Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Therapy ❯ Bulma and Goku ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Do you still not get it? *sighs* I don't have time for this. *walks away*

A/N: Yes, it's been a while. I know. Once again, hopefully this was worth the wait. As usual, Enjoy!!!

I always enjoyed sitting and watching the people at my community college walk around outside while I was inside the library, surrounded by glass and books. It was the most secluded place on campus to me and soon became "my" special spot. It's where I could sit and think, do class work or just sit and daydream. I got some of my best story ideas there and wrote many chapters with the sun's warming rays on my side with rows of books between me and the nearest people. I could sit and watch people pass through the tinted glass. I could watch nature, yet be shielded from its elements. It was a perfect place of peace and solitude.

After classes one day, I was thinking of going home, but passed the chance for a nap up in favor of going to my special spot for a much needed reprise while I wrote on my most current story. An idea had been bugging me for the past few classes.

As I sat in the shade of a faux tree and peered into the depths of my imaginative juices, I began to see the storyline unfold. Next it was time for the filing department to add in their say on how the events should be written. As usual, I had one word that just wouldn't come to me. Finally, a burst of inspiration I must blame on my muse, hit me, as did the tree my head. You see, when I got it, I really got it. I jumped in my chair and it rocked back slightly, causing me to hit the tree. After that it swayed back and forth, nearly falling on me!

With the tree was once again under control, I began to inspect my wounded pride. Looking about outside, I didn't see anyone who might have watched my little wrestling match. A quick scan of the library also confirmed no one had spied my gallant victory.

Dignity recovered, I rubbed my sore head. That tree, though fake, certainly wasn't soft. It hurt! And of course, as luck would have it, at that very moment my cell phone rang.

It took me a while to realize what the noise was. I normally didn't carry my cell phone with me anywhere, opting to leave it in the car on most occasions so that I couldn't be reached by people I didn't want reaching me.

Finally I found the phone in my purse and answered it only to be confronted by my mother's unhappy, "Where are you?!"

I blinked for a moment before saying, "Uh…at school..." hoping it was the right answer.

"Well," Mom started again, "You need to get yourself home, and I mean now. There are people here waiting to see you and I can't deal with teenaged nervous disorders for long. So get home. And now!"

Once again, I blinked. "Um…sure, Mom…."

Hanging up the phone, I put it back in my purse and headed for the door to go home. The entire drive home, I thought about who might be at my door and what they might want now. Each cow pasture brought a new line of thoughts. Once finally home, I gathered my belongings and headed for the door and my newest clients.

Boy, if only I had known what I was in for….

As I fumbled around, trying to balance my backpack full of books, my purse on my arm, the mail in one hand, my keys in the other and an empty bowl and mug from breakfast all while trying to open the door, the most curious thing happened. It opened of its own accord. Well, it seemed like it until I moved a few things out of my way to spy the small child in front of me with hair almost as big as he was.

He was a cute child; I had to give him that much. He had huge dark eyes, an adorable grin, a cute little button nose. Then you noticed the hair. Again. Seriously! The hair was massive!

"Um…hi," I started the conversation. "Are you the teenager my mother wanted me to come home quickly to counsel?"

The little boy shook his head cutely. In the oddest raspy little voice for a child, even more so than that Home Improvement star Jonathan Taylor Thomas, he replied, "Uh uh. That's Bulma."

Just as he said it, I heard a shrill voice that could only belong to a teenaged high school drama queen.

"Goku!!! Where are you?!" It called out demandingly.

The child before me blinked. "Uh…I'm right here," he replied.

"Well get in here before you get in trouble again!" the feminine voice called again.

I lifted a brow as I looked back at the boy. "Is she always like this?" I asked softly.

The little boy, now known to me as Goku, shook his head. "No. She's just mad because she doesn't have a tail," he spoke confidentially.

I couldn't help but blink for a moment. "A tail?"

"Uh huh!" Goku grinned brightly as a slender furry, brown…appendage rose from behind him. I could only assume that was his tail.

"You-….You have a tail…." I couldn't stop myself from gawking. This child had a tail! How often is it that you meet a cute little kid with a freaking tail growing out of his butt?! Yeah, that's what I thought.

"Of course I have a tail. Don't you?" Goku asked simply.

"No, I don't have a tail, Goku," I answered him.

Goku smiled brightly as a child would in class if he had the right answer to a very difficult question and was very proud of himself. "Then you must be a girl! Because boys have tails," he stated matter-of-factly.

"Uh…well…whatever." I wasn't going to argue with him. In a sense…well, he was right. Just not how he thought he was. What an interesting situation I had found myself in.

"Mar? Is that you? Are you home?" my mother's voice beckoned me pleadingly from the kitchen. It was obvious she couldn't stand to be around the girl I had heard earlier and she expected me to come to the rescue.

"Yes, Mom. I'm coming." As I stepped around the boy, I sighed. This was going to be a long one.

As I rounded the corner to the kitchen, my attention was immediately grabbed by a head of blue hair. I blinked twice. "Um…hey Bulma. You're appointment isn't until next week," I addressed the girl sitting with my mother.

"Next week! Do you think I could survive until next week?! You've met him! Could you?!" she screamed, looking at something beside my pants' leg. As I turned, I saw Goku almost hiding behind me, looking very confounded. He obviously had no idea what he had done to set her off so. Then again, it never has taken much to set Bulma off, and I would know. I've been her therapist for a good many years. Crazy broad.

Anyway, I once again sighed and shook my head. "Alright. Bulma, you and I can go back to my room for a little chat." I turned to Goku. "And you. You can stay in the living room and play with my little brother. Just be sure to be nice. Okay?"

Goku grinned brightly at the suggestion of play. "Alright!" he chirped enthusiastically, bounding off to find my spawn of Satan of a brother.

"Alright. Let's get started." I headed back to my room, not even bothering to make sure Bulma was following me or not. When I reached my room, I dumped my things on the floor and walking over to my self of notebooks, I grabbed the most recent one for Bulma, volume six.

As I turned around to check on the status of my patient's progress down the hallway, I was startled by her presence on my bed, looking as comfortable as a queen on a silk covered chaise lounge. "Are you ready to get started?" I opened the floor for discussion.

With a curt nod of her head, Bulma replied. "That boy is driving me nuts!"

"Umhm…I've noticed that. Now, Bulma," I put on my best therapist voice, hoping it would keep this highly excitable youth under control, "Why don't you start by telling me exactly what this is all about? What is it the boy, Goku, is doing that bothers you so much?"

Bulma gave a long sigh before taking a deep breath to give me the 411. "Well, you see, I met him in the jungle. He was alone and without anyone. His grandfather must have died. He was really strong and able to save me from the native inhabitants."

"That doesn't sound so bad," I interjected. How horrible could it be to be around a small boy who could fight and protect you? It sounded like a pretty good deal to me. Then again, Bulma always was a strange one.

Bulma's face screwed up into one of great distaste. "Well, if you would shut up and let me tell my story, you might find out why!"

I sighed. "Alright, Bulma. Tell me your story. Help me understand your pain." If Bulma noticed my sarcasm she certainly didn't show it as her bi-polar personality switched back into her "I'm a princess being adored" mode with the unfolding of her meeting of Goku.

"Well, it wasn't until that night when I was giving him what can only be assumed as his first bath, being a little heathen and all, that I found out his tail was…well, real. Until that point I had thought it was a part of his clothing or something. I mean, people just don't have tails. Or they don't where I come from at least," she spilled in one breath. "Well, after my initial freak out about it, he asked me if I had one. I told him no, of course, and he's been giving me heck ever since. I don't know what's wrong the boy. He's even gone so far as to spy on me while I was bathing! Can you imagine?!" I thought back to the times I've had my brother sitting outside the bathroom door just talking up a storm to me while I was trying to have a relaxing bath, and trust me, I could believe her. Goku just sounded like a normal little boy to me.

"Bulma, I honestly think Goku doesn't realize most people don't have tails. You said he lived with his grandfather you can only assume is dead, right? Well, if that's the case, it could well be a genetic mishap his family carries. You shouldn't make him feel bad by tearing him down about not knowing most people don't have a tail. When he begins to truly understand that, he's going to feel like a freak. You'll need to be there to help him adjust, as his accepting friend, no matter what he looks like.

"As for him driving you nuts: ignore him! Sheesh! I live with a little boy. Trust me, I know what they're like! They're horrible! They make noise all the time, they're constantly into messes, and they speak thoughtlessly. You just have to get over it. You're the adult in this situation, and you have to know the difference in the times to say something to him and to let things go.

"He keeps harping on the tail thing, because he knows it gets you riled up. To him, it's a game. If you ignore him, he'll eventually get bored with it and stop. Got it?" I laid down my "professional" opinion.

Bulma simply frowned for a moment, seemingly deep in thought. "Well, I suppose I could do that. Are you sure he'll get bored and leave me alone?"

I nodded. "Without a doubt. Hey, have I ever steered you wrong before?" Bulma shook her head. "Alright then," I smiled warmly. "Listen to me. There's a reason I'm the therapist, and you are my patient. Alright?"

"Alright." She seemed really calm by this point. Of course, this was exactly how all our sessions together went. She came in stark raving mad and by the time she left my office, she was as gentle as a pussy cat. I must be doing something right.

As I continued to write down notes from our conference, I heard a loud bang from the living room and my mother yelling for me, "MAR!!!!" I couldn't help but wince at the tone. Putting down my notebook and pencil, I headed back for the living room to see what was happening.

As I entered the boys' domain, I noticed two things immediately. One: the boys seemed to be unharmed. Two: I couldn't say the same for the room. Those sweet and innocent, endearing angels had wrecked the entire living room.

"You," my mother pointed at Bulma and I, "handle this! I'm going outside!" She stormed out of the room, slamming the backdoor on her way.

I blinked around the room at the mess and took a long calming sigh before approaching the problem. When I looked down, I saw two sweet, angelic faces with huge puppy eyes gazing back at me. Why is it the cutest ones are always the demons in disguise?

"Drury," I started, speaking to my baby brother. "What have you and Goku been doing in here?" I was trying my best to remain calm despite the shattered glass chandelier in the middle of the room.

"Goku and I had a race, and I won! We sparred too. And I taught Goku to play football!" Drury proudly proclaimed to me with a huge grin going from ear to ear.

I took another deep breath. "Drury, how did this room get to be such a mess?"

Drury shrugged. "He throws hard?"

This obviously was not going to get us anywhere. "Alright boys. You made this mess, and you're going to clean it up." They simply looked at me until I yelled, "NOW!!!!" The boys jumped into the air, startled, and began to rapidly repair most of the damage to the room.

By the time they were done, the only things left were the shards of glass on the floor, the pictures hanging haphazardly on the walls and floor and particles of plaster from the ceiling peppering everything.

I looked to Bulma. "I think it's time the two of you hit the road. I need to get the rest of this mess cleaned up. Alright?"

Bulma nodded to me. "Sure. Thanks for all the help." She smiled at me, happy I had been the one to deal with the mess and not her.

Goku looked up at me with those huge brown eyes of his. "Did you help her deal with not having a tail?"

I couldn't help myself. I chuckled at the child's innocence. "Yes, I think I did. But you know what? I think you should lay off her about not having a tail." I lowered my voice dramatically. "I think she's a little sore about it. Alright?"

Goku smiled at me, happy to be included in this "secret". "Alright! I sure will!"

With that, the almost happy pair departed from my almost happy home, leaving me to clean up the mess. And what a mess it had been….

A/N: Gunlord, I haven't forgotten or ignored your request; it's the next session on my list.

I have a few more sessions ready to go before I have to start scrounging about for new ideas. That means now is the perfect time for suggestions from all my wonderful readers, you guys! If you have a favorite character in need of a psychiatric evaluation and opinion, let me know what you've got in mind. I might be able to find a use for it or at least be inspired by it. Oh! And don't forget to REVIEW!!!!!!!!!