Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Stolen Past, Stolen Future ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Stolen Past, Stolen Future

Chapter 3

Vegeta glanced up at the man standing before him and growled. "You what?"

"I have your daughter, Prince Vegeta," replied Zanik as he stared into cold obsidian eyes. "Let me make a correction, your highness. I don't actually have your daughter, she is being held by my lord Zeric." He turned to the black portal, "If you would but come with me, for a moment."

Vegeta crossed his arms and studied the other man before him. He had long blonde hair and brown eyes, his ears were elfin shaped. He was wearing a long-sleeved brown shirt and tights to match with long black boots that came up to his knees. Around his waist was a silver broadsword still sheathed. The man was a warrior. The smell of blood still clung the respectful young man. Indeed he was respectful for Vegeta's saiyan ears caught the use of his useless title, and the deferential tone the man used when addressing him.

Zanik glanced back when and noticed that the saiyan prince had made no advance toward the portal. "Excuse me, Prince Vegeta, but to get your daughter back you must come with me through the Transdimensional Space Portal."

Vegeta lifted a haughty brow as he regarded the general before him and the portal. "Why don't I kill you, go through the portal and get my offspring back myself?"

The soldier laughed. "Because the minute you lay me low, this doorway will close, and your daughter will be lost between dimensions. Or you will be, if you're lucky enough to get inside before it closes."

Bulma gasped below. Her own tears had dried up when the man mentioned his "transdimensional space portal," and her scientific curiosity took over, but her motherly concerned refused to be pushed aside. "Is my baby all right?" she asked turning a red teary eyes up to the alien.

Zanik glanced down at the woman and sucked in a breath. He hated the look he'd put on that woman's face. He knew the look it was familiar as an old beloved enemy. He'd seen the look thousands of times when the women on his planet asked about their loves ones. He hated that look. He hated it because he knew if it wasn't for the Theoric he wouldn't have to see expressions like the woman's or the females of his planet. "Your daughter is relatively safe." Zanik turned back to the Saiyajin prince. "Milord?"

Vegeta slid an eye to his mate, although she was no longer sobbing he could still hear the echoing of her tears in his ears. His own fears had been ripped from the deep abyss buried in his body to reach up and clutch painfully at his heart, when she told him of his youngest disappearance. He had felt weak and powerless: feelings that he was not comfortable with knowing. He did not want to idly to enter some portal and get his child back. No, he rather rip apart General Zanik who drug the feelings of inadequacy from his uncharted depths. But he couldn't, the safety of his daughter who called him "Daddy" depended on his acquiesce to follow the man to through the TSP. "Fine," said Vegeta as he moved toward the portal. "I'll come with you, but should my daughter be harmed you will regret that you ever heard the name Vegeta."

"I understand," replied Zanik as he bowed waiting for Vegeta to pass by him.

"Hold it," said Goku. "I'll go with you Vegeta."

"That is not permissible," said Zanik as he turned back to the man in the orange swim trunks. "My orders were to bring Prince Vegeta only. You do not have clearance."

Goku cocked a dark eyebrow. "I don't care what your orders are, I'm coming. How do I know that once you have Vegeta inside that you won't try something? You already have his daughter. I think it would be safer if I came along."

Safer? Vegeta turned back from the doorway. "Kakkarot, I do not need you to play my nursemaid. I am cable of watching my own back, and retrieving my offspring without your interference."

"B-B-But Vegeta," stammered Goku. "I only thought…"

"Do not think, Kakkarot," interrupted Vegeta. "It does you no good." He looked down at Bulma and Trunks' swollen and red faces. "If you want to help, take my family back to the compound and wait for me there; I will return shortly with the other brat."

Goku nodded.

Vegeta moved back toward the dark circle with Zanik following close behind.

"Vegeta," called out Bulma as his foot disappeared in the dark dimension. He stopped and turned back toward her. She could see the impatience radiating off him like a hot stone giving off steam after being doused with cold water. Bulma looked into his black eyes and said, "I love you." His eyes widen at her sudden declaration. He nodded and disappeared into the inky chasm. She didn't know why she said those words, but she felt like she had to say them. It wasn't like he was leaving her forever…but it felt like it was. Bulma turned back to her friends and smiled. "I'm sure Vegeta will bring back Bra safely."

They all nodded for her sake. Even Trunks knew that you didn't anger his father just to have a social chat. Whoever General Zanik was he meant business.


A hot light had pierced Vegeta's skull blinding him and rendering him unconscious, when he entered the TSP tunnel. Slowly opened his eyes, he found his head was throbbing, and his mouth felt as if it has been stuffed with cotton. He gingerly sat up and saw someone had laid him on a daybed and covered him with thick furs. The last thing he remembered was the hot burning light and crumpling to the floor. "What the fuck," whispered Vegeta as he looked around in the unfamiliar room. "Bra! Bra!" he shouted but cringed at his own loud voice. He closed his eyes fell back upon the bed.

"She can't hear you Prince Vegeta," said a masculine voice as footsteps came closer to the Saiyan prince's bed. "She's asleep."

Vegeta sat up swiftly causing his head to swim. But he refused to lay back down. "Who the hell are you? What the hell has happened to me?"

"I'm Prince Zeric," replied the man who had entered the chamber. "I'm the reason you were brought here. And as for what happened to you…well, the Transdimensional Space Portal is only equipped to be used by my race: the Zu'uns. When you can through it identified you as a threat and launched a mental attack on you."

Vegeta jumped from the bed assuming battle stance and growled. "Give me back my daughter and maybe I'll consider giving you a merciful death. How do you like that as a threat."

"Just as I suspected," said Zeric eyeing the slim Saiyan before him. "No, actually you're better than I hoped. I know your head must be painful, and yet you are braced to fight."

Vegeta sneered. "You call this 'pain' I've felt worse. Now, tell me where Bra is or I will blow this place apart looking for her." He smiled evilly. "Wait don't tell me where she is, I wouldn't mind looking for her…and I'd be more than happy to start with you."

Zeric lifted an ebony brow at the Saiyan. "Enter," he called at the door, they slid apart revealing a servant carrying a glass of some sort of liquid swirled in pink and orange. Behind him stood Zanik carrying a sleeping Bra."

"Bra," breathed Vegeta as he spotted his daughter sleeping in the arms of the warrior who brought him to the ship. He whirled back to the Zu'un prince. "What do you want with me?"

"If you could spare a minute to drink this Prince Vegeta," said Zeric as the lifted the glass from the servant and dismissed her. "This will take away the throbbing pain in your head." He held out the glass to Vegeta.

Vegeta didn't move.

"I swear an oath on my crown and my father's crown that this is only to help rid you of the pain." Zeric held out the glass again.

Vegeta walked forward snatched the glass and drank quickly. Surprisingly the pain in his head subsided from pounding to nothing.

"Good," said Zeric as he took back the glass and placed down on the floor beside him. He turned and began to pace slowly. "The reason that I took your daughter is because my people are in need of your help. From the information that we've gathered on the Saiyajins, your people rarely did anything without benefit for themselves."

Vegeta snorted. "And what's my benefit?"

Zeric looked back. "Isn't it obvious: the safe return of your daughter."

"So, you kidnap my daughter to ask me for help," said Vegeta. "Forgive me if I don't see the logic in plan this of action."

"It was the best way to get you here. If Zanik had asked you to come with him, you wouldn't have, therefore we needed some leverage."

Vegeta snorted.

"Prince Vegeta," began Zeric as he held his hands out to manifest a large ball of white ki. Inside the ball a medium sized sea-green planet came into focus. "This is my planet Zu'n…right now as we speak its citizens are being slaughtered by the Theoric."

Vegeta walked forward. "Who is this 'Theoric'?"

"He is the race, and he is the leader," replied Zeric. "The planet Theric once was our harmonious twin, until our government had a disagreement, and then we became enemies--harmonious enemies. However, when Velic became the Theoric and assumed the throne on his planet, he launched a surprise attack against us, which led to the death of my queen mother." Zeric ended the ki ball and turned tortured green eyes upon Vegeta. "Before we left our planet to come here another battle had taken place, this time Theoric killed seven hundred and fifty warriors."

Vegeta eyebrows took flight to nestle in his dark hair as he heard the immense number. "Can your planet afford the loss of so many soldiers?"

Zeric sighed. "Unfortunately, no we can't. We are losing the war to the Theoric whose men are better trained." He pointed to Zanik standing quietly to the side of him. "Zanik is a young general and tries to train and lead our men, but he doesn't have the experience to do so. That is why our God Zyfare has given us divine information, that led us to you: the savior of our race."

Vegeta stood in silence soaking up the information given to him. These Zu'uns obviously needed his help, and to get him to listen to his story they had taken Bra. He understood their methods…and desperation. It appealed to him on many levels first they didn't come looking for Kakkarot to be their savior, they came looking for him. Second it had been a long time since someone referred to him using his title. Third it had also been a long time since he'd been in a war where he'd led a group of warriors that listened to his command. Warriors who wouldn't wait for Kakkarot to show up and save them all. His body coursed with excitement. His blood hummed at the prospect of doing real battle. He hadn't felt such a surge in power since he turned Super Saiyan.

"So, Prince Vegeta," spoke Zeric as the deafening silence became too much for him to bear. "I have told you of our perilous lot, and have hoped that you have decided to render us aid in our battle against Theoric."

Vegeta looked up a gleam in his coal eyes. "If I decide to give my assistance would you return my daughter?"

"Yes," replied Zeric. "We had planned to give her back even if you didn't want to help us. Your child was only used to bring you here, so we could inform you about our dire situation, and plead for help."

Zanik clinched his teeth. Prince Zeric lied to Prince Vegeta!

"Fine," said Vegeta. "I will…" I love you Vegeta. He stopped abruptly as Bulma's tearful blue eyes flashed in his mind's eye. He shook his head to clear it of her voice and eyes, but they refused to be moved. He smiled inwardly. She really did have her claws sheathed in him. "Although, I would like to lead you into battle however, I can't do it. Now, return my daughter."

Zeric's eyes flashed at Vegeta's answer. "Of course," said the Zu'un prince. He toward Zanik and nodded.

Zanik's lips became a flat line as he walked toward the Saiyajin prince. He didn't like the diminutive Saiyan prince and didn't like King Das'ni's plan, and right now he wasn't too keen on his Prince either. "Your daughter," he said as he moved to transfer the girl into the arms of her father.

Vegeta held his arms out as his youngest offspring was handed to him. He stared down at her face she resembled her mother so much. It was like reliving history, when he looked at Bra and her mother. He could see how his mate once looked when she was younger and when he gazed upon his mate he could see the gorgeous woman his daughter would become. "Bra, I…" his vocal cords froze as he felt a small pinprick in the back of his neck. Vegeta turned around to see the Zu'un prince had replace a small slim needle on a tray that a servant held. Why hadn't he sensed the servant or the prince sneaking up on him? The healing potion! He pulled a Kakkarot! Being so stupid and trusting.

Zeric smiled as Vegeta's black eyes lost some of their luster, and he began to sway on his feet. "No, Prince Vegeta," said Zeric as he walked forward to remove the small child from the prince's drooping arms. "Like, I said the elixir was just to take care of your headache, however the TSP took care of your Saiyajin reflexes." He turned and handed the sleeping Bra to another servant. "Did you really think we came all this way to be turned down? Don't worry about a thing sweet Prince," whispered Zeric as he strode forward. He watched the medicine do its work, as Vegeta had trouble keeping his eyes open and his body still. "I'll return your daughter to her mother." He held out a finger and pushed Vegeta backwards.

Zanik stood over him until Vegeta's eyes closed. Holding up a hand he signaled for two hefty soldiers to come in, "Carry the prince to the Medicenter." They nodded and bent to grab hold of the prince's arms and legs and drag him away.

Prince Zeric whirled around to Zanik and smiled. "Well, you know the next part. Proceed quickly, do not tarry as we have a war to get back to and win."

Zanik bowed and swept out of the chamber. He really hated Zeric.


Bulma sat and paced. Sat and paced. She'd long ago sent Trunks to bed, but she couldn't go herself. Her husband and daughter were out there missing. Her poor baby must be terrified. She sniffled. Maybe Vegeta was right, maybe should have let Bra trained. If she had Bra wouldn't have been taken, or she would have put a fight good fight until Trunks and Goten could come and helped. She covered her mouth as tiny tears slipped down her face. Her baby…Vegeta.

Goku silently walked up behind his best friend. He wished Vegeta would have let him come. He laid a large hand upon her shoulder, and turned her to face him. She cried into his orange gi that he kept at her house. "It's okay Bulma," he whispered. "Vegeta is strong and he's crazy about Bra, he won't let any harm come to her."

Bulma sniffled and nodded her head. "I know." She pushed against his chest and looked into his concerned eyes. "You need to go upstairs and get some rest with ChiChi. I can wait for Vegeta and Bra."

Goku shook his head. "I'm going to wait right here with you for Vegeta, and Bra."

"So, are we," said a chorus of voices from behind them. Bulma and Goku swung around to spy their friends and children standing in the hallway.

"Trunks," admonished Bulma. "I thought I told you to go to bed." She looked up at everyone else standing in the long corridor and sighed. "I thought I told all of you to go to bed."

"You did," said Trunks as he came forward and wrapped his nine year old body around his mother. "I couldn't sleep. I was worried about Papa and Bra." He hugged is mother tight, but not too tight. "This is all my fault."

"No," whispered Bulma as she combed her hands through Trunks' silky fine lavender hair. "This isn't your fault. These people obviously wanted to attract your father's attention." She moved toward the nearest chair with him still hugging her around the waist and sat down with him in her lap. "In order to do that they decided to take one of your father's most precious possessions."

"Bra?" he said quietly as she soothingly ran her hands up and down his body. He didn't care at the moment that he had to preserve pride in front of his best friend. It had been a long time since he'd laid in his mother's arms. It felt good to be back there.

"Not just Bra," replied Bulma. "You're also one of the few things your father treasures more than his Saiyajin pride. Matter of fact you are his pride." She watched her friends settle down to listen. Goten even climbed up to sit on his father's lap. He always imitated her son. Gohan sat next to his brother and father. She continued on her voice soft and soothing. "When he first started training you. He used to remark to me at night that you picked up techniques that had taken him a bit longer to acquire. He was awed that you learned to fly, before you could talk in full sentences." Bulma looked down and saw that Trunks' eyes had drifted shut. "He is so proud of you, but he has such a hard time showing it. Whenever you two come out of the training room, he is practically glowing with pride." She hugged him closer. "He'd tell me that you would have made an excellent Prince and King one day. He's so proud of you and Bra. Both of you rank highly in his opinion." She chuckled softly, "Actually higher than I do. I had to stop having children or face moving down again in the rankings." Bulma glanced down seeing the steady rhythmic fall and rise of her son's chest. He was asleep. She bent down and kissed his head.

"Bulma," whispered Yamcha from beside Kurilin. "Do you want me to take Trunks and put him in his bed?"

Bulma shook her head. It felt good to hold her son in her arms again. She wasn't going to let anyone take that feeling from her again. She laid her head back against the chair and shut her eyes to wait. Wait for Bra's return and especially wait for Vegeta's return.

Following her lead, Goku and the rest sighed and closed their eyes and waited with her.


Zanik stepped out of the TSP and surveyed his surroundings and the bright city below him. He hated what he was had to do. He took a cleansing breath and thought about his people, his men, and his father. For his race to survive he had to kill all these people. Zanik drew his sword and pointed it at the maternity ward of the hospital. "I call upon the soul that has been sealed within this sword," he began the incantation as the sword started to glow red. "Awaken beast of darkness! Awaken sleeping soul of damnation! I call upon thee: Burrak!"

The red glow came to a point and shot into a quick line. A swirl of fire circled in front of Zanik's eyes as he breathed hard. It was always difficult for him to call forth this sealed soul. A hot light flashed. He threw up an arm stepping back from the transformation. When the flashing heat had subsided he lowered his arm to gaze upon the beast of darkness who resembled a harmless looking child with wings and huge black almond shaped eyes. Burrak. He stared at the demon child. He loathed summoning this hellion. Burrak was damned hard to control for long periods of time.

Burak looked at the Zanik and sniffed. "Why have you awakened from my slumber, mortal?"

"You have a task Burak," he turned to the building. "Kill every mother, child and newborn within this building. Make sure their screams are heard. When that is done burn it."

Burak nodded and flapped its wings to head to the twentieth floor. It was good to be out again. He looked at the building and smiled: Time for fun.


Bulma awoke to the screeching sounds of sirens blaring out their alarms. Blinking she opened her eyes, and gently shook Trunks. "Trunks," she whispered not wanting to pull out any one else in the room who had settled in Morphius' arms.

Trunks blinked a couple of times before his blue eyes would focus on his mother's face. "What? Is it Dad? Bra?" he asked as quietly as possible. "Have they come back?"

"I don't know," she said back to him. "I hear sirens. I'm going to check them out."

"Alone? That's dangerous Mom, while Dad's not here I have to be the man, and protect you."

Bulma stifled a smile. His words were a contradiction, because he still laid in her arms, like the small boy he'd once been. "Fine, you can walk with me upstairs, so I can see what's happening outside with all the alarms." They got up and quietly tiptoed to the master bedroom.

Standing behind Trunks, Bulma pulled back the blinds and immediately saw the blazing skyline. "Oh, Dende," she whispered bringing a hand to her mouth. What was going on in Satan City? "Trunks, quick turn on the television."

Trunks skirted around his mother launching for the remote control. "Wow," he exclaimed as the local news coverage showed him an up close view of what was taking place in Satan City. Firemen, and policemen were everywhere. Chunks of flaming debris were falling to the ground. Men and women were rushing toward the building shouting. Finally a reporter came on the screen. "Mom," called Trunks.

Bulma moved from the window to watch the television.

"If you are just tuning in we will attempt to bring you up to date," said the pretty anchorwoman. "Around 9:00 tonight, an attack on the Satan City Maternity Hospital has taken place. Eyewitness account of a child-like fiery demon, going from room to room, killing the women, children, and even newborn babes. This is a calculated move as our great defender Mr. Satan himself had just left to city to accept a challenge in the nether regions of the country. This reporter firmly believes…"

"Fiery demon?" said Trunks.

"Go wake-up everybody, Trunks," said Bulma turning to her son with tears in her eyes. First Bra, then Vegeta, and now innocent children at a hospital. She moved back to window to see the silhouettes of her friends and son in the night sky. What was next?


Zanik glanced down at the young Namek at his feet. He'd waited until the older one named Piccolo left before he came out of the shadows, and attacked the god of this planet. He bent down and placed a hand on the young man's chest and felt it still rising up and down. The last thing he wanted to have done was kill him. "I'm sorry," he said when the boys eyes opened.

Dende looked into Zanik's mournful gaze, "Why?"

"For salvation?" Zanik walked away from the wounded god and pointed his sword at the sky. "Return to your seal Burrak." The blade glowed an electric blue, "Return to your eternal slumber demon child of darkness." A red particle light shot across the heavens to hover before landing quietly in front of the Zu'un general. "Burrak. Return to your slumber."

Burrak flung out its wings, while it glared at Zanik. It weighed the options of fighting with the soldier. He could kill Zanik and be done with having his soul sealed in that damn holy sword, but then he would be stuck on this side of the galaxy forever--he could stay here until he got his revenge on the Zu'uns. He wouldn't be able to leave unless he bonded his soul with a master. He glared at the sword his black eyes glittered with hatred. He walked forward touched the tip flowing back into the sword.

Zanik took an easy breath. He hated to unleash Burrak the demon child was highly unstable and uncontrollable for one who had its soul bonded. Sheathing his sword, he turned opening up a dimension portal. It was time to leave this world.


Bulma paced in front of the door waiting for some news--from anybody. The last she heard was when Yamcha came back for the dragon radar, but instead she gave him the actual dragonballs that she'd collected in order to force Vegeta to go to the beach with her.

The Beach.

The party seemed like a distant memory, almost as it had happened years ago instead of hours. She prayed that Trunks was all right. He had his father's calculated fighting abilities, but they were outweighed by her own recklessness that she'd passed onto him. What was happening she asked the empty room for the umpteenth time. She hated to be in the dark. She demanded to be right in the middle when things were happening, she didn't want to be…


Bulma stopped her pacing and glanced up. Did she hear a knock at the door? Moving quickly toward the front door she navigated around the furniture. Reaching out a hand she cautiously pulled open the door. Her heart was pounding, she could feel the adrenaline being released into her body.

No one, or so she thought until her gazed drifted downward. A young body lay wrapped on her front porch. Bulma's eyes silently drop tears as she bent down. A patch of blue hair was visible. Bulma quickly undid the wrapping to see her baby. "Bra," she choked out as she picked up her little urchin. "My precious baby." Quickly her eyes scouted the heavens looking for some sign that Vegeta had brought Bra home. But she saw nothing. She smiled down. "Let's not be worried honey," she crooned to the sleeping four year old. "Your father must have went to help the others. He moves faster, than you and I can see."

Thunder boomed outside and the sky darkened as Bulma sat in the window seat with her youngest child in her arms. They must be summoning Shenlong, she thought to herself. Bulma watched as seven balls of light converged into the large dragon. "Everything is going to all right," she whispered to the sleeping girl.


Prince Zeric placed his crystal wine glass down as his father's loyal vassal walked into the lounging room. "Has everything been taken care of," he asked uncrossing his long legs to swing them over the sofa. He pulled his great robe from the bottom of the sofa as he stood up handing it to Zanik.

"Yes," replied Zanik as he took the black robe and held it out for the young prince to put his arms inside. "Everything has been accomplished that you've required of me, my lord."

Zeric straightened the robe and turned around his green eyes ablaze with happiness. "That is good. I hope you didn't have any trouble with Burrak."

"Some," the knight nodded. "But luckily he did not challenge me. I do not like using the demon soul, your highness. He is too unstable. He should be confined to the Great Zyfare's shrine for all eternity."

"Nonsense," said Zeric as the headed for the door. "We bonded that demon. We shall not let his bad attitude overrun us. All he needs is a better wielder who is not afraid to use him."

"I am not afraid to wield Burrak," growled Zanik as he moved down the long metallic corridor. "Burrak is too powerful, plus he knows we bonded him by nefarious means."

"Bah, I don't believe it," said Zeric waving away Zanik's warnings. Moving down the hall stood before a large window for a minute watching as the stars zoomed pass. The Earth he noticed was becoming nothing more than a blue-green spot in the galaxy. "I do wish I had had time to visit that interesting star. But right now we are in the middle of a war." He picked up pace again striding down the hallway. "Come, Zanik do not dawdle, we have to see how our warrior is doing."

The two came upon a door marked 'Medical Center' and pushed their way in. "Zucha," called Zanik looking around for the doctor who had taken over the Medicenter when the mission began. "Show yourself Zucha, our young prince Zeric is here to inquire about the Saiyan warrior that was brought here."

Behind a yellow curtain an old wrinkled face popped out surrounded by long dull red hair. "Quiet Zanik," he snapped. "I'm doing delicate work in here. Have you no concern for my work, boy?"

"Mind your manners, Zucha," barked Zanik. He loved the old man like a father, but he hated to be called 'boy.' "Prince Zeric is here to see Prince Vegeta, the warrior from Earth."

"I heard you the first time, young pup," snarled the old man as he pulled back the obscenely bright yellow curtain. "So, the pretty boy prince comes to see inside my lab, hmm?" He moved toward a gurney where a body lay with several spheres floated over the body.

"Your manners," growled Zanik.

"That's completely all right," said Zeric his eyes fastened on the nude body of the Saiyajin prince. "You've done quite a lot of work, Zucha," he whispered staring into on of the silver like spheres. "Are these all of his?"

"Yes," cackled Zucha with glee rubbing his gnarled spotted hands together. "It was hard work getting pass the mental barrier, but I finally succeeded, and then they came flowing out like water down a stream."

Zanik arched a tan brow as he gazed down at the naked prince and the floating spheres. "What is happening here? What are these spheres?"

Zucha turned back to the young soldier smiling happily. "These floating circles are Prince Vegeta's memories." He pushed one back as it tried to escape the small force field that he placed around them as they came pouring out of the prince's broken mind.

"And what are you doing with them?" he demanded not liking the sparkling eyes of his prince or old friend.

Zeric smiled as he gazed at the silver ball that held a picture of a beautiful blue-hair female. She was obviously the mother of the child that they had taken hostage to gain Vegeta's attention. "He's erasing them."

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End Chapter 3. Created [09/25/01] and Finished [10/03/01]. Okay, well, that was weird. I had planed to have this story move one way, but once again the story has decided to mark it's own path. I'll guess I'll follow it--for the time being. Are you starting to understand why I named this fanfic, its name? Well, for next time: Saiyajin Prince…No More?! Now, onto the fun part. Give me all you can by the ways of: flames, critiques, comments, and questions. You can send them to me at pmchivas@hotmail.com or alternatively leave me a message in the guestbook. Dark Shadow Princess.

Lunatic's Ravings:

Burrak--Why didn't Zanik use this sealed demon on the Theoric? First of all I would like to say, that I didn't plan to have any demon in this story. He sort of wormed his evil way in. And second Burrak is too powerful to control at long stretches of time. All will be explained in the upcoming chapters. Please stay with me, half the time I know what I'm doing.

Dende--Is a healer, not a fighter. And all Mr. Popo does is stand around with his hands in permanent Home Alone scream mode saying, "Oh my, Kami-sama." Remember Piccolo is the fighter, and now protects Dende. He left to see what the ruckus was about in the city. I'll explain the thing with Dende further if you need, just e-mail me.