Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Uncertain Future ❯ Mating Ceremony ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters you see in the show, movies, manga, etc. Please don't sue me cause I can't afford it!

Author's note: Hey readers! I just wanted to thank you all for the nice reviews I got, except for one, which I won't mention. Ahem…Anyway, on with the story!

*Thanks to Vegetababe and Bulma Peacecraft for Beta-ing!*

Uncertain Future, Chapter 19: Mating Ceremony

"Oh, I'm so nervous!" Bulma squealed. She was standing in her room while a group of maids did her hair and makeup. It had been a week since Vegeta claimed her, and today was the official mating ceremony.

"I'm sorry my lady, but you'll have to hold still while I do this please." It was the fifth time the maids had to reprimand her.

"Sorry, I'm just so nervous. I mean, the rest of the planet has practically no idea who I am! As far as they know, I'm just a housemate. How will they react to having an alien as their Queen."

"Don't worry Bulma!" said a female voice from the doorway. Bulma turned around and smiled at her friend and guard.

"Hey Kishin! How do I look?" Bulma asked.

"Well, I'd have to say the maids are right, if you don't sit still you're gonna end up looking like a…a…What did you call it again? Those funny guys with the bad makeup?" The female Saiyan scratched her head, reminding Bulma of her old friend Goku.

"They're called clowns, and I do not look like one!" Bulma rolled her eyes. "I'm just nervous and it's hard to stay still!"

"Like I said Bulma, don't worry! You have nothing to worry about. King Vegeta is well liked by his people and they know he would not allow any harm to come to his Kingdom. They may not like the idea of having a Human Queen, but they will respect his decision." Kishin grasped Bulma's hand in a comforting gesture. "Besides, I'm here to protect you so nothing can go wrong!" Bulma laughed softly and gave Kishin's hand a squeeze before letting it fall out of her grasp.

"Thanks Kishin. I feel really safe now." she giggled. The maids resumed their work as Kishin moved over to a chair across the room.

1 hour later…

Bulma twirled around in front of the mirror, admiring herself. Her hair had been curled into ringlets and left down with a few strategically placed white beads threaded in. Royal blue eyeliner outlined her large eyes, and black mascara darkened her long curly eyelashes. A soft shade of blue powder covered her eyelids and only the slightest hint of blush was applied to her naturally rosy cheeks. Her lips had been left bare except for a clear liquid gloss.

The gown she wore resembled that of Chikyuu's medieval times, sporting a skirt of many layers and a tight formfitting bodice. The circular neckline plunged just low enough to show off her abundant cleavage without looking indecent while the long sleeves covered her shoulders and arms. The dress itself was done in Vegetasei's royal colors; a deep blue and a soft white blended together to make a Bulma's petite feminine figure seem even smaller, yet seeming to give her an eerie sort of power.

"WHOOOOOEEEEE!!! Bulma, you are gonna knock that man's sock's off!" Kishin jumped up out of her seat. "Geez, even if the females don't like you, you'll definitely have the support of every male on the planet!" she giggled.

"Shut up Kish!" Bulma cried, her cheeks reddening. "Don't forget, in about an hour I will officially be your superior!"

"Yeah, but only cause the King can't keep it in his pants!"

"I would really be careful you say soldier." A cold male voice said from the doorway. "You could get yourself in a lot of trouble…"

"K…King Vegeta!" Kishin gasped. "Forgive me, your highness." She dropped down on one knee and brought her fist over her heart. Bulma however, could not contain her fit of laughter as Kishin's face continued to burn.

"On your feet soldier." Vegeta shrugged. "I just came to check up on my wench."

"WENCH?!?" Bulma sputtered angrily. "How dare you!" She grabbed a brush off of the vanity and chucked it at him. Vegeta merely smirked as he caught it.

"Your aim is getting better…you could still use some work though." he laughed. Bulma only growled in response. "Well," Vegeta smirked, turning to leave, "I guess I'll see you in an hour…Wench."

"Bastard! Womanizer! Jackass!" Bulma called after him, fuming. "Oohhh he makes me so mad I could just strangle him!" Bulma ground out.

"Well, think of it this way Bulma." Kishin giggled, recovering from her embarrassment. "At least he took your mind off of your worries."

"Yeah, I know." Bulma smiled, fiddling with one of the ruffles on her dress. "That was probably his intention all along too."

1 hour later…

Bulma took a deep breath and walked out into the crowded room. A wave of shocked murmurs descended upon the crowd as she began her ascension to the throne. She didn't know exactly what people were saying, but she heard some hushed "What's going on?" 's and a few "Is this for real?" 's.

Finally, she reached the steps to the raised platform upon which sat two thrones. Carefully, she made her way to the top and took the outstretched hand that Vegeta offered her. With a gentle insistence, he led her to the center of the podium where he raised his hands, signaling for quiet. After a moment, the room was quiet and all eyes were on the unlikely couple.

"Greetings, people of Vegetasei." Vegeta's voice boomed with power in the enormous room. "This is Bulma Briefs. She is to be my mate. I realize that you may not wish to accept a non Saiyan as your Queen, but you must realize that there is no erasing of a bond." Saying so, Vegeta gently brushed the aqua curls off of his mate's shoulder, exposing the bite wound for all to see.

Excited murmurs traveled through the crowd at a quick pace. Some angry, some happy, and some neutral.

"Bonded? How can he be bonded?"

"I don't know, but there has to be a good reason."

"Bonds don't form unless there's a deep connection."

"How can this be? She isn't even Saiyan!"

"Saiyan or not, she is our Queen now, unless YOU plan to overthrow a Super Saiyan…"

Vegeta waited patiently for the noise to calm down. He had expected there to be speculation among the people. It was only natural. When all was quiet once more, he signaled for an elderly Saiyan to step up to the stairs.

The man took his time moving, purposely creating a mystifying spectacle of himself. The royal blue robes he wore swished and flowed around him as he walked, making him seem all the more important. In his large hands, he carried an ancient leather bound book, which he opened upon reaching the platform. Quietly, he began to speak in a tongue Bulma could not understand, but recognized to be Olde Saiyan.

"Theenoi aslak youmis naln roghleph raughl." He closed his book and set his eyes upon Vegeta, who responded, in the same tongue.

"Raushra immles unreich omenraji." Vegeta turned to his mate and took her hand in his own. He closed his eyes and began to concentrate, focusing all his energy on the woman before him. Bulma felt an odd sensation run through her body; starting at the bite mark, it spread downwards past her torso and waist, reaching all the way to the tips of her toes then coming back up again. Finally, the foreign sensation engulfed her mind. The feeling was indescribable; it was almost as if warm hands were cradling her very consciousness, gently seeping in to her soul.

Bulma closed her eyes and found herself speaking the strange guttural language, in response to what both Vegeta and the elder had said. "Erriph hurerg blapheis moisnel." She opened her eyes to find Vegeta smiling gently down at her. He leant down to kiss her as a cry rose up from the massive crowd.

They're cheering…Does that mean they accept me?

Of course it does.

Bulma's eyes widened in shock. She could have sworn she just heard Vegeta, but they were still kissing. How could he have spoken if we're kissing each other?

Don't be silly woman, as part of the mating ceremony a mindlink is formed between mates.


Vegeta pulled away from his mate and turned to face the crowd. "Bow!" he commanded, a wide smile on his normally stoic face. "Bow to your new Queen!" Like a rippling wave, every being in the room dropped down on one knee and raised fists over hearts. Vegeta picked up his new mate and walked down the aisle Bulma had entered through. As he passed, creatures stood and cheered for the royal couple, who was too absorbed in each other to notice.

Well, that's it for now! Hope ya liked it! Sorry if it's not very good, but I've had a really busy week so I didn't have much time to think about this! Remember to review!