I tried to twist to one side, but he used his full strength to keep me there. I told him to stop, but he wouldn't. Finally I had to kick him hard."
"Ouch," the three men in the room winced simultaneously, knowing her target.
"His distraction gave me enough time to hit him in the back with an energy blast and fly the hell away. I didn't realize that he would come after me. He looked furious. Then I knew it wasn't a game. His eyes were so… so… predatory. I was only a piece of meat to him… a game he had to win," Pan shuddered.
"Go on," Gohan urged. "You're safe here."
"I… then he attacked me. I used every trick I know and more, but he was only toying with me. There were even moves he pulled I had never seen Trunks use. When he actually punched me in the face and kicked me in the stomach, it was horrible. He was LAUGHING at me!" Pan winced.
"Pan, it's okay, just tell us," Goku whispered, stroking his granddaughter's sweaty head.
"Then I really got furious and punched him with everything I had. I actually heard his ribs crack. After that he kept punching and hitting me around. Not hard enough to break anything but hard enough to knock the wind out of me. All the time he was saying these horrible things… And when I was almost worn out he slammed me into the side of a building, and I had no way of getting out. He… he kissed me and it felt awful. And his hands were all over me… in places…"
"Kami," Gohan panted.
"The only thing I could do then was take all my remaining power and blast him point blank in the face. Then I escaped flying as fast as I could. I couldn't sense Uncle Goten anywhere, and I didn't know where to go for help! I'd have gone to Grandpa Satan's, but I was scared that he'd try to stop Trunks and get killed, and Mr. Buu would have almost killed him… I still didn't want Trunks to die but I wanted him to stop. It doesn't make any sense!" she babbled, shame filling her face. Time and again she had felt her pursuer almost catch up, till she threw him off balance with an energy blast. When he finally turned Super Saiyan and tried to pin her, it was her desperate screaming and ranting that caused him to back off. For a moment he looked guilty, while sobbing and apologizing.
"Get away Pan, I can't stop myself. I can't… I'm sorry…" he had said. Before the horrible thing inside him took full possession and resumed the hunt. Her last resort was to seek out Goten, her father, or Uub. Fortunately the one great ki she could sense, that of Uub was the closest.
"That must be when I saw you land, Pan," Uub said, his heart aching at the sight of Pan clinging to her grandfather. Goku's strong arms enclosed her tightly, shushing her, but she could not stop trembling. Gohan's face was tense and tight, his body angrily spasming with unchecked rage. Little wonder she did not want Videl or Chichi around, because their reactions would have made her feel even worse.
"It's my fault I can't become Super Saiyan and fight him off. Like some damned victim! I hate him!" she sobbed into her grandfather's blue sleeveless shirt. This was getting to be an obsession with her, they realized. As long as she failed to achieve the ascension she would never truly regain her self-confidence. Abandoning the chair, Gohan sat on the edge of his daughter's bed and wrapped his arms around her as well. Sandwiched between Father and Grandfather she still felt worthless.
"I know Pan, and I'm sorry. I wish I hadn't gone with Vegeta in that training mission," Goku found himself apologizing. Yet again a family member had suffered due to his negligence and he was powerless to make it any better.
"I'm just glad I was able to help. You trained me to be the fighter I am and I WAS able to stop it and help save Pan. So you didn't fail, sir!" Uub declared proudly, breaking the somber mood.
"You're right," Gohan agreed.
"I want to protect myself. I don't want this thing thinking it's broken me, Dad… Grandpa. I've GOT to be able to go Super Saiyan myself!" Pan announced. Both of them momentarily released their grip, shaking their heads. Opening their mouths to protest, Uub suddenly felt his own anger resurge.
"How do you know she can't do it?" Uub demanded, standing up from his chair. "I've seen your power level Pan. Maybe you just need to train harder! Just because she's a girl doesn't mean she CAN'T!"
"I was thinking that though. We've never seen female Saiyans even try. Bra doesn't train anywhere near as much as you do, beyond what she's learned from Vegita," Gohan admitted.
"But you're her father, and Goku's her grandfather! Diluting Saiyan blood made YOU stronger, Gohan didn't it? And since you're a scientist what does that tell you? Pan should be just as powerful!" Uub argued, glaring at Gohan.
"He's right Daddy."
"But there's a point where it become a law of diminishing returns…" Gohan protested, snatching off his glasses to polish them.
"I don't know Gohan. I never thought Pan couldn't do it because she was a girl. Just because she wasn't yet powerful enough," Son Goku shrugged. "She needs more training maybe?"
"I'll help you Pan. It's the least I can do," Uub promised, reaching over to grasp Pan's hand. She looked up at him in wonder.
"But training with Grandpa should…"
"Maybe. But it wouldn't hurt. My fighting style changes each time so I learn new moves. Maybe I can somehow use that to help push you. And if she's training with me, that ghost can't get her. I don't know if it knows I can see it," Uub laughed cheerfully.
"Well, she still has to study," Gohan insisted.
"I'll work with both of you," Son Goku brightened up. "It's been a while since I've trained you Pan."
"Oh no," Gohan groaned. "Videl's not going to like this."
"But it will get me to stay around a bit more?" Son Goku grinned. "And that would make your mom happy. Besides, It's the one way I can know Pan will be protected. If she can protect herself."
"Yes," Gohan relented. "I'll go with it. But please… Be careful Pan. I'm going to do what I can to protect you by helping Bulma study how to stop this thing, and by talking to Vegeta. Telling him what you both told me. If anything this training will help you get your mind off your… experience, honey."
"Thank you Daddy!" Pan laughed, leaping off the bed and hugging her father tightly, wrapping her arms around his neck. Gohan squeezed her close, pressing his nose into her shoulder and thanking Kami… no Dende that there was a chance she could regain her pride.
Uub put a damper on the mood by commenting, "The next time I see whatever that is, I don't know if I can stop myself from destroying it."
The other three occupants of the room stopped their group hug to frown. Goku asked first, "How can you destroy a spirit?"
"You can't, unless it has a host. And if it is a Saiyan… what the hell is it doing targeting Trunks?" Pan grumbled.
"Trunks is Vegeta's son. Maybe it can't take over full Saiyans, but half Saiyans. And it wanted the power to do whatever it could," Gohan mused. "It was after Pan…."
"He wanted me, Dad. I saw it in his eyes. This hunger, like only taking me… could stop it," she shuddered, wiping away tears as she lifted her face from Goku's shoulder.
"We'll make sure he doesn't then," Goku promised.