Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unseen Battle ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I capitalized the names Death Bringer, Almighty, and Savior so that you all know that its the same person because it can get quiet confusing. The characters so far in this story are a little bit sketchy but that’ll pick up some more later on in the story. Thank you and please review.


There is said to be an ancient legend, dating back centuries ago. A legend about the ALMIGHTY. Also called the DEATH BRINGER and in the end, THE SAVIOR. Nobody spoke the ALMIGHTY’S true name. Everyone feared this person, even more than the legendary Aydradom, the Immortal Demon. Aydradom was of the same race as the ALMIGHTY, but millenniums older, and always sought out the throne of the universe. The Immortal Demon was unchallenged in strength and power, and destroyed planets and people wherever it suited. Massacres ensued and even the ruler of the four universes was helpless against the demon’s ruthless antics. The ALMIGHTY was the only one to ever escape from Aydradom’s icy grip, and when Aydradom sets out to destroy you, you might as well take your own life and save yourself the pain and the torture that was sure to ensue, for there was no place to hide. After the ALMIGHTY'S escape, the Immortal Demon disappeared. The ALMIGHTY destroyed the evils in the universe wherever it seemed to stem from, and like the Immortal Demon, could effortlessly destroy entire worlds. Even though the DEATH BRINGER was the perfect anti - Aydradom, the immense power and the lack of emotion that the ALMIGHTY possessed was feared and legendary even in the farthest reaches of the universes. It was said that if you stared into the icy orbs that they would suck your soul from your very body and set you on fire. But that was only rumor, the rest an ancient legend. For one planet though, it wasn’t only a legend, but pure fact, for the ALMIGHTY’S home planet of Guri.

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'The rain continuously poured down upon all who stood beneath it on it's relentless path to the enormous planet below. The lightening that accompanied the rain and thunder briefly lit up the face of a warrior who once stood proud and tall. Her once proud stance was reduced to a staggering sway. All who watched stood deafly silent, forgetting their own affairs. Her cold eyes fixated on one person in the distance. Smiling, she whispered "I kept my promise," letting the cold red blood run out of the corner of her mouth. Her eyes fluttered as she fell to the cold blood soaked ground.'

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It was coming --- she could feel it. She could always tell when it was about to happen. It always came on gradually until it reached it’s peak, then tapered off to leave her in a confused state. Maybe today won’t be as bad.

No, don’t kid yourself, its only gotten worse over the years. It seemed as though the temperature around her dropped to below freezing as her breath crystallized at its increased rate.

“Here it comes,” she whispered as she closed her eyes and braced for what was to come.

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“You’re late Prince Aris,” Cole stated impatiently while he made his quick approach to the man. He lowered his voice while offering his hand, “I don’t suppose that you think that we have all the time in the world to just wait for you to arrive do you?” “Yes, well if it wasn’t for that ridiculous security system, we would have arrived here on time, if not ahead of schedule,” he shot back following Cole’s lead and lowering his voice.

He took Cole’s hand and shook it firmly. “It is a necessary precaution, after all, this is the capitol of the universes. I hope you know that you’re only one out of 42 warrior races that have been summoned here to Guri. You have wasted valuable time.” “Mokbons are also the most powerful warrior race besides Gurians, so that means that you want something from us if you were willing to spend your ‘precious’ time waiting for us to arrive, is that not right?”

Cole raised one eyebrow at the obvious intelligence of the man before him. “Well, maybe your race is more that just a bunch of bloodthirsty animals after all.” Cole said giving a sarcastic smile. Prince Aris returned the smile.

“Now then,” Cole said raising his voice, “let me introduce myself. I’m Cole and this is Turfem,” he said gesturing to the man next to him. “We are Gurian Royal Knights, and the right hand of Princess Jade.” Prince Aris nodded, noting the sudden change to civil conversation. He gestured to the tall burly man next to him, “that’s Culvan,” he said short and bluntly. Cole nodded, “we’re going to start you with a tour of the palace, then after you return to your quarters, there will be a dinner in the main hall which you and the other warrior leader are to attend and the nature of this meeting will be discussed.”

Prince Aris took this time to examine the men that were in front of him. One was older with gray hair and beard with black bushy eyebrows. He had purple eyes which showed the fierceness in the old man but also showed his wiseness. This was Turfem.

The other one man, much younger with raven black hair, short and spiked. He had amazing green eyes which, when put together with his sharp features, gave him a tough, powerful appearance. They were both dresses lavishly with Gurian armor, the nicest he had seen. They had identical swords that were connected to their right hip.

“I trust that you will find your stay here on Guri, enjoyable.” Cole said snapping Prince Aris back to reality. “I’m sure,” he replied dully. “This way then,” he said as he and Turfem led the way towards the palace doors.

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“What’s down that way?” Culvan asked nodding in one direction. Cole and Turfem both looked in the direction that he had gestured to. It was a long black stone corridor lined with lit torches on the walls. It had a narrow strip of deep blue carpet running down the center of it. “Does it lead to some sort o dungeon?” Culvan asked mildly interested. The corridor looked so cold and forbidden with a cool breeze flowing through it. It seemed to beckon to Prince Aris and he took a few steps toward it. “Or maybe it’s hiding some sort of ferocious monster,” Culvan continued with the same humor as before.

Cole quickly stepped in front of Prince Aris making him falter in his steps. “You, nor your men are allowed anywhere near that corridor. That’s the East Wing and is forbidden to everyone, including myself,” he said in a deep calm voice, his green eyes seemed to burn into Prince Aris’. “And why is that?” he demanded. “That is none of your business,” he replied bluntly.

“Why don’t we continue on with the rest of the castle?” Turfem asked trying to break the tension between the two men as they continued to stare each other down. Cole slowly backed down and gestured for Prince Aris to take his leave and follow Turfem away from the corridor. Price Aris reluctantly did so, casting one last glance down the dark corridor knowing that he would be back to find out what it was that they were trying to hide down there.

About five minutes back into the tour, Prince Aris decided to take his chances and while Turfem and Cole were talking leisurely up ahead of them, he managed to slip away unnoticed by the Gurians.

He cautiously made his way down the dimly lit corridor. The torches that lined the cold stone walls flickered in the unseen breeze that he could now feel grazing past his hair. It seemed to hold in it a sinister message that was being whispered to him.

The breeze came again, faster this time. It whipped past his ear and he could almost make out the dark secrets it was trying to tell him. He continued in his trance like state towards the end of the corridor, longing to find what dark, sinister things were being hidden there. The icy breeze was turning into gusts now. Occurring with more power, more force, and more often. A door was now visible at the end of the corridor now. His heart began to pound with anticipation at the discovery he was about to make.

There were two large wooden doors with iron rings to act as handles. They were surrounded on each side by torches which were whipping around furiously from the gusting breeze. It was louder now, he could almost hear it. It was trying to talk to him. It was trying desperately to tell him its secret. It was coming from behind the door ---- he was sure of it.

It had some sort of presence around it ---- a sinister presence which lingered in the breeze as it fully engulfed him now, wiping around him like a ferocious storm ---- licking at him. The presence was more prominate now. He could feel it all around him.

The voice was getting louder and louder with every step that he took forward. Just a little bit more, he reached out his hand toward the door as he listened harder to what the voice was trying to tell him, demanding for him to hear its secret.

Everything seemed to go into slow motion as the wind around Prince Aris disappeared and the voice faded away. He had began to get pulled backwards away from the door. He tried in vain to reach out his already outstretched hand to grasp the door but missed.

The torches flickered out and plunged him into temporary darkness and he became abruptly aware of the sharp pain in his lower back. He waited for a moment for his eyes to adjust to the darkness.

His vibrant green eyes glared with anger at Prince Aris through the darkness. “You disobeyed my orders Prince Aris,” he said in a low menacing tone. He suddenly realized that the sharp pain in his back was a result from being thrown into the hard stone wall.

He returned Cole’s glare not yet realizing that his feet were off the ground as Cole held him up, pinned to the wall. “And why may I ask, did you directly go against my orders after I told you not ten minutes ago that this corridor is forbidden, did you see fit to come down here?” he asked in a low hoarse whisper still glaring at the prince.

Prince Aris suddenly realized the reason that he had come down here and his eyes shot over to the door. “I heard a voice,” he whispered. “It was trying to tell me something. It was coming from behind that door.”

He snapped his head back to Cole and looked down at him, “put me down you fool,” he growled. He was mildly surprised when Cole did so and put him down. “Come, we have to leave as soon as possible,” he whispered waiting for Prince Aris to follow him.

Something slammed up against the inside of the door making the iron handles and hinges shake violently. They both stared wide eyed at the door.

Cole quickly grabbed Prince Aris’ upper arm and tried to pull him down the corridor away from the door, but he violently resisted and the two struggled in the corridor relentlessly.

They both stopped and stared at the door neither daring to move a muscle as it slowly creaked open.....

~Death’s Obsession