Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Reunited ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Reunited Chapter 3

It had been agreed that Buu would stay hidden at Hercule's mansion until the six months had past so they could use the Dragonball's second wish to erase everyone's memory of his reign of terror. While the six months wasn't a problem for the Z-gang, Hercule's servants were another story.

"Servant guy! Stop cowering in the corner and make us some breakfast!"

"But Mr. Hercule sir, the monster. Won't he turn me into candy? I mean, didn't he kill us all! How can you have him in your house?"

"Didn't I go over this with you before? He's good now. He won't hurt you. He's my friend. Now would the world's savior lie to you?"

"Of course not sir."

"Don't you think that if something were to happen again, that I'd protect you?"

"Of course sir."

"Then it's settled! He's my friend. Now make us some breakfast. And remember to make 24 courses for Buu. He's got a big stomach you know."

"Yes sir. Right away sir."

Videl was upstairs getting ready for school. It would be the first day of classes since the world ended. It would also be the first time around Erasa and Sharpener since she and Gohan gotten together. She hadn't told them yet. And then there's the fact that they know he's Saiyaman. How are they going to act around him. She figured she'd worry about it later. Gohan was coming over so they could fly the rest of the way to school together. He'd better hurry though if he wanted to make it on time.

Miles away, Gohan was also getting ready for school. It would be the first time he and Videl would be around their friends and he was a little nervous about that. He'd never had a girlfriend before so he wasn't sure how to act around her at school. Well, he figured they could talk about it this morning before school starts.

Gohan runs downstairs and gives a hasty goodbye to his brother and mother.

"But Gohan! What about breakfast?"

"Don't worry Mom! I'll grab something at Videl's."

Of course he hadn't taken Buu into account. Needless to say, there was no food anywhere in the Satan mansion.

"But Videl, I thought we could have breakfast together."

"Come on now Gohan. You know Buu lives here now. The servants have to shop for us about 3 times daily. There's nothing left. Sorry."

"How much time do we have before class?"

"Oh, about an hour, maybe 45 minutes."

"Great, then we have time to stop at a McDonald's, right."

"I guess."

"Come on, let's go! Good day Mr. Satan, Buu!"

"Yeah, yeah, you too kid. Have a nice day Sweet Pea."

"Bye Daddy. You too."

Gohan and Videl rushed to the nearest McDonald's. Of course there was a line, but when the staff saw that it was Videl, daughter of the world's savior, they let her cut in line. Gohan found a table for them and waited for her to order.

"Whatever you want Ms. Videl, it's yours, on the house."

"Well, thank you. I'll have a Sausage Egg McMuffin, hash browns and orange juice. And my friend will have 10 of everything, as quickly as you can get it done."

"Ten of everything? Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'll pay for it if that's too much for you."

"No, no, it's OK. It's just that we don't often get an order that large for one person."

"Yeah, he eats a lot."

"If you say so Videl. It should be ready in about 10 minutes"

Videl headed to the table where Gohan was waiting. "I ordered you 10 of everything on the breakfast menu. Will that be enough?"

"Oh sure, that should hold me till lunch. Thanks." He replied flashing a winning smile at her.

"You know, this is going to be our first day back at school. How do you feel about that? Everyone knows your secret now."

"Well, not everyone. The folks here haven't said anything to me."

"That's true, but you know Erasa and Sharpener know. They'll probably spread it around the whole school."

"That's true. But as long as no one bothers my family, I won't have a problem. Plus, maybe now the teachers will let me leave to help you on emergencies."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. At least now they won't think you have a bladder problem."

"Very funny Videl."

The two finished breakfast and headed off to school.