Dragon Knights Fan Fiction / Dragon Knight (adult) Fan Fiction ❯ No Scars Only Memories ❯ Part 1: Just a Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

No Scars Only Memories

Summary: AU-Rath has to move in with a family friend. His parents sent him there so he could be able to have some social talk besides Cesia. When meeting the friend's son for the first time, he never worked as hard as this. What can happen? Pairings: Rath/Cesia eventual Rath/Rune

BLK Angel of Destruction: Hey ppls! I thought I'd never be able to do another DK fic since my others I've completely stopped on, well almost but I'll finish it somehow. Anyways you stumbled into another one of mine and I wish to point out a few things about this story. First of all, this is an Alternate Universe fic! That means everything will somehow completely be changed, which probably is personality, ect… So don't complain to me that they are OOC! This is an AU fic. That means some parts are altered.

Okay I just wanted to point that out since some people in the past have told me about personality switching. Well its because it's an AU fic. I doubt anyone would be the same if there were an alternate universe somewhere…and if I get one review for being said that their actions are a bit different I will just tell ya to read this note if you haven't already! Anyways here's the story. I think I've wasted enough time as it is.

Enjoy! ^_^

Part 1: Just a Beginning

Every night I'd dream of myself…

…Burning in the center of fire awaiting death…

…But then someone stepped through the barrier…

…And outstretched their hand…

…But every time I reach out…

…I fall back into the darkness.


"Rath honey! Wake up or you're going to miss your ride!"

A purpled haired teen shot up and dashed immediately to the closet quickly grabbing anything he could see as suitable for the public. He was also packing at the same time throwing his clothes into the suitcase since he told himself that he was going to wake up early to pack but didn't because once again he overslept. All night he was talking with his girlfriend Cesia. Some good that did him.

When Rath was finished he dashed quickly down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Okay, I'm finished," he said out of breath.

His adoptive parents looked at him a bit amused. This happened almost everyday, though they wondered why he hasn't caught on. Besides it was still early, an hour early. They just rushed him so he wouldn't be late. They both laughed. Rath just looked at them confused.

"If you looked at the clock you'd see that you have one hour," his mother, Raselene said. If one took a very faint look they'd notice that they weren't related by blood. It was something with the whole punnett squares and genes things. He was just adopted since Raselene was infertile. But they didn't care. They gave him the same love as any other kid.

"Well why did you wake me up?" he asked a bit peeved. You can tell he wasn't a morning person. Rath sat down on a chair at the table and began to eat.

"Well if we woke you up later you wouldn't be on time," his father Lykouleon said. (A/N: Big surprise there!) "Well since you're finished we'll just go right now."

"Bye! Have a safe trip Rath! And don't do anything stupid!" Raselene said her goodbyes to them and they left for the airport.


Rath was excited. He couldn't wait to meet the people he was currently staying with. Apparently they had a son his age. So he wouldn't be completely alone. He couldn't wait to land there. He glanced at his watch and saw that he had about six more hours before his plane landed. It seemed like the more he stayed awake the slower time went. So he decided to go to sleep seeing as how that was the only productive thing to do.


"Sir! Excuse me sir!" the flight attendant yelled trying to get her target's attention. Finding the job very difficult, as she did from the start, she smacked him. Something she might get fired for but it was of dire need. The young man would be able to understand.

Rath was startled awake at the sudden slap to his face. His cheek hurt. He looked up to see a flight attendant looking at him a bit annoyed he figured. Of course if he were an adult she wouldn't be looking at him like that. He quickly stood up realizing that he was the only one on the plane. He grinned sheepishly looking ignorant of the look she was giving him.

"I'm sorry ma'am. I guess I overslept. I'll be going now," Rath politely said with a bow before grabbing his duffel and going out of the plane to get the rest of his luggage. He sighed in relief. He quickly looked around and went to the place where people were gathered. He slipped easily through and after about ten rounds of the luggage being dragged around he couldn't find his. Looks like he'd have to report missing luggage when he gets to the friend's house.

Now he wondered how was he going to get there. Rath wandered around again until he saw someone with a sign with his name on it and a few luggages next to the man. They remarkably look like his. He looked questioningly. He walked over and the tall man looked at him.

"Are you Rath?" he asked coldly. Rath winced a little.

"Um yes," Rath meekly answered.

"I'm here to take you to Master Rune's place."

"Okay." His bags were picked up and they left to the house. Rath stayed silent for the whole ride of course wondering who the people were. The guy didn't seem too friendly upon first meeting. He just hoped that this 'Rune' wasn't like this. Who would he talk to around the house? There was Cesia but he'd be making major telephone calls. It didn't seem to fair if the owners have to pay for long distance. They stopped and he saw a house that was probably the biggest in the block. Okay it might not make a dent.

"We're here," the driver said surprising him out of his daze.

"Um, yeah, thanks," Rath responded and got out while hanging on to his duffle. Before he could knock the door opened revealing a woman with brown hair and green eyes. He figured she was the owner. Forgetting about everything else he smiled.

"Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Rath." He said in greeting.

"Nice to finally meet you my name is Cernozora," she said, "Welcome please come inside, Tetheus will bring your stuff down. Are you hungry?"

"Yes, I am," he said excitedly while following her to the kitchens and sitting on the table. Warm food was placed in front of him. He dug in forgetting all manners until Cernozora laughed in delight. He stopped and blushed in embarrassment.

"No, it's okay, it's just that I've rarely seen such life in this house. Maybe…" she trailed off because she was about to slip something out. Rath caught it and wondered what she was going to say. He shrugged it off thinking none of it as his business. Cernozora sighed and stood up.

"Excuse me Master Rath, but I must get Master Rune for his lunch," she said before walking out. She walked to a certain room and knocked three times before speaking.

"Rune! It's time for lunch. Your guest is here." She said through the door hoping by any chance that her master would not skip another meal because he 'supposedly' wasn't there. Of course she does have ways of getting him out.

"Master Rune! This isn't funny. You skipped dinner and breakfast this morning. Plus your guest is here! I doubt your mother would like it if you left him hanging."

Still no answer.

"Fine. I'll get Tetheus to bring you out."

She smirked as the door unlocked and a blond haired blue-eyed teen walked out. He looked at her with a slight glare in his eyes.

"One of these days Cernozora, that trick is not going to work," he stated before walking ahead.

"What am I going to do with you? My mother instructed that I take very good care of you. I wouldn't be doing my job if I wasn't threatening you, Master Rune."

"Drop the honorifics. I'm tired of that."

"Of course Rune. There's no need to be so cold about it. I suggest you lighten up because your guess is really exciting."

"Well then why don't you act like you're the head of the household and say I'm gone?"

"Because he already knows you're here."

"Where is he?"

"Eating in the dinning table. I suggest you hurry before he finishes it all up. He's eating like he hasn't eaten in days."

"Good. I'll take my sweet little time."

Cernozora huffed in annoyance. Sometimes the kid was very hard to get through. She blamed his mother. Maybe calling Tetheus would make him walk a bit faster. Luckily she spotted him walking in their direction. Her eyes pleaded with him for help. He got the message and placed his hands on Rune's shoulders making him walk faster to the dinning table until they stopped at the doorway.

Rath was nowhere to be found. The eaten food was the only proof that someone had been in there. Rune turned to look at them.

"Well it looks like he's finished eating. I guess there's none left for me. Where is he?"

"I took him to his room he said he was tired." Tetheus explained.

"Just make sure he doesn't wander where he isn't supposed to." Rune said before walking back to his room. They both looked at his retreating form.

"Someone needs to teach him to be nicer and smile more." Cernozora commented absentmindedly.


Kinshin: It's probably a bit boring right now but I assure the plot will be more exiting in the next chapter!

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