Dragon Knights Fan Fiction ❯ The Moon Princess ❯ First, last and only chapter ( One-Shot )

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Moon Princess
Disclaimer: Dragon Knights doesn't belong to me but the poem on the end does! =D
Author: Jinsei Seishin
Dreams are in italics
Moon princess, why do you cry? Your crystal tears fall down from the heavens and land on my upturned face as rain. It makes me wonder… Moon Princess, why do you cry?
How long have I been up? It feels like hours, but I know better. It's a gray morning, the clouds hang heavy with rain, covering the skies. It's going to rain today, better remember to bring my umbrella then or I'll be soaked. I can hear my aunt moving around in the kitchen one flight of stairs below. Yeah, that's right, I live with my aunt since my father's always away on these long business trips and my mother… I don't remember much of her, she died when I was very young. So my aunt, Delte, is pretty much my core family as it is right now… and have been for very long, almost as long as I can remember.
She's going to call for me soon, tell me to come down and eat breakfast and then get on my way to school. The usual routine. But last night… I dreamt about something that made me wake up, long before my alarm clock even. When opening my eyes I was wide awake oddly enough. I went to sit down and try to figure out the dream's meaning… but during the more or less hour long moment I've been sitting here, in front of my desk and staring out the window as it got lighter, I haven't been able to. All I can remember now is that face… her face. Her crying face… Why was she crying? I wish I knew why. She was pretty, very pretty. I wish… I wish I could make her stop crying. Those yellow green eyes… almost like topazes.
“Nohiro! Breakfast's ready, hurry down here!”
I blink at the ceiling that appeared so suddenly. I actually fell out of my chair in surprise. Was I really that gone in my contemplations? Ah well, nothing I can do about it now, better just hurry down to breakfast.
School went by like a breeze, I don't even know if I slept through all classes or was awake. I don't remember much of the day at all… All I could think about was… her crying face. Afternoon, clubs, going home, dinner, evening, some studying… Did I really do all that? I remember doing it but I don't remember any details… Just her.
Black… deep dark space all around me. Am I dreaming again? Was it really this dark last time? No, I was… I was inside a room then.And now I'm standing in a garden. Funny, all the green has a silver touch to it and some stems and petals are even purely white or purely silver instead of green. Where am I? This place… it makes me think of the moon.
There's a large palace in front of me; white and silver. I wonder… is that marble it's made of? Wasn't it…? Wasn't it in this building that I met her? Stupid to stand here wondering when I can go in and look.
The halls are so white, all made of marble and the doors of white painted wood… if not the wood here on the moon is white instead of brown. I don't know what it is making my feet moving, I've never walked down these halls before… but at the same time I feel like I know where I should go… go to find her. There, one final, large set of white double doors framed by a silvery vine with leaves on it. What is that sound coming from the other side? Is someone… crying?
Opening the doors I see her. She stands there, on a balcony of white marble and large columns adorned by silvery veins, wearing a long, pristine white dress that trails far behind her…and she's… crying. It… it pains my heart, pains it so much to see her feel such sadness, to hear her weep. It makes me want to hold her, comfort her, make her tears stop falling…
I slowly walk towards her, my steps echoing against the seemingly cold walls in the room, even if it is really open. She seems to notice me since she jerks gently and looks up, looking straight at me. Her yellow green eyes filled with tears… It looks like there's a silvery light beaming down upon her… or is it emitting from her? I can't tell which, but the light makes her hair sparkle like there are diamonds in it. She's so beautiful…
I don't know why I'm still moving, but I'm slowly walking towards her as she continues to stare at me, almost as if I seem unreal to her, as if I will suddenly dissolve and disappear if I come to close… Or as if I'm a dream…
How did the distance suddenly become so short? I didn't notice it closing so quickly. I'm less then two feet from her now and I have stopped, reaching out towards her with a hand, as if to touch her… dry her tears from her cheeks. But… what? It's… waning? The whole picture is fading away in front of me…Am I waking up? No! Wait! Not yet! Please, not yet! I—
… am awake again. My white ceiling is staring back down at me, as it usually does when I wake up. What's the time? 07.29 am the digital numbers glare at me. One minute before alarm going off. Guess I can just as well turn it off before it destroys the silence.
Sitting up, I throw my legs over the edge of my bed. I stare down at my pajamas clad knees then move my eyes to look at the rest of the room. Same old room… Outside the window the sky's still gray. Didn't it rain yesterday? Or is there more rain coming? What day is it even? All I see in front of my eyes when I close them is her crying face… I wanted… wanted to hold her, comfort her and make her stop crying, have her tell me why she was crying.
The spell is broken as I hear my aunt's voice from down below, calling out my name, telling me to come down and eat…
Where did the day go? I remember going to school but the rest is a haze. Am I going mad over some dream? Is this what they call dream insanity? Or maybe lunacy? But she… she wouldn't be making me insane… would she?
I remember a friend at school, Rune I think it was, asking me if I was feeling all right. He said I was spacing out all the time, almost as if I had something on my mind that took up all my concentration… Someone else said something then… who was it? Rune's twin sister, Tintlet, wasn't it? I think so, but I'm not sure… What was it she said now again? That's right! It looked as though… I was in love. Am I in love? Do I love I girl I have only seen in my dreams? If I do… will I ever get to see her for real? Does she exist? I… I feel I must know. Otherwise I probably will go insane. This must be truly be lunacy. Sigh.
Where did the evening go? Do I even remember half of it? What did I talk about with aunt after dinner? Did I do that homework we have until tomorrow? Did I brush my teeth? I don't know, I truly can't remember… Sigh. I just wish… I just wish that I'll see her tonight again. I must see her tonight again. I must know! … Why is she crying? She's pretty like a princess. Is she… Is she then the moon princess?
Oh Moon Princess… why do you cry?
Opening my eyes I see the garden again. This time I must make it to her faster and ask her! I must get a chance to hold her, if only for a second. I'm running down the halls. Were they really this long last time? Was I really that gone that I didn't even notice their length? Or is it because I'm running? Is there some magic at work here making it take as much time whether I run or walk?
There! Finally, her doors. Please, let her been in there! Please!
As I throw open the doors and rush into the room she turns around in a swirl of shimmering silver and white, yellow green topaz orbs glittering with tears. She stares at me, she seems surprised then a look of… longing? Have she… have she been hoping for me to come? Waiting for me? What is this I feel? I can't describe it. My heart's swelling with joy at the thought that she might have been waiting, wanting, me to come back. Why am I standing still and just staring at her? One step forward and then I'm running up to her. I can't let the dream end before I at least have held her in my arms for one second… if only that.
I almost run into her before being able to slow down, marble floors sure are slippery. Pulling her swiftly into my arms I can feel her surprise in her movements, in her gentle, flowing movements.
Suddenly I feel my eyes widening in surprise. She's hugging me back, clinging to me, her hands taking hold of my shirt. She's shaking with tears again and… What? I am… crying too? Pressing my eyes shut I feel the drops falling down my cheeks. But I'm not sad… I'm… happy. And I can feel her smiling as she's crying into my shoulder. She is… happy too.I can't get out a single word even though I desperately want to. I have a thousand things to ask her yet not a single sound come from my lips… I'm just… smiling. I can't help it. I'm smiling and crying. I… I really must love her… No. I really do love her. I must know, is she real? Or does she exist only in my dreams? I don't know if I would stand it if she does. I must stay with her… I don't think I could survive without her now… Oh, please, let me stay here with her. Even if it's only a dream. I wish so dearly that I could stay with her. I love her so.
Walking up the stairs I shake my head. What could possibly make the boy sleep past his alarm and not even wake up to my voice? He even went to bed a bit earlier yesterday. “Nohiro?” I knock on his door before entering his room after getting no reply. “Nohi…” His bed… it's… empty. But… it looks exactly like he lay in it not long ago. The covers aren't put in order and his pajamas isn't lying under the pillow… Even his school uniform and bag still rests by the chair in front of his desk! Why…? Where has he gone? Is this some kind of joke? I… I must search through his room and then the house and try his cell phone… And if I haven't found him then… I must… I must call the police… Where… where are you, Nohiro? Is this some kind of dream?
There's a hole in the sky
There's a hole in my heart
It's raining from my eyes
I can't see the stars
Now that was beautiful, don't you think? ^^ Please review so I get to know what you think. Those first lines in italics were what made me come up with this whole little thing. ^^ And my poem, Sadness, was a perfect match too.
Edited: For you who haven't been able to guess who the girl is… It's Silk. My sister was beta reader and pointed out two typos (it was late, or rather, early when I wrote this) and that she didn't understand who it was. The hair and eye color I took help from a site (that is now down, damn) that had very much info, taken from both the Japanese manga and Mineko Ohkami's own website.
She also wondered if Nohiro was IC. And I can only say that I think he was, at least most of the time. His longing to get to know her was like his longing to find and marry a faerie, so…