Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Reunited ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Reunited Chapter 2

Videl had her first lesson sensing people's energy. Afterward, they decided to head to Bulma's where everyone had gathered, including her father. Apparently Bulma decided to have an impromptu "We're Just Happy to Be Alive" party and invited everyone down from the Lookout.

"Sweet Pea! That kid didn't try any funny business, did he? If he did, well I'll just have to use my patented Hercule punch on him!"

"Oh yeah Dad. Me and Gohan had wild money sex just now. I'm probably pregnant five ways from Tuesday as we speak."

At that statement everyone, except Goten, Trunks & Vegeta fell down. The boys were too engrossed in Trunks' new video game to even notice and Vegeta didn't care. Gohan was blushing redder than a lobster.

"Jeez Gohan, folks can't take a joke around here." Videl then walks over to her father, props him up and lets him know, "Not that it's any of your business, but we were just talking and training. If any wild monkey sex were to happen between us, well, that's between us and no one else. Plus, I would not just announce it like that." She turns to Gohan and says, "Come on, I'm sure your hungry. Let's get some food."

After that statement, everyone headed over to the food. Hercule, who still had not recovered from Videl's statement, just watched in amazement as the two full-blooded Saiyans and 3 demi-saiyans put away large quantities of food. Of course, even Goku couldn't keep up with the amount of food being shoveled in by Buu.

After the party, everyone headed his or her own separate ways. Hercule, Buu & Bee had left hours before so Gohan told his mother he would fly Videl home. Of course Chi Chi was glad to let him go. "I'm so close to grandchildren I can taste it."

"That was some party, huh!"

"Yeah, Bulma's parties are always pretty fun, but she and Vegeta always disappear when everyone starts dancing. At first I thought it was because Veggie doesn't dance, but they always manage to have a few turns on the dance floor before the party ends. I wonder where they go. Do you think she gives him extra food she has stashed away so my father and the kids won't get it?

Videl wonders to herself if he is really as naïve as he seems. "Oh Gohan."

"Yes Videl."

"Trust me when I say food is not what she's feeding him. It seems to me that she's satisfying a different type of hunger."

"You don't mean… that they're … But with everybody there in the house like that?"

"Well, it is a big house."

"But, I mean, what if someone walked in on them!"

"Vegeta would probably just blast them and continue with what he was doing."

"Good point. It's just that it seems like such a private thing, you know. Not something you do while entertaining a house full of people."

"Not that I have any experience in those matters, but I guess sometimes when you're in the mood, you gotta do what you gotta do. Don't you remember that Simpsons' episode where Homer and Marge got caught during mini-golf. If the Simpsons do it, why not Vegeta & Bulma. Besides, you're a guy. Don't guys think about sex every six seconds or something?

"I guess, but you would think a martial artist of Vegeta's caliber would have more control over his body."

"So you're saying that I would never be able to work you up into such a frenzy that you couldn't do anything but have your way with me."

"Well, I would like to think that I have a great deal of control over my body no matter what might be happening to it."

"You better remember that you said that Gohan because I plan on putting that to a test at a later date."

Of course this statement worries Gohan a little, but only a little. "We'll see Videl. We'll see."

They flew the rest of the way to Videl's in silence. Gohan walked her to the door and was about to give her a chaste peck on the lips when she grabbed his head and pressed her lips against his. He was a bit stunned at first not expecting her to be so forward on her front step, but could not help but respond to her ardor by wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer to his body. He was about to deepen the kiss when he heard a sound behind the door.

Unknownst to the couple, Hercule had be pressed against the door trying to spy on them when he fell flat on his face knocking over the coat rack. He quickly got up, fixed the coat rack and ran up the stairs. The noise was enough to separate Gohan and Videl from their passionate embrace.

"I'd better go," Gohan says laboriously as he tries to catch his breath.

"Yeah, uh, see you tomorrow," says Videl as she rushes into the house.

As he flies home, Gohan thinks that maybe he should rethink his previous statement. After that kiss, she could probably get him to do anything.