Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Valentine's Day Psychology (Series: Multiple Psychology) ❯ Chapter 5

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own FAKE or Sanami Matoh's wonderful characters.

Rating: NC-17 OT+16 (Yaoi, Multiple Partners)
Pairings: Various Pairings of Dee, Ryo, Berkley, J.J.
Timeframe: 1998, approximately 6 months after the end of Volume 7
Series: Multiple Psychology

Summary: Berkley Rose calls in a psychologist to help with some of the interpersonal conflicts around the precinct. In doing so, he gets himself and his detectives involved in a crazy experiment cooked up by a somewhat sadistic lady Doctor. Strangely enough, it all pays off for them when Valentine's Day turns into something far more than a day for treats and sweethearts.
Title: Valentine's Day Psychology
Author: Mori Ryoshi
Chapter 5
14-February-1998 - 9:15
“Oh! Dee!” Ryo smiled as his blanket of sleep slid away. “Kami,” His voice faded into a moan as Dee's fingers worked his magic.
Dee had awakened almost half an hour ago and had lain back to watch his lover sleep…the chestnut-haired man's breathes were steady and deep and mesmerized the dark-haired man. A wicked thought had started deep in Dee's brain and he fought the urge for as long as he could.
For the first time in a long time, Dee found himself in the unusual position of feeling tentative…the normally certain man hesitated as he reached toward his lover and gently brushed his bangs back from his face. “I love you, Baby,” He whispered. “I want to have you with me forever. You make me complete.” He trailed his fingers down Ryo's face and gently brushed against the soft, flawless skin of his throat. The chestnut-haired man moaned in his sleep from the light touch.
“You make me so happy,” Dee whispered as he pressed a soft, almost chaste, kiss to Ryo's lips before licking along the outer edges. He sucked the lower lip into his mouth and ran his teeth over the sensitive surface. Ryo moaned again in his sleep and began shifting under the loving assault.
The raven-haired man pulled back and smiled widely at his partner's face before he pushed the heavy blankets aside to reveal Ryo's long, lean, very well muscled body. Dee traced every angle with his eyes before moving in to touch the same areas with his fingers…with each touch; he felt the tightening and relaxing of his partner's muscles. The older man shifted several times in his sleep before he curled his toes and stretched much like a great cat…his lean body relaxed against the sheet and seemed to beg to be explored more fully. Gently, Dee nibbled at his partner's neck, remembering how carefully he had studied Dee's reactions to his own ministrations. Even asleep, Ryo's body was responsive, his cock was already hardening and his nipples, which hadn't even been addressed, already appeared as hard nubs.
“I love you,” He whispered as his green eyes traced along Ryo's collarbone before he began licking along the indentation where the two bones joined. He slowly caressed his hands along his lover's chest and stomach before following with his mouth and tongue. He'd learned a lot about taking it slow the day before from his supposedly naïve lover…he was determined to make use of his new found knowledge. Each stroke, each tease, each gentle caress was weighed and calculated to trigger as much pleasure in the other man as possible. Now on the edge of sleep and waking, Ryo seemed to respond even more…he was starting to writhe under Dee's hands and the raven-haired man had to fight back the impulse to move more quickly.
After his careful exploration reached Ryo's feet, Dee worked his way back up his lover's long legs only stopping at his groin for the briefest of licks and whirls before continuing his journey to plant a deep kiss on the older man's lips. As he pulled away, he was rewarded with Ryo's surprised cry and his deep moan.
“Kami,” Ryo moaned as Dee wrapped one large hand around his length and began slowly stroking the velvety flesh. The chestnut-haired man groaned, deep in his chest, and fought the urge to thrust his hips into his lover's powerful hand. “Dee,” He opened his eyes and captured the other's deep green eyes. “I love you, Koibito.”
“I love you, Ryo,” Dee licked his way down his lover's neck and chest, keeping a steady tempo with the hand wrapped around his lover's cock. “I love you,” He whispered as he replaced his hand with his mouth. He quickly drew his partner completely into his mouth. Ryo was long enough that the head of his cock reached into Dee's throat causing him to have to relax his muscles as much as possible. He began slow steady strokes along Ryo's entire length always keeping contact on his sensitive head.
“Dee!” The chestnut-haired man couldn't hold back any longer, the combination of stimulation before he'd awakened combined with Dee's slow, steady tempo had triggered a response that he couldn't fight back. The older man tangled his fingers in his lover's hair and began thrusting his hips; trying to remember not to choke his partner…his best intentions soon fell away as he lost control and simply writhed under the raven-haired man's mouth.
Dee couldn't believe how out of control Ryo was…he'd never seen him this way and he was enjoying it immensely. From the corner of his eye, he could see the deep blush that was creeping it's way down his lover's body. “He always gets embarrassed when he receives pleasure…” He thought about the night before when Ryo had been in control. He hadn't blushed much, if at all until they'd entered the shower…then his chestnut-haired lover had turned a soft, beet red. He fought back a smile as the blush passed Ryo's groin and continued down his legs. Then he wasn't thinking anymore and was focused on his lover's struggles to fight back his orgasm.
Ryo knew it was a losing battle to try to hold back when he felt the tip of his cock hit repeatedly the back of Dee's throat. When his partner set his mind to it, he had the most talented mouth in the world…at least in Ryo's opinion. He didn't have anything to compare his lover too…but couldn't imagine anyone being better.
After several more focused strokes and licks, Dee felt Ryo's thigh muscles bunch under his one hand and the muscles of his chest contract under the other…he knew his partner was close and intensified the suction he was applying. He felt Ryo's shaft expand and pulled back to lick along the head and ridge as he held his lover's hips to the mattress.
Ryo came with an intensity, he hadn't realized that he'd possessed. After what felt like minutes he felt his cock soften and was finally released from his lover's luscious mouth. “Dee,” Ryo reached down to his lover and pulled his face to meet his. He kissed his lover deeply; tasting his own seed in the kiss…he privately wondered why this act had been uncomfortable for him at one time. His seed tasted differently from his lover's but it still wasn't unpleasant. “I love you,” His whispered when he pulled away just enough to look into his partner's eyes.
“I love you, too, Ryo,” Dee smiled and gave his lover another deep kiss seeking out his tongue for a playful duel. “I love waking up to you.”
“What are you talking about? I woke up to you,” Ryo playfully tapped his lover's shoulder.
“I'm not meaning making love, Baby, or at least not only making love. I love waking up beside you and just watching you sleep. You're amazing even when all you're doing is sleeping.” Dee was feeling like a romantic sap and was surprised at how true his words were.
“Dee,” Ryo couldn't find words to express the depth of the love he felt right then for his raven-haired lover and decided to skip the words and show him. He shifted from beneath his partner's body and gently pushed him onto his back. “I love you, too,” He whispered as he kissed Dee deeply, licking along his lips before drawing Dee's tongue into his own mouth for a duel…he initiated the kiss but left the control in his lover's hands…or in this case, his mouth. When he broke the kiss, the younger man was gasping for breath and his eyes were slightly glazed over.
Ryo began kissing along Dee's jaw and licked the sensitive patch of skin behind his lover's earlobes before following the curve of his neck from his ear to where it met his shoulder. He gave the powerful muscle a soft bite before kissing along the collarbone and licking up the front of his partner's throat. He felt as Dee swallowed hard under his lips and gently bit his Adam's apple in a shadow of a dominance display. The symbolism wasn't lost on his raven-haired lover who tilted his head back more to give Ryo greater access to his throat. On Ryo's part, the move had been instinct only…not realizing the significance of their actions; he nipped along Dee's neck some more trying to elicit a repeat of the response. When Dee only moaned in enjoyment, he moved his attentions to his lover's strong chest relishing the play of muscles under his mouth as his raven-haired partner writhed beneath him.
“Ryo, please,” Dee couldn't find anymore words as his lover sank his mouth over his cock and took the words he was going to say away.
Carefully, Ryo engulfed the head of his lover's cock in his mouth and licked along Dee's weeping slit. He focused his attention on using his tongue to massage around the head and under the ridge before plunging as far onto his partner as he could. His lover wasn't as thick as he was but he was longer. When he felt the hard length trigger his gag reflex, he fought it back and tried swallowing…the stimulation from the simple act surprised both of them with its effectiveness.
Oh, my God! What did he just do?” Dee thought in the back of his mind where cohesive thought was still possible.
Ryo pressed down again and swallowed again…he felt his throat contract around his lover's shaft and heard the answering catch in the man's breathing. He repeated the action again and was rewarded by Dee's thrusting hips. “I've only started…I don't want this to end so quickly.” He pulled his mouth away until he was again licking the head of his lover's cock. With long, smooth strokes, he lapped up the fluid that had already collected there and eagerly sucked off each new drop.
Dee had other ideas; he wanted Ryo to repeat whatever it was that he'd done. He tried unsuccessfully to encourage his lover by silent means and finally cried out, “Ryo, don't torture me! Do that again,” He thought in the back of mind, “And then teach me how to do it. It'll drive you crazy, too.
The chestnut-haired man heard his lover's command and plunged down Dee's shaft, remembering to swallow at the last possible minute. That was all it took to send his lover over the edge into a fuzzy oblivion. When he came back to himself, he discovered that he was cradled in his lover's arms and his face was being covered with soft, gentle kisses. “Yeah,” He managed to whisper.
“I wanted it to last longer…I feel as if you've been cheated.” Ryo blushed a soft pink.
“I wasn't cheated, Baby. You were perfect.” Dee shifted so he was lying on his side with his head resting on his lover's shoulder. “What did you do?”
“Whatever you did to me… What was it? It felt fantastic.” Dee tried to capture the sensations with words and discovered that he couldn't. It was too mind blowing.
“You were gagging me and I swallowed to stop the reflex.”
“Why haven't I ever tried that?” Dee looked up into his lover's face with amazement. “I'm going to have to try that,” He made a move to shift down his lover's body only to have his motion stopped. “What?” He stopped and relaxed against Ryo again. “What's wrong?”
“We need to talk about tonight,” Ryo seemed suddenly serious. “I know what you wanted to happen last Thursday night…even though you weren't ready to admit it to yourself. You've grown to like the commissioner, Berkley, and I know that I've grown to like J.J.,” Ryo took a deep breath before continuing. “If you're willing to admit what you want, tonight…for one night, there are no consequences. Anything can happen.”
Dee's eyes widened as he started to realize what Ryo was talking about. “Are you sure? Do you want it too?”
Ryo nodded and his fading blush came back vigorously. “I'm sure.” He turned slightly away from Dee…not facing him directly; but keeping his face in his peripheral vision. “I was so tempted to make love to J.J. yesterday when we woke up. He'd had a nightmare and I was comforting him,” Ryo bit his lip as he shook his head, “I was so tempted.”
“Geez, Ryo,” Dee smiled, “Once you get revved up, you're a very sexual being.”
“I prefer sensual. Sexual can sound so cheap at times.”
“Sexual is a better description. You don't stop at teasing and foreplay…you make you're partner feel wonderful all the way to climax.” Dee grinned as Ryo leaned back and gave a quiet laugh. “You know it's true.”
Ryo nodded. “What's your decision?” Dee seemed ready to think about it so the older man added, “If your answer is yes, I need to go to the store to get the ingredients for dinner and you should think about cleaning the apartment up. Maybe do a serious load of sheets?”
Dee nodded, “Yes. My decision is yes.” He caught his lover's eyes and was shocked to see they were smiling back at him.
“Then let's get moving. It's almost noon and I want to have everything perfect for tonight.”
A stray thought passed through Dee's mind as he remembered some of what he'd learned about Berkley over the last couple of days. “What if Berkley backs out? I get the feeling that he's had something horrible happen to him in the past. He starts to say something and it triggers memories and he backs off. This morning, I mean yesterday morning; he was deep in thought and said some things out loud when he thought I was asleep. I over heard him.” Dee looked momentarily uncomfortable, “He was talking about how difficult it is to sleep alone after being in a relationship with someone and his last comment was about the end of a relationship being `etched in blood'…I know I've accused him of being a bastard and abusive; but now…” Dee sighed, “I can't imagine him being anything other than one of the most caring lover's in the world. I don't think he's capable of abusing someone he loves…regardless of how he initially treated you. He was aggressive and overt in pursuing you; but he wasn't abusive.”
“I think that he was more aggressive toward me, because he saw how you treated me…he followed your lead. Even when he tripped me and kissed me, his arms cradled me and felt more protective than controlling…it was as if he wanted to hold me and cover me with kisses, not rape me. Nonetheless, I have to agree with you, I can't see Berkley as abusive.” Ryo thought over Dee's comments and asked the question that was niggling the back of his mind. “What triggered the thoughts about sleeping alone?” He had an idea of what had happened; but wanted to hear it from his lover.
“I slept with him. When I tried to fall asleep in the guest room, I just tossed and turned. After staring at the ceiling for a long time, I went to Berkley's room and woke him to see if I could sleep with him.” Dee grinned, “He sleeps like you…all curled up on his side with a pillow in front of him.” He frowned as he remembered something else he'd noticed when he'd woken holding the older man, “When he first woke up, I think he felt afraid because I was holding him…like he hadn't had someone just hold him in a long time.” He shook his head, “It might have been my imagination. I wasn't completely awake yet and even so…that wouldn't make sense. He dates all the time; it seems as if he's going out with a different person almost every night. He's worse than I was when I played the field.”
Ryo knew the Berkley did seem to date numerous people; but he had noticed something else, the commissioner never seemed to be happy about the practice regardless of what air he put on. “Dee, just because he goes out with someone, doesn't mean that he sleeps with them…in a sexual sense or otherwise. If they do have sex, what makes you so certain that he stays to sleep?”
Dee thought about Ryo's comment and question and had to frown. He really hadn't thought in that direction. “I guess I made the assumption.” In some ways, the idea of Berkley simply playing the field for dates and nothing deeper, depressed him. “We're so much alike.” He amended his statement, “We used to be so much alike,” Before he smiled and snuggled deeper into his lover's embrace.
“Don't get too comfortable, Koi,” Ryo smiled and laughed softly, “We need to get moving if we're going to be ready for guests; especially if anything does happen.”
Dee stretched and gave a fake yawn. “I forgot. Happy Valentine's Day!” His face lit up.
Ryo laughed happily, “I'd forgotten too…with everything happening this week, I didn't get a chance to get you anything. I'm sorry. Gomennasai, Koibito.”
“Well, Berkley gave me one hell of a surprise last night…something that he said I couldn't top. I think; he'll eat his words tonight. Let me get it,” Dee climbed out of bed and walked to the living room to dig into his duffel bag. In a couple of minutes, he was back in the bedroom handing the manila envelope to his lover. “Go ahead and open it.”
Dee curled up on the edge of the bed near Ryo's hip and watched as his chestnut-haired partner carefully opened the envelope and removed the enclosed papers. He smiled as the older man read through the documents taking special note when he came to similar conclusions as he had. “What is this, Dee? Is he serious?”
The raven-haired man nodded, “He said he was. He explained that if he was someone's sweet heart he'd do anything for them. I was his for a day and he gave me something that he thought would make me happy.”
“Dee, we can't let him do this. These tickets must have cost him a fortune and to have everything be open ended makes them more expensive.” Ryo slid the paperwork back into the envelope and laid it on the nightstand. “Why would he do that?”
“He took the assignment more seriously than I did,” Dee offered.
“No, he took it as a challenge to one-up you.”
“Maybe,” Dee thought about that. “He did say it was something I couldn't one-up him on; but I think he would have done something similar for his real sweet heart if he had one.”
Ryo sighed. He knew it would make for an uncomfortable situation if they forced Rose to take everything back and there were no guarantees that he could even get his money back. “I feel strange taking it,” Ryo finally said.
“I don't think we have much of a choice, Baby.” Dee shivered a little bit. “It's cold in here when you don't have clothes on or a warm body to snuggle up to.”
Ryo nodded before moving to kneel in front of his lover, “I don't mind the cold when I'm with you. You keep me more than toasty warm.” He gave Dee a gentle kiss and felt his partner's immediate response. “Nintai, Koibito. Patience, my Love.” With those words, the chestnut-haired man stood and headed for the bathroom for a quick shower before he got dressed and went to the kitchen.
Dee followed his lead and twenty minutes later, clothed in a pair of soft jeans and old sweatshirt, he munched away on a bowl of old fashioned oatmeal across from Ryo as the older man made out a list for the market. “Do you think my chicken stir fry would be a good choice for tonight?”
“As long as it's only chicken,” Dee mumbled around a mouthful of oatmeal. “Berkley doesn't eat pork.”
Ryo asked the same question Dee had asked, “Is he Jewish?”
“No. He said that pork doesn't get along with him.” He shook his head and amended, “He doesn't get along with pork.”
Ryo nodded at the explanation and started back into his list: chicken, snow peas, carrots, celery, sake, peppers. “Should I have a dessert?”
Dee thought about it, “How about your cheesecake? We had a strawberry cheesecake last night and it was good…but yours is so much better. I think Berkley would enjoy it.”
Ryo nodded and jotted down a few things he'd need to make one. “Strawberry? Or should I do another flavor?”
Dee shrugged, “Can you do half chocolate and half plain? We could add ice cream, fresh fruit, or that delicious sauce you make for it on our own. That way we could each personalize it for our own tastes.”
Yup…you'll add everything you can get your hands on to it and make everyone else wonder how the hell you can eat that.” “Good thinking,” Ryo added, `Fresh fruit,' to the list and sat back to try to think if he'd forgotten anything. “Berkley is bringing something to drink after dinner. J.J. is bringing the wine. Am I forgetting anything?”
Dee thought a minute nibbling at his lower lip, “We might want to think about picking up more,” He cleared his throat because he knew his partner was going to blush, “Necessities. I don't think we have enough lubricant on hand for four of us…especially if we make out the way you and I did yesterday.”
Ryo blushed a deep red and lowered his eyes to the notepad. “You can go and pick that up. All right?” He glanced at his lover through his shaggy bangs.
“Okay,” Dee knew how uncomfortable the public side of their relationship was for his partner and did try to make it as painless as he possibly could. “I'll run out now,” He rinsed his bowl in the sink, “Then I'll come back and do the sheets and run the sweeper. Do I need to do anything else?”
“Could you wash down the bathroom? Maybe do a couple loads of towels? Four of us will use more of them than just the two of us.” Ryo was trying to think when he'd last dusted the apartment. “Wednesday,” He thought, “Good, that's something we don't have to do.” “That should be everything, Dee.”
“All right, I'll be right back,” Dee went to the bedroom and grabbed his wallet. As he went out the door, he threw on his coat and yelled, “See ya!” Over his shoulder, as left.
A few minutes later, Ryo followed his lover out the door and with his list in hand, headed for the butcher shop to start his shopping. After the butcher's, he headed to the food market where he'd almost finished gathering everything on his list when he thought about Bikky. He knew his son had said that he'd be staying over at Lai's house for the weekend; but he did come home early every once in a while. With that thought in mind, he pulled out his cell phone and dialed Lai's number.
“Hello,” A deep silky voice answered the phone.
“This is Ryo MacLean,” Ryo was certain that he had the right number, “Is Bikky Goldman or Rai Spencer available?”
“One moment, Mr. MacLean. I'll get them for you.” Ryo heard the man call out for Lai and Bikky before he returned to the phone. “They were downstairs working online, Sir. I'm sure they'll be on shortly.
“Thank you,” Ryo remembered that Lai had an older brother, “Are you Lai's brother?”
“Yes, I'm Law.”
“Glad to meet you Law.”
Both men could hear the smile in the other's voice. Before either man could say anything else, one of the extensions picked up and Bikky blurted out, “Yeah!”
“Bikky! Happy Valentine's Day.” Ryo couldn't believe how happy he felt to hear his son's voice.
“Dad! Is everything all right? Is the pervert behaving himself?”
“Yes, Dee is behaving,” He used to get upset when Bikky would call his lover a pervert…taking it as a personal insult. Gradually, it became apparent that Bikky wasn't using it to be malicious…most of the time anyway…and tried to make it a term of endearment. “I wanted to make sure that you had everything you needed. I can bring anything else that you might need over.”
“Nah, I brought everything. I'm going to do really good on this test,” Bikky stopped when he heard Rai yell something at him.
“What was that?”
“Rai was correcting me…I should have said that I'm going to do really well on this test. We've been focusing on my English today.” Bikky paused and seemed a little sad when he continued. “Dad, why is studying so hard for me?”
“You haven't practiced it as much as those things which come easily to you. You're doing fine…you keep beating my expectations.” Ryo tried to let the boy he'd come to think of as his real son know how proud he was of him. Ryo was seriously thinking of beginning the adoption process so they could be an official family. “I'm so proud of you…how hard you work.”
“Will it ever be easy?”
“Bikky, is anything worthwhile supposed to be easy?” When his son didn't answer, he continued, “I remember in high school, I had this one teacher,” He leaned against the wall where he was standing, “She didn't like the fact that I was half-Japanese. She thought that made me a bad person…and she took every opportunity to tell me that she thought I should, `Go back where I came from.' Well, I made it my goal to get the top grade in her class. I worked as hard as I could and still only got a C for all my effort. But, that was the highest grade she'd ever given a `foreign student'. My mom was proud of me, even though she had very high expectations for my grades.” Ryo sighed at the memory, “You know what? That was the hardest grade I'd ever worked for and it was one of the few that I feel real pride over.”
“Okay, Dad.” Bikky's voice held a smile now. “I'll work hard and make you proud. See you after school, Monday. Have a Happy Valentine's Day with the pervert.”
“Monday, Bikky,” Ryo grinned as he tapped the end call button and closed the phone. He spared a moment to think about how much the young street-smart kid meant to him and how none of Dee's dire predictions had happened. Bikky was a handful at times and tended to be a little on the wild side; but all in all, he was growing into a good, caring young man. The chestnut-haired man sighed and finished picking out that last few items on his list before running through the check out.
After paying, he left the store and headed home…ducking into a florist's shop on the way. He picked up three-dozen carnations and two-dozen red roses and added the flowers to his packages. He was surprised at how many people were out hustling around…many were dressed as if they were getting ready to head out for Valentine's Day parties…others seemed in a daze as if they still weren't certain what they were going to do for their sweet hearts. As Ryo started by a jewelry store, he stopped as something caught his eye.
He took several steps backward and spied the necklace that had captured his attention. There wasn't anything especially spectacular about the chain…just a plain sterling silver box chain. What had caught his eye was the charm that had been paired with it. The dangling charm was of the silhouettes of two men holding hands. He'd never seen anything like it and it immediately reminded him of Dee and himself. How they loved to do the simple things, like take walks around the city, or walk over the bridge to Long Island to catch a movie or dinner. Small things were so special and dear to both of them.
He was tempted to buy the necklace for Dee since he hadn't gotten him anything yet. However, several thoughts ran through his head, the main one was would Dee wear it…he normally only wore a small cross on a thin silver necklace. Ryo spared the bags he carried a glance before stepping into the store to inquire about the piece. “Dee's been telling me to be more spontaneous.
He waited several minutes since the store was crowded and there were only a couple of people working. Finally, a young woman came over and asked if she could help him. Ryo walked over the window display with her and asked how much the beautiful necklace was. She pulled it out and smiled, “This is the one? You wouldn't believe how popular these have been this year.” She winced a little at the price and mental deducted ten percent, “It's one hundred and seventy-five dollars. That price includes the chain and a gift box.”
It's less than I'd wanted to spend on Dee this year.” Ryo thought as he considered how special the necklace would be…it would be his proclamation that he was all right with their relationship being in the open. He gave the saleswoman a smile and said, “I'll take it.”
“Would you like it gift wrapped or in a gift bag?”
“A gift bag please,” Ryo set his packages down so he could pull out his wallet. He quickly paid for the necklace and gathered everything back into his arms and, once on the street, began whistling happily as he hurried home.
When Ryo walked into the apartment, he was assaulted by the sound of the vacuum. True to his word, Dee was sweeping the carpets. The chestnut-haired man walked into the kitchen and was surprised by the glittering surfaces. “Dee scrubbed down the kitchen,” Ryo whispered with a wide smile. He quickly put away the groceries and placed the flowers in several large vases and distributed them on end tables and the coffee table and at other points around the apartment. He stole a quick peek at where Dee was in the apartment and hid the gift bag behind the spice rack.
He returned to the kitchen and after completing the cheesecake, he started preparing the various vegetables he was going to have in the stir-fry. When Dee wrapped his arms around him from behind, Ryo was startled out of his thoughts. He leaned back against his lover and sighed deeply. “Are you almost finished?” Ryo asked.
“Yeah, I just have to fold down the towels after they're dry. You didn't have enough for two loads so I threw them all into one.” The raven-haired man snuggled against his lover's back, “Do we have time to have some fun?”
Ryo spared the clock a quick glance and was shocked to realize that it was almost four. “I don't think so, Koi,” Ryo rubbed his ass against Dee's groin. “I wish we did.”
“Damn, you are hot today,” Dee rubbed his jeans trapped hard-on against his lover's tight ass.
“I'm always hot… Don't tell me that you're only noticing now?” Ryo was smiling widely.
“Oh, I noticed all right. I just didn't want to give you more of an ego,” Dee somehow managed to say that with a straight face.
“I have an ego?” Ryo gave an exaggerated point at his chest, “I have an ego?” The chestnut-haired man could only shake his head.
“Yeah, you have an ego, Beautiful,” Dee began nibbling along his lover's neck before pushing the soft sweater out of his way so he move onto the strong shoulders. He rubbed his hands along Ryo's sides and waist before reaching forward to slip his fingers into the waistband of his partner's jeans. He rubbed one finger along Ryo's twitching cock, tickling along the slit and ridge. “Are you sure we don't have enough time?” He whispered.
Just then the doorbell rang and both men jumped. “Nani? Who could that be? Bikky told me he wasn't going to be home…and he wouldn't ring the doorbell anyway.” Ryo looked confused and more than a little perturbed…he'd been ready to finish what Dee had started.
“It wouldn't be Berkley; you told him six and he's punctual.”
The two men looked at each other and said at the same time, “J.J.”
Ryo continued, “I forgot to call him with a time.”
“He'd have come early hoping that he could help,” Dee added.
“Go get the door, Koibito,” Ryo shoved Dee lightly with his elbow.
The raven-haired man went to the door and glanced out the peephole to see the lavender-haired detective of his nightmares standing outside the door. He groaned a little as J.J. rang the doorbell again. The small man now had a worried look on his face.
Ryo stood in the kitchen doorway and glared at him, “Dee, open the door.”
Dee unlocked and unchained the door and opened the door. “Hello, J.J.,” He said as the smaller man's eyes seemed to twinkle.
“DEE-Sempai!” J.J. yelled before turning to Ryo and yelling, “RYO-Sempai!”
Dee braced for the other man's glomp and was surprised when J.J. launched himself at Ryo, glomping him hard enough to make the chestnut-haired man fall against the kitchen doorway. “Happy Valentine's Day, J.J.” Ryo smiled and hugged the smaller man back before setting his feet back down on the floor.
J.J. kept hold of Ryo's neck and whispered into his ear, “Did I interrupt something or are you that happy to see me?” When Ryo blushed to a beet red, the smaller man smiled and whispered, “I see. I can leave and come back.” He rubbed himself against the taller man, “Or I could take up were Dee left off.”
“Go glomp Dee!” Ryo gave the lavender-haired man a light shove toward the normal object of his glomps.
“Okay!” J.J. bounced a few times before launching himself into Dee's arms. “DEE!”
Dee still didn't want to hold the little man; but he'd see what a result Ryo had gotten by simply being nice so he tried his own version. “J.J.!” Dee yelled back at him and squeezed him as hard as he could.
“Dee. Let go,” J.J. squeaked. “Dee, I can't breathe.”
Ryo rubbed his eyes and shook his head. “You'll never learn; will you Dee?” He then turned and returned to the kitchen figuring the other two men would need to work things out for themselves. When he entered the kitchen, he immediately set the rice on to cook; he then went back to finishing the vegetables. The chestnut-haired man was just finishing preparing the last of the vegetables and was getting ready to cut up the chicken when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him. “Hello, J.J.,” He said when he recognized the arms.
“Hi, Ryo,” The lavender-haired man's voice was soft; but it didn't sound unhappy. “Where would you like the wine?”
Ryo turned in the smaller man's arms and looked at him. “I didn't see you carry anything in. I thought you'd forgotten.”
“I did forget them…outside your door,” He gave the taller man a small smile. He nodded over his shoulder, “They're on the table. Should I put them in the refrigerator?”
Ryo nodded. “That would be great. I need to finish getting everything together. We're going to eat at six.”
“Sounds good. Can I help with anything?” J.J. asked as he put the wine in the refrigerator. “I'm handy around the kitchen.”
“I've got it under control. Anyway, you're the guest, go relax.”
J.J. tilted his head to one side and gave Ryo a slight glare, “I'm too hyper to relax.”
Both men laughed at how true that statement was. “Really, J.J., please sit down. I'll have dinner ready in a little while.”
“Okay. I'll go bother Dee.” The lavender-haired man smiled and winked at Ryo to let the older man know that he was kidding.
Ryo had the rest of the food prepared and set on plates ready for when he'd start cooking. He dug his wok from its resting place and placed it over high heat to get it steaming. The well worn, seasoned surface had seen years of use and had blackened to the perfect non-stick surface. As the pan was heating, he pulled down each of the spices he was going to use. Then opened the bottle of sake. At five-thirty, everything was ready, the wok was hot, and the oil was still cold. He poured a small coating of oil into the wok and quickly added the chicken, which had been cut into strips. With a pair of long chopsticks, he stirred the meat to let it brown evenly. He'd never mastered his mother's trick of flipping everything using a strong flip of the wrist to turn ingredients and prevent sticking. The food always jumped out of the wok…sending him scrambling to herd it back into the pan.
At the right point, he tossed in the vegetables…from the carrots and celery that took the longest to a few minutes later the onion and more garlic…all the way to the snow peas, which only required to be warmed through. After the food had cooked through, he used the chopsticks to make a small well and poured in some of the sake then tossed in the spices and herbs. He smiled as he heard the knock at the front door and knew that as usual, Berkley was right on schedule. He removed the wok from the heat and set it on a cool burner to allow the flavors to meld while he went to greet their other guest.
With a last glance around the kitchen, Ryo wondered if he'd missed anything. He knew that Dee had already set the dining room table and all that was required was the actual serving of the food and wine. Satisfied, Ryo wiped his hands on a dishtowel before entering the living room to see Dee letting Berkley into the apartment.
The tall blond-haired man said, “Happy Valentine's Day, Dee, Ryo, J.J.,” With a wide smile. “I brought brandy. I hope that's all right?”
“It's perfect,” Ryo agreed. “I have dinner ready so if you'd like to take your coat off; you can join us at the table.”
Berkley nodded and removed his long cashmere coat. Dee hung it up while Ryo took the offered brandy. The four men moved to the dining room and Dee got their guests settled before coming into the kitchen to see what he could do.
“Serve up the wine, Dee,” Ryo prompted as he dished rice onto the plates and arranged the stir-fry over it. He was right behind Dee as they re-entered the dinning room. Ryo set plates in front of Berkley and J.J., then served Dee and himself. Dee had followed a similar path around the table and when they sat down all four men dug into their meals. Compliments for the meal and the wine were heard all around.
They made small talk during the meal feeling a sense of companionship. When everyone was finished with the meal and both bottles of wine, Ryo went back into the kitchen carrying the dirty dishes and served up the cheesecake. Dee helped him carry the various topping choices back to the table along with a gravy boat filled with rich vanilla syrup that could be drizzled over the top of the cake. “If anyone wants ice cream let me know and I'll get it for you. We have vanilla, chocolate, cherry-vanilla, and peanut butter,” The raven-haired man said.
“I'll take one scoop of each,” J.J. piped up as he speared a large fresh strawberry and gulped it down.
Berkley laughed at the young man's behavior. He'd largely avoided the wine since he remember how hard the alcohol had hit him yesterday morning and wanted to avoid a repeat performance. His young detective was feeling very good. He smiled and felt himself relax a little more. This week hadn't been easy for him and when he looked over the memories that had been stirred up during his time with Dee, he was glad to see it finally ending. He just hoped that the strides the raven-haired detective and he had taken would continue to push them forward and that their friendship would grow.
When the dessert was gone, all four men sat back from the table and sighed. Ryo stood and waved the others into the living room. “Go sit down, there's not much to clean up and I'll come in as soon as I'm finished.”
J.J. bounced up and said, “I'll help. I need to work off some of that cheesecake. That was the best one I've ever had. Would you be willing to give me the recipe?”
“Sure,” Ryo nodded, “You can write it down while I wash the dishes.” He turned his attention to Berkley and Dee, “You two go in the living room and get the brandy out. We'll be along shortly.”
J.J. and Ryo each carried an armful of dishes and were amicably chatting about cheesecake and how to get the perfect texture. Dee frowned and looked at Berkley, “Did you understand any of that?”
The blond-haired man shook his head, “I'm a good cook and I can bake something from a box…but scratch baking is beyond my skills.”
“Shit, you're doing better than I am. I have a problem boiling an egg sometimes.” He laughed softly, “Who am I kidding, there are mornings that I can't even boil water.”
The two men laughed as they moved into the living room where Berkley opened the first bottle of brandy and poured some into two of the waiting glasses. “I hope you like brandy, Dee. Do Ryo and J.J. like it?”
“I love brandy although I can't always afford the good stuff. I think Ryo likes it; but I have no idea about J.J.” They took their drinks and settled into two chairs that faced Ryo's large couch. They sipped the flavorful liquid as they discussed several cases that Dee and Ryo were dealing with. One was an unusual case where there were three seeming related murders, but no link between the victims. They had finished most of the first bottle of brandy by the time Ryo and J.J. came in and added the second bottle of brandy along with another bottle of wine to the mix of alcohol.
“J.J. doesn't drink brandy, so the wine's for him.” Ryo said as an explanation.
“I'm sorry, J.J., I wish I'd known that,” Berkley apologized. “I could have brought something else. In fact, I could get something now.”
“I'm happy with the wine, Sir.” J.J. grinned widely and refilled his glass.
“Please, call me Berkley. We're all friends here.”
Ryo and J.J. settled on the couch and the lavender-haired man promptly snuggled up against his larger couch companion. Berkley's eyebrow disappeared under his hair and he snuck a glance at Dee who seemed completely comfortable with it. “What's happening?” Berkley sat back and continued to sip his brandy. He and Dee continued their discussion of cases while Ryo and J.J. seemed to become even more comfortable on the couch.
“Berkley, Dee,” Ryo's irritated voice cut into their conversation. “This isn't about work. You're here to relax and put the office out of your mind.” The chestnut-haired man redirected the conversation. “What do you do in your spare time, Berkley? Do you have any hobbies?”
“I paint and play piano and guitar.”
“Is that all?” Ryo was petting J.J.'s head, which was now resting in his lap.
“I'm an avid reader. I especially like mysteries and the sci-fi, fantasy genre in fiction. In nonfiction, I mainly focus on health sciences, biographies, history, and military science.” Berkley was trying to ignore the tightening of is groin as he watched J.J. snuggle even closer to his chestnut-haired host. “I've just started to become interested in graphic novels from Japan, Manga.”
“I read sci-fi,” Dee spoke up drawing the older man's attention from the scene on the couch. “What authors do you like?”
“I enjoy the more classic sci-fi authors such as Asimov and Tolkein. There's very little modern writing that comes close to their wonderful imagery.”
“He's is one of my favorites as well. I remember the first time I read the trilogy, I felt as if I had been transported to Middle Earth. The characters and the cities were so beautifully described that it felt like a real place.”
The two men continued their discussion while Ryo looked on. He was rapidly becoming distracted by J.J.'s caresses and hot breath. The chestnut-haired man had seen how nervous Berkley had seemed over the small detective's behavior… “Or else he's confused by Dee's lack of response. He's not sure how to take it.” Ryo knew that this would not do, he wanted to `get this show on the road' as the phrase goes. When there was a lull in the other men's conversation, Ryo broke in, “Berkley why don't you sit back and relax. You're still so tense.”
J.J. took that opportunity to unzip Ryo's pants and reach in with his hand to gently rub the older man's hard shaft. “You're tense in the right places, Ryo. Beautiful, Ryo.”
Berkley balked and stood, carefully placing his glass on the coffee table, “I'm not able to do this.” He backed away oblivious to the slightly hurt look on Ryo's face. “I can't,” He whispered as he almost ran for the door.
He grabbed his coat immediately pulling it on; he'd just laid his hand on the doorknob when Dee whispered to him, “Don't go, Berkley. You don't have to do anything. Ryo and J.J. can go in the bedroom…but for one night, there are no consequences. You remember how we felt on the dance floor? It's the same thing. We can do anything we want and it won't effect my relationship with Ryo nor Ryo's relationship with me.” Dee saw Ryo's supportive nod and moved from his chair to stand behind the slightly taller man, “Berkley,” He whispered so the other two men couldn't hear, “I know that you're lonely. I don't understand much of what I've learned about you…I don't have all the pieces. What I am convinced of is that you're alone. You need love, intimacy just like the rest of us.”
The raven-haired man wrapped his arms around the older man's waist and settled against his back. “I won't do anything that you don't want me to do. Neither will Ryo or J.J.,” Dee stood up straight and laid his head against Rose's soft blond hair and rested there breathing in the other man's scent.
Berkley was shaking under Dee's light touch. “What can I say? What do I want to say?” He stopped his thoughts with an effort. He could hear the shift in Ryo's breathing and knew that he and J.J. had moved onto something more than simple foreplay. The sound was erotic and he could feel his body responding. “Why?” He finally asked.
“We've grown to care about both of you and wanted you to share in our relationship for at least one night.” Dee answered easily as he rubbed his chin against the back of the other man's neck. “We don't want to see the two of you alone on Valentine's Day.”
The commissioner felt almost lightheaded as the awareness that he didn't want to leave sank into his mind. He didn't want to leave…instead, he wanted to experience whatever it was the Ryo and Dee had put together. Involuntarily, he started to turn the doorknob as was stopped by the younger man's quiet, “Don't go. Please don't go.” He sighed and tilted his head forward as he released the knob and let his hand fall back to his side.
Dee felt the shift in Berkley's body language and turned the man around to look into his face. He saw the uncertainty, desire, and a little fear hidden there. “It's okay,” He whispered as he captured the other man's lips in a gentle kiss. He licked along Rose's lower lip and when his mouth opened, dipped his tongue in for a playful duel. He withdrew his tongue and tried to do what Ryo had done that morning by drawing the older man's tongue into his own mouth relinquishing control of the kiss to Rose.
Berkley felt the shift in Dee's kiss and welcomed the chance to control something in this magical night. He wrapped his own arms around Dee's shoulders and played with the raven-haired man's tongue before breaking away so they could breathe. “Are both of you sure about this?” The blond-haired man couldn't believe what was happening. The object of his obsession was lying on a couch not twenty feet away from him getting what sounded like the blowjob of his life and the man that he could easily fall in love with was standing in front of him, holding him.
“I'm sure. Ryo's sure.” Dee nodded before pulling far enough away that he could push Berkley's coat off his shoulders. He let it fall to the floor…they had more important things to do than worry about a coat. The raven-haired man began working the buttons on Berkley's vest and shirt and let the shirt fall loose around Berkley's well-muscled frame. He'd already realized from the way the other man had moved on the dance floor and from holding him while they slept, that Rose was a well built and well proportioned man…seeing the proof was another story. “I think I'm jealous. You're seven years older than I am and you have a better body.”
Berkley smiled at Dee, “I work at it.” He leaned forward and captured Dee's mouth for another kiss, while he opened the buttons on the raven-haired man's shirt so it could also hang loose. When Rose broke the kiss, he pulled far enough away that he could run his eyes over Dee's upper body. He smiled, “I don't have the better body.”
Both men were distracted for a moment as Ryo came with a muffled shout.
Dee gave the older man a sly grin, mimicking those that the blond-haired man would usually wear. “You're next,” He whispered.
Rose's eyes went a little wide before they narrowed, “Is that a challenge?” He countered.
“No,” Dee said softly and let his grin become something less malicious, “It's a promise and a request.” He rubbed his hands along the older man's arms before shifting his hands under the open shirt to gently massage his sides. Berkley nodded as he closed his eyes in silent consent. “Thank you.” The raven-haired man pushed the other man so he leaned against the wall before moving in and kissing him. He shifted his mouth to the other man's ear and licked the earlobe before trailing kisses along the throbbing artery that ran along his neck.
The younger man pulled Rose away from the wall for a moment while he pushed the shirt and vest off him baring him from the waist up. Dee licked along Rose's Adam's apple and shivered over the other man's soft groan as he tilted his head back. The raven-haired man kissed Rose's throat and before licking and nibbling along each of Rose's collar bones. Berkley kept his eyes shut and focused on the sensations the other man was triggering in him.
As Dee worked along Berkley's left collarbone, he was surprised to encounter several scars that marred the smooth skin. “What happened?” He pulled away to take a closer look…now that he knew what he was looking for, he saw several more scars, on his chest, arms, and stomach… some appeared to be surgical scars; but most looked as if they were from being stabbed or beaten. The one he'd encountered on Rose's collar bone looked to have been the result of a compound fracture…the skin had been torn, stretched, and puckered to leave a scar that was only now fading.
Rose opened his eyes and caught Dee's gaze. There was no mistaking the older man's emotion, he was afraid…afraid of how Dee would react or if he would pull away. The older man shivered and leaned his head forward, hiding his face; he seemed to be ready to flee again before the younger man reached up and lifted the other man's chin so their eyes met. “Don't worry. I don't care. Tell me if you want me to stop,” He suddenly had an insight on what Rose might have meant by `etched in blood'… his injuries were consistent with someone who had been in a fight…and had lost. “Or had been abused until they couldn't fight back.
The younger man moved back to exploring the other man's reactions and discovered that the healed flesh was super sensitive…he avoided using his teeth at all on those areas because even his tongue seemed to draw powerful responses out of the older man. He explored Rose's sides and chest with his hands while he continued nipping and licking along each of the older man's shoulders. Finally, he turned his attention to the blond-haired man's nipples, which had already formed into tiny marbles from the gentle touches of his hands. Under his tongue and teeth, the tiny nubs became even harder making Rose groan and lean his head back against the wall.
When he'd finished working over Rose's nipples, Dee turned his attention to ridding the other man of his pants. He slowly unfastened them and pushed them down along with his boxers. Dee's eyes went wide when he saw Berkley's size. “Well, he's not hurting in this department,” He grinned, “I wonder what he enjoys most?” The raven-haired man licked along Rose's stomach as he knelt down. He rubbed his fingers and then his hands along Berkley's legs gently brushing the skin, making it twitch madly.
Rose shivered at the continued sensations and begged, “Please.”
Dee wrapped one large hand around Berkley's shaft and gave it a couple of strokes. Then he licked along the slit tasting the first drops of pre-cum that had settled there. The raven-haired man then took the large head into his mouth and sucked gently before relaxing his jaw muscles enough to take more of the man's cock. He licked along the velvety head and ridge feeling the man's pulse as it coursed through the veins under his lips and tongue.
Berkley moaned and struggled to keep his feet…he knew his knees were ready to give out. The younger man hadn't really done anything yet; but he was so aroused that his mind was filling with white noise.
With an effort, Dee began moving his mouth, being careful not to scrape his teeth on the other man's sensitive cock. He pulled away until only the head of Rose's cock was left in his mouth before drawing him back in. Gradually, he was able to take most of Berkley's hard shaft, filling both his mouth and the upper part of his throat… Dee swallowed feeling his throat tighten around Rose's cock…the blond-haired man almost jumped from the different sensation…from the moist sucking to the constriction, it was overwhelming for his senses. With Rose focused on his cock, Dee began gently rubbing the taller man's balls and the ridge between them and his anus…externally massaging the man's prostate and bringing stars to what was left of the other man's vision.
Neither man was aware that Ryo and J.J. had interrupted their own play to watch the other two. The pair slowly stroked their own erections as they watched Dee slowly work Berkley. Ryo whispered, “He's going to fall if he's not careful,” Referring to Rose.
“Should we help hold him up?” J.J. was already on his feet his erection bobbing happily.
“No,” Ryo stood and moved behind the smaller man pulling them against each other. “Let Dee work his magic. Let's have some fun of our own,” Ryo rubbed himself against J.J. and began massaging along the other man's back. “What do you say?”
“I love the idea,” J.J. had loved giving the older man a blowjob and couldn't wait to see what else was going to happen tonight.
They were distracted as Rose groaned again before crying out, “Oh, God!” They watched as the older man knotted his fingers in Dee's hair as he came. When he'd recovered his senses, he pulled the raven-haired man up into a hug and crushed the younger man to him as he kissed him deeply. It was an intensely erotic sight and it affected both Ryo and J.J..
When Rose released Dee, he almost collapsed, only the raven-haired man's strong grasp kept him on his feet. Ryo and J.J. moved to their sides. “It's all right,” Ryo whispered when he saw the glitter of emotions in the commissioner's eyes. “Let's go where we can be more comfortable.” He nodded in the direction of the bedroom. “There's plenty of room. The four men moved as a unit, aiming for the bed after they entered.
Dee was the odd man out since he still had his clothes on. Having mostly recovered from his shattering orgasm, Berkley noticed the oversight and decided to address it; “You're over dressed for the occasion, Dee.” Berkley pushed the raven-haired man's shirt off his shoulders and kissed his neck. “What do you want, Dee?”
“I want to take you,” Dee said softly, certain the older man would object.
He couldn't have been more surprised if Rose had suddenly sprouted a second head when the blond-haired man whispered, “If that's what you want. I'm yours.” He gently kissed Dee's lips and rubbed his bare chest.
“Rest, first,” Dee gave Rose an almost chaste kiss and turned to Ryo and J.J., “You guys got a show, now give us one.” He settled into the bed and propped himself up on several pillows before opening his arms and gathering the tall, blond-aired man into them. He wrapped his arms around the other man's shoulders and cradled him against his chest content to enjoy watching his lover and J.J. put on a show.
Berkley had to smile as he remembered a comment he'd made over dinner Thursday night. He tilted his head up to whisper to Dee, “This is better than a video tape. Thank you. I'm not giving you my car though.”
The two men shared several minutes of private laughter as J.J. and Ryo looked on in confusion.
Valentine's Day Psychology 1 Chapter 5