Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The super awsome Power Battle ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter. 4

Android with a Ki?

Vegeta stared at his mirror image in puzzled shock, "What the hell are you?!"

"I am R-12, but you can call me your worst nightmare..."

Vegeta hated corny lines, "You, you look just like me, you're, a..."

"Yes, I am an android." 12 smiled pleased with the shock of his foe.

"But your ki? Androids don't have energy levels or any readable power source at all, you-!"

"I am more than an android, heh heh heh, I am made from every cyborg before me as well as for your friend Koola." A strange red light began to emenate from the robot's chest.

"I have defeated androids before, you will be no more a challenge for me than any of them!" Vegeta suddenly felt week and exhausted.

"Oh, what is the matter Vegeta, you look tired, maybe that would be because I am draining your energy?" A wide grin set across the android's face.

"How? You're not touching me, how can you drain my power?!"

"Now why would I tell you that?" The smile quickly disappeared and 12's chest flipped open revealing the large red diamond.

Vegeta looked up in shock, he recalled an old Saiyan legend telling of certain stones that could drain one's strength. He would have to act fast before he was too week to fight this freak. Vegeta lunged forward putting all his strength into this one attack. Suddenly 12 appeared at Vegeta's side in mid-air, "Sayonara!"

The Saiyan was driven' into the hard concrete by a sledge hammer attack. 12 looked down at the his week opponent with no pity, "Now to send you to another dimension!"

Suddenly his arm blew off! "What the Hell!"

In the distance two mysterious figures landed, they were... Gohan and Goten! "Goten, take care of that fire, Vegeta is mine!" The battle ready Gohan shot towards 12 at full speed! 12 tried to dodge but was taken off his feet by the lighting fast sweep kick.

"Why have you done this Vegeta?" Gohan spied the sparking wires hanging out of the dismembered limb! "Hugh? What?" Gohan looked towards the person laying unconscious on the ground realizing who it was, "Vegeta? Two of them, how?"

The angry android stood his ground, "Don't you get it you idiot! I am not Vegeta, he is that weakling on the ground is!"

"Then who are you?" Gohan back up a bit noticing the fire begining to die down.

"Take a lucky guess, what has robotics, wires, and a ticked off attitude!" Gohan almost laughed when hearing the stupid dialogue.

"Well let me think, an Android?" A smile came to the Saiyan's face.

"Oh my, you're a quick one!"

"Shut up you moron and fight!" Gohan was becoming angry.

Goten landed beside him, "Now who is this again big brother?"

"Well he is apparently some sort of android I guess, he looks just like Vegeta." 12 stood his ground and powered up, the red light began to emit from his chest again.

"Now!" The two shot forward, powers blazing.

12 shot past them both exploding his elbows into their backs! With a mighty thud each warrior crashed into the hard earth not far from where Vegeta laid. "Weaklings," 12 looked down on them with cold eyes, "Now to find that chip."

The Android searched through the rubble looking for the one thing that could make him complete. He turned to his arm studying the frayed wires and twisted metal, "What warriors have such power to do this to plutonium alloy?"

Suddenly there was a massive explosion of energy behind him. 12 turned around to see who it was, "Vegeta!"

Spit flew from the gritted teeth as the waves of fiery energy swept over Vegeta's charging body. His hair turned bright gold and flowed down his shoulders in to long thick locks. 12 checked his internal data banks, "Super Saiyajin Level 3, power level 90,000,000 and rising."

"Bring it on!" 12 began draining Vegeta's power at full force!

"Rahhhhhh!" Vegeta flew towards the android drilling his fist in the monster's chest.

12 could only gasp as the artificial mech blood and pneumatic fluids sprayed from his torso. The mortally wounded cyborg collapsed on the ground, Vegeta stood above him holding the red crystal heart in the palm of his hand, "Well I can't say you are the toughest enemy I've ever fought, but you are by far the handsomest, heh heh heh!" With that Vegeta crushed the stone into several hundred pieces.