Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Slave Saiyans and an Ally ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

What if the Saiyans had refused to work for Frieza? What if Frieza had strapped Ki Suppressing Rings (KSR's) on them to make sure they behave. What if Frieza decided to sell his new 'slaves'? What if the traders wanted to trade them to other people…what if, by some chance, they meet again later on in life?

In this time line:Goku never left for Earth Vegeta is under Frieza's control Bardock, Turles and Brolli are all slaves to Frieza Raditz never went to Earth either Nappa has been dead a long time All the Saiyans have been split up to ensure no rebelling

This is the story of 6 Saiyan males, brought together by one determined female with the heart of a warrior. Who is she, and why is she trying to help 6 of the most powerful beings in the universe (without their KSR's of course)? Could she possibly be the Saiyans new ally? Or is she plotting to gain their trust and turn them over to the Slave Trader Master? Find out today in…

Slave Saiyans and a Ally

Kakarott's head hung low as the Ki Suppressing collar around his neck continually kept his power level low enough so he couldn't fight back. A dog like leash was attached to the collar and his 'Master' was leading him through a long hallway.

"Master," Kakarott said softly and lifted his eyes to see his Master's back. "Where are you taking me? Do you no longer have need for me?" His voice sounded pitiful, he knew, but if he were to even try to fight back, the man holding the leash could easily finish him off.

"There is a woman who is paying good money just to see you Kakarott," the man in front of him said. "If she wants to buy you I'll be getting a great deal." Without thinking, Kakarott froze, jerking the leash and nearly upsetting his Master.

"What are you standing around for Kakarott!" his Master yelled and spun around, using the end of the leash as a whip and catching him across the face with it. Before the leash had a chance to connect with his face, a hooded figure appeared in front of Kakarott and gripped the end tightly.

"I don't think that would be wise my friend," a soft, feminine voice said. "You know better than to abuse your slave before a trade, it lowers the chance of him being bought, or even considered." Kakarott's ears twitched at the soft voice, as if it were a lullaby sung only for him.

"And what would you know about slaves woman?" the man spat, stepping up to the hooded female and looking down at her. The girl pushed back her hood, exposing long pointed, Namek-like, ears, a long mane of deep blue, almost black, hair and deep green eyes.

"I know enough, and if you are the one selling me a slave named Kakarott, I wish you wouldn't injure him before I see him." Kakarott's warrior trained eyes caught a flicker of movement around the girls waist and he swore that he had seen a Saiyan tail move beneath the jacket she was wearing.

"So you are the one interested in my slave Kakarott," Kakarott's Master said and stepped back a little. "Well here he is." The girl turned towards Kakarott and studied him intently, stepping behind to run her slim hands over the soft fur of his tail.

"You let him keep his tail," he mumbled under her breath. "And by the looks of it you have trained him to keep him in shape."

"That I have."

"I'll give you 200,000 credits for him, and another 3,000 for bringing him all the way to this trader base," she said quickly, stroking Kakarott's furry tail.

"Deal." As the two traders made the money/slave trade, Kakarott studied his new masters appearance. She was unlike any slave master he had ever seen. Her ears told him she was a half blood, but he couldn't tell what her other half was. His old master departed and as soon as he was out of sight the girl took Kakarott's leash off and moved to remove his collar.

"No!" Kakarott yelped and pushed himself back against a wall. "No slave is to have their collar taken off, ever!" Rolling her eyes, the girl flicked her wrist and the Ki Suppressing collar dropped to the floor.

"Shut your mouth Saiyan, I'm here to help you not own you," she hissed and watched as Kakarott's true power slowly returned.

"Now come with me, and don't try anything funny. I'm too fast for you to even try to kill me." Kakarott did as he was told and followed the girl off of the trade compound. Without saying a word they both got into the girls ship and within minutes they were heading away from a place Kakarott thought he would never see the end of.

"Now my friend, you are a full blooded Saiyan are you not?" she asked and turned to Kakarott. A quick nod from the larger man verified her thoughts. Ever so slowly she slid out of her huge hooded coat and let it slip to the floor. Kakarott thought that she would have been a larger woman, but her slim supple body surprised him. What caught him off guard was the fact she had a thick chocolate brown tail wrapped around her waist. His open mouth asked a question he couldn't bring himself to say.

"That's right," she said and sat back down in her piloting chair. "I'm a Saiyan also. Well a half blood. My other half is Namek, and I'm here to help you and the others." She turned to him with a smile.

"My names Kya." Kakarott nodded his head.

"I'm Ka-Ka-Kakarott," he stammered. Kya laughed and pointed in the direction of the bathroom.

"Go take a shower Kakarott," she instructed. "I need you nice and clean for my next task." Kakarott nodded numbly and wandered into the bathroom, stripping off his tight leather pants and chest straps, noticing that Kya had already laid out new and more relaxing clothes for him. Taking one last look at the last of his slave life, Kakarott stepped under the hot water and began washing away a lifetime of slavery.