Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Therapy ❯ Piccolo Pt.1 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Still no money, lottery tickets, or rights to anything that could bring in millions of dollars a year. If I did, then I wouldn't be publishing this here!

A/N: I'm finally writing Piccolo's chapter! I'm so happy because I've wanted to since shortly after putting this story up. Warning, this is a little intense, but the session itself should be funny. Thanx to my reviewer: Rae George! I love you so much!


It was a dark and stormy night (literally!), and I was in bed shaking in fear under my covers when shadow fell on my wall. At first I thought it was only a figment of my imagination, but when I heard a knocking at the window, I realized it was real.

I tried to ignore it as I squirmed still further under the covers and began reciting the Lord's Prayer, hoping against hope that whatever demon was outside would be cast down by the mighty sword of Michael.

Suddenly I heard a voice say, "Come to the window. I am in need of your assistance." Now a voice isn't very weird, I know, but the storm was so ferocious that the thunder caused a constant din, much too loud for a mere voice to be heard. After reading one too many Animorph books, I realized the voice had sounded in my head and since it had asked for aid, I must try to help.

I slowly reached beside my bed for the large metal flashlight I keep for both emergency lighting and self-defense. Once my fingers closed around the cold metal, I slipped out of the bed and cautiously approached the window.

The creature was still there and while humanoid in shape, a quick burst of lightening told me he was not. I don't know whether it was the pair of Spock ears, the fangs glistening in the dark, or the olive complexion that made me realize I was dealing with a very odd creature against whom my metal flashlight might as well be made of paper.

Again the voice repeated it's urging, "Come closer so I can see you clearly." I decided I had no choice at this point. I stepped up to the windowpane and peered out at the marvelous creature.

"I won't hear your voice over the storm, so just nod your head or move your lips in response," he instructed me silently. I nodded my head in understanding. "Good. My name is Piccolo."

My response at hearing that name was one of immeasurable fear and dread. Goku, of course, had long since told me of their fights, and now I, a lowly third degree purple belt hippiechick, was alone facing this demonic monstrosity.

"I heard you hold counseling sessions and I would like an appointment for three o' clock tomorrow. Are you available?" sounded in my head. I was flabbergasted to say the least. The second most powerful creature on our dear planet, a villain nonetheless, was making an appointment with me. That just doesn't happen everyday, no matter who you are.

I was jarred from my thoughts by an anxious, "Well?" I held up the pointer finger on my left hand in response and applied pressure to the rubber button of the flashlight with the thumb of my right hand.

Once I had light, I began searching for my appointment book so I could be sure I was indeed free. As luck would have it, I found the book on my chair under a mountain of clean laundry. After turning to the correct page and quickly scanning it for a vacancy, I closed the book and returned it to its rightful place on the right speaker of my stereo. I walked to the window and nodded my approval of the aforementioned time slot.

Piccolo answered inside my head with the single word, "Good," before he took to flight and evanesced into the night amid a tirade of thunder and rain. Once he was out of sight, I turned off the flashlight, and was enveloped by utter darkness. I then crawled beneath my warm covers to ponder Piccolo's reasons for contacting me, and how I would handle tomorrow's appointment.

I eventually nodded off to sleep amid dreams of the numerous approaches Piccolo could take to torturing me if he so desired. My dreams ran a gauntlet of possibilities ranging from a quick and painless death, to being skinned alive, to evisceration. They were not sweet dreams.


I awoke at noon the next day and drug myself to the kitchen for a cup of joe. If I was going to face Piccolo, I needed to do some more thinking and a bit of research. I still had no real idea on how I would handle the situation.

After my coffee cup had been emptied, three times, I took a shower and got dressed. It was only two when I was finished, so I did some research.

I dug through my notebooks on my sessions, looking for any reference to Piccolo. I needed to know what to expect, but what I found didn't reassure me in the least. Goku, the guy who loves and trusts everyone, had repeatedly told me that Piccolo was the very definition of evil, and I won't even repeat the things Tien and Krillin said.

By the time three o'clock rolled around, I was scared beyond belief, and I had my fingers crossed that he would forget this appointment. When three came, there was no sign of Piccolo, and at three fifteen I sighed in relief and relaxed because he obviously wasn't coming.

Unfortunately, at exactly three sixteen, I heard a knock at my window and I knew instantly who it was. How I dreaded letting him in! I walked to the window, opened my blinds and motioned for the Namek to go around to the back door. A moment later, he was standing in my room looking at me with those expressionless eyes of his and literally scaring me witless.


A/N: I know this is extremely short, but it's just screaming at me to stop here. A cliffhanger, I'm evil. Well, Mom is getting mad because she wants to play free cell, so I've got to run. Review....please!!!.