Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Times of Our Lives ❯ Waking Up ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Do I own Dragon Ball? Hmm, let me think. Nope, I don't. But I do own Kalia.


Chapter 4:

"I don't understand why you'd want to." Kalia looked up from her letter.

Shin sighed. Working with Kalia was quite a problem at times. She had her own set views and opinions, and was very good at arguing why things should be done her way. "Because we need him."

Kalia waved a hand. "Need him? Dear Shin, are you sure of that?"

Shin nodded, and stood up, out of his chair. The chair disappeared. "I'm positive, Kalia, we need his help."

Kalia shook her head. "But the father, I mean, he's dead, he'd be easier to talk to, not to mention to transport. The realm of the living is already set, in a path, but the realm of the dead always changes."

Shin shook his head. "No, it'd be harder. The father doesn't hold the possibilities that the son has."

Kalia finished signing her name to the letter, and waved a hand, sending the letter off. "Well…I guess I could do it."

Shin bowed. "Very good."

"But-" Shin stopped, mid bow, and turned to the girl. "I'm not promising anything. And it will take at least a year."

"A year! But we don't have that much time!"

Kalia stood, and shook her head. "No, Shinny, see, I'm the one who makes the rules in my domain, not you. And it'd take a year, anyway. I have to make a portal, make sure it takes him to the right times, and dimensions, stuff like that."

Shin glared at the nickname. "Don't call me 'Shinny'."

Kalia smiled. "Well, only if you cal me Kali. I've been trying to get you to call me that for the last, what two hundred years?"

Shin shook his head. Working with Kalia was always a problem, even if he had been working with her for over two hundred years. "Fine, Kali. Now, get to work on the portal!" He created his own portal and disappeared.

Kali shook her head. "You can't order me around, Shin!" She yelled at the closing portal, receiving only a chuckle, as the portal closed. She turned around, and sat at her desk. "Honestly, he treats me like a child. It's not like I can help it that I'm not changing from my sixteen year-old body." She shook her head, and started on a letter.


Gohan looked at his mother. She had been screaming for the last five minutes incoherently on how happy she was to see him, what he was he doing awake, and did he know how much pain and worry he had caused her. "Mom? What are you talking about?"

She didn't stop screaming, but screamed even louder.

Gohan sighed. It was really starting to hurt his ears. "Mom! What the hell are you talking about?" Gohan knew that swearing would get her to pay attention.

And he was right. "What did you just say, young man? Did you just swear? You should know better! Tomorrow you get to do the breakfast dishes!" Chichi yelled, making Gohan cower in fright, his ears were so painful.

"But Mom, it was only to make you stop yelling! What happened? I come down stairs, and you start screaming." Gohan said, rubbing his ears. He had noticed that after waking up his hearing seemed to be a bit better, and he could almost see better too. He shrugged it off. Probably nothing important.

"Quid nunc hoelle surges?" What the hell are you doing up? Vegeta appeared in the doorway. He had been cuddling with the woman, for she had forbidden mating at a friend's house, and was in a bad mood, when he had heard Kakarotto's harpy wife's screams. He had come into the kitchen, and was suddenly met with the sight of Kakarotto's eldest brat, standing there.

"Non scio. Dormieram, postea in lecto surgi. Veni culina, ubi Matre erat. Incepit vocare mihi vidinti." I don't know. I was sleeping, later I awoke in bed. I came to the kitchen, where Mom was. She started to scream when she saw me.

Chichi watched the exchange between the two Saiya-jins. Since when did Gohan speak Saiya-jin? "Gohan, dear, HOW DO YOU KNOW SAIYA-JIN?" She shouted the last part.

Gohan and Vegeta both cringed, and Bulma, who had also decided to join everyone in the kitchen looked at Chichi. "What's wrong, Chi?"

"Gohan just was speaking Saiya-jin! Since when, and how does he know that?"

Vegeta glared at her. "Well, isn't it obvious, Woman, that I taught him? He's a Saiya-jin after all. It's part of his heritage."

"No, he isn't Saiya-jin! He's my sweet little boy!" Chichi protested, grabbing Gohan close to her, and hugging him, tightly.

Even for a Saiya-jin, Chichi's hugs were quite tight, as Gohan coughed. "Mom, I kind of need to breathe."

Chichi released him. "Of course. Sorry dear."

Gohan rubbed his neck. "No problem. And Mom, I am half Saiya-jin, and Saiya-jin cells are dominant, I learned that by looking at my own blood cells. I should have fifty-fifty, but I have about seventy-five percent Saiya-jin blood cells, so I'm more Saiya-jin than human."

Chichi wasn't paying attention though. She had remembered why everyone was down there in the first place. "Gohan, why are you awake?"

He looked at her, and rubbed his eyes, he was still a bit sleepy. "I remember getting thrown into a building, and then I was in this white room, with two other people, and they were talking, but I couldn't hear them, and they couldn't hear me. Then I woke up in bed."

Vegeta stood there, dumbfounded, which didn't happen very often. He had no explanation for what happened to Gohan.

Bulma did, however. "Well, he didn't have Somnus Ægritudo, so he must have had something else."

"But, Bulma, what's Somnus Ægritudo? It's translated as 'Sleeping Disease, but what are the properties of that?" Gohan interrupted, scratching the back of his head in a gesture that he picked up from his father.

"Well, Vegeta said it was a sleeping disease, where you sleep for ten days, and during that duration of time your entire body heals, and your power level raises." Bulma sat down on a chair.

Gohan took a quick inventory of himself. "But, I do feel better. I can gear and see better, and I'd have to power up to make sure, but my power level seems higher. I did have it."

"But, brat, that's impossible!" Vegeta burst out, not caring that it was in English, not Saiya-jin. "It takes the entire ten days for it to work!"

Gohan shrugged his head. "Well, not for me, though I have to admit I'm as confused as you are."

"I AM NOT CONFUSED!" Vegeta yelled, making the plates rattle in the cupboard, and causing Gohan's ears to ring.

Bulma shook her head. As much as she loved her mate, he was really a pain at times. "Vegeta, you are confused. If you weren't, then you could give me an answer about how Gohan's currently awake. And the fact that you can't means that you don't know, and you're about as confused as the rest of us." She shot a glance over to where Vegeta was leaning, scowling. "And what I'd like to know is who were the two people in the dream."

Gohan shrugged. "I have no idea. One head purple skin and a white Mohawk, and the girl had white hair, a white and silver dress, and sat at a desk the entire time. The room was all white, with no windows or anything."

Bulma thought for a second. "Well, the purple guy sure wasn't human, but the girl could have been…we really need an authority on aliens."

Vegeta snorted. "I would probably be your best authority on aliens, and I've never seen anyone that looks like that."

Gohan nodded. "Right. From what Vegeta's taught me about alien species, the guy's species isn't known. But," he stopped, making sure they were listening, "I bet I know someone who'd know."

Bulma leaned over in her chair. "Who?"

Gohan smiled. "Piccolo."

* * *

Piccolo was standing at the edge of the Dende's Palace, watching the young god write a letter. "You're writing a letter?"

Dende nodded. "Yep. This letter just appeared on my desk, and I answered it back." He waved a letter in front of Piccolo.

Piccolo snatched it out of his hands. "You actually worked as God? Not playing your usual tricks?" He opened the paper, and read it.

"Yeah, well, when a letter suddenly appears, and I don't usually get letters, I decided to answer it." Dende blushed. He didn't like admitting that he actually took this god thing seriously at times. Plus, he was bored.

Piccolo finished the letter, and stared at it in horror. "Dende, you didn't agree to this, did you?"

Dende nodded his head. "Why not? It seemed fine. This Kali wants me to lend someone to her for a bit."

Piccolo put his head in his hands. "No, Dende, that isn't what you did. Well, you did agree to let Kali to have-" he was cut off as three kis appeared. Vegeta, Gohan and Bulma appeared at the Palace.

"Here." Vegeta dropped Bulma, for he had been carrying her. Gohan ran up to Piccolo.

"Piccolo, Piccolo, I need your help!"

Piccolo looked at his young friend and student. "What?" And then he realised that Gohan should still be asleep. "What are you doing awake?"

Gohan rubbed the back of his head. "I don't know, Piccolo. I woke up after this dream."

"What dream?" Piccolo asked, sharply. The Kami in him was getting suspicious.

"That's what we came here to tell you about. There were two people, one was purple with a white Mohawk, and the other was a girl, she was wearing all white. They were in a white room." Gohan finished. "And I thought you might be able to tell us who they were."

Piccolo paled. He had an idea of who they were, and it had a lot with the letter to do, but he wasn't sure. "Well, kid, give me your memory."

Gohan smiled and sat down. Piccolo had taught him a year ago how to transfer memories from one person to the other. "All right, here." He closed his eyes, and glowed a faint blue. He opened his eyes after a few seconds. "Done?"

Piccolo opened his eyes. "Yes. I see what you mean."

"Well, do you know who they are? Do you?" Gohan looked up at his teacher.

Piccolo faced a dilemma. On one hand, he thought he knew at least who the purple guy was, and he had a feeling it had to do with the letter. On the other hand, he wasn't sure if he should tell Gohan or not. The entire situation was too unstable to be sure of anything.

He looked at Gohan. He was standing there, watching him so anxiously. Piccolo cursed the Kami in him, it was probably the only weakness he had. "Fine. I think I know who the purple guy is."


Piccolo walked closer to Gohan, and motioned to Dende. Vegeta also came nearer, and Bulma followed him. "I think it may be the Great Kai."

* * *

Gohan stared at Piccolo. "The who?"

"The Great Kai. You know of Master Kaio. He is the Kai for this area of the universe, the northern sector. There are three other Kais, and above them is the Great Kai." Piccolo moved, and pointed at Dende. "Dende, go get one hundred fifty-nine."

Dende ran off, and fetched a book. It was brown leather with gold writing on it. A large 159 was on the cover. "I have it Piccolo."

"Good, and turn to page sixty-three." Dende flipped through the book, coming upon the page. He held it out to Piccolo.

Piccolo took the book with a gruff thanks that his Kami side forced out. He then showed the book to the group of people around him. There was a passage labelled "The Great Kai". Piccolo read it out loud:

"The Great Kai rules over the Kais of the different sections of the galaxy. He enjoys rap music and dancing, holds his blue car over absolutely everything, and is one of the strongest life forms in the universe. He will once, in a rare while, take an apprentice. He enjoys eating Spaghetti with Alfredo sauce, and is often seen with a can of Dr. Right in hid hands."

Gohan looked at Piccolo after he finished reading the page. "Piccolo, I don't think that's the guy."

Piccolo looked at the book. "I think you're right, that that isn't him." He silently cursed. If this guy wasn't the Great Kai, then who was he?

"Um, Piccolo, what is that book?" Gohan asked, bringing his teacher out of his thoughts.

Piccolo shrugged. "It's 'The Handy Guide Book for Gods, edition five hundred and ninety-three E, number one hundred fifty-nine'. Every god of every planet receives the set."

"Oh." Gohan shook his head. It was after midnight, he was tired, and to top it off, he was still confused to what was happening. He sat down, next to Bulma, who was also sitting. He yawned.

Vegeta glared at him. "Saiya-jin non ****."

Gohan shrugged it off. At the moment he didn't really care. "Vegeta, dormiam. Ego **** sum."

"Vegeta, he's only a child. Just leave him alone." Bulma chided Vegeta. "Chichi was right, when she decided to stay at home and watch Trunks and Goten." She yawned. "Can we go? Piccolo doesn't know who it is, and it's after midnight and I haven't slept in nineteen hours!"

Vegeta looked as if he was going to protest just for the spite of it, but one look from Bulma stopped him. "Fine. We'll go." He grabbed her, and jumped from the Palace, Gohan jumping after him.

Piccolo and Dende watched them leave. Dende yawned. "Piccolo, I'm going to bed as well. Mr Popo, any emergencies, just wake me up." He wandered off into the palace.

Piccolo stood there. He also was going to sleep, but- "Oh damn, the letter!"


Gohan woke up, yawning. After flying home from the Palace, last night, he had crawled straight in bed. Bulma and Vegeta had retired into their room, and Chichi was already asleep, at the kitchen table. Gohan had carried her upstairs, and then put her to bed. He smirked. Switching roles, he had to put his mother to bed.

After that, he had crawled into bed, and fell deep asleep. He rubbed his eyes. It was ten o'clock in the morning, and his mother hadn't woken him up yet? Gohan shrugged. Maybe she forgot. But his mind was telling him that Chichi never, ever forgot to wake him up. It was something she never did.

He crawled out of bed. He was dressed in pyjama bottoms without a shirt, for he had been too tired to find one. He peeked in Goten's crib, and saw that it was empty. So, Mom got Goten up, but didn't bother to wake me? He left his room, walking down the stairs, keeping an eye out for any sign of life. He came to the kitchen, before he heard voices. It was his mother and Bulma.

"So, I told him to get on it. You should have heard his grumbling. I think I taught him a lesson, though."

"Of course you did. Honestly, Saiya-jins are so proud."

"You've got that right. So, is Gohan still asleep?"

"I think so. He was up half the night last night. I have to admit I was a bit worried when I woke up in my bed."

"Makes you feel like a kid again?"

"A bit…imagine, the son carrying the mother to bed. Goku did that a few times, but Gohan?"

"Well, he takes after Goku."

"I know."

Silence. Gohan decided that this would be a good time to interrupt his mother and Bulma. "Hi, Mom, Bulma."

Bulma was wearing jeans and a white button down shirt, only a few buttons in the middle buttoned. She smiled, when she saw Gohan eyeing her outfit. "Hi, Gohan. This is to annoy Vegeta. I told him he couldn't have any while we're here, so he got mad. And of course it's my duty to torture him"

Gohan nodded. He didn't really understand what Bulma was talking about, but… "Right. Where are Goten and Trunks?"

Chichi, who was wearing the same short of thing she wore everyday, looked up from her cup of tea. "Watching 'The Tweenies'. What a horrible programme, but Goten and Trunks sure seem to like it."

Bulma laughed. "I know what you mean. But it's a good way to annoy Vegeta. Just start singing songs from Barney, or Teletubbies. 'The Teletubbies go Bye-Bye', or 'I love you, you love me'."

Gohan laughed, and then realised the problem. "Mom, are you sure they're in the living room?"

"Of course, Gohan, why?" Chichi sipped her tea, watching her son carefully.

"Because I passed there on the way to the kitchen, and it was empty. No Trunks, no Goten, and the TV wasn't on."

Chichi and Bulma jumped up, tea forgotten. "What!" They both cried out, staring at Gohan.

"Where could they be?" Chichi grabbed a napkin off of the picnic table, and started to wipe off the tea she had upset over herself.

"They're two and one, they couldn't have gone far." Bulma said, surveying the yard.

Gohan watched as the two women tried to think where they could be. He was positive that Goten and Trunks didn't know how to turn off a television, so he decided that someone must have come into the room. It can't be Piccolo, his ki's far away, near Capsule Corps. The only person's ki that's nearby is Vegeta… "Mom, Bulma, I think Vegeta has them."

Bulma stopped looking under the picnic table. "Vegeta? I have to spend hours just trying to get him to spend anytime with Trunks. Why would he take them off on his own?"

Gohan shrugged. "No idea, but it's the only logical explanation. Not to mention that their kis are near his."

"When I get my hands on him…" Chichi growled, shredding a napkin.

"Calm down Chi, though I do agree with you. Why the hell would Vegeta take Goten and Trunks?" Bulma sat down again, and then jumped back up. She had sat in Chichi's chair, filed with tea. "Well, I have to change these pants."

Chichi nodded. "Right, of course. Go change." She then turned to Gohan. "Now, where are they?" She said, menacingly. She went inside the kitchen, and returned with her frying pan. "Vegeta is going to get it."

Gohan gulped. He had been hit many times on the head with the frying pan, and even though it didn't hurt for long, it did hurt. "I don't know, Mom, I jut know that they're around here somewhere."

"Well, go find them, then!" Chichi shrieked, swinging the frying pan. "And when that-that person comes back, he's going to get it!"

"Fine, I'm going!" Gohan leaped into the air, not bothering to realise that he was still shirtless in his pyjama pants. He flew over the surrounding area, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious.

It was a sunny day; warm, but not too hot with a pleasant breeze blowing through the trees. The animals were out, and Gohan made a note to check on Hiya-Dragon when he was done finding Vegeta. He had stopped by and seen him in a while. Not to mention there was a nest of dinosaur eggs he wanted to check on. And a swim wouldn't be amiss either.

He scanned the area, looking out for Vegeta's ki.


"And so that's how I solved number thirteen." Acidalia finished drawing her figure, placed the chalk on the tray, and walked to her seat.

"Very good, Ms Wayson." Mrs Marple then continued to lecture about Aci's, as Acidalia was called, Math problem.

Videl tuned it out. She had gotten up at six, as she did every morning to train, but today she was more tired than usual. She watched as Erasa and Sharpener passed notes over her. They never paid attention to class. Videl intercepted a note, earning 'hey's. She opened it up. It was from Erasa to Sharpener, you could always tell on the way the note was folded. Erasa folded them horizontally, and Sharpener, vertically.

"So, what's up? Did you do English? Videl's in a mood today. Wonder what's up. Pizza? Blue." So, what's up? Did you do English? Videl's in a mood today. Wonder what's up. Pizza? Blue. The 'English' referred to their homework assignment, 'pizza' referred to what they wanted for lunch, and 'blue' referred to what colour Mr Berri, the history teacher, had for his tie.

Nothing interesting. Videl shrugged, and pasted the note on to Sharpener. Mrs Marple was going on about negative numbers, and how to multiply and divide them. Sharpener and Erasa should actually pay attention; I'm not going to sit with them for three hours after school doing the Math homework with them.

"Ms Satan?"

Videl looked up from her book. "Yes, Mrs Marple?"

"Would you mind coming here, and doing problem three?"

Videl stood. "Of course, Mrs Marple." She went to the board, and copied down the problem. "Negative five times three is equal to negative fifteen, because one a negative is multiplied by a positive, the product is always negative. And of course three time five is fifteen."

"But Mrs Marple, why is three times five fifteen? I always thought that it was sixteen." Dewis, the dunce in the class, called down from the top row.

"Umm, Videl, go sit down, dear." Videl nodded and sat down. When did Mrs Marple call a student by their first name? "Dewis, you learned multiplication in the third grade, I believe? Theoretically you should have no problem with-"

Videl tuned Mrs Marple out again. Her lecture to Dewis occurred at least once a week, and always lasted for the entire class period. She rummaged through her backpack, finding the disk she had stuck in there this morning. Gohan's disk. Now was the perfect time to figure out who he was exactly.

She ripped a piece of paper out of her notebook, and started writing a note to Erasa. Erasa was one of, if not the biggest gossip in the school.

'Dear Erasa,

Have you ever heard of a boy named Gohan, our age, black hair that sticks out in several directions in the front, taller than me, but not too tall, black eyes? -Videl'

She passed the note to Erasa who opened it up, and read it, nodded, and stuck it into her notebook. Now she was going to get some answers.


Vegeta glared. It was really pathetic, he decided, that his two year-old son, and Kakarotto's one year-old brat couldn't even punch. They couldn't throw ki blasts; they couldn't even defend themselves from a block.

It was a disgrace to the Saiya-jins. Trunks should have been at least able to defend himself, he was the Heir to Vegeta-sei, but no, he couldn't do anything either. When Vegeta had seen the two children, sitting in front of the television, playing mindlessly, he was disgusted. Two Saiya-jin warriors, sitting there, mindlessly watching some stupid programme. If they had grown up on Vegeta-sei, they'd already have been out planet clearing for years, or, since Kakarotto would have been promoted, and Trunks was Crown Prince, they'd be receiving private personalised training.

Vegeta shook his head in disgust. Right now, Trunks and Goten were chasing a butterfly. A butterfly, of all things. Vegeta shuddered. On Vegeta-sei there were never butterflies. Never. At least they could be chasing a dinosaur, or something. But no, they had to be chasing a sweet, little, cute harmless butterfly.

"All right, brats, stop chasing that idiotic butterfly thing, and get over here now!"

Goten and Trunks stopped chasing the butterfly, and stood there, staring at him. It was quite a cute picture, the two toddlers staring innocently up at Vegeta, but Vegeta certainly didn't think so.

"You're going to learn how to block." Two innocent, blank stares. Vegeta wanted to yell in frustration.

"Daddy, what dat?" Trunks looked up at his father, curiously.

Vegeta came very close to pulling his own hair out. "Blocking is defending your self from an attack. I am going to punch you, and you block it."

"Why, Veggie?" Goten asked. He couldn't say 'Vegeta', and he knew that Bulma often called Vegeta 'Veggie'. So why shouldn't he? It was a lot easier to say.

Vegeta scowled. Great, just great. The woman's got it so that Kakarotto's youngest brat is calling me 'Veggie'. Vegeta shook his head, and growled at the young child. "Don't ever call me that!"

"Why?" Goten asked.

Damn. The brat obviously inherited Kakarotto's intelligence. "Because I don't like it!"

"Why?" Goten asked again.

"Because it's demeaning, and lacks the proper respect I, as the Crown Prince of Vegeta-sei, deserve."

"Why?" Goten sucked his thumb.

"ARGHHHHHHHHHHH!" Vegeta screamed out, causing birds to take flight, and echoing throughout the hills. And, unfortunately for him, it managed to reach a certain blue haired woman's ears.

* * *

"Chi, has Gohan come back yet?" Bulma had changed her jeans, and was now wearing a pair of khaki pants. She wiped her hands on a napkin.

"No, he hasn't." Chichi folded up the tablecloth. "I can't help but worry. Why would Vegeta of all people abduct two children?"

Bulma had to agree. Vegeta wasn't someone who normally wanted to spend extra tome with young children. That was actually an understatement. There were times where she had to blackmail Vegeta with sleeping on the couch for a year, no food for the year, and destroying the gravity room and never repairing it again for him to pick up Trunks. So why would he kidnap them? Wait… "Chi, Vegeta can't abduct his own son."

Bulma knew that Chichi still didn't seem to accept Vegeta as her mate, and husband, and she tried to shrug off the remarks. But accusing Vegeta of abducting his own son was very, very far stretched. "Chi, I married Vegeta last year, and we bonded when Trunks was conceived. Legally and biologically is Vegeta Trunk's father, and since Vegeta has joint legal and physical custody of Trunks, he is free to take him where ever he wants."

"But, Vegeta's-he tried to kill everyone, and he actually succeeded in killing a lot of people."

Bulma sighed. Chichi was bringing up past events that happened eight to nine years ago. Things that were forgiven. Things that were almost forgotten and didn't matter anymore. "Chi, I think he redeemed himself on Namek, and during Cell and the Androids. No one even thinks of that anymore, nor do they care."

"But he still did it."

Bulma felt like screaming, but some one beat her to the punch. "ARGHHHHHHHHHH!"

Bulma froze. She recognised that scream quite well. She heard it a lot at home, especially when someone went Super, or broke the Gravity Room, or was for some other reason frustrated. "Vegeta."

"Vegeta?" Chichi looked up. She had heard the scream, and had been clutching the table.

"Yes, that scream was Vegeta." Bulma shook her head. If he really had the children, then why was he screaming? Was there something direly wrong? Was something wrong with the children?

* * *

Gohan stopped, and turned around in the air when he heard the scream. He didn't recognise it, but decided it was better to get back to his mother as fast as possible. He flew as fast as he could, nearing the house in less than a minute, and touching down.

"Mom, Bulma, everything okay?" He asked with concern.

Bulma turned around. "Yes, everything's fine."

"Well, then who screamed?" Gohan came closer.

"That was Vegeta."

"Vegeta? Why would he scream?" Gohan couldn't think of any reason Vegeta would ever scream in fear.

"Oh, he's probably annoyed about something." Bulma turned to Chi. "Chi, Gohan can fly us to him."

"What? I don't think I could fly anyone anywhere." Gohan backed slowly away.

"Oh, come, Gohan, I know that you could manage to fly us easily there, you can pick up buses and trees with no problem. So, let's go." Bulma grabbed Gohan's arm, and motioned for Chichi to do the same.

Chichi did so. "Gohan, you really should put on a shirt and change out of your pyjama pants when this is over."

Gohan sighed, and lifted off into the air. "Yes, Mom, I will." He kept a tight grip on the two women; he knew he wouldn't survive if he were to let them fall. That was certainly a disadvantage to flying your mother and her best friend.

He kept an eye out for suspicious activity, and soon found Vegeta's aura. It was near by, hidden behind a waterfall on a nice clearing. Gohan set down, making sure that Bulma and his mother had landed, and then turned around to face Vegeta. He burst out laughing.

Vegeta was rolling around on the ground, on his back, whimpering, clutching at his head. Goten was sitting there, playing with Trunks, trying to roll a rock in between them. They were chattering away in gibberish.

Bulma eyed her mate. "Vegeta, what are you doing?" She prodded him with her sandal.

Vegeta stopped rolling, opened his eyes, stared at them in horror and jumped up in lightning speed, when he saw the three people watching him. He scowled, crossing his arms over his chest. "What are you talking about, woman?"

Bulma copied him. "Well, Veggie darling, I was talking about the fact that you were lying on the ground, rolling around, clutching your hair, and whimpering. Right, Chichi, Gohan?"

Gohan nodded, trying to stifle his sniggers. "Right, Bulma."

Chichi also looked amused. "Correct."

Vegeta glared at them. "Well, what are you doing here in the first place?"

After Vegeta's remark, Chichi was instantly reminded of why she was here in the first place. "You took Goten!" She brought her frying pan out, and started to swing it around.

Vegeta ducked the frying pan, and backed into Bulma. "What the HELL did YOU THINK YOU were DOING, taking Trunks and Goten away?" Bulma screamed at him, making Vegeta cringe.

"Shut it WOMAN, I was going to teach them to fight."

"What! You were going to teach my baby to FIGHT?" Chichi gasped out in horror. "He's only one year-old!"

Vegeta glared, crossing his arms. "So? It's about time. He's a Saiya-jin, and at one a Saiya-jin begins to learn how to fight."

Chichi grabbed Goten up, and hugged him close to her. "He's no Saiya-jin! He's my baby."

Gohan shook his head. Goten was also half Saiya-jin, and also would want to fight, part of a Saiya-jin instinct. But there was no use telling Chichi that.

"AND VEGETA! YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER THAN THAT! TAKING TRUNKS AND GOTEN AWAY, NOT SAYING A WORD! YOU'LL BE SLEEPING ON THE COUCH FOR THE NEXT MONTH!" Bulma sure could scream, and she knew it. Screaming loud enough to be heard for miles, it left Vegeta, Trunks, Goten and Gohan all clutching their ears, and praying that she'd stop.

Vegeta shook his head. He was starting to get a headache. "Woman, I don't care. First of all, we have to wait till that Namek rebuilds Capsule Corps. Secondly, Trunks is my son, and I get to decide when he's going to start training."

"Trunks is my son too! It's called being partners, Vegeta! You have to alert the other partner when you're going off with the baby!" Bulma stamped her foot.

"I'm the Father! You're lucky we aren't on Vegeta-sei now! If we were, you'd barely get to see him! He'd be spending on his time training, and learning his lessons. None of that earthling Barney, or other stupid programmes!" Vegeta crossed his arms, and glared.

"Well, Vegeta, as you pointed out, we're not on Vegeta-sei! Not to mention it doesn't exist anymore! Trunks is half human, and is growing up with human ways! You can't just go off, and not tell me! I was worried sick! We thought someone had kidnapped him! I was going to call the police! If it weren't for Gohan, who told us that it was you that had them, I would have called the police, and you would have been arrested, seeing as you never carry any identification! It would be your word against theirs, and they would have charged you with kidnapping! And next time, I won't hesitate to call the police! I'll just let you sit in a cell for a few hours." Bulma matched Vegeta's glare perfectly.

"Like this planet's police force could hold me." Vegeta shot back.

"Oh, excellent, Vegeta. Then you'd be wanted for breaking out of jail." Bulma countered.

"So? Then I'd just blast them."

"And be charged with murder."

"Like I'd care? As you pointed out, I'm not from this hellhole! I don't give a damn about this mud ball planet, or their laws. I wouldn't give a second thought not to blast this planet to pieces! I should have destroyed it years ago!" Vegeta glared at Bulma one last time, ignored Chichi's gasp at his last sentence, and leapt into the air, blasting off.

Bulma shook her head. "Vegeta…"

Chichi regained her composure, and handed Goten to Gohan. She then took Bulma into her arms. "You'll be fine. Let's go back home, and I'll get lunch. It's about time." She started to make the way back in the direction of the house.

* * *

"Thanks, Chi." Bulma folded her napkin, and smiled.

Chichi waved it off. "Oh, no problem. I already have to make food for Gohan and Goten, adding Trunks and you isn't a problem."

"Well, thanks the same. I was such a wreck after Vegeta blasted off like that. I'm glad you were there."

Chichi nodded, and stood up. She started to gather dishes. "No problem. I'm just glad that I was there. Honestly, that man has no manners, morals or responsibilities."

Bulma shook her head. " I know. It's just, somehow I love him."

Chichi shook her head. "Well, personally, I have no idea how you could."

Bulma shook her head. "Neither do I." She smiled and stood up. Checking the clock, she gathered up Trunks. "Chi, I think I should go, just to check on Capsule Corps, and see how Piccolo's coming along with the rebuilding."

"All right." Chichi dried her hands, and hugged her best friend. "But you will be coming back?"

Bulma nodded. "Of course. It's not like we have any other place to stay. I'll be surveying the damage; hopefully it's not as bad as it looked last night. And I'll see if I can get more provisions, like a capsule house."

"Well, okay then. But remember to come back. I'll have dinner all ready and everything, and I'll expect you to be there."

Bulma smiled. "Right. We'll be there." She gathered up her purse, and rummaged through it for a capsule. "I'm just glad I managed to grab this last night. Otherwise we'd be stranded here." She pulled the capsule out, and went outside, throwing it. A helicopter appeared.

"Bye Chi." She then noticed Gohan. "Chi, can I take Gohan with? It'll be educational for him, I'm sure, he can learn about construction, and everything." She really didn't think it'd be educational, but she wanted to bring him with anyway. She needed the support, with Vegeta blasting off.

Chichi looked surprised. "Oh, my, I totally forgot about his studies today, after everything that happened last night."

Gohan also looked surprised. His mother had forgotten about schoolwork? "Mom, can I?"

Chichi thought for a few seconds. "Well, I guess so. Just remember to be a help." She then surveyed him. 'But you can't go looking like that."

"Like what?" Gohan looked down, and blushed. He still hadn't changed out of his pyjama pants, and was still topless. "Oh, right." He fazed out of sight, and then appeared a few seconds later, wearing a pair of linen pants and a blue shirt. "Better?"

Chichi surveyed him. "Yes, now you may go."

He scampered off after Bulma.


Videl smiled. School was out for the day, after an accident in the Science Lab, the school was closed for the day two hours earlier than usual. She met up with Erasa on the front steps.

Erasa was wearing a short skirt and a short, white sleeveless t-shirt. It was typical Erasa, wearing things, which at sixteen would make people stare, at eleven. Videl didn't say anything. She was used to her best friend wearing stuff like that. She herself was dressed in a knee length black skirt and a pale blue button down shirt with Mary Janes. Nothing too noticeable, typical her.

Erasa spoke first. "So, what did you want to talk to me about? Sharpener's waiting for me, we're going to go to the arcade."

Videl shook her head. Another typical Erasa trait. Spending all your times with boys where the older kids hung out, to make yourself known. "Remember the note during Math?"

Erasa nodded, and reached in her purse, pulling out a nail file. "Oh, right."

"Well, what do you know about him?"

Erasa shook her head. "I asked around. He doesn't go to this school, and he doesn't go to any other school in the area. I even went talked to some computer junkies. They searched for him on the Internet. No matches."

Videl raised her eyebrows. "Really? I know he exists."

Erasa shrugged. "Well, he isn't enrolled in school. I don't know anything else about him."

"Isn't it the law to go to school?" Videl asked.

"Yes, it is. Unless you're a qualified teacher. Then you can home-school a child. Or if he lives far enough away. If there's no school near enough to go to, then the state provides you with learning materials, and often enough, a teacher." Erasa might act dim, but she could be really smart, Videl reflected.

"Well, so he must live far away."

"Apparently. Not to mention that your description didn't really help. If you had a last name, it'd be a lot easier." Erasa put the nail file back into her purse.

"If I knew someone he knows?" Videl asked. She knew that he knew Bulma Briefs, it had said as much on his computer.

Erasa shrugged. "Then you could track that person down, and ask."

Videl shook her head. "Erasa, it's Bulma Briefs. Gohan left this computer disk at he park last night, and I picked it up. I loaded it on my computer to see what it was, and found out that it's a new computer system custom made by Bulma Briefs especially for Gohan."

It was Erasa's turn to be shocked. "Well, that does out a turn on it. If he knows someone famous like her, then I suppose you could call her up on the phone, and ask her."

"Ask her? Erasa, I just can't call up the richest and one of the most famous people in the world and ask her if she knows someone." Videl said incredulously.

Erasa shrugged. "Well, I don't know what to do. You said you met him yesterday? Just go to that spot again, and wait for him. If he lost something like that, it's got to be important. He'll be sure to come look for it."

Videl sighed. "Well, I guess so. Thanks." She stood up, gathered her backpack, and walked home, watching Erasa join up with Sharpener and a few more kids to go to the arcade.

She walked slowly home, watching cars drive by, pedestrians shop and the light breeze blow leaves in the street. She didn't like going home. With her father, her home life wasn't very nice, especially without her mother. She shook her head. It was no time to think of her mother now. She certainly wasn't going to break down in tears on the main and busiest street in town.

She walked faster, breaking into a run. Videl always wore close she could run in. Shorts under skirts, never long skirts, never uncomfortable shoes. She ran faster, nearing her neighbourhood. She ignored the waves of neighbours, of gardeners, of maids and nannies with their charges. She just wanted to get home before she started to cry.

It wasn't as if her father was abusive. It was just that he basically ignored her. He was too caught up in his girl friends, or his fame. When he did pay attention to her, he was over-bearing, treating her like a five year-old, the last age where he actually paid attention and was a normal father to her.

After her mother's death, Hercule Satan let his fame get to his head, and started sleeping around, training all the time, and had hired even more servants on than before. The servant's duties were to care for the house, gardens and cook, clean and take care of Videl, something she resented. She didn't mind the servants, Erna was a good friend, and Barry, the butler was also kind. But they were no substitution for a mother or father. And she couldn't relate to any of the women her father brought home, they were all young, and obsessed with themselves. Not to mention that their relationships with her father never lasted very long.

At school she was heralded as the perfect child. She was rich, had a famous father, had a mansion, servants galore and was pretty. She didn't have any rules or responsibilities. Her life was ideal. The only problem was that her life wasn't ideal. Her life was far from ideal. She had a group of kids who hung around her, but they weren't friends. Her only friends were Erasa and Sharpener, and even they didn't know too much about her home life. Sharpener preferred spending time with the older kids, and so did Erasa. Sharpener was a jock, like to fight and do sports, but thought that he was the best in everything. Erasa acted like a ditz; she rarely paid attention in class, spent all her free time hanging out at the mall, with the older kids, wearing clothes that a sixteen year-old would wear. Of course, Erasa could hack into a computer, programme the skeleton standing in the Biology room to dance around, and make chaos, basically a gifted child, but one that used her gifts for bad, not good.

They rarely went over to Videl's, and when they did, her father was never home. Videl also didn't ever tell them about her home life. It was private, and they wouldn't understand. She had once tried, and they couldn't figure out why she was sad when her father brought home a dress in pink for her ninth birthday. She didn't bother to explain that it was pink, a colour she hated even then, and that it was a dress, something she rarely wore. A father should know what his daughter's favourite colours are, which colours she hated and that she never wore dresses except in the extremely rare occasion of a wedding, funeral or special ceremony.

That's why Gohan probably meant so much to her. Even though she had only met him once, and he was far from nice to her, he hadn't judged her. He hadn't even recognised her. He hadn't asked her for an autograph, or lessons at her father's martial arts centre. Not to mention that from what she had seen on his computer, he knew Bulma Briefs personally, but acted like she was his best friend, not going around, bragging it.

Videl shook her head. She had reached the front gates of her house. She entered the code, and stepped inside as the small gate to the side opened. She walked up the walk, coming to the front door, but going instead to the side door, where she took out a key and opened it. It opened to a small alcove, holding a coat rack, and a small table. It was the servants' entrance, and had Erna's coat hanging off a hanger, Barry's umbrella in the umbrella stand. There was room off to the side, the servant's sitting room, and a staircase went up to the servant's quarters, where to the left there was a kitchen for the servants.

Videl climbed the staircase, walking down the hall to the very end, where she was met with a white wall. Getting down on her hands and knees, she pressed a concealed button, and moved out of the way as the wall sprang open.

She crawled in, shutting the door behind her. This was her secret passage, only she, her mother and Erna knew about it. She crawled down it, until she reached a door, which she slowly opened. A room was behind it, with a couch, a table and bookshelves. There was a blanket on the couch, a desk in the corner, and a rug on the floor. It was a nice, private cosy room. There was a chest that held cans of soda, bags of chips and cookies and other edible things to snack on. This was Videl's place, and no one ever came in here.

It was the perfect spot to be alone, and cry her eyes out, something that she rarely did, and only allowed herself to do here. She grabbed the blanket, wrapped herself up on the couch, and let herself cry. It felt good to cry. She did it so rarely that when she did, she let it all out. She could try for hours straight.

Crying had been taught to her as a weakness. When her mother had died, she had cried, until her father had stopped her. She still remembered it. She had cried hard, causing all the people around her to stare at her. Her father had taken her into a corner…

She looked at her mother's body lying there, pale and cold. "Mom, Mommy…why? Come back! Come back! You can't be dead, you can't! Mommy! Mommy!" She burst into tears, sobbing, burying her head in her mother's chest, like she would when she was alive. "Mommy!" She screamed, sobbing harder.

Hercule Satan looked around as he saw all the other patients, families, doctors and personal standing there, watching the five year-old cry. He shook his head, walked over to her, and pulled her away. He brought her into a corner hidden away from sight. "Videl, stop that right now!"

She didn't, but continued to cry, rubbing her eyes.

"Videl, stop that right now! Only weak people cry! You're not weak, so you don't cry!" He shook her until she started to stop. "Unless you're weak, you never cry, especially where people see you."

She nodded her head, and wiped away her tears. "All right, Daddy." She sniffed, but didn't cry.

Videl let all her tears out. She hadn't cried in months, years, and she certainly wasn't weak. But she did need to cry. Everyone needs to cry at times, and Videl was no exception, especially the fact that she was only an eleven year-old girl.


Gohan climbed out of the helicopter, helping Bulma out. She then turned and got Trunks. They were at Capsule Corps, dubbed CC by Bulma, on the front lawn. Bulma grabbed her purse then, and started off in the direction of the Housing Complex, in other words, what had been destroyed last night.

When it came into view, Piccolo was standing there levitating several boards at once, and the construction workers were busy trying to ignore the tall green alien, and were busy nailing boards together. Bulma nodded. "Right, thanks everyone. But, I think you should take a lunch break, well, all except Piccolo."

The workers looked at her, and dropped their tools gratefully. They had been waiting for a break, ever since they started at six a.m. this morning, and the job looked like it would take hours to complete. Whatever Mr Briefs had done, it was sure bigger than usual. Of course, with Mr Briefs, they knew never to ask questions. Vegeta Briefs was not a man to mess with, they had learned early on.

After the workers left, Bulma turned to Piccolo. "You haven't seen Vegeta, have you?"

Piccolo let the boards drop. "No. Why?"

Bulma sighed. "He blasted off a while ago. We got in a fight, and well, we both let our tempers get away with us. He was furious, and said basically that he wished he had destroyed this planet years ago, that he didn't belong here, that sort of stuff." Bulma pulled a handkerchief out of her pocket, and blew her nose. She was very close to tears again, and tried to keep them back.

"It reminded me of how he went off right after we first got together, when I was pregnant, before the Androids. He's gone off before, but not like this! He just blasted off! Normally he comes here, but if you didn't see him…" She broke out sobbing. "It's so unfair! I do love him, I know that. But it's so hard to love him. He doesn't accept affection. He's never even said 'I love you'!"

Piccolo and Gohan glanced at each other. Trunks had toddled off, and they were alone with Bulma. Both of them had no idea what one did when someone cried like that.

Gohan decided he would have to comfort her. He walked up to her, and hugged her. "Bulma, shh, it's all right. As soon as you get settled in, Piccolo and I will go looking for Vegeta."

Bulma tried to stop her sobbing, and managed in making it softer. She wiped her eyes and blew her nose. She then turned to Gohan, and smiled. "Thanks, Gohan, you're a good friend."

Gohan blushed a bit. "It's okay, Bulma. Now, I'll start looking for him. It's been two hours since he left, so it shouldn't be so hard to find him."

Bulma nodded at him, grateful. "Thanks. Now, where did Trunks get off to?" She spied him climbing over a pile of wood.

Gohan shared a smile with Piccolo. He was glad Bulma had stopped crying. "Bulma, I'm going now." He blasted off.

* * *

He soared through the sky. It had been three hours since he had started to look, and was getting into the evening. If he didn't hurry back to home soon, his mother would be worried, not to mention Bulma. He kept his eyes peeled.

He had asked Kuririn and Yamchu to help out, and they had, but they had reported back saying that they couldn't find Vegeta, or his ki anywhere. Vegeta couldn't be dead, that was impossible, he was in top form, and there weren't any enemy, or even friendly kis high enough to beat Vegeta on the earth at this moment. Either Vegeta was hiding his ki, which was most likely, or something odd was going on.

He flew around. He had probably looked everywhere on the planet where Vegeta could be, surveying the landscape for the occasion that he could see Vegeta. He didn't. He kept on, getting more and more discouraged. Where was Vegeta?

Gohan decided to get back to Capsule Corps. He knew that Bulma would be waiting for him, and since she was still staying at his house, seeing as CC was nowhere near being fixed yet. He saw her, standing on the lawn, directing a worker to move a big piece of metal. He landed down out of sight, and jogged up to her.

She smiled as she saw him. "Gohan! Did you find him?"

He shook his head. "No, I didn't. He's probably hiding his ki, but I even searched for by sight, seeing if I could make him out anywhere, and I still couldn't find him. Kuririn and Yamchu helped too, and they didn't have any luck either."

Bulma frowned. "That is strange. Not to mention it's almost dinner time, and I know that he doesn't have any money on him, his wallet's here, with his credit card and cash."

Gohan shoved the information that Vegeta actually had a credit card to the side. "That is strange. Saiya-jins never miss a meal."

"I know." Bulma's eyes darkened. "Gohan, do you think he could have snuck in here while Piccolo was working? If he hid his ki, then Piccolo couldn't sense him, and Piccolo was preoccupied to be looking for him."

Gohan shrugged. "I don't know. Should we check?"

Bulma nodded. "Yes. Let's go."

* * *

They entered the undamaged portion of Capsule Corps, nodding to workers and scientists. Bulma asked around if people had seen him, but no one had. She frowned. "Do you think he went to the Experimental Complex? That's where we're working on things too big to have in a normal lab. Houses, planes, stuff like that."

Gohan shrugged. "Well, it can't hurt to try."

Bulma nodded. "Right." She led the way there.

In front of them stood a huge building, where bangs, shouts and another noises could be heard. Soon a worker came running out. "Ms Briefs, it's gone!"

Bulma raised an eyebrow. "What is?"

The worker tried to catch his breath. "The IPX3! The one you've been working on!"

Bulma swore. "Damn, that must have been Vegeta! I knew I was on to something when I said it was like when I was pregnant!"

Gohan looked at her in confusion. He didn't recognise the name, IPX3 was new to him. "Bulma, what is the IPX3?"

Bulma sighed. "It's a spaceship. Actually it's a direct copy of Freezer's old ship, I got the data off of Vegeta's scanner. It's also top of the line, and I stored it with everything you'd need to live quite a while in space, including a lot of Vegeta's old things, such as his scouter, armour, books, everything. I was planning on taking a tour of space for Vegeta's birthday. The ship's practically ready. There are a few entertainment options, and children safety options for Trunks I wanted to install, but the systems and engines are perfectly in order. I was keeping it a secret, I thought I would surprise Vegeta with it when it was all done."

Gohan felt the blood drain from his face. "Vegeta's in space?"

*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ *+*

A/N: Finished. Funny how my chapters keep on getting longer, but this definitely takes the cake. Twenty-four pages, 130KB, long. And I started writing this the moment I was finished with the third chapter. Anyway, I have no idea how long the next chapter's going to be, or what's in it. See, I kind of never plan ahead in this fic. I have the basic story line down, but everything else comes as I sit down and type it.

I know, this chapter was very Vegeta oriented, with him leaving and stuff, but it has to do with the greater plot. Next chapter also has to do with him, and maybe the one after that, I'm not sure, it depends how long it takes to get him back on earth and punished. Plus, Vegeta is Gohan's teacher, and in a way, surrogate father. Goku's gone, so Vegeta's the main Saiya-jin figure now. Gohan learns a lot from him, and looks up to him.

I didn't explain the letter very well, and I will later. Same with the Kalia and Shin stuff. I think everyone knows whom Shin is, but Kalia's mine, and she has a small, but relatively important part, but very small for now.

Videl's also a bit more girly this chapter, with the crying and all. It's because she's eleven, and at eleven, you are very different than at sixteen. Trust me, I know, I'm about to turn sixteen, and I was different at eleven. Not to mention that she doesn't have a very good family life. That's why at the moment she's basically thinking about her family and friends situation, and why getting to know Gohan is so important to her. It'll take a bit, but soon she'll get happier and normal.

I think that's all of what needs to be said about this chapter. Let's move on. Hmm, my DBZ question. What relation, if there is one, to Goku is Tales? I hear that he's the brother and uncle, and I'm not sure which one is right, because I don't remember hearing anything about it in the movie, though I did watch it in German, and it wasn't a great copy… And how much older is Vegeta and Radditz from Goku? And when did DB start, when Goku is 11 or 12, or when he's eight? Goku doesn't look fifteen when he beats Over Devil Piccolo, but then again, appearances can be deceiving.

I also got asked how I knew that Cauli was Goku's mother's name, and if it were official, or not. I don't know if it's official, but I saw it on several websites, so if a lot of them have it, I'm leaning towards the fact that it might be official. If you want proof, try www.fusion-z.de, www.fusion-strike.de, www.dragonballz.de, www.songoku.de, www.db-mania.de, and I think there were more of them, but at the moment, I can't remember them. Go to Charakteren, and then Stammbau, or Familien, or something like that. Under Goku it says father: Bardock, and mother: Cauli.

About English websites saying the same thing, I have no idea, because I don't go on English DB websites, simply because I watch DB in German, and therefore it's more comfortable with character names and such to use the German ones. Though I'd think that English would be easier, seeing as I've only been speaking German a year…

Anyway I guess that's it. All I have to do is advertise, and remind you all to review. So, people, please review. Otherwise I'll send my brother's Level 100 Charizard and a Super Saiya-jin 2 Vegeta after you…

Advertising: Seeing how I misplaced my lists, I'll be going from what I have in my head…

Normal Friends from Strange Places by Maria Cline is very good. At first I stayed away from it because it has an original character, but since he's well written, it doesn't matter. Gohan begins school, and meets Trey, the son of Tenshinhan and Lunch. Bardock's in it, a mysterious girl named Kai Shi, and Videl obsessed that Goku is Saiyaman make it an interesting fic. This wasn't a very good description, but it's 11:30 here, and I'm tired…

Wish for the Past by Burenda is excellent. Goten wants to meet his grandfather, so he wishes himself there, and to the past. A journey after the Dragon Balls ensues with Radditz, Chibi Vegeta, Chibi Bulma, Trunks, Goten, Bardock and Chibi Goku all on earth. Again, not a very good description, and I don't necessarily think she needs the advertising with almost 1500 reviews, but hey, it's a wonderful fic, and I felt like advertising it.

Willpower by Jadedbeest is very funny. When Videl, Chichi Bulma and C18 sit down and talk one day, it ensues in a contest of willpower, who will be the first to lose and sleep with their husband. But when the men find out, they make it harder for the women… Bad description, but who cares. It's very funny, but it's also NC-17, so beware…

A Killer in Me by Reber is excellent, and definitely for Vegeta fans. Vegeta is turned into a nine year-old, and then is kidnapped and taken off to space. Bulma searches for a way to repair her father's shrinking ray, and Goten and trunks stole along with Vegeta for the ride.

Petrified Tears by Pannabelle is what made me a Trunks/Pan shipper, well that and 'Getting A Clue', but that's an entirely different fic. Pan comes back from College, and starts to work in Capsule Corps. Trunks and her start to slowly fall in love…but admitting it isn't to be done. Very, VERY bad description, but a wonderful fic. It's 93 chapters, I think, something around there, but they're fairly short.

Getting A Clue by Frozenflower. Mirai Trunks and Pan meet in the future and marry, having twins. When they decide to come back into the past, chaos ensues. And will it help this time's Trunks and Pan to get together? Very funny, entertaining, and I loved it. Can't think of what else to say…

You know what? I think I'll go to bed now…what? Did you say something? Or did I just fall asleep on the computer? Probably the latter. Anyway, please remember to review, and hopefully ff.net will be up tomorrow so I can post it.

Bye. -Jennie