Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Forgotten ❯ One Stormy Night ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
This fic is based off of 'Beauty and the Beast' the disney movie. Of course, the characters belong to Akira Toriyama. The story itself belongs to me.

The Forgotten
Part One
By Maria Cline

Once upon a time in a land far away... A noble lived with her family. She was beautiful and they say that her brilliant mind was far greater than her beauty. However, she was vain about her looks and brains and rarely cared for anyone else.

One night, during a party, an old woman came asking for shelter. She only offered a rose for a night. The woman scoffed and laughed at the old woman and immediately tossed her out into the cold. The old woman was mad and placed a curse on the woman and everyone in the castle. She transformed the vain woman into a snake creature and everyone else into innanimate objects and animals. She also made it so everyone else outside the castle would forget about the cursed ones in their lives.

There was one small hope for the cursed ones and their loved ones, who had forgotten them. If a man falls in love with the beast for the woman inside, then the curse shall be broken and everyone shall be freed.


"I know that that town is around here somewhere." A man muttered as he looked at the map. His name was Vegita Saiyan. Vegita was a somewhat short man with flame like hair and dark eyes. While he may be short, he was one of the most strongest fighters known.

He and his betrothed, Chi Chi, had been treasure hunting to help pay for the wedding and to help her father. The two were paired together by their fathers for political reasons and that they would make strong grandchildren. They rode side by side arguing where to go.

"I told you we should ask for directions." Chi Chi chided as she looked at the map and then around her. "It's getting dark."

"We can handle the dark." Vegita growled. As if on cue, thunder rumbled through the air and clouds gathered over head.

"We can't handle a storm... we need shelter." Chi Chi said as she urged her steed to go faster.

"Fine..." Vegita and Chi Chi galloped down the forest path looking for a small cabin or a cave. Suddenly a road appeared before them. Confused by the appearance of a new road, the two warriors followed it to a grandiose castle. It was huge, with a strange garden in front that had one half bare and lifeless while the other half was filled with roses.

"Finally, some shelter." Vegita said as rain started to come down. They dismounted from their horses, but before they could tie them up, their horses started spooking and ran away before either of the warriors could catch them.

"What was wrong with them?" Chi Chi asked, "They were spooked of this place."

"Who knows." Vegita said as his clothes became wet and his hair started to limp down from the rain.

"Hurry!" Chi Chi and Vegita went up to the door and Vegita banged on the door.

"Hey! Open the door now!"

The huge door opened and the two entered the place. It was beautiful with many lights with hallways lined with paintings. The strangest thing was that there were empty frames where mirrors should be.

"What is this place?" Chi Chi wondered as she wiped her hair. "I've never heard of a castle in this part of the kingdom." Sounds of tiny feet came to her ears. "Who's there?" Chi Chi demanded as she turned around and the tiny sounds stopped.

"Hmmm..." Vegita growled as he got out his sword. "This could be a trap." He warned as he drew out his blade. His warrior instincts told him that they weren't alone. "Whoever is out there, show yourself!"


A small figure hid in the shadows. After what felt like an eternity, Chi Chi had finally showed up. But she changed somehow; she was dressed in armor and had the weapons when she used before she gave up fighting to take care of Gohan. She was more muscular and her hair was cut short to her shoulders. "Chi Chi." He cried out.

Vegita and Chi Chi looked around to hear a high pitch voice. "Where are you?" Vegita bellowed. "Show yourself, coward!"

The figure watched the two. He could just hide in the shadows and wait for them to leave, but, he was curious about why Vegita, the Saiyan Prince would be with Chi Chi. Finally, he came out and called out. "Here I am!"

The two didn't look down at him. They just looked around. The figure growled as he jumped and screamed, "DOWN HERE!!!"

Vegita and Chi Chi looked down to see a six-inch-tall toy soldier waving his arms. He was dressed in a bright red soldier's uniform with painted peach skin and red circles for cheeks. His eyes were wide and dark. He looked like a normal toy, except that he was talking and moving like a real man.

"You... can talk?!" Chi Chi exclaimed as she knelt down to look at the tiny soldier closer.

"Of course I can talk." The soldier insisted as he crossed his arms and pouted. **Oh man... she's huge. Way taller than I remembered.** He thought as he craned his head upward to the much taller woman.

"I'm sorry..." Chi Chi whispered as she blushed. "I... didn't mean to insult you... it's just that I've never heard of a talking walking toy like you before."

The tin soldier frowned and laughed good-heartedly. "That's okay... I'm one of a kind."

"What's your name?" Chi Chi asked.

"My name?" The soldier asked, almost insulted, and then he slapped himself on the head. "Oh! My name. It's Goku. I help protect this castle. I'm a fighter." He grinned and looked up at the two again.

Chi Chi and Vegita looked down at the toy and then smirked. He was only six inches tall and yet he was supposed to protect this castle. "If this... toy is the protector of this castle, then this place is vulnerable to attack." Vegita grumbled.

Goku clenched his fists and glared upward at the man. He didn't like Vegita. Why was Vegita here with Chi Chi? Was he her bodyguard? He doubted it. He had known Vegita before the curse and the Vegita he knew would never be a princess' bodyguard.

"Vegita!" Chi Chi screamed as she slapped her fiance. "I'm sorry, Goku. Vegita's not bad, he just has a big mouth."

"That's okay." Goku scratched his head slightly.

Chi Chi gave the soldier her hand and said, "I'm Princess Chi Chi, Daughter of Ox-King and Heir to the Fire Kingdom. But you can just call me Chi Chi."

Goku frowned but took her finger and shook it. Chi Chi didn't recognize him at all. He knew who she and Vegita were but how can he reveal who he was? "Pleasure to meet you."

Vegita grunted as he knelt down and gave him his hand. "And I am Prince Vegita of the Saiyan Kingdom, the greatest warrior in the known world."

Goku let go of Chi Chi's finger and shook Vegita's finger. He almost wanted to break it. He was the greatest warrior in the known world, not Vegita. He had beaten Vegita in duels before. Vegita was one of his good friends and great rivals, but, the warrior obviously forgotten about him and he couldn't be mad at Vegita for that. "Pleasure to meet you, Vegita." He said calmly. "So... why are you two together?" He looked up at Chi Chi and asked, "Is he your bodyguard?"

"No..." Chi Chi blushed brightly as she shook her head.

"She's my fiance." Vegita proclaimed as he took Chi Chi's hand.

"Oh..." Goku looked down, almost in despair. **Chi Chi's getting married to him... I can't blame her... she doesn't even remember getting married. Can't get mad.** "Okay!" Goku grinned falsely as he moved toward the door. "Follow me and you can get some grub."

"Are there more like you here?" Chi Chi asked as she and Vegita followed the tiny toy. "Or do you live here by yourself?"

"Oh no. There's more that live here." Goku explained, "You just don't see them yet. I have to warn you... the Mistress who lives here don't like company, especially pretty women like you, Chi Chi. So just don't look for her; she prefers to keep to herself."

"Oh." Chi Chi and Vegita nodded once. This place was getting stranger and stranger. Goku moved fast on his little legs as they went down the hallways. The hallways were dark, almost depressing in the dim light. Vegita looked to the side to see that the shadows moved, like their only source of light was moving with them.

"Here it is." Goku said as he opened the door and revealed a bright room. Unlike the other rooms, it was brightly lit with candles and had a vast spread of food ready for them. "We... always have food ready in case guests decide to stop by." He explained. "Go ahead! Sit down and rest. I bet you two had a hard journey."

"Hmmm... we are hungry and... it does look good." Chi Chi went up to the table. It was filled with a vast assortment of fruits, vegitables, steaks, mashed potatoes, noodles, and even eggrolls.

"We are... hungry." Vegita said as he pulled Chi Chi's chair and then pulled one for himself. He looked around as plates and silverwere came up and landed in front of the two. "Err... can we have something to drink please?"

"Come on, guys!" A candle holder said as he moved his 'arms'. "You forgot the drinks!"

Chi Chi and Vegita gawked as the candleholder turned to them and asked, "Would you like some wine or tea? Or anything like that?"

"You... can talk?" Chi Chi asked stunned.

"Of course, I can talk." The candle holder glared at Goku who was climbing up the chair to stand on the table. "Anyway... my name is Yamcha and you can eat. When you're done just tell me and we'll lead you to our spare rooms."

Chi Chi and Vegita glanced at each other and only nodded. "Okay... thank you."

"Just stay here only as long as needed." Yamcha advised, "And don't make too much noise. We don't want to get the Mistress mad at us." He shuddered and his flames flickered.

"Okay. Well... Goku, that toy soldier, warned us about her. Who is she? And why would she not want to see anyone?" Chi Chi asked as she started loading food onto her plate.

"It's best that you don't know." Goku said as he sat on the table.

Yamcha sighed as he hopped to Goku. "Goku, can I talk to you? Alone?" He pointed to the far end of the table.

"Sure." Goku nodded and the two made their way to the far end of the table as their guests kept on eating.

As soon as they made it to the other side, Yamcha's main flame flared up and he asked in a hushed tone, "What's the deal, Goku?! You know how Bulma hates guests! Especially nice-looking human women!"

"I know... I know... but..." Goku gazed at Chi Chi and sighed, "I wasn't thinking. It's just..." He sighed deeply.

Yamcha relaxed and his flames dimmed slightly. "You still miss her. Don't you?"

"She's my wife." Goku reminded, "I love her."

"She doesn't even know you exist." Yamcha said as he crossed his arms. "No one outside of this castle know we exist until this damn curse is broken." Yamcha said as he stared at the two. "I know it hurts... I missed Puar but... we can't risk their lives."

"They were out in the storm. I couldn't let Chi Chi get soaked." Goku said as he stared at his wife. "And Gohan missed her so much too..."

Yamcha nodded as he watched the two. Before the curse, he would pat Goku on the back, but now, touching anyone could burn them. Even Goku, with his tin body, would melt at his touch. "I understand... but... Goku... right now... she's gone."

Goku just sighed as he sat and put his head on his hands. "At least... she's okay now." He smiled softly.

Yamcha sighed as he rolled his eyes. "Oh man..."


Vegita and Chi Chi ate at super speed as they piled food onto their plate.

Chi Chi finished first and wiped her lips with a napkin. "That was delicious. May I have some wine please?" She asked.

A wine bucket came up with two bottles of chilled wine in it. "Thank you." Chi Chi said as she picked up a bottle of red wine.

"This place in amazing. Walking and talking objects, mysterious reclusive people, and in a place I've never heard of before!" Vegita exclaimed as he rubbed his full stomach.

"I know... that Goku is so sweet." Chi Chi commented, "He must've been the one to let us in."

"Perhaps, but I don't believe that a pint size toy like that could defend a huge castle like this." Vegita said as he smirked.

"Maybe he has a army with him. He is a toy soldier after all." Chi Chi commented as she looked down the table to see the candleholder and the toy talking. She didn't know why but she had the strangest feeling she had seen him before. She shook her head and she laughed to herself. How could she know a six-inch tin soldier? If she had she would've remembered him very well. "So... shall we stay for the night?" Chi Chi asked as she sipped some wine. "We can't go out into the rain tonight."

"Very well... we can stay... besides, maybe tonight we can work on our little problem." Vegita grunted.

"Tonight? In a stranger's castle?" Chi Chi asked as she wimpered slightly. "I don't know."

"Bah! We have to work on our problems if we ever want to have kids! Whoever heard of a couple of royal warriors who can't have sex?!" Vegita boomed as he slammed his fist into the table. All of the objects stopped their activities and stared at the two.

"Oh boy." Goku said as he and Yamcha sweatdropped.

Chi Chi blushed as she remembered that they weren't quite alone.

Vegita grumbled, "Let's just go to our room. Hey, Candle holder!"

Yamcha and Goku gulped as they heard the two. "I'll go and take care of Chi Chi and Vegita. You can go and maybe... have Gohan see Chi Chi one more time." Yamcha suggested.

Goku beamed as he hugged Yamcha while avoiding his three flames. "Thanks, Yamcha!" He ran and leapt off of the table.

Yamcha sighed as he hopped down the table and came up to Vegita. "So... are you two ready for bed?" He asked casually.

"Yes, please." Chi Chi said as she kept on blushing. "Ummm... Yamcha? Did Goku overhear our little problem?"

"Well... kinda." Yamcha said as his main flame turned red. "Why?"

"It's just... embarrasing... to me." Chi Chi whispered as she looked down.

Yamcha smiled slightly. Was it possible that Chi Chi still have some feelings for Goku despite the curse? Maybe, she and Vegita weren't as close as he thought. "That's okay. Goku's an understanding guy. Now... let me show you to the rooms." Yamcha looked down and asked, "Could you carry me? I don't move as fast as Goku."

"Ohhh... okay." Chi Chi said as she picked up the candle holder in one hand. Her grip was gentle since she didn't want to think that she was hurting the object.

"Hey... it's okay. I'm a candle holder. I'm made to be carried around." Yamcha insisted as he laughed.

"Let me!" Vegita said as he yanked the candle holder away from the woman and held it. "They're objects. Enchanted objects but objects nonetheless! Now, lead us to our room."

"Okay, Vegita." Yamcha said as he gestured, "It's this way."

"Okay..." Chi Chi said as she and Vegita walked up the long stairs and down the long hallway.

"Now, put me down." The candleholder instructed. After Chi Chi followed his orders, the candleholder hopped to a series of doors. "These are the guest rooms. Just stay in one of these rooms, sleep, and you can leave tomorrow after the storm passes. There's a bathroom over there and.. oh, and don't go to that room at the end of the hallway." The candleholder said as he pointed to a set of doors that was at the end of the hallway. It was grander and had a set of door handles. "That's where the mistress lives and she doesn't want anyone to see her."

"Why not? We are her guests." Vegita said almost insulted that someone didn't want to see him.

The candleholder just sighed and shook his 'head'. "Trust me on this. You don't want to do it. Just leave in the morning and you will be fine." He hopped away. "If you need anything, just whisper. Someone will hear you." He called out.

"What a peculiar place." Vegita muttered as he opened the door to the room. "Let's get some rest."


Moans and groans came out of the bedroom and all of the curious objects leaned their heads against the door to listen, except for Yamcha who had to keep his distance to stop himself from accidentally starting a fire at the door.

Suddenly, Chi Chi screamed, "I feel sick!"

The objects rushed to the side as the door flung open and a naked woman dashed out and went through the door on the other side where the bathroom was.

"Chi Chi!" Goku screamed as he ran to the door and knocked. "Chi Chi?"

"She's fine." Vegita said as he came out dressed in nothing but a sheet. "She always react like that when we try to mate."

"She throws up? Why? Chi Chi... Chi Chi's not the type to throw up." Goku insisted as he frowned.

"She does. Every time. It's irritating but we will solve this problem." Vegita sighed, "Right now, just leave her alone. She gets angry if you see her upset and naked. I'm going to bed." The prince strolled back into his room and slammed the door.

"Oh boy." Yamcha muttered as he sweatdropped. "That was weird."

"I'm glad Gohan's not here to see this." Goku said as he sighed.

Suddenly, the bell rang and the objects looked up and gulped. "Oh no." Yamcha muttered.

"I'll get it." Goku offered as he went to the box and opened it. Inside was a small speaker like many others that were placed all over the castle. "Hello?"

"Goku, I need to s-speak to you... NOW!!!" A woman hissed.

"Oh boy." Goku said as he gulped and closed the box. "She's mad."

"Was that your 'misteress'?" Vegita asked as he opened the door and looked at the objects.

Goku nodded. "Yeah. That's her. She's mad but once I talk to her... maybe she will understand."

Yamcha frowned at the man. "Are you sure?"

"Not really." Goku grinned as he went to the Mistress's door and it opened.

The toy soldier took a deep breath and walked in.

A tall woman stood with her back to him as she stared at a monitor. "I s-s-saw them, Goku." She hissed as looked over her shoulder. "Why did you bring them in? I hate visitors!"

"But, it was raining and they had no one else to go to." Goku replied, "And one of them is Chi Chi. Don't you remember her? She's my wife."

"Was your wife." The woman corrected. "You lost her when this damn curse happened."

"Bulma, we can't ignore them." Goku said as he climbed onto a chair and sat down. "You can't shut yourself away from humanity, if you do, we'll never get back to normal and Chi Chi will never remember me and Gohan."

Bulma stared at the monitor as she fingered an empty glass of wine. She hated looking like a monster. "I see...are they aware that I do not wish to be seen?"

"Yes. Yamcha and I made it very clear." Goku confirmed.

"And they don't know this place is cursed?"

"Chi Chi and Vegita don't know. They think that this place is just filled with odd enchanted objects." Goku said, "This is just for one night. In the morning they will leave."

"Just one night." Bulma repeated, "Then, they leave and never come back. Got it?" She glared at the smaller man.

"Just one night." Goku promised, "And you will never see them again."

"Good." Bulma nodded, "Now... leave!"

"Yes, Bulma. Thanks!" Goku bowed and walked out of the room.

"Damn it... Goku... why must you be so damn hopeful?" Bulma growled as she snatched the glass into her hand and flung it to the wall. I exploded into a million glass pieces.


Chi Chi wept as she held on to the toliet just in case she threw up again. "I have to beat it." She repeated as tear drops fell into the bowl.

"Chi Chi?" A voice asked as the door opened slightly. Chi Chi looked up to see what looked like a pile of clothes coming through the door.

"Goku?" Chi Chi asked as she picked up a bathrobe and slipped it on.

"Yeah!" Goku grunted as he climbed out of the pile of clothes and looked down in respect for Chi Chi's privacy. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay." Chi Chi said as she knelt down to pick through the pile for something that would cover more of her body than a bathrobe. Goku turned around and fought every urge to see his wife. Chi Chi wouldn't like it if a strange toy were staring at her.

"Are you sure?" Goku asked as he crossed his arms. "You were crying. Did Vegita... force himself on you?"

"No! No!" Chi Chi shook her head as she pulled on a long night shirt. It wasn't a set of armor but it did cover her. "Vegita didn't do that to me... it was my fault. He stopped when he recognized that I was getting too uncomfortable. I can't have sex. You can look now."

Goku turned to see that Chi Chi was dressed in a long night shirt and long bathrobe. "Why not?" Goku asked concerned as he craned his head upward.

"I... I just can't." Chi Chi whispered as tears came down her face. "It is my duty to marry Vegita and have lots of strong kids. I have to fight this problem for our kingdoms!"

Goku's jaw dropped. Chi Chi was acting as if her idea of marriage was an act of duty instead of an act of love. How much could Chi Chi have changed without the existence of her family? "Chi Chi, don't you even love Vegita?"

"Of course I like Vegita! He's strong. He's passionate. He's brilliant. He's respectful to me. And he's a prince!" Chi Chi ranted, "He's the perfect husband!"

"But do you love him?" Goku repeated as Chi Chi sat down.

"I..." Chi Chi's eyes watered up. "What does love have to do with marriage?! If I wasn't a princess, I would wait for love. But, I can't wait! It's my duty to marry Vegita and to have children." She bowed her head and wept. "But... how can I do that if I can't even have a simple makeout session without throwing up? I'm a failure. If I don't win over this, I'll fail my father and my kingdom."

Goku went over and patted her on the knee. "Chi Chi, you're no failure. Vegita does seem like an okay guy and he does have the qualifications to be a good husband... but... maybe he wasn't right for you. Maybe, there's someone out there for you." Goku sighed deeply as he thought, **Like me. Oh Chi Chi...**

"I don't think so." Chi Chi turned her head. She smiled at the toy and said, "I... need to be alone for a while. Thank you for the clothes and for listening to me."

"Hey... that's okay." Goku grinned as he patted her hand. "I may be a toy soldier, but I can listen. Just don't think that you're a failure because you can't do it with Vegita." He smiled confidently, "I think that you would make a great mom and a great wife. I'll get you another room to sleep in tonight. Okay?"

"Okay." Chi Chi smiled again at the small man. Goku was incredibly sweet for an enchanted object. "I'll just stay here for a while though... clear my head."

"Sure... need something to eat before going to bed?" Goku asked as he looked at the toilet. "Or something to drink?"

"Some water would be nice." Chi Chi whispered.

"Okay. I'll have some waiting for you." Goku said as he gazed at her and finally walked out the door.


Chi Chi peeked her head through the bathroom's door to see that most of the objects had left, leaving only Yamcha the candle holder behind.

Yamcha looked up at her and asked, "Hey... you okay?"

"I'm fine." Chi Chi replied as she crossed her arms. "Goku gave me some clothes." She frowned and asked, "Whose are these?"

"Oh... just some stuff that was lying around." Yamcha replied vaguely. **That happened to be Chi Chi's before she left.** He thought. "So, ready to sleep?"

"I guess." Chi Chi whispered as she nodded.

"Good. This way." Yamcha said as he hopped to another door just two doors away from Vegita's room. "There you go. There's a glass of water waiting for you inside. I'd give you one myself... but I don't like water that much." Yamcha laughed as he held out his flaming hands. "Not good for the fire."

"I understand." Chi Chi smiled as she entered her room.


Vegita sighed as he lay on his back and watched the ceiling. "Damn woman... can't she hold her stomach?" Vegita growled frusterated.

"Hey, can't she help it that she gets sick while having sex?" A female voice asked as the warrior jumped.

"Who's there?"

A tall dresser moved forward and said, "Right here."

Vegita's eyes bulged almost out of his sockets as he gawked. "DOES EVERYTHING HAVE A MIND OF ITS OWN?! WHAT ARE YOU?"

"Not really..." The dresser replied in a monotone voice. "My name is Eighteen."

Vegita sweatdropped and asked, "Your name is a number?"

"Can't I help it if the one who created me is dull?" The dresser asked as she tilted slightly.

"Wait... you can see us right?" Vegita asked again.

"I closed my eyes while you two were trying to do it." Eighteen replied as it turned slightly. "I may be a piece of furniture, but I didn't want to risk getting sick."

Vegita growled as his body tensed. This place was amazing, but incredibly unpredictable. The only other human that he knew in this place was Chi Chi. Everything else was some object that could walk and talk and that made him edgy. "That's it! I'm out of here!" Vegita boomed as he marched out of the room and slammed the door behind him.


"Okay, son, now your mother will be here for only one night and she won't recognize you and we can't tell her who we really are. So, don't tell them about the curse. Okay?" Goku warned as he gently stroked his son's head. He wasn't sure if he should have Gohan see Chi Chi one more time but Gohan missed his mother dearly and he is slowly forgetting who his mother was. Chi Chi and Vegita will be here for only one night and then they would be gone for a long time, maybe even forever.

Gohan just nodded as he gazed up at his father. "So, I can't call her 'Mommy'?"

Goku shook his head as he gently wrapped his arms around Gohan's neck. "No... Gohan. You can't. Don't hate her for not recognizing you. It was the curse, not her that's responsible."

"I know..." Gohan whispered as they made their way to Chi Chi's bedroom.

Goku gently scratched behind Gohan's ear like he liked to. **Gohan didn't deserve to be like this.** Goku thought mournfully as he knocked on the door. "Chi Chi?" He called out, "May we come in?"

Chi Chi opened the door, looked out, and then looked down to see Goku standing next to a black kitten who was almost as tall as he. "Hello, Goku." She said as she knelt down.

"Hi, Chi Chi, did we disturb you?" Goku asked as he looked up at the woman. Chi Chi's hair was messed up and she looked tired with dark circles under her eyes.

"Not really." Chi Chi confessed as she reached over and pet the kitten. "And who's this?"

"I'm Gohan." Gohan introduced himself as he purred at his mother's touch.

Chi Chi's jaw dropped as she momentarily stopped stroking. Why did that name sound so familiar? She shook her head and asked, "Can you talk as well? Of course you can talk. Silly me." She smiled as she picked up the kitten and held him in her arms. "Goku, what is a tiny kitten like Gohan doing in a place like this?"

"I live here." Gohan exclaimed as he purred louder.

"I can't say how he got here but he's here." Goku said as he watched his son and his wife together for the first time in what felt like forever.

"He's adorable." Chi Chi cooed as she scratched Gohan's ear.

Gohan didn't say anything, just rubbed his head along his mother's hand.

"He really likes you." Goku said as he just watched the two getting along so well. He smiled at the warm reunion, but couldn't help being sad about the fact that this might be the last time Gohan would ever see Chi Chi again.

"You really think so?" Chi Chi wondered.

"You bet! You pet good!" Gohan gushed as he started to bury his face into his mother's hand.

Chi Chi couldn't help but smile at the kitten. He sounded like a five year old child and probably is one in cat years. "Thank you." She whispered. She yawned slightly as she stretched.

"Are you okay?" Gohan asked as he looked up.

Chi Chi nodded. "I'm okay..."

"Maybe you should get some sleep." Goku suggested as Chi Chi yawned again.

"I can't. I... don't sleep much." Chi Chi confessed as she stroked Gohan again. "I'm a light sleeper."

Goku frowned deeply. Since when was Chi Chi a light sleeper? The Chi Chi he knew often slept on a tight schedule. Early to bed and early to rise was her motto. "Really?"

"Yeah." Chi Chi nodded. "I haven't slept much in the past two years. I don't know why."

Goku's jaw slacked slightly. It had been two years since the cursed had been placed. Could it be that Chi Chi was disturbed by the curse more deeply than Goku and Gohan could even dream? "Did you try warm milk?" Goku asked.

"I tried everything. I just don't sleep." Chi Chi sighed.

Suddenly, Vegita slammed the door and stomped out. "Chi Chi!" He screamed, "We're going to see that Mistress!"

"What?!" Goku and Gohan screamed at the same time.

"You can't!" Goku exclaimed as he ran up to Vegita. "She'll kill you!"

Vegita scoffed as he sent a kick at Goku. Goku dodged the kick. "I'm the greatest fighter known! I am the Prince of Saiyans! I can handle any female!"

"But... the Mistress is different!" Gohan squealed, "She has a mean temper!"

"Bah!" Vegita growled as Goku latched himself onto his ankle.

"Don't do it! You'll be in way over your head!" Goku pleaded as Vegita tried to shake him off.

Vegita grabbed the toy, yanked him off and held him in his hands. "I'll do as I please." He snarled as he flung the toy in to a nearby wall. Goku slammed against the wall hard and landed on his face.

"Ouch." Goku grunted as he looked up to see Vegita marching down the hall. "Guys! Stop Vegita!"

"Hold it!" Yamcha warned as he hopped in front of the prince and held out hands. His flames lit up all around him. "This is as far as you go."

Vegita had a feeling the candle holder would try something like this. He reached over to a nearby shelf and took a vase filled with roses. He snatched up the roses and flung the water out of the vase.

Yamcha screamed as he dodged the water. Vegita ran and jumped over the candle holder. "Vegita! Stop!" Chi Chi screamed as she ran after him.

"Oh no..." Yamcha moaned as he turned around to see the two humans ran off. "Goku! Chi Chi's going too!"

"Ohhh... man!!!" Goku screamed as he looked at Gohan. "Gohan, stay here. Daddy's gotta go and save your Mom." He ran after the two.

Vegita's heart raced as he ran down the hallway, jumping over the obstacles at super speed. Chi Chi followed closely behind. "Vegita! Wait!" She screamed as tears ran down her face.

"I have to know the truth!" Vegita boomed as he stopped at the door and flung the it wide open. Chi Chi slammed into him and the two fell onto the floor.

In the darkness, with only a monitor to give off any light, a woman turned around and her eyes lit up a bright yellow. In the siloette of the shadows, the two warriors saw what looked like snakes coming out of her head and waving around while faint hissing sounds echoed in the room. Chi Chi's heart pounded as the figure came closer. Her skin was dark, like a midnight blue, and her bright yellow eyes were slitted like a cat's.

"You... dare... to defy my orders?" She hissed as she came closer. In the hallway's light, they could see a tall snake creature standing in the room dressed in a long robe. "I will kill you!" She screamed as she flung off her long robe to reveal a long black dress with long fingerless gloves. "Die!!!" She lunged at the two.

Vegita and Chi Chi rolled to the side. "I just wanted to know why these objects have minds of their own! But, if you want a fight... you will get one!" Vegita boomed as he took his sword and held it close to him.

Chi Chi nodded as she stood by him. "We mean you no harm."

"Then, why did you come?" The creature asked as she tilted her head and her snakes waved around her like a shield.

"I wanted to meet you." Vegita said as he stared at the creature. She was frightening, yet she seemed slightly nervous. Was she hiding something? He wanted to attack her and kill her but that didn't seem appropriate for some reason.

"You saw my face, I will kill you for that." The creature said as she felt her scalely face. "I'm not... pretty."

"And so you will kill us just because we noticed that you have scales?" Vegita laughed. "That's pathetic."


The objects watched the three from the doorway interested. "Look at that... Vegita's... laughing at her." Goku muttered as he pondered getting in or not. "He must be either very brave... or very stupid."

"Maybe... maybe..." Yamcha whispered as he lit up brightly, "Maybe Vegita can get together with Bulma and break this curse."

The others just looked at the candleholder. Eighteen, from the back, asked, "Have your brains turned to wax? That man is egotistical, foolish, sex hungry, and loves to fight."

"So? He's a guy. And some guy must fall for Bulma." Yamcha pointed out. "Any other man would just run away but not Vegita. Besides, Goku doesn't want Vegita to marry Chi Chi..."

"Vegita and Bulma." Goku sighed as he frowned, "It's a long shot... but what else do we have? I don't want to be six inches tall forever."


The creature glared at Vegita. "I'll kill you for that remark."

"Just for laughing at you?" Vegita chided, "You don't have that much confidence in yourself. Do you, woman?"

The creature stepped back in shock. "What did you call me?" She was expecting some 'monster' nickname or something about 'snake' but 'woman'?

"Woman. You are a female correct? I can tell by that dress and that bust of yours." Vegita smirked.

Chi Chi sighed as she closed her eyes. Here they are, two powerful royal warriors, threatened by a snake woman, and Vegita is making comments about her bust. "Vegita! Don't insult her like that!"

"Why not just keep them prisioner?" Goku suggested as he came in. "I mean... they're here anyway... and it would be kinda cool to have some company for a change."

Bulma narrowed her eyes at the two and nodded. "Okay... I won't kill them, now. You two may stay in this castle and the grounds, but no farther. If you try to escape I will destroy you and your families." She turned around and waved her hand. "Go and rest. My servants will get some more clothes for you two. We have plenty here. Don't bother me again."

"Thank you." Chi Chi said as she bowed. She smiled at Goku for the rescue and then saw Vegita was glaring at the soldier. "Say thank you to our captor, Vegita." Chi Chi said as she pinched his ear.

"Thanks." Vegita grumbled as he stomped out. Chi Chi followed him out.

She looked down at Goku, who beamed at her, she whispered, "Thank you, Goku."

Goku grinned as he did a thumbs up. He was happy to save Chi Chi and to see her smile like that to him. It was as if she remembered all the times he'd saved her life. Yet, he knew that wasn't the case.

Vegita and Chi Chi walked down the hallway and the kitten bounded to them. "You're okay!" Gohan squeaked as he landed at Chi Chi's feet.

"Yes, and I'll be staying for a while." Chi Chi sighed as she stroked the kitten's fur. She should be depressed that she couldn't go home any time soon, yet, it felt right somehow. Maybe she needed this 'capture' to think things through about Vegita.

"Oh boy! I'm so happy!" Gohan purred and Chi Chi giggled at his antics.

Vegita was still pouting from his 'rescue'. How dare that toy try to save the Prince of Saiyans. He was the greatest warrior known and he was rescued by a tin soldier. That had wounded his pride more than any battle would on his body. "I'll get that Goku for this." He growled.

To Be Continued...