Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Side of a Saiyan ❯ CHAPTER 3 SCHOOL AND TRUNKS? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A-N: HUGE THANKS to Panny for being the very FIRST reviewer for this story you should read her story it is a good one.
You've got to be kidding
Here is her summary cuz I suck at them
Pan was just an ordinary girl....she never thought her parents were keeping a secret from her. They were always honest with each other. Then she finds out something that will change her life forever. *Chapter 20 is up* *~*
Oh yeah thanks again to my friend scott, he got me started on redoing all these chapters and then once that's done I WILL be continuing on with this story!
Disclaimer: I don't own DB/Z/GT so Nah Nah na you can't sue me cuz you won't get much any ways
"This is speaking"
'Thoughts to self'
Bond speaking
Both English and saiyan

Last time:
Hannah woke up early the next morning and changed into her lavender and lime green gi. She grabbed a glass of orange drink and head outside for some wake up stretches. She began warm-ups and then began to seriously train. It began with a series of punches and kicks but got more complicated. Combos of punches, kicks, dodging, flips, mini ki blasts, and other fighting tricks. She preformed all this in Super Saiyan form and at break neck speed. Hannie how long have you trained? Hannah jumped Vegeta had scared her. Vegeta stood beside his niece almost looking eye to eye with her.
I don't know, since I was very little with my mom, dad, and Adam. Anyone who would help me.
What happened to your father?
Vegeta asked, he had never met the twin's father.
He was sent to a planet and never returned. That is when we started having to hide from Frieza. Hannah replied while looking down at the ground.
Girls weren't allowed to train before I left though my sister did every time she had a chance. Father was tweaked when he caught her. Vegeta said but left off. Out of nowhere a bright yellow flash surrounded the two saiyans. A yellow and white object landed in front of them. A purple haired something stepped out of the object.

Author’s point of view
Hannah quickly was in a fighting stance and was about to attack when Vegeta suddenly recognized the purple haired something. He realized it was not a thing but actually as his own brat, Trunks. In fact their stood an older Trunks dressed in a yellow gi with a blue undershirt. His purple locks were parted in the middle and hung down on to his face in a cute manner.
"Brat what are you doing here?" Vegeta asked in a slightly annoyed and slightly curious tone. Hannah still was crouched in her fighting stance wondering what the hell was going on.
"My time line is ruined." Trunks started in a sad voice.
"I must warn you NEVER give Gohan evil lessons. He will become so evil that he kills everyone mom, Bra, Pan, Goten, you and everyone else." Trunks finished with a tear sliding down his face at the memories of his past.
"Who are Bra and Pan brat?" Vegeta raised an eyebrow expecting an answer.
"Pan is Gohan's and Videl's daughter and Bra is your daughter who will be born soon." Trunks stated as he looked around the non destroyed time line. His eyes land on Hannah and he became quite curious about this new girl.
"Dad who is that girl next to you, she wasn’t here last time?" Vegeta looks over at Hannah and smirked. Hannah looked up her Uncle hoping for some type of explanation, but still didn't get one.
"That is my niece Hannah, she is not related to you so don't ask." Vegeta claimed as he stood and looked his brat over. (A/N: In saiyan families cousin don't exist so Trunks, Hannah and Adam are not related. I know I made that up so sorry but it is MY world so I can do that so please no whining about it!)
"Hi I'm Trunks how old are you?" Trunks stated not thinking that Hannah wouldn't know what the hell he had just said. Hannah looked at Trunks confusedly.
"Brat she only speaks saiyan don't be a third class baka." Vegeta said, angered that is son was acting like the baka Kakkarot.
Hi I'm Trunks, I'm 13 and I'm from another time line. Where are you from and how old are you? Hannah smiled and almost laughed. She stood from her fighting stance and shook tails with him, an old saiyan custom.
I'm Hannah and I'm 13. I'm from our old home planet Vegeta-sei. Nice to meet you. Hannah said politely in saiyan.
How long have you been here with my father? Trunks asked curiously, wondering why Hannah had never come to his time line.
About 3 days I think. How long are you going to stay Trunks? Hannah was a bit confused, why was this Trunks kid here and who was he?
I hate to interrupt you brats, but brat wouldn't the women like to know you're here? Vegeta asked crossing his arms over his chest as he did.
Yeah dad ok, bye Hannah. Vegeta noticed the looks on their faces and decided not to comment.
Hannie, time for breakfast wake your brother.
(AI know I have a lot of notes but if you can't see Vegeta has taking an huge liking to Hannah also little Trunks will be called "LIL" Trunks.)
Uncle Vegeta, who is that boy? Hannah asked tapping him on the shoulder.
That would be my son Trunks as a Teenager. Vegeta explained to his niece. Hannah walked inside deciding on being slightly confused.
Woman our brat is home. Vegeta said quietly in his mate's mind.
No duh Vegeta, he is up in his room sleeping. Bulma replied quite amused.
NO, our other brat is home.
Mira Trunks?
Bulma asked happily.
Yeah woman. Vegeta replied as he ended the link. Hannah had finally decided on the best way to wake her brother.
Adam FOOD! Hannah exclaimed loudly in her brother's mid.
I'm up Hannah I'm up. A yawning and tired Adam answered.
Downstairs at the table everyone was being served eggs and toast in saiyan sizes.
"I'm so glad you're here Trunks it means I can send Adam and Hannah to school and you could be their translator." Bulma stated happily as she tried her hardest not to burn the eggs and bacon she was cooking.
"WHAT?!? BUT MOM I DON'T WANT TO GO!" Trunks yelled with eggs flying out his mouth.
"Brat you are prince eat like one." Vegeta huffed out from the other end of the table.
Good morning people, can I have my food? Adam had arrived downstairs finally. He was dressed in his yellow and red gi. He sat down in a chair next his sister.
Who's the purple haired kid? He asked as he eyed Trunks.
That would be Vegeta's son when he's older. Hannah said while taking another mouthful of eggs. LIL Trunks came running into the room.
'Does he always have to be hyper in the morning?' Hannah and Adam both thought silently.
"Big me is here again yippy! I didn't get to meet you last time because I was just a small baby. Everyone said you were really strong though. Can you train me, oh please!" LIL Trunks said all in one breath but was silenced from the glare from his father.
"Trunks it is Sunday in this time line you will start school on Tuesday. LIL Trunks you will be going to school with Goten this year." Bulma stated knowingly to her kids ignoring their protests.

%%1 hour later%%
Vegeta and Adam were sparring, Hannah who was tired from her own fight with Vegeta decided to go up and check on Trunks. He had taken the room next to her room and Adam's. Hannah had yet to see what it looked like though. She knocked on Trunks' door and waited for an answer.
"Who is it?" When Trunks got no answer he opened the door and was face to face with a confused looking Hannah. The music he had on was in saiyan and he had it blaring.
What are you listening to Trunks? Hannah asked with a cute looking confused look on her face.
Linkin Park translated into saiyan. Want to hear, they're very good in my opinion? He put the headphones on Hannah's ears after she nodded.
Linkin Park: In the end
It starts with one thing I don't know why It doesn't even matter how hard you try keep that in mind I designed this rhyme To explain in due time All I know Time is a valuable thing Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings Watch it count down to the end of the day The clock ticks life away It's so unreal Didn't look out below Watch the time go right out the window Trying to hold on, but didn't even know Wasted it all just to watch you go I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I tried so hard And got so far But in the end It doesn't even matter I had to fall To lose it all But in the end It doesn't even matter
One thing, I don't know why It doesn't even matter how hard you try, keep that in mind I designed this rhyme, to explain in due time I tried so hard In spite of the way you were mocking me Acting like I was part of your property Remembering all the times you fought with me I'm surprised it got so (far) Things aren't the way they were before You wouldn't even recognize me anymore Not that you knew me back then But it all comes back to me (in the end) You kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I
I've put my trust in you Pushed as far as I can go and for all this there’s only one thing you should know
I've put my trust in you Pushed as far as I can go and for all this there’s only one thing you should know

(AN: That songs belongs to Linkin park not me I take no credit what so ever)
Did you like the Hannie? Trunks asked after the song was over.
Oh, that was so cool. Hannah said excitedly.
That is one of my favorite groups Hannah. Hannah suddenly felt dizzy like someone and punched her really hard.
ADAM! She yelped and took off towards the gravity room. She felt like she was being pulled and went even faster. In the gravity room Adam was on the floor with a lot of cuts and scrapes, he was bleeding some.
Uncle Vegeta is he ok, what happened? Hannah asked as she let her brother's head rest on her lap.
He will be fine Hannie as soon as he eats a senzu bean Vegeta force a senzu bean down Adams throat. He admitted a yellow glow and then his cuts were gone. Hannah hugged her brother she knew it was weak to show emotions but she didn't care.
Adam are you ok? Hannah asked as Adam sat up.
Yeah just fine Sis. After a couple minutes Vegeta and Trunks began to spar. Hannah sat with her brother in the corner and just watched.
The next morning Hannah got up early yet again and began to train. She suddenly felt 5 semi-familiar ki's coming towards the house. After a few moments of deep concentration she finally realized it was the Son's and Videl. Hannah went to wake up Uncle Vegeta and Aunt Bulma to inform them about the guests. The Sons, Briefs, twins and, Videl enjoyed a huge saiyan size breakfast. They all talked merrily at the table well except for saiyans who were all busy eating. Goku and Vegeta began sparing right after breakfast at full force. Hannah and Adam were shown around C.C. by Trunks. Videl got to meet the twins and Trunks before she went home. The day really wasn't special. So I will skip to the next the beginning of school for the trio of Trunks and the twins.
The next morning was the mark of the beginning of school. Trunks, Hannah and Adam left early enough to fly the whole way. They walked into Orange Star Middle School together. The trio approached the office before the morning rush of student entered the building. Trunks walked up to the secretary, she was an elderly woman with grey hair and thick eye glasses.
"My name is Trunks Briefs my mother enrolled me and Hannah and Adam Vegeta at this school we would like our schedules. We must be in the same classes, I'm there translator." Trunks stated to the older woman.
"Ok its first period go to room 214 and tell Mr. Dew I sent you." The older lady said in a nice and cheery voice before she sent them on their way. The three saiyans walked into the classroom and sat in the back 3 seats trying to avoid the other students.
"Ok class we have three new students. Will you three come up and tell us about yourselves?" The teacher Mr. Dew asked the saiyans. Trunks began to walk to the front and suddenly remembered to translate for Hannah and Adam. Trunks spoke first,
"My name is Trunks Vegeta Briefs. I'm 13 these are my best friends. Oh and yes, I am Bulma's son." Trunks said before he told Hannah it was her turn. Hannah stepped forward a bit and proudly in saiyan spoke.
My name is Hannah Kally Vegeta. I'm 13 like Trunks and I have a twin brother. Trunks' dad is my uncle but Trunks and I aren't related. I live in their house with them because my parents are dead. I am stronger then all of you so leave me alone. Trunks translated it to the class. Some of the class gave Hannah a strange look but let Adam have a go
My name is Adam Raditz Vegeta. Hannah is my twin sister, I'm 13 and I live in Capsule Corp. too. Also I am stronger then all of you so leave me alone… Trunks translated this to the class too earning them more strange looks.
(A/N their names are important so remember them *Hint hint*) After that they took their seat and sat through the class only learning something new near the end of the period.
Several periods later was period 5/6/7 which was gym for the young saiyans. When it came time to change Hannah went down the locker room without a translator. Bad news. Hannah stared swearing in saiyan when the stupid gym teacher handed her something to change into. Hannah looked at the offensive article of clothing and threw it. She decided to stay in her gi for gym which upset the gym teacher. When Hannah got up she found Trunks and Adam quickly.
Guys I am playing football with you that gym teacher is annoying. She said trying to blend in with the guys to hide from the gym teacher.
It can't be that bad Hannah. But fine let me go tell the teacher. Trunks said and turned to the teacher.
"Mr. Legotech Hannah needs to play football with us since she needs a translator." Trunks said thinking it wouldn't be problem, but apparently it was.
"She is a girl she is supposed to play field hockey." Hannah looked a little tweaked at that comment when Trunks translated it for her.
"Sir my father is Vegeta Briefs does he need to work out this misunderstanding?" Trunks said with an evil smirk and in a menacing tone
"N....No she can play with us." The gym teacher stuttered out.
He said ok Hannah get ready to play good luck. Trunks smiled mischievously. Most of the boys complained about Hannah playing with them. Adam and Trunks shot everyone death glares and Hannah just laughed at them all. By the end of the game Hannah's, Adam's and Trunks' team had won by a hundred points. (A/N: no duh they had saiyan on their teams)
Adam through out the day had caught Trunks staring at Hannah too many times to count. He had caught him right now staring at her again while flying home. It was beginning to bug him badly, after all Hannah was his baby sister.
Hey Hannah look beside you Trunks is staring at you AGAIN. Adam said lazily in Hannah's mind. Huh, what? Adam shut the flick up! He is not! Hannah pouted mentally. Though she looked beside her and she saw he WAS staring.
What are you looking at Trunks? Hannah asked as she flipped around in the air.
Uh nothing except the sky, isn't it beautiful? Trunks said a little nervously. He turned away and looked the other way the rest of the way home except a few glances over at her.
At home Hannah searched the whole house trying to find Vegeta. She wanted to spar and wear off some energy. She decided to go to Bulma for help after all his mate should know where he would be.
I can't find Uncle Vegeta's ki, Aunt Bulma do you know where he is? Hannah asked as she took a seat at the kitchen table.
I don't know let me check. Bulma said before opening her bond link with Vegeta
Vegeta where are you, your worrying your niece and me.
Women I felt a strange ki I'm checking it out. Stay inside and all of you should keep your ki's really low until farther notice.
Vegeta's voice stated in her mind.
Vegeta is busy Hannah, please tell everyone to lower their ki's. Figuring that was the best answer she was going to get Hannah obeyed her aunt’s command.
Adam lower your ki and tell anyone else you see. Hannah said to her brother.
While Hannah was talking to Bulma LIL Trunks and Trunks were talking quietly up in Trunks' room.
"Trunks you like Hannah don't you?" LIL Trunks questioned with a mischievous smirk.
"Yeah I do a lot."
"But you have only been here a short time how can you say you like her a lot?" LIL Trunks asked very confused with his older self.
"I don't know it just feels right, like something clicked..." Trunks trailed off.
"Are you going to tell her?" LIL Trunks quickly asked.
"Not yet." Hannah suddenly walked into the room.
Lower your ki’s and Trunks you up for a spar? Hannah said as she looked from LIL Trunks to Trunks.
Yeah sure lets go. The two teens walked off to the gravity room. Hannah's tail was flicking happily behind her. LIL Trunks just laughed at the sight.

A-N: Well there is another fixed chapter.... they are looking some much better now don’t ya think?
Peace out and leave me some reviews...