Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ You are the one. ❯ Happily? Ever after. ( Chapter 9 )

[ A - All Readers ]

"Trunks what's wrong? Who was on the phone?" Pan asked she wanted to know who was on the other line.

Trunks still stood there shocked, "It was Mina, and she claims to be pregnant." Trunks collapsed on to the bed, stunned about what had happened. Was Mina actually pregnant? How could he have let something like this happen?

"Pregnant?" Pan asked her voice quiet, she could not believe that the ex was expecting. It just could not be happening. "Maybe she's lying?" Pan asked. She hoped it was just a ploy on her half to get Trunks back, something that was not going to work.

"Yeah, hopefully that's what it is." Trunks said still shocked. "I need to challenge her; I have to get her to do a pregnancy test."

"You think she'll take one." Pan wondered, she knew if Mina refused the pregnancy test, she would be lying about the pregnancy.

"I don't see why she would refute it, unless she isn't pregnant." That was something Trunks was wishing for; he did not need a bastard child.

"Trunks whatever the results are, I will stay by your side." Pan told him, hugging him. Without realizing it he had put his arms around her, he closed his eyes, he hoped Mina was lying.

Meanwhile with Mina.

Mina was standing in front of a full-length mirror, trying to picture what she would look like pregnant. "I'm going to look so fat." She said to herself.

"Hello, Love." A man who was what one might call tall, dark and handsome came up to her and put his arms around her, and began blowing on her neck. "So did pretty rich boy believe you?"

"I don't know, but he will after I take the test, he will ask me to take." Mina explained. Mina and her lover Mark Aniston had a plan all along, at first they thought that Mina marrying Trunks would be enough however when that plan had fell through Mina had to use her pregnancy to get his money.

"Soon we will be rolling in dough, baby." Mark kissed his lover sensually on the lips.

Back at Capsule corp.

"She's what?" Bra, Marron, and Bulma all shrieked at the top of their lungs. "Pregnant."

"That's what she said." Trunks answered.

"Trunks, demand her to take a pregnancy test."

"I did mom."

"And Trunks when she's due for her amnio force a DNA test on it, just to make sure the baby is yours."

"I plan on it." Trunks said, he hoped she was just lying about the pregnancy he would hate to have to do a whole DNA test and everything.

Pan went up to Trunks, "What ever the results are, I'll be there for you don't you worry, I love you more then anything."

Trunks smiled, he was glad he finally admitted his feelings to Pan. "I love you too."

"Trunks?" His mother asked.

"Yeah." He replied whipping around to look at her.

"You can bring Mina here I can perform all the tests on her."

"Thanks mom."

Trunks called up Mina, and told her to come to take the pregnancy test.

"She's on her way." He told his mom.

Once Mina had arrived, she quickly made her way to Trunks. "Oh Trunks isn't it wonderful we are going to have a little baby." Mina cooed, she hoped Trunks would be foolish enough to believe she was carrying his baby.

"Mina." Bulma came out. I can test you now. Mina followed Bulma into the lab.

Mina smiled and laughed inside her head. "These fools are pathetic; they think this is Trunks' Baby."

Bulma administered the test; the results were as expected Positive. Mina smiled, `All that money will soon be mine.' She laughed to her self.

Bulma however wanted to know how far along Mina was, so she ordered a sonogram to be done. "Mina, I'm going to do a sonogram just to make sure that the baby is healthy." Mina nodded her head in agreement, Mina had no idea that Bulma could figure out if Trunks was the father by the size of the baby.

After the Sonogram, Bulma looked over the pictures. "Oh my, this can't be if she's only two and half months along, then Trunks…" She quickly ran to where Trunks was, Mina was smiling as she made her way into Trunks life again.

"Trunks, when was the last time you and Mina had sex?"

"Four months ago, I think, why." Trunks asked suspiciously

"Because according to the sonogram, Mina is only two and half months pregnant, the baby can't be yours."

Trunks eyes lit up "Are you sure."

"Yes, she's two and half months pregnant, there's no way it can be yours." Trunks stood up and dumped Mina to the floor.

"I never want to see your face in my house or in my life ever again." Understood.

Mina began crying, "You're all I have, and I have nothing." Mina hoped he would fall for the sob story.

"Stop crying, if you need something ask the loser father of your baby." Trunks stated firmly.

Mina all the sudden changed attitudes, "We had it all planned, me and my lover, we were going to take you for everything you had." Mina left upset of the obvious defeat.

Pan sighed, "Now she's out of our lives forever."

Trunks smiled pulling her close to him "Yes now we can work on more pressing matters."

"Such as." Pan smiled, she knew what Trunks was going to do, or so she hoped.

"This." He kneeled down on one knee, and opened a box to reveal an emerald ring. "Pan Son, will you be my wife."

Pan had tears of joy running down her face. "Oh, Trunks of course I'll be your wife, I love you so much." She threw herself into his arms, where he held on to her never wanting to let go.

********SIX MONTHS LATER**********

Six months had passed, and Pan and Trunks were happily married and expecting their first child, it was a little soon for a child, however they welcomed it anyway calling it a gift from heaven.

Marron had give birth to quads, which was a surprise on her half. Four-quarter saiyan babies. All boys, which are named. Tasuki, Seth, Kenji, and Nero." Two resembled their mother, and the other two resembled their father. They were living in their own place now, a four bedroom chateau in Paris, France where Marron had taken a modeling job, even after giving birth to four babies she still had a killer body.

Bra had married Juunanagou, they had one daughter, which they named Uma, and the baby was a spitting image of her father, however she possessed her mothers eyes as well as her nose, all of her other features were from her father. They lived in his little cottage In the woods it was a far cry from the luxury she had when she was growing up, but to her just being with the man she loved was enough to make her happy.

Pan and Trunks lived at Capsule, considering it was now his house, his mother had given it to him when he had gotten married as a wedding gift. Pan was happy, she finally gotten her man, and Trunks had finally realized his feelings for Pan. He loved her and she is the one.

"I love you Trunks."

"I love you Pan." The two said to each other as they looked into the nursery of the baby they were expecting.

and that is the story, everyone lived happily ever after.

The end.
